The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come

Well groomed to fall in line with whatever idiotic thing the orange moron does......
If you were honest, which we all know you are not, you could see in black and white right here, many statements by us "rubes" that we haven't agreed with everything Trump has done. But there is nothing remotely honest about you.

Most Trump supporters understand Trump's failings. But they also get that the guy is outside the box, uncompromised, beholding to no one, tells it like it is, not a player, and ready to shake up the system.

So they love it that Trump is a bigot, says really stupid shit, and only cares about himself.

Puts America First = Bigot to the Left
Not a Rehearsed, Group-Polled Talking Suit = Says "Really Stupid Shit" to the Left
Totally confident in his ability to get things done = Only Cares About Himself to the Left

Thanks for making that plain and clear.

Oh please.,, you know damn well Trump has said bigoted things.

Putting America first does not equate to or require bigotry unless you are one of those fucked up white supremacist. Are you?

What ability to get things done? What has he done that is good for America?
You've been told over and over troll.
The backlash from Trump’s Britain visit will be felt for years to come
The only real lesson here isn't Trump; he's just a regular guy refusing to be just another pressed, empty suit on a stage. The real lesson here is the remarkable consistency of how pliable and useful socialists are, whether they be the American Left puppets here at home, or the socialist clowns which dominate Europe. You wind them up and off they go.

Trump is just another pressed suit. The guy is an idiot. Hopefully, the rest of the world will be willing to go back to normal adult dealings

HOW CAN THAT BE? Honestly Bull, sometimes you put your foot so far up your own ass, it comes right out of your mouth. If Trump, the most dynamic and individualistic president in our lifetimes is just another pressed suit, then so are all the others! He's ANOTHER pressed suit, by your own words! We are SURROUNDED by pressed suits! So where or how will there ever be any normal adult dealings to go back to? If our dealings were normal and adult before Trump, then what were the voters so sick and tired of that they elected him?????

Don't be silly Trump is not presidential in any way.
Here's a closer look at "the protestors". Looks like a bunch of poofters if you ask me.

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feck'em JoeB you scaredy cat .

again, the next time we have a problem, don't expect these people to rush to our aid.

They burnt down the 1st White House, and the way things are going, it will be a Muslim country in 10 years. Best to write them off.

I feel sorry for native UKers, but they're screwed. Time to open routes for Native UK'er amnesty. Zero Muslims.
Nope, forgotten; it has moved to putin; the Hillary server; and a funny dossier joke putin made.
The left wanted another Obama style apology tour and they didn't get it. So they suck their thumbs hoping those thumbs might somehow "come".
Spoken like a true asshole. A person's character, reputation, and word is the basis for all they really have. Trump is ac liar, cheater, and woman abuser -
Why haven't you spoken out about Bill Clinton?
I never voted for Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton asked women for sex after exposing himself. The only rape accusation was made by a woman who swore under oath the rape never happened. Monica was consensual sex. He cheated in his marriage.,

He did not run around groping women ike Trump. He never supported a known child molester for the US Senate. He did not barge in the dressing room of teenage girls.

Clinton was a cheater. Trump is a pervert.
Notice all those protesters, protesting Trumps visit? Ever see a turn out like that in the US, over a visit from a British politician?
Well we have a Nazi collaborating George Soros to fund the anti-Trump horse shit, but I guess they dont quite have such a seditious fool as a counterpart over there.....yet.
Notice all those protesters, protesting Trumps visit? Ever see a turn out like that in the US, over a visit from a British politician?
Well we have a Nazi collaborating George Soros to fund the anti-Trump horse shit, but I guess they dont quite have such a seditious fool as a counterpart over there.....yet.

Soros funded the UK protests, and it's obvious! Derp!
They burnt down the 1st White House, and the way things are going, it will be a Muslim country in 10 years. Best to write them off.

I feel sorry for native UKers, but they're screwed. Time to open routes for Native UK'er amnesty. Zero Muslims.

Okay, the number of Muslims in the UK is 5% of the population. They are hardly being overrun.

Look, man, I get you are drinking the Koolaid, but at what point does Trump's behavior become unacceptable? He was practically servicing Putin yesterday.

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