The battle for the soul of America.

As opposed to forcing poor people who get pregnant to carry unwanted fetuses to term. Despite all the decades of divisive blather it still boils down to an exceedingly simple "choice":

Don't like abortion? Don't have one!

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
It's not a slogan. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. ...

It is a hackneyed old democrat slogan meant to gloss over a moral outrage.

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
If that's what you really believe then no wonder we all think you are stupid. Hard to talk with someone who's thinking is that fucked up.
I don't think he's stupid. Disagree on this issue for sure, but I often find myself agreeing with him otherwise. Different strokes..

This is what he said to you. You find this post intelligent?

It is a hackneyed old democrat slogan meant to gloss over a moral outrage.

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
I'm aware. Yes, purely reactive. Not intelligent. Emotional. Same as flack's response to my last post to her. Yet I see them both as capable of being rational when they don't feel cornered or triggered. Depends on the issue, I suppose.
Let’s see. I haven’t seen thoughtful and engaging from him.

YOU wouldn't know "thoughtful" if it picked you up and drove your head through the sidewalk, dumbass.
you shouldn’t legislate your morality on us. But that’s exactly what the religious right is doing. Pushing their sharia type laws on us. State by state republicans are making it harder to get an abortion.
They're well aware of that last bit. Abortion could continue decreasing all the way to zero and they'd still keep ranting and raving about it. Not sure who you meant by "us" but, for starters, women must worry about it. Men needn't so should have no say in related legislation. Also, I wouldn't use the phrase "sharia type laws."
Within Islamic discourse, šarīʿah refers to religious regulations governing the lives of Muslims.[25] For many Muslims, the word means simply "justice," and they will consider any law that promotes justice and social welfare to conform to Sharia.[4]

Jan Michiel Otto distinguishes four senses conveyed by the term sharia in religious, legal and political discourse:
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As opposed to forcing poor people who get pregnant to carry unwanted fetuses to term. Despite all the decades of divisive blather it still boils down to an exceedingly simple "choice":

Don't like abortion? Don't have one!

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
It's not a slogan. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. ...

It is a hackneyed old democrat slogan meant to gloss over a moral outrage.

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
If that's what you really believe then no wonder we all think you are stupid. Hard to talk with someone who's thinking is that fucked up.
I don't think he's stupid. Disagree on this issue for sure, but I often find myself agreeing with him otherwise. Different strokes..

This is what he said to you. You find this post intelligent?

It is a hackneyed old democrat slogan meant to gloss over a moral outrage.

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
I'm aware. Yes, purely reactive. Not intelligent. Emotional. Same as flack's response to my last post to her. Yet I see them both as capable of being rational when they don't feel cornered or triggered. Depends on the issue, I suppose.
Let’s see. I haven’t seen thoughtful and engaging from him.

YOU wouldn't know "thoughtful" if it picked you up and drove your head through the sidewalk, dumbass.
try me.
you shouldn’t legislate your morality on us. But that’s exactly what the religious right is doing. Pushing their sharia type laws on us. State by state republicans are making it harder to get an abortion.
They're well aware of that last bit. Abortion could continue decreasing all the way to zero and they'd still keep ranting and raving about it. Not sure who you meant by "us" but, for starters, women must worry about it. Men needn't so should have no say in related legislation. Also, I wouldn't use the phrase "sharia type laws."
Within Islamic discourse, šarīʿah refers to religious regulations governing the lives of Muslims.[25] For many Muslims, the word means simply "justice," and they will consider any law that promotes justice and social welfare to conform to Sharia.[4]

Jan Michiel Otto distinguishes four senses conveyed by the term sharia in religious, legal and political discourse:
{- More -}
As opposed to forcing poor people who get pregnant to carry unwanted fetuses to term. Despite all the decades of divisive blather it still boils down to an exceedingly simple "choice":

Don't like abortion? Don't have one!

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
It's not a slogan. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. ...

It is a hackneyed old democrat slogan meant to gloss over a moral outrage.

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
If that's what you really believe then no wonder we all think you are stupid. Hard to talk with someone who's thinking is that fucked up.
I don't think he's stupid. Disagree on this issue for sure, but I often find myself agreeing with him otherwise. Different strokes..

This is what he said to you. You find this post intelligent?

It is a hackneyed old democrat slogan meant to gloss over a moral outrage.

Leftists love slogans, but they don’t love honesty.

What they really mean to say is: “Don’t like children? Kill one!”

Shameless, irresponsible fucking ghouls.
I'm aware. Yes, purely reactive. Not intelligent. Emotional. Same as flack's response to my last post to her. Yet I see them both as capable of being rational when they don't feel cornered or triggered. Depends on the issue, I suppose.
Let’s see. I haven’t seen thoughtful and engaging from him.

YOU wouldn't know "thoughtful" if it picked you up and drove your head through the sidewalk, dumbass.
try me.

Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.

My forefathers didn't fight to keep slavery. They didn't have any slaves. They fought to protect their families, their homes and their state rights. Lest you forget, Sherman and the rest of the damn Yankees were burning everything in sight.
Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.


Along those same lines. . .

You could almost imagine being an educated pro-life pregnant woman having to walk past or drive past an abortion clinic on her way to her doctors office to safeguard her own pregnancy.
She’s in a position to raise a child the women in line are not. She should be grateful and have empathy
Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.

My forefathers didn't fight to keep slavery. They didn't have any slaves. They fought to protect their families, their homes and their state rights. Lest you forget, Sherman and the rest of the damn Yankees were burning everything in sight.

Were your forefathers rebs?
Countries don't have "souls". They are places to live. No more no less.
Corporations don’t have souls

Corporations are run by people.
So are countries. Did you tell initforme that countries are run by people? Bet you didn’t. That’s cause you hate government and love corporations.

Corporations don’t care. It’s all about profit. Take for example how they deny global warming because it would cost them money. Or take for example a car company who weighs what a recall would cost vs the few lawsuits they’ll face from the deaths their defexpcts cause.
Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.

My forefathers didn't fight to keep slavery. They didn't have any slaves. They fought to protect their families, their homes and their state rights. Lest you forget, Sherman and the rest of the damn Yankees were burning everything in sight.
Your forefathers were Democrats.
... purely reactive. Not intelligent. Emotional.....

And you honestly think "Don't like abortion? Don't have one! " is rational? Hint: It's not.
Hint: Try logically rebutting it instead of attacking the messenger(s).

What about that do you really expect to have taken seriously?
Simple enough yet you've attempted no logical rebuttal. I'll help you by laying out each possible legal person's case, presuming "abortion" as defined by U.S. law.
  1. Male - can't get pregnant. Nothing significant at stake compared to a woman. No standing to assert any control over related issues physically affecting only women's lives and health.
  2. Favor abortion - no problem, stick with the law.
  3. Oppose abortion - speaking of irrational positions or statements, welcome to the vast, vast majority of the human race. Identifying as "pro-abortion" is like saying one looks forward to stubbing their toe on purpose. Virtually no one ever feels that way. So say one can get pregnant, opposes abortion like the rest of us, and it's far too late for morning after pills.. Simples. It's a free country, right? Don't have one.
Be glad you have that privilege to choose. But trying to impose one's "moral" beliefs upon others' highly personal, legal decisions is just control-freakish and anti-American.
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Asking a black man to pass by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the courthouse to pay his taxes is wrong.

Just because "historically" we did it does not make it right.

My forefathers didn't fight to keep slavery. They didn't have any slaves. They fought to protect their families, their homes and their state rights. Lest you forget, Sherman and the rest of the damn Yankees were burning everything in sight.

To get your forefathers to give up the idea of slavery.
America is the ONLY hope for the human race

it's the idea that no longer would kings or popes be granted absolute power over the humblest of others

Every man, as long as he does not violate the laws of justice, is left perfectly free to pursue his own interest his own way, and to bring both his industry and capital into competition with those of any other man

How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, though he derives nothing from it, except the pleasure of seeing it
just like it's impossible for a corrupted people to set up a morally good government, tyranny is impossible if the people are decent

the American friends...are decent!

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