The Bazaar Dragon: Shopgirl Metaphysics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
When we see a TV ad for the beloved Cadbury bunny selling his delicious Creme-Eggs, the optimistic consumer in us might think of the the cherished Easter Bunny, but the cynic in us might think of an *evil* bunny preying on our sensibilities about the craving for candy by marketing an adorable little white rabbit as its official 'sales mascot.'

This is the kind of 'market-culture' 'philosophy' (for lack of a better word) that brought trouble to Muslim writer Salman Rushdie whose involvement in a controversial literature presentation marketing incident spelled major headlines for people seriously concerned about the exploitation of pedestrian values in the modern age of the largely-unregulated and unmonitored free market.

Some may say that 'free-speech' intrigue generated by values-based items such as Easter egg coloring-kits or Christian novelty toys or incendiary philosophical and literary/artistic notions about conservatism in Islam is a good thing, since it caters to democratic discussions, but others may warn that 'consumerism culture' is breeding a new form of 'lifestyle liberalness' that borders on undesirable atheism or even 'cultural anarchy.'

Does this explain the proliferation of countless metaphysics-exploitation 'analysis' films (worldwide) such as 12 Monkeys, Election, and Escape from Cannibal Farm?

I imagine a stirring politico-cultural conversation between our capitalism-subjective U.S. President (Donald Trump) and God.


TRUMP: I'm not happy with my 'profile-entry' on Facebook and Wikipedia!
GOD: What is troubling you? You're already the leader of the free world!
TRUMP: I want to market myself as capitalism-conscious and seriously intellectual.
GOD: You have to be lenient, dude, since consumers today simply want 'convenient civics.'
TRUMP: I understand efficiency, but I want people to respect my real education in business/economics.
GOD: American voters know that the President has a host of advisors (e.g., Cabinet) who make his life easier.
TRUMP: I don't want to look like a 'token-capitalist' dummy being led by a 'host' of political sharks...
GOD: That's sincere! Voters will not be displeased if you convey your 'passion' for capitalism in the media.
TRUMP: I mean, if you can dress up as an 'evil Easter Bunny' for Halloween, then culture is 'negotiable.'
GOD: It's not negotiable as much as it is peaceable.
TRUMP: Alright, I concede such a consideration, but shouldn't a venture-capitalist like me seem imaginative?
GOD: Why? Did Salman Rushdie seem 'extra-intelligent' for marketing controversial ideas to Muslims?
TRUMP: No, I guess not, but he did seem very creative.
GOD: It got him into a lot of trouble, so you have to think about why American kids love Toys 'R Us!
TRUMP: I see what you mean. So we have to coordinate Facebook with
GOD: That's correct. Consumerism 'revelry' has to be tempered with 'market ratings.'
TRUMP: So I should *forgive* Americans for calling me a 'token-capitalist president'?
GOD: How else are you going to sell NATO to rebellious college students (tomorrow's leaders)?
TRUMP: Well then I guess I'll buy some Cadbury Creme Eggs next Easter and think about Rushdie.
GOD: That is the nature of 'free-speech' democracy, and it simply feels like revolution...


Escape from Cannibal Farm (2017 Horror Film)

Harper's Bazaar


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