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The BBC are saying that action against Syria could start tonight

The invasion of Iraq and of Afghanistan were both disasters and because they were look what followed a complete nightmare,
I mostly agree with you but the disaster occurred after the fickle American People grew tired of Bush and voted in a Communist. Things would have turned out vastly different if we didn't go thru the last 8 years of Obama.

The mess was started by GWB with the invasion of Iraq, that complete disaster, almost now should be considered absolutely criminal and lead to what we face in both the West and in the Middle East now.

Of course it was worsened by Obama with Syria and Libya.

However the situation in Syria and Libya WOULDN'T have happened IF Iraq hadn't of been completely destabilised and Saddam removed, leaving a vacuum and into that vacuum stepped ISIS comprising of those SO extreme that even Al-Qaeda had disowned them, the first group of ISIS had been thrown out of Al-Qaeda, then of course subsequently they added to their numbers with all sorts of psychopaths from around the world AND paid Mercenaries.
We need to tighten the screws on Putin. He is a gangster and not a principled man. He could sort Syria out tomorrow. Lets screw that fucker where it hurts him - in the pocket.

Syria and Assad should be left to Russia, and also possibly Iran could put some pressure on Assad, but perhaps not at the moment as the Iranian Presidential Election is coming up on May 19th and President Rouhani wants to be reelected and he's going to be up against a Cleric Ebrahim Raisol and the last poll I saw was today's new96 poll that has Rouhani on 46% and Raisol on 40%.
What are the changes of an American attack actually happening?

If Assad is removed, then ISIS will take over Syria, it's as simple as that, I can see no other scenario, removing Assad will be the same situation as removing Saddam, an immediate vacuum will be created and ISIS will step into it.

Then it'll be probably another 10-15 year quagmire and body bags.
What are the changes of an American attack actually happening?

If Assad is removed, then ISIS will take over Syria, it's as simple as that, I can see no other scenario, removing Assad will be the same situation as removing Saddam, an immediate vacuum will be created and ISIS will step into it.

Then it'll be probably another 10-15 year quagmire and body bags.

Question is what does Trump intends to do in the forseen time period.
The invasion of Iraq and of Afghanistan were both disasters and because they were look what followed a complete nightmare,
I mostly agree with you but the disaster occurred after the fickle American People grew tired of Bush and voted in a Communist. Things would have turned out vastly different if we didn't go thru the last 8 years of Obama.

The mess was started by GWB with the invasion of Iraq, that complete disaster, almost now should be considered absolutely criminal and lead to what we face in both the West and in the Middle East now.

Of course it was worsened by Obama with Syria and Libya.

However the situation in Syria and Libya WOULDN'T have happened IF Iraq hadn't of been completely destabilised and Saddam removed, leaving a vacuum and into that vacuum stepped ISIS comprising of those SO extreme that even Al-Qaeda had disowned them, the first group of ISIS had been thrown out of Al-Qaeda, then of course subsequently they added to their numbers with all sorts of psychopaths from around the world AND paid Mercenaries.
We need to tighten the screws on Putin. He is a gangster and not a principled man. He could sort Syria out tomorrow. Lets screw that fucker where it hurts him - in the pocket.

Syria and Assad should be left to Russia, and also possibly Iran could put some pressure on Assad, but perhaps not at the moment as the Iranian Presidential Election is coming up on May 19th and President Rouhani wants to be reelected and he's going to be up against a Cleric Ebrahim Raisol and the last poll I saw was today's new96 poll that has Rouhani on 46% and Raisol on 40%.
Putin wont do anything unless his personal finances are squeezed. he needs to be marginalised from the civilised world until he can prove he belongs there.

The invasion of Iraq and of Afghanistan were both disasters and because they were look what followed a complete nightmare,
I mostly agree with you but the disaster occurred after the fickle American People grew tired of Bush and voted in a Communist. Things would have turned out vastly different if we didn't go thru the last 8 years of Obama.

The mess was started by GWB with the invasion of Iraq, that complete disaster, almost now should be considered absolutely criminal and lead to what we face in both the West and in the Middle East now.

Of course it was worsened by Obama with Syria and Libya.

However the situation in Syria and Libya WOULDN'T have happened IF Iraq hadn't of been completely destabilised and Saddam removed, leaving a vacuum and into that vacuum stepped ISIS comprising of those SO extreme that even Al-Qaeda had disowned them, the first group of ISIS had been thrown out of Al-Qaeda, then of course subsequently they added to their numbers with all sorts of psychopaths from around the world AND paid Mercenaries.
We need to tighten the screws on Putin. He is a gangster and not a principled man. He could sort Syria out tomorrow. Lets screw that fucker where it hurts him - in the pocket.

Syria and Assad should be left to Russia, and also possibly Iran could put some pressure on Assad, but perhaps not at the moment as the Iranian Presidential Election is coming up on May 19th and President Rouhani wants to be reelected and he's going to be up against a Cleric Ebrahim Raisol and the last poll I saw was today's new96 poll that has Rouhani on 46% and Raisol on 40%.
Putin wont do anything unless his personal finances are squeezed. he needs to be marginalised from the civilised world until he can prove he belongs there.

What does that have to do with Assad and Syria?

More important is that Moscow puts pressure on Assad, so Assad doesn't get removed, creating an immediate vacuum that ISIS will step into....if that happens then ISIS will just go into Lebanon and also be boosted in the Sinai Penisula where they already have a foothold and the Egyptian Army has been fighting them and pushing them back for nearly a year.
What are the changes of an American attack actually happening?

If Assad is removed, then ISIS will take over Syria, it's as simple as that, I can see no other scenario, removing Assad will be the same situation as removing Saddam, an immediate vacuum will be created and ISIS will step into it.

Then it'll be probably another 10-15 year quagmire and body bags.
The voice of the Kremlin.

Trolling your own thread now? All your comments in your own thread have been your usual batshit comments, EVERYONE but YOU has added to the debate, be they Left or Right, the ONLY one who has added nothing is you.

So either add something sensible or abandon your own thread.
Donald isnt happy.
Nothing on here so I assume that this might be an exaggeration.
Hit his chemical sites and air wing. Destroy ISIS as well. Find acceptable moderate we can put in power. Obama fucked up when he cut off aid to the moderates we should have backed from square one. We must couple this with strengthening our power in Lebanon.
Donald isnt happy.
Nothing on here so I assume that this might be an exaggeration.
Hit his chemical sites and air wing. Destroy ISIS as well. Find acceptable moderate we can put in power. Obama fucked up when he cut off aid to the moderates we should have backed from square one. We must couple this with strengthening our power in Lebanon.

You have to be very careful with the moderates, previously the Moderate Rebels were given arms only then for thousands of them to join ISIS taking those weapons with them and also pockets of them joining the Al-Nusra Front taking those weapons with them.
What are the changes of an American attack actually happening?

If Assad is removed, then ISIS will take over Syria, it's as simple as that, I can see no other scenario, removing Assad will be the same situation as removing Saddam, an immediate vacuum will be created and ISIS will step into it.

Then it'll be probably another 10-15 year quagmire and body bags.
The voice of the Kremlin.
The voice of reason.
Donald isnt happy.
Nothing on here so I assume that this might be an exaggeration.
Hit his chemical sites and air wing. Destroy ISIS as well. Find acceptable moderate we can put in power. Obama fucked up when he cut off aid to the moderates we should have backed from square one. We must couple this with strengthening our power in Lebanon.

The situation is, all this talk about taking action in Syria is being based on the chemical attack or whatever it was, we have no Independent Analysis as to exactly what happened.

About 30 people who were injured in that attack were taken to a hospital in Turkey, two subsequently died and the Turks did autopsies on both of them and said yes it was a chemical attack and that's what they're basing this on.

Turkey has a vested interest in the removal of Assad for several reasons, one being is that the psychopath Erdogan wants to continue to slaughter the Kurds wherever he can find them, he's already AGAINST ALL International Law sent Turkish troops with tanks into Northern Syria to kill the Kurds there, so with Assad removed then Ergogan effectively has a blank check, we also know that Turkey has been assisting ISIS, both by purchasing oil from them down to Turkish hospitals treating injured ISIS terrorists.
I mostly agree with you but the disaster occurred after the fickle American People grew tired of Bush and voted in a Communist. Things would have turned out vastly different if we didn't go thru the last 8 years of Obama.

The mess was started by GWB with the invasion of Iraq, that complete disaster, almost now should be considered absolutely criminal and lead to what we face in both the West and in the Middle East now.

Of course it was worsened by Obama with Syria and Libya.

However the situation in Syria and Libya WOULDN'T have happened IF Iraq hadn't of been completely destabilised and Saddam removed, leaving a vacuum and into that vacuum stepped ISIS comprising of those SO extreme that even Al-Qaeda had disowned them, the first group of ISIS had been thrown out of Al-Qaeda, then of course subsequently they added to their numbers with all sorts of psychopaths from around the world AND paid Mercenaries.
We need to tighten the screws on Putin. He is a gangster and not a principled man. He could sort Syria out tomorrow. Lets screw that fucker where it hurts him - in the pocket.

Syria and Assad should be left to Russia, and also possibly Iran could put some pressure on Assad, but perhaps not at the moment as the Iranian Presidential Election is coming up on May 19th and President Rouhani wants to be reelected and he's going to be up against a Cleric Ebrahim Raisol and the last poll I saw was today's new96 poll that has Rouhani on 46% and Raisol on 40%.
Putin wont do anything unless his personal finances are squeezed. he needs to be marginalised from the civilised world until he can prove he belongs there.

What does that have to do with Assad and Syria?

More important is that Moscow puts pressure on Assad, so Assad doesn't get removed, creating an immediate vacuum that ISIS will step into....if that happens then ISIS will just go into Lebanon and also be boosted in the Sinai Penisula where they already have a foothold and the Egyptian Army has been fighting them and pushing them back for nearly a year.
Putin is backing all of this. He is the key to stopping it. obviously you suck his cock for a living so I guess you would struggle to understand that.

I'm not sure what we make of this at the moment.

The Qudssaya suburb of Damascus up until October 2016 was in control of a strange coalition of rebels and Jihadists mixed in with the FSA, there were intense clashes with the Syrian Army who then got the upperhand which then resulted in the expulsion of the rebels and the Jihadists still alive and most of them were transported to Idlib in North Western Syria.

Also back to the supposed chemical attack, why IF the Syrian Army has access to chemical weapons why wouldn't they be using them on ISIS and the other collection of Jihadists?

ISIS is quite capable of purchasing either chemical weapons or the components to make chemicals weapons.

At least one of the other Jihadist groups who aren't as financially advantaged as ISIS did just that, there are videos of chlorine gas clouds in the Sheikh Masud area in Aleppo in which Kurdish fighters and civilians were deliberately targeted after it was bombarded with shells containing chlorine gas by Jaish al-Islam (Army of Islam) - formerly known as Liwa al-Islam (Brigade of Islam) - they're a coalition of Islamists and Salafists, they're the largest rebel faction in the Damascus area and have been part of the Islamic Front, their aim, like ISIS, is for Syria to become an Islamic State under Sharia Law, although in typical Islamic insane fashion they've also been in fights with ISIS

So HOW do we know that this latest chemical attack IF it WAS a chemical attack wasn't carried out by Jaish al-Islam? We don't, because there has been no Independent Analysis.

Jaish al-Islam, just like ISIS are backed by Saudi Arabia, Jaish al-Islam are heavily backed by Turkey, so there's another of Turkey's vested interests in that region.

Jaysh al-Islam - Wikipedia
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The mess was started by GWB with the invasion of Iraq, that complete disaster, almost now should be considered absolutely criminal and lead to what we face in both the West and in the Middle East now.

Of course it was worsened by Obama with Syria and Libya.

However the situation in Syria and Libya WOULDN'T have happened IF Iraq hadn't of been completely destabilised and Saddam removed, leaving a vacuum and into that vacuum stepped ISIS comprising of those SO extreme that even Al-Qaeda had disowned them, the first group of ISIS had been thrown out of Al-Qaeda, then of course subsequently they added to their numbers with all sorts of psychopaths from around the world AND paid Mercenaries.
We need to tighten the screws on Putin. He is a gangster and not a principled man. He could sort Syria out tomorrow. Lets screw that fucker where it hurts him - in the pocket.

Syria and Assad should be left to Russia, and also possibly Iran could put some pressure on Assad, but perhaps not at the moment as the Iranian Presidential Election is coming up on May 19th and President Rouhani wants to be reelected and he's going to be up against a Cleric Ebrahim Raisol and the last poll I saw was today's new96 poll that has Rouhani on 46% and Raisol on 40%.
Putin wont do anything unless his personal finances are squeezed. he needs to be marginalised from the civilised world until he can prove he belongs there.

What does that have to do with Assad and Syria?

More important is that Moscow puts pressure on Assad, so Assad doesn't get removed, creating an immediate vacuum that ISIS will step into....if that happens then ISIS will just go into Lebanon and also be boosted in the Sinai Penisula where they already have a foothold and the Egyptian Army has been fighting them and pushing them back for nearly a year.
Putin is backing all of this. He is the key to stopping it. obviously you suck his cock for a living so I guess you would struggle to understand that.

We await your next vacation.

It's obvious from my responses that I'm your intellectual superior, so go away, nobody likes you or even wants you, you add nothing to nothing, you're even IRRELEVANT in your OWN threads.
"President Trump on Thursday considered whether to unleash American military might to punish Syrian strongman Bashar Assad after a chemical attack this week that killed dozens of civilians, including children, and drew global outrage. As Trump weighed the use of force, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the president had also begun a difficult diplomatic campaign to remove Assad from power."
Trump considers war after Syria chemical attack

What a turn around in six days! I still incline to believe it was a false flag operation.

Let's assume Assad's forces did the bombing. So, if the chemical weapons warehouse was in a rebel held territory and got bombed, then who is actually responsible? Why did the rebels have chemical weapons stored in a densely populated area? How did they get chemical weapons? Were they going to use chemical weapons on Assad's and Russian forces? Lot of questions and lot more knee jerk reaction.

Further down in the article McCain is happy as pig in shit and eagerly awaits the war to start.
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Anybody else sick of the twin idiots, McCain and Graham, constantly baying about intervention EVERY time there is an atrocity in the world????? Do those 2 EVER learn from history???

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