The battle for the soul of America.

... It's so fucking obvious you must be stupid to deny it. That or a liar. ...

There it is again. The brainless democrat so devoid of logic that he is reduced to this kind of nonsense. "You have to agree because I really, really, really want you to!"
  1. Male - can't get pregnant. Nothing significant at stake compared to a woman. No standing to assert any control over related issues physically affecting only women's lives and health....

That is legally and morally absurd. Ask any real man who has children if there is "nothing significant" about them to him. Make sure you have your escape route mapped out, and start running as soon as the words are out of your mouth.

Furthermore, we do not segregate legislators according to what laws they may be crafting. What could be more sexist than shooing the female members of Congress out of the room when there is "men's stuff" to be considered?

Finally, consider the shocking revelation that babies may be born male or female. Did that slip your mind?
You're addressing a real man with children...

Then I'm sure you know what I mean.
... Life isn't that precious and you know it. ...

Mr. Grumble claims I'm being irrational when I point out how indifferent (at best) to human life democrats are, yet here is an entirely typical brainless democrat very specifically proving my point.
Well I'm no Democrat, but why presume sealybobo necessarily representative?

Because I've seen dozens and dozens of self-proclaimed democrats here (and countless more in real life) demonstrate the same mindless, illogical nonsense. He and his ilk are reduced to belieeeeeeeeving that mere insistence amounts to a logical argument.
Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong

Asking a black man to pay taxes for schools that sexually pervert his childrens' minds with filth about homosexuality is even wronger. Asking a Christian to drive by abortion mills where they murder children today is even wronger. Your priorities are all screwed up.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers

Remember in November…Democrats destroyed thousands of small businesses, negatively impacted millions of lives, and have fined and imprisoned citizens for a disease that took a 74 year old fast food aficionado a weekend to beat.
... Life isn't that precious and you know it. ...

Mr. Grumble claims I'm being irrational when I point out how indifferent (at best) to human life democrats are, yet here is an entirely typical brainless democrat very specifically proving my point.
Well I'm no Democrat, but why presume sealybobo necessarily representative?

Because I've seen dozens and dozens of self-proclaimed democrats here (and countless more in real life) demonstrate the same mindless, illogical nonsense. He and his ilk are reduced to belieeeeeeeeving that mere insistence amounts to a logical argument.
I see that from all over.
Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.

You didn’t read the whole piece then?

I did...good article....and it made some good points BUT, it was somewhat one sided. I'm in the middle. I think our problem, with our history, is was primarily written and interpreted through one lens. Achievements of one category of people were marked, noted, commemerated even when those achievements had serious consequences to other groups, such as Native American people's. Expecting all Americans to celebrate say, Columbus, is conflicting. How would you explain to the Cherokee, who submitted to the Trail of Tears, that this was a positive foundational event? Likewise, Independence Day (which I dearly love except the fireworks around us are hell on my animals) was not independence for African Americans. Or for that matter, women ("Remember the ladies" as Abigail Adams famously begged her husband). Each nation has to find a way to come to terms with it's past or present evils. Germany certainly had to contend with that, as a 20th century example, and it do so in a good way.

When it comes to Confederate statuary - that is especially complicated. Most of it was erected well after the war, not for purposes of commenting the past but reminding black people of their "place". Unlike other memorials, they were not erected in cemeteries, to mourn those killed, they were erected in public areas. They were still being erected in the 1960's.

So how do you find a balance between commemorating history while also recognizing it's moral complexity? That is where we are now. I think the "cancel culture" crowd, in it's anger and power, is ignoring the lessons that can be learned here. Most of the confederate statuary is mass produced and put up for reasons that are disturbing, much can be removed and room made for new figures to be commemorated. There are certainly plenty. But some statues can and should also be left up, and historical CONTEXT provided, so those viewing them can understand. Exampes here are statues that show black people or native Americans in subservient positions. A plaque can be made to bring context into it.

I do think it's important to learn and understand the good and the bad of our nation and peoples, so we don't repeat history (I hope) - and because there is a lot of greatness, but that can't be appreciated if you sweep the not so good into the dustbins or if you remove historical context and judge them on only one thing - the ownership of slaves. somehow neglected "compared to a woman"

Do you think a mother loves her children more than a father does?
Why? We're discussing a fetus in her womb. How's the ... father go about "loving" that other than theoretically?

I thought you said you had children.
Two daughters. ......

Again, I expect that you know what I mean.
^Because make no mistake – the New York Times’ 1619 Project has played a vital political role in today’s political unrest. It has done nothing less than devalue and criminalise the founding of the United States.

I don't agree that it had/has such a big role. In fact..the "devaluing" (and I don't think it is devaluing so much as expanding our understanding) is that the America was "found" through multiple events prior to Columbus and past the uniting of the 13 colonies.

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