The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

So you continue to ignore the astounding similarity between the modern version of evolution and the Biblical recounting of same?

I've got the new symbol for your party right here:


Yes, that's pretty much it; they weren't even intellectually capable of inventing their own theory, they just stole the Genesis account and pronounced it 'science n stuff' just because they threw in some rubbish about 'genetics' and 'mutations'. Hilarious.

There is no Biblical recounting of evolution. the Bible was written by barely literate people who were writing down the legends handed down by even less literate goat herders. they didn't even know the freaking Earth was round. Give me a break.

this is even more ignorant; the books were written by some very astute and intelligent people, quite obviously capable of writing way over your head. And, the 'flat earth' myth is just particularly stupid and illiterate nonsense:

Myth of the flat Earth - Wikipedia

Wrong, you dunce.

Indeed. But then the vast majority of these semi-educated half-wits with high self-esteem are just peddling a blatantly political agenda, not 'science', and certainly not 'rationalism', so responding to their semantic idiocy is a big waste of time, since they can offer no empirical chain of evidence for their absurd cult's wild claims. Basic probability math is all that's necessary, and they wouldn't even remotely be able to grasp that, or they wouldn't be making these bizarre arguments in the first place.

They're only interested in promoting assorted sexual fetishes and mindless self-indulgence as some sort of 'natural rights' or something, that's all, and they see the refusal of religious people to validate their gross assortment of sicknesses as a massive roadblock to society's enthusiastic and complete affirmation of their infantile drives. They're just as ignorant as any illiterate medieval peasant, they just have a larger vocabulary to play with their ignorance and bigotry.

Note how much of their 'rationalism' parallels old-fashioned pagan brutalism in implementation just re abortions; killing babies is okay if they're 'inconvenient', and so can be sacrificed to the cult, just another variation on human sacrifices wildly popular with pagans, only they think if it's all done hidden away and in a clinic 'it's not the same thing n stuff'.
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Yes, that's pretty much it; they weren't even intellectually capable of inventing their own theory, they just stole the Genesis account and pronounced it 'science n stuff' just because they threw in some rubbish about 'genetics' and 'mutations'. Hilarious.

I would have thought believers would appreciate learning how God created. Whatever you think of the Bible, if you believe in God then you should respect that this world is his work and studying it is learning about God. Of course many believers think they know God and can ignore his creation.

There is no Biblical recounting of evolution. the Bible was written by barely literate people who were writing down the legends handed down by even less literate goat herders. they didn't even know the freaking Earth was round. Give me a break.

this is even more ignorant; the books were written by some very astute and intelligent people, quite obviously capable of writing way over your head. And, the 'flat earth' myth is just particularly stupid and illiterate nonsense:

Myth of the flat Earth - Wikipedia

Some of the ancients may have known the world was round but almost all believed the Earth was the center of the universe. This is obvious in Genesis.

Basic probability math is all that's necessary, and they wouldn't even remotely be able to grasp that, or they wouldn't be making these bizarre arguments in the first place.

This only shows your ignorance of what you're talking about. Evolution is NOT a random process as you've no doubt been told before.

Note how much of their parallels old-fashioned pagan brutalism in implementation just re abortions; killing babies is okay if they're 'inconvenient', and so can be sacrificed to the cult, just another variation on human sacrifices wildly popular with pagans, only they think if it's all done hidden away and in a clinic 'it's not the same thing n stuff'.

My view is that this "killing babies" garbage is nothing more than the Christian version of Sharia law. A prohibition based, not on science but religion. To me a fertilized egg is NOT the same as a human being. It's no more a human than a blueprint is a building.
If you want to call an oxygen atom bonding to 2 hydrogen atoms order, we are talking at two kinds of things.
Maybe you need to define 'order' for us?

Mine is below and seems to define crystals quite well:

noun: order; plural noun: orders; noun: Order
the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
Find any apple computers on the moon? No? You just claimed an explosion resulted in order. Let's make it simple. Find any square shapes on the moon? No? What's that? Everything is eroded? Uh. Who woulda thunk in the universe chemical compounds ultimately break apart into simpler materials; they do not ultimately become more complex.
No Apple computers in my house either. So? There are likely trillions of square shapes on the moon since many minerals display that shape. As for complexity, you are incorrect here too. See here.
Wow! There are molecules on the moon! Thanks for letting us know, you are so learned and edjewmicated!
Is it fair to say that, what makes one sentient, is the spirit that inhabits them?
The people who believe we are an accident believe that a tornado can blow through a wrecking yard and leave a fully functional 747 in its wake.
The people who believe we are an accident believe that a tornado can blow through a wrecking yard and leave a fully functional 747 in its wake.
People who write statements like this really don't understand what they are talking about. No one has ever said we are an accident.
Ignorant statements? Like atoms write poetry and music?
Exactly so. I don't recall anyone else saying that.
It is what the entire thread is about, dufus.
I want to know why you think atoms like to watch funny cat videos.
Ignorant statements. Do you think the bricks in my house want to keep me safe from the rain? Yet they do.
When will the bricks play Canon in D for me?
The people who believe we are an accident believe that a tornado can blow through a wrecking yard and leave a fully functional 747 in its wake.
People who write statements like this really don't understand what they are talking about. No one has ever said we are an accident.
No one has ever said we are an accident.

Hilarious and outlandish lie. Every child is forced to learn that BS is public school.

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