The Best Movie explaining Noah's Flood to date!


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2013
This movie not only demonstrates the likelihood of the FLOOD/Deluge, but also exposes many of the fallacies that evolutionists promote unsubstantiated as factual.
Did anyone see ‘Noah’ with Russell Crowe? I don’t remember rock monsters being in the Bible. :laugh:

Were so. :eusa_snooty:
Actually it’s not more far-fetched than a woman being turned into a pillar of salt.
I've always thought that was hyperbole for a woman who cried and cried and cried. Tears are salty, yes? Moral, don't look back--the sorrow could overtake you and make you useless for the present.
Did anyone see ‘Noah’ with Russell Crowe? I don’t remember rock monsters being in the Bible. :laugh:
Yes, I saw it. It felt like the Bible had been invaded by Marvel Comics.

I wish.
Aquaman could have parted the Red Sea.

Aquaman is DC. Namor the Submariner is Marvel. Stop being silly.
I was waiting for someone to say it. :laugh:

But Prince Namor doesn’t have those mad skillz.
Someone watched it?
I watched COSMOS... One must be willing to study opposing views if one honestly considers taking exception to them. If one is being honest, one must compare the research. If one only is willing to hear one side of the story, one isn't interested in truth/fact, but only maintaining the status quo.

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