The battle for the "Big Fuckin Deal" begins tomorrow!

Oh no, not GUARANTEED, AFFORDABLE Health CARE!! Any one who doesn't have health care is a free loading a-hole who refuses health advice and preventive care that saves the country money, and deserves to be fined. I'm absolutely certain anyone arguing against has no clue what they're talking about, totally misled ignorami, ie typical Pub dupes.
Guaranteed by WHOM? The Taxpayer that is already on the hook for Trillions in Government folly? Really?
Oh no, not GUARANTEED, AFFORDABLE Health CARE!! Any one who doesn't have health care is a free loading a-hole who refuses health advice and preventive care that saves the country money, and deserves to be fined. I'm absolutely certain anyone arguing against has no clue what they're talking about, totally misled ignorami, ie typical Pub dupes.

^Would've stuffed Hitler's cock down his throat when viewing his socialist platform.
I don't see q single payer if its struck down. Congress will never go for that after the damage they took from passing this. As to your second point, I'm confident that was the plan all along. Hopefully it fails also.

I didn't state my reasoning behind that prediction, so I will now.

The American health-care system pre-Obamacare is utterly and completely broken. Obamacare itself is also broken, but not as badly. The American people WILL NOT allow the status quo ante to return, period, forget it, no way, no how.

In the end, the only thing that will work is a single-payer system. If the Court returns is to pre-Obamacare, that will be demanded NOW, in a way that Congress simply will not be able to ignore. If it doesn't, then Obamacare will be given a few years to prove how inadequate it is, which means we may have a delay in getting a single-payer system.
Stupid brainwashed ASSHOLES LOL- Look ANYWHERE BUT the Pub Propaganda Network, ya poor dumb clucks.

Do you have health insurance, Gramps? If you don't, any accident or illness in your family could wipe you OUT!
Article 1 Section 8 says 'defense and welfare', yes.
But then it goes on to list what that includes

No. Each power listed in Article I, Section 8 is separate and independent, and not merely a modifier on any other power. What Congress may spend tax revenues on is not spelled out in the other clauses, but in the first clause: to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

There is nothing in the language, or the punctuation, or any other part of that section, which lends itself to any other interpretation than this.

Of course, that would not give Congress the power to actually require anyone to buy health insurance, so w/r/t the immediate question the point is moot. But you're still wrong.
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Even if they strike down the individual mandate, it will STILL be a huge success. Subsidies for workers and medicaid for the poor, guarantees for all make it a huge winner people will love...and savings will only get bigger...

You're fools for HUGE a-holes, chumps.
Even if they strike down the individual mandate, it will STILL be a huge success. Subsidies for workers and medicaid for the poor, guarantees for all make it a huge winner people will love...and savings will only get bigger...

You're fools for HUGE a-holes, chumps.

You're a Moronic douchebag, I would say you're a useful idiot. However it's quite clear you're of use to no one. You'd have made a good bar of soap or a nice lamp shade I'm guessing.
On one of the talking heads shows this morning, I think it may have been CNN, they predicted 3 for sure Yes votes, 2 for sure No votes and the rest on the fence. Personally, I think parts will let stand while some parts will not.
3 days of testimony begins tomorrow at the SCOTUS for the constitutionality of Obamacare.

Thoughts or predictions? And a live feed isn't available is it?

And the consensus is "supposed" to be concluded by June, though it doesn't have to have a deadline....:eusa_shifty:
I don't see q single payer if its struck down. Congress will never go for that after the damage they took from passing this. As to your second point, I'm confident that was the plan all along. Hopefully it fails also.

I didn't state my reasoning behind that prediction, so I will now.

The American health-care system pre-Obamacare is utterly and completely broken. Obamacare itself is also broken, but not as badly. The American people WILL NOT allow the status quo ante to return, period, forget it, no way, no how.

In the end, the only thing that will work is a single-payer system. If the Court returns is to pre-Obamacare, that will be demanded NOW, in a way that Congress simply will not be able to ignore. If it doesn't, then Obamacare will be given a few years to prove how inadequate it is, which means we may have a delay in getting a single-payer system.

If the SCOTUS strikes down Obamacare and Rabbling Romney is elected President, his promise of killing what is left of the law will doom the GOP in the next electoral cucle. The huge outcry from the public will be unprecedented.
Oh no, not GUARANTEED, AFFORDABLE Health CARE!! Any one who doesn't have health care is a free loading a-hole who refuses health advice and preventive care that saves the country money, and deserves to be fined. I'm absolutely certain anyone arguing against has no clue what they're talking about, totally misled ignorami, ie typical Pub dupes.

^Would've stuffed Hitler's cock down his throat when viewing his socialist platform.

So you think Hitler was a socialist? So you're a braindead brainwashed moron as well as a vulgar ASHOLE? Very nice. Enjoy hell.
Even if they strike down the individual mandate, it will STILL be a huge success. Subsidies for workers and medicaid for the poor, guarantees for all make it a huge winner people will love...and savings will only get bigger...

You're fools for HUGE a-holes, chumps.

You're a Moronic douchebag, I would say you're a useful idiot. However it's quite clear you're of use to no one. You'd have made a good bar of soap or a nice lamp shade I'm guessing.

Oh, just a pathetic angry white Pubtroll. Feg off, stupid...
Oh no, not GUARANTEED, AFFORDABLE Health CARE!! Any one who doesn't have health care is a free loading a-hole who refuses health advice and preventive care that saves the country money, and deserves to be fined. I'm absolutely certain anyone arguing against has no clue what they're talking about, totally misled ignorami, ie typical Pub dupes.

^Would've stuffed Hitler's cock down his throat when viewing his socialist platform.

So you think Hitler was a socialist? So you're a braindead brainwashed moron as well as a vulgar ASHOLE? Very nice. Enjoy hell.

You're a cock sucking piece of slime.

Ah, that felt LIBERATING.

The question isn't whether I believe he was a socialist, the question is did the people who voted for him think he was? Hmmmm.... Might have to think on that one, eh, jackass? After all, he ran as one, you ignorant moron with a built in Obama cock warmer in your throat. Lol
Article 1 Section 8 says 'defense and welfare', yes.
But then it goes on to list what that includes

No. Each power listed in Article I, Section 8 is separate and independent, and not merely a modifier on any other power. What Congress may spend tax revenues on is not spelled out in the other clauses, but in the first clause: to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

There is nothing in the language, or the punctuation, or any other part of that section, which lends itself to any other interpretation than this.

Of course, that would not give Congress the power to actually require anyone to buy health insurance, so w/r/t the immediate question the point is moot. But you're still wrong.

A semi-colon doesn't signify a coming clarification?
Even if they strike down the individual mandate, it will STILL be a huge success. Subsidies for workers and medicaid for the poor, guarantees for all make it a huge winner people will love...and savings will only get bigger...

You're fools for HUGE a-holes, chumps.

You're a Moronic douchebag, I would say you're a useful idiot. However it's quite clear you're of use to no one. You'd have made a good bar of soap or a nice lamp shade I'm guessing.

Oh, just a pathetic angry white Pubtroll. Feg off, stupid...

I'm black, dumbass.
^Would've stuffed Hitler's cock down his throat when viewing his socialist platform.

So you think Hitler was a socialist? So you're a braindead brainwashed moron as well as a vulgar ASHOLE? Very nice. Enjoy hell.

You're a cock sucking piece of slime.

Ah, that felt LIBERATING.

The question isn't whether I believe he was a socialist, the question is did the people who voted for him think he was? Hmmmm.... Might have to think on that one, eh, jackass? After all, he ran as one, you ignorant moron with a built in Obama cock warmer in your throat. Lol

And gay? No stupid, he was a fascist, the opposite of socialist, which is always democratic. So you believe ANY RW propaganda, even from NAZIS. Unbelievable....
No. Each power listed in Article I, Section 8 is separate and independent, and not merely a modifier on any other power. What Congress may spend tax revenues on is not spelled out in the other clauses, but in the first clause: to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

There is nothing in the language, or the punctuation, or any other part of that section, which lends itself to any other interpretation than this.

Tsk, tsk.... now you know better. ;)

There's simply no need to dream up an "implied power to spend". It's covered quite nicely by the "necessary and proper" clause (#18). But statists don't want to depend on that one because it IS specifically restricted to the 'foregoing powers' and they won't tolerate such a limitation on federal power. So they dreamed up the broad general power of implied spending for general welfare. Whatever. As we've seen from our own discussions (and a couple hundred years of history) - no one will concede grammar when it threatens their preferred ideology.

Of course, that would not give Congress the power to actually require anyone to buy health insurance, so w/r/t the immediate question the point is moot.

Let's agree to agree on that one!
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