The Best Part of Electric Vehicles

The whole electric car thing is like a bad joke.

I had to go pick up a new pair of glasses last week at a Lens Crafters that is still in a mall near me. The mall is more than half dead as 2 of the 3 big anchor stores are closed but they just installed a dozen new electric car charging stations even though no one will ever use them.

Gotta love those subsidies huh?
So, someone can shop at the mall while they wait for their car to charge
No one is shopping there.

The mall is dying.

Two of the three big anchor stores are gone, at least 30% of the smaller retail space is empty. The food court only has 3 crappy vendors. and the charging stations that cost over 10 grand each were just put in
Tesla’s have an app that tells you where the nearest charging station is.
If they are directed to that mall, they may take the opportunity to patronize the merchants
The whole electric car thing is like a bad joke.

I had to go pick up a new pair of glasses last week at a Lens Crafters that is still in a mall near me. The mall is more than half dead as 2 of the 3 big anchor stores are closed but they just installed a dozen new electric car charging stations even though no one will ever use them.

Gotta love those subsidies huh?
So, someone can shop at the mall while they wait for their car to charge
No one is shopping there.

The mall is dying.

Two of the three big anchor stores are gone, at least 30% of the smaller retail space is empty. The food court only has 3 crappy vendors. and the charging stations that cost over 10 grand each were just put in
Tesla’s have an app that tells you where the nearest charging station is.
If they are directed to that mall, they may take the opportunity to patronize the merchants
Yeah suuuuure.

I wonder how many people using those chargers at a dead mall in an out of the way small town it will take to recoup the 120000 dollars it took to install them./
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?
The whole electric car thing is like a bad joke.

I had to go pick up a new pair of glasses last week at a Lens Crafters that is still in a mall near me. The mall is more than half dead as 2 of the 3 big anchor stores are closed but they just installed a dozen new electric car charging stations even though no one will ever use them.

Gotta love those subsidies huh?
So, someone can shop at the mall while they wait for their car to charge
No one is shopping there.

The mall is dying.

Two of the three big anchor stores are gone, at least 30% of the smaller retail space is empty. The food court only has 3 crappy vendors. and the charging stations that cost over 10 grand each were just put in
Tesla’s have an app that tells you where the nearest charging station is.
If they are directed to that mall, they may take the opportunity to patronize the merchants
You wouldn't believe how much Ebikes help the economy. If we only had normal bikes we would only ride locally and never stop to visit the same old places we are tired of. With an Ebike, we see the new town we are visiting 30 miles away and we look to see which places you can eat outside. Half way through the bike ride we stop and eat.
Last week we went to the last leg of our trail. We had to drive a half hour by car then jump on the trail and ride it out to BFE. It was so beautiful. All country and farms. Very few places where we crossed a road. I mean out in Trump country. So we pull up in Richmond, MI. They have a little gazebo and no signs saying where to eat, which way is town. Idiots! Terrible at capitalism for Republicans. They know nothing about marketing. So we rode 10 miles back to the next hick town. The bbq place we wanted to try was closed on a Saturday due to Catering. Fucking idiots. The bike trails are a gold mine to these rednecks and they can't see it. So we went to this diner that was clearly run by granny. We tried the hot beef sandwich and hot turkey sandwich smothered in gravys. You think it would be good? The beef was so fatty I almost threw up. How many hicks in hick towns don't want growth because they want to keep it a small town? I admit we have a hunting property up north and my brother voted no to allowing a self storage business to open up off the highway. Ugly. Go put that shit somewhere else. We want to keep it hicky. Next thing you know they're paving our dirt road.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

lol.......laughed my balls off when I saw this bro.........

EV's are a disaster. Americans dont want them.......for many reasons. They dont work in the cold. They are ugly. Nobody wants to stop to charge up on a 95 degree day. They spontaneously explode into a fireball and can lock you into the vehicle while it is being engulfed in flames ( happened last week :hello77: ). Americans love their SUV's and trucks.

Look at the sales numbers for 2020........laughable. Toyota sold almost as many Camry's alone as compared to all EV sales COMBINED :deal::boobies::boobies::boobies:

But dont even bother yourself with looking up data.......when next you take a drive, make it a point to check to see how many EV's you pass in a 10 minute period compared to conventional vehicles :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance:
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

A step backwards is not being able to park your car in your own garage.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

A step backwards is not being able to park your car in your own garage.

Luckily most Americans don't park in their garages. We park our $50,000 car in the driveway and have $1000 worth of shit filling our garages. LOL
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

I don't think in terms of heaven and hell.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

I don't think in terms of heaven and hell.

You dont think Period.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

I don't think in terms of heaven and hell.

You dont think Period.

Don't be silly.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

I don't think in terms of heaven and hell.

You dont think Period.

Don't be silly.

All I know is I’m looking forward to my 70 mile ebike ride tomorrow.

And sunday.

How many of you ride 140 miles in 2 days
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

I don't think in terms of heaven and hell.

You dont think Period.

Don't be silly.

All I know is I’m looking forward to my 70 mile ebike ride tomorrow.

And sunday.

How many of you ride 140 miles in 2 days

Why would I want to?
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

I don't think in terms of heaven and hell.

You dont think Period.

Don't be silly.

All I know is I’m looking forward to my 70 mile ebike ride tomorrow.

And sunday.

How many of you ride 140 miles in 2 days

Why would I want to?

It is so much god damned fun.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.

Sounds like a step backward. Let me ask you something. In heaven do you have to do all the work yourself or can you have a Ebike if you want that helps you climb hills?

I don't think in terms of heaven and hell.

You dont think Period.

Don't be silly.

All I know is I’m looking forward to my 70 mile ebike ride tomorrow.

And sunday.

How many of you ride 140 miles in 2 days

Why would I want to?

It is so much god damned fun.

So is golfing.

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