The Best Part of Electric Vehicles

Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

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I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!

Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

I love my ebike. Clean, quiet and I can ride on thousands of miles of trails motorized vehicles can’t.

My friends with normal bikes tell me how they ride 20 miles. I ride 60 miles or more.

If I took you on a ride you’d be hooked. But could you afford one? That’s the other thing. It’s a new product and good for the economy

Hope you have a working smoke alarm.

I keep it in the detached garage. My neighbors will be pissed if I burn all their cars down. LOL.

You're not one of those assholes I honk at when they hog the roadside with their electric scooters, are you? Between the bicyclists, the Amish buggies, and the damned deer, I need a drink every time I get out of the car.

No those are those 21 speed bikes. They don't like the bike paths. Too bumpy. So they ride on the road even when they don't have to. There are only a couple places we go where we have to ride on the road for a minute to get to the next section of trails. I like being off the road thank you.

There are some great trails 3 miles from my home but I would have to ride on the road for about a mile. So instead I go 20 miles out of my way. That would suck except 20 miles is nothing to me on a e bike. To a regular biker, that would be their entire ride. I'm going to petition my city or whatever city that is to put a 2 lane bike path going over the expressway. They've put bike paths everywhere else this is like the one place in Metro Detroit that isn't bike friendly. There's 6 lanes three going each way right over the express way. You think they could have put one fucking bike lane in.

I wouldn't mind trying out an electric motorcycle if it could top 100mph. Electric motors are really torque-y.

But, like mopeds, and mobility scooters, e-bikes are something no one can ride without surrendering a huge part of their dignity.

I'm not there yet, and I pray I never will be.

I'd rather go out like James Dean.
The OP is correct

Until we develop technology that can detect smoke and send an alarm or tell when batteries are overheating we cannot allow EVs

Might take 50 years or more
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

This is a serious thing. Firefighting needs to address this because they have an issue putting t fires out in conventional ways. There are vehicle fires in the past where a metal that catches fire in that vehicle will not go out unless completely submerged in water. If the substance gets on your skin it will completely keep burning until submerged and submerged long enough to go out. Otherwise it will continue to reignite. These batteries need to be understood.

Very true lithium does not react well to water as demonstrated in this video.

Holy shit I rode in the rain the other day and my control panel was going haywire. It had to be the rain. I'm hoping it was the rain. Or maybe I just have a lose wire. Would hate to lose power when I'm 30 miles from home.

You need to get with the program.

What program?

The religion of green.

Name a better religion

Adam and Eve

View attachment 513376

I couldn't be happier that you found your religion, bro. Just make sure to not to say anything like your EV fucked up in the rain. They won't tolerate that shit.

Reminds me of a joke. Guy tells another guy After the revolution we will all have big homes. Yea! the other guy says. And we will all have nice cars. YEA! And we will all have Ebikes. The other guy says, "actually I like my old school bike without a battery" and the guy says, LISTEN MOTHER FUCKER, AFTER THE REVOLUTION YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR EBIKE OR FUCKING ELSE!


All they will have are mechanical bikes. There's your future.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

Always a video.

What's wrong with videos? Would you like for me to draw you a picture instead?

car on fire.jpg
The OP is correct

Until we develop technology that can detect smoke and send an alarm or tell when batteries are overheating we cannot allow EVs

Might take 50 years or more
My buddies i8 caught fire. A series of messages were given each with an increasing warning of severity. There was no where for him to pull over. He had us in tears laughing as he told the story about what the car was telling him. It happened really fast. The fire was on the driver's side. He had to manually open the electric doors and get out with the fire right there. He barely got out. His leg got burned.

The problem with these people - at least one of their problems - is that they never think about distributions, consequences and risk analysis.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

I love my ebike. Clean, quiet and I can ride on thousands of miles of trails motorized vehicles can’t.

My friends with normal bikes tell me how they ride 20 miles. I ride 60 miles or more.

If I took you on a ride you’d be hooked. But could you afford one? That’s the other thing. It’s a new product and good for the economy

Let me guess. You ride an e bike for exercise.

“This highlights the risk of poor-quality aftermarket kits that may be available to fit to any bicycle,”

I purchased my bike from an authorized dealer. This is why we don’t let people make their own cars. Is it safe? Is it environmentally friendly? Who knows if you did it yourself.

I can build my own custom car or airplane from scratch, and legally drive/fly it.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

I love my ebike. Clean, quiet and I can ride on thousands of miles of trails motorized vehicles can’t.

My friends with normal bikes tell me how they ride 20 miles. I ride 60 miles or more.

If I took you on a ride you’d be hooked. But could you afford one? That’s the other thing. It’s a new product and good for the economy

Let me guess. You ride an e bike for exercise.

“This highlights the risk of poor-quality aftermarket kits that may be available to fit to any bicycle,”

I purchased my bike from an authorized dealer. This is why we don’t let people make their own cars. Is it safe? Is it environmentally friendly? Who knows if you did it yourself.

I can build my own custom car or airplane from scratch, and legally drive/fly it.

Bless America!
Thats a good question. Let’s say humans will either go extinct in 1 million years or 2 depending on what we do today. Do you care about all the lives that won’t happen because of your actions.?

Do I care what happens to a theoretical human in an unimaginable future in one million years? I couldn't give a fetid dingo's kidney. I wouldn't bet my quatloos one way, or the other.

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Well there lies the problem. It's not us. It's you guys. You REPUBLICANS. The same people to claim about all life even the unborn. You vindicate my beliefs about Republicans. They don't really care about the unborn. You certainly don't.

This is another problem I have with religious people. I'm worrying about future souls and you're only worried about your own. I worry about humans 1000 years from now you worry about your soul 1000 years from now. You're delusional and the problem. Thanks for confirming this.

Now I'm sure not all Republicans would agree with you but I bet based on you guys not caring that you are destroying the planet, deep down most of you don't give a fuck about anyone but yourselves. And seeds in strangers wombs of course.
when one flips a story line.
More fear mongering about electric vehicles

Gasoline powered cars never catch fire?

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Typically NOT when they're sitting parked and being charged.
Typically neither do e cars.

Remember cellphones were exploding? What did we do? Did we go back to land lines or fix the problem?

Im glad Orville and Wilber Wright didn’t listen to you pro train/coal people who didn’t want the oil competition.
Reminds me of the fear mongering about seat belts

What if your car catches fire? You will not be able to get out
Depends. The doors of BMW i8's are difficult to open without the battery functioning. It happened to a buddy of mine.
yep, funny one of these cars made it on Judge Judy, the dude rented another guys BMW, the charge dropped and the doors locked and he couldn't get in the car. The renter tried to jimmy the door and damaged the door. Judge Judy made him pay. The owner never told him to ensure a charge for the doors. So, funny
They’re ok with gas destroying the planet but not batteries destroying their homes.

The planet has been year billions of years and will be here billions of years after I'm gone ... MY house is full of MY stuff!
The planet will be here but what about humans?

Again, do you charge your cellphone while you sleep hypocrite?

My cellphone isn't the newest model, but it doesn't have 900 pounds of lithium batteries in it ...

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Not 900 pounds. Just 899.999 pounds of metal hydride batteries. A very effective weapon if you bash the perp over the head with it.
The whole electric car thing is like a bad joke.

I had to go pick up a new pair of glasses last week at a Lens Crafters that is still in a mall near me. The mall is more than half dead as 2 of the 3 big anchor stores are closed but they just installed a dozen new electric car charging stations even though no one will ever use them.

Gotta love those subsidies huh?
The whole electric car thing is like a bad joke.

I had to go pick up a new pair of glasses last week at a Lens Crafters that is still in a mall near me. The mall is more than half dead as 2 of the 3 big anchor stores are closed but they just installed a dozen new electric car charging stations even though no one will ever use them.

Gotta love those subsidies huh?
So, someone can shop at the mall while they wait for their car to charge
The whole electric car thing is like a bad joke.

I had to go pick up a new pair of glasses last week at a Lens Crafters that is still in a mall near me. The mall is more than half dead as 2 of the 3 big anchor stores are closed but they just installed a dozen new electric car charging stations even though no one will ever use them.

Gotta love those subsidies huh?
So, someone can shop at the mall while they wait for their car to charge
No one is shopping there.

The mall is dying.

Two of the three big anchor stores are gone, at least 30% of the smaller retail space is empty. The food court only has 3 crappy vendors. and the charging stations that cost over 10 grand each were just put in

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