The battle for the soul of America.

In tonight’s first episode, Worsley aims her myth-shattering musket at the American Revolution, which has been distilled over the centuries into “a David and Goliath story” full of “high ideals and heroism”.

David is plucky America, rising up in revolt against the tyrannical colonial Goliath of Britain. “How much of the founding story is actually founded on fact?” asks Worsley.

Put it this way: the accepted account of the country’s successful fight for independence — swallowed unquestioningly by generations of Americans and celebrated every 4th of July — isn’t so much a tissue of lies, as a thick, woolly comfort blanket embroidered with the stars and stripes.

“History supersizes the truth,” says Worsley, “and sometimes comes with a side order of fibs.”

That’s lies to you and me.

One of the biggest porkies is that the patriots leading the long fight against Britain’s oppression and punitive taxes were the ordinary farmers, who formed themselves into militias. But the really heavy lifting was done by the Continental Army, a proper, organised military force, led by General George Washington.

As soon as the war was over, the army was disbanded, since the authorities feared a military coup. An unfortunate legacy, however, was that the infamous “right to bear arms” became enshrined in the US Constitution.

Oh, and let’s not forget that the French helped too, even if most Americans seem to have forgotten (or didn’t know to begin with).

The “cheese-eating surrender monkeys”, as some Americans love to call them (the line comes from an episode of The Simpsons), smuggled arms into America and became its official ally. They wanted revenge on Britain for taking away their colonies.

A lot of this, says Worsley, was conveniently pushed into the background of official American history, as was the fact that, up to mid-1775, the year the war began, the majority of Americans were actually opposed to independence.

People (and media outlets) love to act as if they have discovered some shocking secrets of history when they stumble upon distinctly NOT secret facts of history that most people just likely forgot from their school days.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Today, once again, we are engaged in a battle for the soul of the nation. The forces of darkness, forces of division, forces of yesterday are pulling us apart. Holding us down, holding us back. We must free ourselves of all of them

if we elect Biden...we will
I can say with clear conscious the media now controls how the govt. is operated. More to the point, CORRUPTION has become fully subjective. For example, if Trump does a little bit or nothing then it's impeachable. Meanwhile Obama demonstrated real corruption and nothing but CRICKETS, the media covers for he an all Demonicrats. Another example, the Demonicrats created the Russian story and did worse than what they accused Trump of. History defined that as real treason assholes, but you know, PROGS are left inside their safe-spaces.

Think of all the problems in the world today. Know what PROG news is concerned with today, 24/7? That would be how the Trumps are "misbehaving" around others, since they have COVID. Ponder that a moment, all the problems and media only serves to criticize the Trump's for absolutely nothing, all fucking day and surely tomorrow too. PROGS prey on gullible and emotional, most clearly.
...You told me Corporations are run by people.

Do you deny that they are?
No I don’t deny it. I simply pointed out to a guy who said count
...You told me Corporations are run by people.

Do you deny that they are?
...You told me Corporations are run by people.

Do you deny that they are?
initforme said countries have no soul. You clearly miss the point I was trying to make and I think we actually agree here. Initforme is probably an anti country/government type and probably worships capitalism. He’s probably a conservative republican type. So when he said countries have no souls, I pointed out to him that the corporations he worships also have no souls.

But you and I agree both countries and corporations are run by people. aMy point went over your head
I can say with clear conscious the media now controls how the govt. is operated. More to the point, CORRUPTION has become fully subjective. For example, if Trump does a little bit or nothing then it's impeachable. Meanwhile Obama demonstrated real corruption and nothing but CRICKETS, the media covers for he an all Demonicrats. Another example, the Demonicrats created the Russian story and did worse than what they accused Trump of. History defined that as real treason assholes, but you know, PROGS are left inside their safe-spaces.

Think of all the problems in the world today. Know what PROG news is concerned with today, 24/7? That would be how the Trumps are "misbehaving" around others, since they have COVID. Ponder that a moment, all the problems and media only serves to criticize the Trump's for absolutely nothing, all fucking day and surely tomorrow too. PROGS prey on gullible and emotional, most clearly.
So funny and wrong. So brainwashed and backward. This is why America and Americans suck. Too many idiots.
... Life isn't that precious and you know it. ...

Mr. Grumble claims I'm being irrational when I point out how indifferent (at best) to human life democrats are, yet here is an entirely typical brainless democrat very specifically proving my point.
I’m indifferent to sucking a seed out of a womb. Life isn’t that precious.

But I think living people are precious. Treat them better. We could and should but don’t.
... Life isn't that precious and you know it. ...

Mr. Grumble claims I'm being irrational when I point out how indifferent (at best) to human life democrats are, yet here is an entirely typical brainless democrat very specifically proving my point.
Well I'm no Democrat, but why presume sealybobo necessarily representative?

Because I've seen dozens and dozens of self-proclaimed democrats here (and countless more in real life) demonstrate the same mindless, illogical nonsense. He and his ilk are reduced to belieeeeeeeeving that mere insistence amounts to a logical argument.
I’ve talked to lots of good smart religious women who understand abortion is and should remain available even if it’s a necessary evil. Even they don’t think life is so precious a woman should be denied the right to get an abortion.

And there you go using that trump argument. Many people? You’ve seen many people act this way? Are they blacks?
... Life isn't that precious and you know it. ...

Mr. Grumble claims I'm being irrational when I point out how indifferent (at best) to human life democrats are, yet here is an entirely typical brainless democrat very specifically proving my point.
Sorry if reality bothers you. Here’s the deal. I’m never going to convince you abortion is a necessary evil. I get that. But you’re never going to take a woman’s right to choose away from her.
... This is why America and Americans suck. Too many idiots.

America is the greatest nation on earth. YOU suck, idiot.
Yea but it used to be better for the middle class. But I’m upper class so hey if the middle class vote for republicans i won’t lose any sleep.

And if I thought a democratic president would hurt me financially I’d vote for trump. But that hasn’t been my experience. Best years of my life were during obama and Bill Clinton years.

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