The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come

Most important? Hmmm. What makes them Most important?

the fact that they've been our ally in every war since WWI.

You mean when we had to go save them twice?
The US went to war when Germany and Japan declared war on us.
Without the US supplying millions of military hardware to Britain before the US actually became involved with defending Britain then Britain would have been conquered by the Germans.
The US ended up basically giving Britain 31 BILLION dollars in military aid to Britain.
Read a fucking history book you idiot!
Notice all those protesters, protesting Trumps visit? Ever see a turn out like that in the US, over a visit from a British politician? Me either. Which goes to show that the US is far far more important to Britain, than Britain could ever be to the US. We set the tone, and we're at the head of the table. All others bask in our shadow. So they pretty much have to put up with whatever we do. We can afford to lose Britain as an ally,(not that we're in danger of doing so); they cannot however afford to lose us. That's just a fact.
Did you see that freak show marching thru the strees this weekend? I swear every known perversion to psychiatrists was out there. The real British people who supports Trump because he supports Brexit were at the Tommy Robinson jailing protest.
A quarter of a million people protesting our president in the streets of our closest ally doesn't seem like respect to me.
At that protest meeting near Parliment with the balloon, there was maybe 300 people. The balloon was supposed to fly over the tall buildings but could barely fly 40 feet up.
11% of British like Trump.
Where the fuck did you come up 300 folks at the demonstration?

The Donald doesn't give a crap what the British think about him or what anyone thinks about him, this is how it should be you should NEVER give a crap what anyone else thinks about you, just keep going forward and Ignore all distractions.
Spoken like a true asshole. A person's character, reputation, and word is the basis for all they really have. Trump is ac liar, cheater, and woman abuser - traits you Trumpettes loive.
Not to mention that it is a load of shit for Donnie Shitstain and his pathetic trumplodytes to pretend that he doesn't care what others think. If so, why does he continually get sand in his v@g whenever somebody is mean to him and does not pay him what he deems to be due respect. He is a pathetic punk, as are each and every one of his lackey followers.
You’re just pissed because he won’t hesitate to engage in one-upsmanship. And it really pisses you off that he’s better at it than his detractors. Lol... Missing Bush already, huh?
The biggest mistake Putin can make is thinking that Trump is a weak pussy like that Obama clown that he dealt with before.

He will get his clock cleaned.
[Q There were no delinquent NATO nations. .

Did you hear that on Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow or Comedy Central?

Maybe Crooked Hillary told you that

You Moon Bats are all dumber than a doorknob. If you would turn off CNN and MSNBC then maybe you wouldn't sound so damn stupid every every time you post your Moon Bat garbage.
Trump behaved like a fool, as usual.

Opinion | The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come


Demonstrators march during a protest against President Trump in central London on July 13. (Luke MacGregor/Bloomberg News)

President Trump’s catastrophic visit to Britain began with a political scandal of his own creation. In an interview with the Sun, a British tabloid, the U.S. president slammed the British prime minister, Theresa May, and supported her rival. He criticized her conduct of Brexit, the most contentious issue in British politics, and used inflammatory language about immigration, the second-most-contentious issue in British politics. The story appeared just as May was hosting a black-tie dinner for him at Blenheim Palace. Trump then took it all back, dismissing the journalists who had accurately reported his words as “fake news” and offering some flabby support for May. In response, the Sun published the full audio recording of the interview online — and loudly supported its original story with the front-page headline “FAKE SCHMOOZE.”

The interview seemed like a diplomatic fumble. But it was not.

There won't be any back lash.

Jesus what a maroon you are.
Trump behaved like a fool, as usual.

Opinion | The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come


Demonstrators march during a protest against President Trump in central London on July 13. (Luke MacGregor/Bloomberg News)

President Trump’s catastrophic visit to Britain began with a political scandal of his own creation. In an interview with the Sun, a British tabloid, the U.S. president slammed the British prime minister, Theresa May, and supported her rival. He criticized her conduct of Brexit, the most contentious issue in British politics, and used inflammatory language about immigration, the second-most-contentious issue in British politics. The story appeared just as May was hosting a black-tie dinner for him at Blenheim Palace. Trump then took it all back, dismissing the journalists who had accurately reported his words as “fake news” and offering some flabby support for May. In response, the Sun published the full audio recording of the interview online — and loudly supported its original story with the front-page headline “FAKE SCHMOOZE.”

The interview seemed like a diplomatic fumble. But it was not.
There will be no backlash.
Trump behaved like a fool, as usual.

Opinion | The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come


Demonstrators march during a protest against President Trump in central London on July 13. (Luke MacGregor/Bloomberg News)

President Trump’s catastrophic visit to Britain began with a political scandal of his own creation. In an interview with the Sun, a British tabloid, the U.S. president slammed the British prime minister, Theresa May, and supported her rival. He criticized her conduct of Brexit, the most contentious issue in British politics, and used inflammatory language about immigration, the second-most-contentious issue in British politics. The story appeared just as May was hosting a black-tie dinner for him at Blenheim Palace. Trump then took it all back, dismissing the journalists who had accurately reported his words as “fake news” and offering some flabby support for May. In response, the Sun published the full audio recording of the interview online — and loudly supported its original story with the front-page headline “FAKE SCHMOOZE.”

The interview seemed like a diplomatic fumble. But it was not.
There will be no backlash.

Just some Soros-paid protestors, making $15/hr a day converted to pounds.

I bet they had the same brainwashy chants as in America, as well.
The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come
The only real lesson here isn't Trump; he's just a regular guy refusing to be just another pressed, empty suit on a stage. The real lesson here is the remarkable consistency of how pliable and useful socialists are, whether they be the American Left puppets here at home, or the socialist clowns which dominate Europe. You wind them up and off they go.

Trump is just another pressed suit. The guy is an idiot. Hopefully, the rest of the world will be willing to go back to normal adult dealings

HOW CAN THAT BE? Honestly Bull, sometimes you put your foot so far up your own ass, it comes right out of your mouth. If Trump, the most dynamic and individualistic president in our lifetimes is just another pressed suit, then so are all the others! He's ANOTHER pressed suit, by your own words! We are SURROUNDED by pressed suits! So where or how will there ever be any normal adult dealings to go back to? If our dealings were normal and adult before Trump, then what were the voters so sick and tired of that they elected him?????
Notice all those protesters, protesting Trumps visit? Ever see a turn out like that in the US, over a visit from a British politician? Me either. Which goes to show that the US is far far more important to Britain, than Britain could ever be to the US. We set the tone, and we're at the head of the table. All others bask in our shadow. So they pretty much have to put up with whatever we do. We can afford to lose Britain as an ally,(not that we're in danger of doing so); they cannot however afford to lose us. That's just a fact.
Did you see that freak show marching thru the strees this weekend? I swear every known perversion to psychiatrists was out there. The real British people who supports Trump because he supports Brexit were at the Tommy Robinson jailing protest.
A quarter of a million people protesting our president in the streets of our closest ally doesn't seem like respect to me.
At that protest meeting near Parliment with the balloon, there was maybe 300 people. The balloon was supposed to fly over the tall buildings but could barely fly 40 feet up.
11% of British like Trump.
Where the fuck did you come up 300 folks at the demonstration?

The Donald doesn't give a crap what the British think about him or what anyone thinks about him, this is how it should be you should NEVER give a crap what anyone else thinks about you, just keep going forward and Ignore all distractions.
Spoken like a true asshole. A person's character, reputation, and word is the basis for all they really have. Trump is ac liar, cheater, and woman abuser - traits you Trumpettes loive.

Trump is ac liar, cheater, and woman abuser - traits you Trumpettes loive

Who did Trump learn it from????

Bill Clinton and JFK

View attachment 205153


I won't hear it from a Trump Butt kisser & dupe like you.
The Donald doesn't give a crap what the British think about him or what anyone thinks about him, this is how it should be you should NEVER give a crap what anyone else thinks about you, just keep going forward and Ignore all distractions.
Spoken like a true asshole. A person's character, reputation, and word is the basis for all they really have. Trump is ac liar, cheater, and woman abuser - traits you Trumpettes loive.

Trump is ac liar, cheater, and woman abuser - traits you Trumpettes loive

Who did Trump learn it from????

Bill Clinton and JFK

View attachment 205153


I guess in dumb Dave's world, the only ones who can lie, cheat , abuse women are Democrats...

Right Dave???


I never voted for Bill Clinton or JFK.

Look at the Democrats caught cheating on their wives or hanging out with hookers, they resigned.
You asswipes elected David Vitter who hired prostitutes on his cell phone while in congressional session. You ran & Trump supported a child molester for the US Senate.

You elected Trump who admitted to groping women & had over a dozen accusers & was an accused child rapist.

Newt resigned because of it , Bill Clinton did not ..


Newt's resignation had nothing to do with his womanizing. He has numerous ethics violations files against him.
The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come

The only real lesson here isn't Trump; he's just a regular guy refusing to be just another pressed, empty suit on a stage. The real lesson here is the remarkable consistency of how pliable and useful socialists are, whether they be the American Left puppets here at home, or the socialist clowns which dominate Europe. You wind them up and off they go.
Well groomed to fall in line with whatever idiotic thing the orange moron does......
If you were honest, which we all know you are not, you could see in black and white right here, many statements by us "rubes" that we haven't agreed with everything Trump has done. But there is nothing remotely honest about you.

Most Trump supporters understand Trump's failings. But they also get that the guy is outside the box, uncompromised, beholding to no one, tells it like it is, not a player, really wants to see America be exceptional again rather than just another country, and is ready to shake up the system to get it done even if it means throwing the Old Guard out of their comfort zone.
The biggest mistake Putin can make is thinking that Trump is a weak pussy like that Obama clown that he dealt with before.

He will get his clock cleaned.

I think that if you took out that "l", you'd be right.
The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come

The only real lesson here isn't Trump; he's just a regular guy refusing to be just another pressed, empty suit on a stage. The real lesson here is the remarkable consistency of how pliable and useful socialists are, whether they be the American Left puppets here at home, or the socialist clowns which dominate Europe. You wind them up and off they go.
Well groomed to fall in line with whatever idiotic thing the orange moron does......
If you were honest, which we all know you are not, you could see in black and white right here, many statements by us "rubes" that we haven't agreed with everything Trump has done. But there is nothing remotely honest about you.

Most Trump supporters understand Trump's failings. But they also get that the guy is outside the box, uncompromised, beholding to no one, tells it like it is, not a player, and ready to shake up the system.

So they love it that Trump is a bigot, says really stupid shit, and only cares about himself.
11% of British like Trump.
Where the fuck did you come up 300 folks at the demonstration?

The Donald doesn't give a crap what the British think about him or what anyone thinks about him, this is how it should be you should NEVER give a crap what anyone else thinks about you, just keep going forward and Ignore all distractions.
Spoken like a true asshole. A person's character, reputation, and word is the basis for all they really have. Trump is ac liar, cheater, and woman abuser - traits you Trumpettes loive.
Not to mention that it is a load of shit for Donnie Shitstain and his pathetic trumplodytes to pretend that he doesn't care what others think. If so, why does he continually get sand in his v@g whenever somebody is mean to him and does not pay him what he deems to be due respect. He is a pathetic punk, as are each and every one of his lackey followers.
You’re just pissed because he won’t hesitate to engage in one-upsmanship. And it really pisses you off that he’s better at it than his detractors. Lol... Missing Bush already, huh?
You're just pissed because he can rape and molest with seeming impunity, while you have to be careful. Oh wait. Hurry up and report this post, you fucking pussy.

Are you really smarter than the average bear?
The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come

The only real lesson here isn't Trump; he's just a regular guy refusing to be just another pressed, empty suit on a stage. The real lesson here is the remarkable consistency of how pliable and useful socialists are, whether they be the American Left puppets here at home, or the socialist clowns which dominate Europe. You wind them up and off they go.
Well groomed to fall in line with whatever idiotic thing the orange moron does......
If you were honest, which we all know you are not, you could see in black and white right here, many statements by us "rubes" that we haven't agreed with everything Trump has done. But there is nothing remotely honest about you.

Most Trump supporters understand Trump's failings. But they also get that the guy is outside the box, uncompromised, beholding to no one, tells it like it is, not a player, and ready to shake up the system.

So they love it that Trump is a bigot, says really stupid shit, and only cares about himself.

Puts America First = Bigot to the Left
Not a Rehearsed, Group-Polled Talking Suit = Says "Really Stupid Shit" to the Left
Totally confident in his ability to get things done = Only Cares About Himself to the Left

Thanks for making that plain and clear.
The only real lesson here isn't Trump; he's just a regular guy refusing to be just another pressed, empty suit on a stage. The real lesson here is the remarkable consistency of how pliable and useful socialists are, whether they be the American Left puppets here at home, or the socialist clowns which dominate Europe. You wind them up and off they go.
Well groomed to fall in line with whatever idiotic thing the orange moron does......
If you were honest, which we all know you are not, you could see in black and white right here, many statements by us "rubes" that we haven't agreed with everything Trump has done. But there is nothing remotely honest about you.

Most Trump supporters understand Trump's failings. But they also get that the guy is outside the box, uncompromised, beholding to no one, tells it like it is, not a player, and ready to shake up the system.

So they love it that Trump is a bigot, says really stupid shit, and only cares about himself.

Puts America First = Bigot to the Left
Not a Rehearsed, Group-Polled Talking Suit = Says "Really Stupid Shit" to the Left
Totally confident in his ability to get things done = Only Cares About Himself to the Left

Thanks for making that plain and clear.

Oh please.,, you know damn well Trump has said bigoted things.

Putting America first does not equate to or require bigotry unless you are one of those fucked up white supremacist. Are you?

What ability to get things done? What has he done that is good for America?
The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come

The only real lesson here isn't Trump; he's just a regular guy refusing to be just another pressed, empty suit on a stage. The real lesson here is the remarkable consistency of how pliable and useful socialists are, whether they be the American Left puppets here at home, or the socialist clowns which dominate Europe. You wind them up and off they go.

Trump is just another pressed suit. The guy is an idiot. Hopefully, the rest of the world will be willing to go back to normal adult dealings with us when our next president is chosen, like they did when Obama was inaugurated, being relieved that an adult was again in charge. I'm not sure how many times they will be willing to forgive our choice of a complete fool for president before they just work around the US. and concentrate on more reliable partners.

If you definition of an adult is: "Incompetent, affirmative action failure"...we are on the same page.

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