The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

".... accepted by the vast majority of scientists...."

Only a buffoon imagines (I almost said 'thinks') that science is based on consensus or the raising of hands.

Raise your paw.
I have a science question and find that the vast majority of scientists accept one answer, based on science, while a large number of non-scientists accept a non-science answer. Which answer do I go with?
You’re post is exactly what I refer to in many threads. Put on a lab coat or have a title of professor and you can say water is not wet and 1/2 the people will nod in agreement. They’ve all been trained to turn their brains off.
So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?

Time needed? No, those elements have been in my backyard for a very very long time. Geology around my home is at least 6 million years.

Yet no new life.
"So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?" if you have done this. Ever seen a pile of "elements" just like a human that didn't move? I have. It's called a corpse.
I can buy all the elements of a human on amazon. But why is your corpse not moving?
You can not arrange them into a human, despite your goofy lie to the contrary. The corpse is not moving because it is no lomger sustaining the chemical reactions required.
So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?

Time needed? No, those elements have been in my backyard for a very very long time. Geology around my home is at least 6 million years.

Yet no new life.
"So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?" if you have done this. Ever seen a pile of "elements" just like a human that didn't move? I have. It's called a corpse.
I can buy all the elements of a human on amazon. But why is your corpse not moving?
You can not arrange them into a human, despite your goofy lie to the contrary. The corpse is not moving because it is no lomger sustaining the chemical reactions required.
All the same exact atoms are there.

Why does oxygen paint murals on walls?
Nor is your brain pattern the same as when you were 10. Doesn’t mean we can kill you at ten.

At 3 weeks the babies heart is beating. So your stopping a heart beating.
The same can be said of almost any animal and we can kill any animal (we own) at any stage in their lives Why should human beings be granted special rights? How are humans different from other animals?
Because only humans are created in the image of God.

Since 1962 school kids could no longer be told they were each created equally in the image of God. This was replaced with telling kids they are no more important than a tree.

We are bearing the fruits of that change now with the rapid escalation of mass murder in our society.
You certainly are fond of making magical, authoritative declarations. Then you say things about science that are ridiculously wrong. Have you considered just sticking to topics comcerming only magical nonsense?
So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?

Time needed? No, those elements have been in my backyard for a very very long time. Geology around my home is at least 6 million years.

Yet no new life.
"So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?" if you have done this. Ever seen a pile of "elements" just like a human that didn't move? I have. It's called a corpse.
I can buy all the elements of a human on amazon. But why is your corpse not moving?
You can not arrange them into a human, despite your goofy lie to the contrary. The corpse is not moving because it is no lomger sustaining the chemical reactions required.
All the same exact atoms are there.

Why does oxygen paint murals on walls?

Yes, same answer as the other eleventy times you asked. They are no longer arranged correctly. Ask again? Same answer. Oxygen doesnt paint murals, what a stupid thing to say.
".... accepted by the vast majority of scientists...."

Only a buffoon imagines (I almost said 'thinks') that science is based on consensus or the raising of hands.

Raise your paw.
I have a science question and find that the vast majority of scientists accept one answer, based on science, while a large number of non-scientists accept a non-science answer. Which answer do I go with?
You’re post is exactly what I refer to in many threads. Put on a lab coat or have a title of professor and you can say water is not wet and 1/2 the people will nod in agreement. They’ve all been trained to turn their brains off.
That's idiotic and wrong, and really shows how little you understand about the scientific process. Seriously man, you are embarrassing yourself
".... accepted by the vast majority of scientists...."

Only a buffoon imagines (I almost said 'thinks') that science is based on consensus or the raising of hands.

Raise your paw.
I have a science question and find that the vast majority of scientists accept one answer, based on science, while a large number of non-scientists accept a non-science answer. Which answer do I go with?
You’re post is exactly what I refer to in many threads. Put on a lab coat or have a title of professor and you can say water is not wet and 1/2 the people will nod in agreement. They’ve all been trained to turn their brains off.
That's idiotic and wrong, and really shows how little you understand about the scientific process. Seriously man, you are embarrassing yourself
What do you mean, you had just stated so. You believe anything someone says if they claim to be a scientist.

You see it all of the time here on USMB. It must be true, scientists say so BS.

The left cannot think on their own, and always look to someone else to do the thinking for them. The left are bobblehead dolls.
So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?

Time needed? No, those elements have been in my backyard for a very very long time. Geology around my home is at least 6 million years.

Yet no new life.
"So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?" if you have done this. Ever seen a pile of "elements" just like a human that didn't move? I have. It's called a corpse.
I can buy all the elements of a human on amazon. But why is your corpse not moving?
You can not arrange them into a human, despite your goofy lie to the contrary. The corpse is not moving because it is no lomger sustaining the chemical reactions required.
All the same exact atoms are there.

Why does oxygen paint murals on walls?

Yes, same answer as the other eleventy times you asked. They are no longer arranged correctly. Ask again? Same answer. Oxygen doesnt paint murals, what a stupid thing to say.
OK, you are correct. Oxygen alone does not paint murals. It takes team work.
A number of different elements paint the mural.
".... accepted by the vast majority of scientists...."

Only a buffoon imagines (I almost said 'thinks') that science is based on consensus or the raising of hands.

Raise your paw.
I have a science question and find that the vast majority of scientists accept one answer, based on science, while a large number of non-scientists accept a non-science answer. Which answer do I go with?
You’re post is exactly what I refer to in many threads. Put on a lab coat or have a title of professor and you can say water is not wet and 1/2 the people will nod in agreement. They’ve all been trained to turn their brains off.
That's idiotic and wrong, and really shows how little you understand about the scientific process. Seriously man, you are embarrassing yourself
What do you mean, you had just stated so. You believe anything someone says if they claim to be a scientist.

You see it all of the time here on USMB. It must be true, scientists say so BS.

The left cannot think on their own, and always look to someone else to do the thinking for them. The left are bobblehead dolls.
You're a shameless little liar. I never said that, nor has anyone else. You have run out of stupid and wrong things to say about science, so now you are crybabying about me.
".... accepted by the vast majority of scientists...."

Only a buffoon imagines (I almost said 'thinks') that science is based on consensus or the raising of hands.

Raise your paw.
I have a science question and find that the vast majority of scientists accept one answer, based on science, while a large number of non-scientists accept a non-science answer. Which answer do I go with?
You’re post is exactly what I refer to in many threads. Put on a lab coat or have a title of professor and you can say water is not wet and 1/2 the people will nod in agreement. They’ve all been trained to turn their brains off.
That's idiotic and wrong, and really shows how little you understand about the scientific process. Seriously man, you are embarrassing yourself
What do you mean, you had just stated so. You believe anything someone says if they claim to be a scientist.

You see it all of the time here on USMB. It must be true, scientists say so BS.

The left cannot think on their own, and always look to someone else to do the thinking for them. The left are bobblehead dolls.
You're a shameless little liar. I never said that, nor has anyone else. You have run out of stupid and wrong things to say about science, so now you are crybabying about me.
"90% of all scientists say manmade global warming is real"
"So if I pile all of the elements in the right ratios that makes a human, why does that pile not move?" if you have done this. Ever seen a pile of "elements" just like a human that didn't move? I have. It's called a corpse.
I can buy all the elements of a human on amazon. But why is your corpse not moving?
You can not arrange them into a human, despite your goofy lie to the contrary. The corpse is not moving because it is no lomger sustaining the chemical reactions required.
All the same exact atoms are there.

Why does oxygen paint murals on walls?

Yes, same answer as the other eleventy times you asked. They are no longer arranged correctly. Ask again? Same answer. Oxygen doesnt paint murals, what a stupid thing to say.
OK, you are correct. Oxygen alone does not paint murals. It takes team work.
A number of different elements paint the mural.
View attachment 152887
Correct! And they discover their own constituents and make pretty little charts for you to misunderstand.
A number of different elements paint the mural.

Not the same things ...


And that was nice of you to show how intelligent design works, thanks.

And that's good. If you acknowledge that constituent elements of a sentient being have to be combined in specific ways to create life and sentience then we're making progress. It matters not to me how you believe those constituent elements became combined.

That is a completely different conversation.
I have a science question and find that the vast majority of scientists accept one answer, based on science, while a large number of non-scientists accept a non-science answer. Which answer do I go with?
You’re post is exactly what I refer to in many threads. Put on a lab coat or have a title of professor and you can say water is not wet and 1/2 the people will nod in agreement. They’ve all been trained to turn their brains off.
That's idiotic and wrong, and really shows how little you understand about the scientific process. Seriously man, you are embarrassing yourself
What do you mean, you had just stated so. You believe anything someone says if they claim to be a scientist.

You see it all of the time here on USMB. It must be true, scientists say so BS.

The left cannot think on their own, and always look to someone else to do the thinking for them. The left are bobblehead dolls.
You're a shameless little liar. I never said that, nor has anyone else. You have run out of stupid and wrong things to say about science, so now you are crybabying about me.
"90% of all scientists say manmade global warming is real"
I see. So now, "a scientist" has become "90% of scientists". I would accuse you of the charlatan's tactic of "bait and switch", but we both know you are not that clever and have no idea of the dumb thing you just did.

Btw, it's more than 90%. And no, that's not why I accept the conaensus view. You see, scientists go to great lengths to create charts and articles for nonscientists to understand their work. Admittedly, one must still be somewhat educated and have some science knowledge to understand them. So they're not for you. ;)
Since 1962 school kids could no longer be told they were each created equally in the image of God. This was replaced with telling kids they are no more important than a tree.
Only those educated by the public school system you mean. This is really your goal then, a theocracy.
I have a science question and find that the vast majority of scientists accept one answer, based on science, while a large number of non-scientists accept a non-science answer. Which answer do I go with?
You’re post is exactly what I refer to in many threads. Put on a lab coat or have a title of professor and you can say water is not wet and 1/2 the people will nod in agreement. They’ve all been trained to turn their brains off.
If you were Catholic, would you accept your religious instruction from me or would you insist on a priest who actually knows what he is talking about?

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