The Best Tv Series You Ever Watched?

Nobody in America is interested in the Roman Empire??????????

I am leaving the room in disgust!:sad:

My God..... what a bunch we have here....:uhh:
The Wire was and still is the best show on TV. It was cancelled way to early!

I don't think it was!

I think that was just its time to end! It was a freaking masterpiece I don't know where else they could've gone with it!

After this... the last episodes didn't even matter to me anymore!

Omar is the best character I've ever seen on a T.V. show. He passed the torch and the series had to end.

The final scene with Jimmy was amazing though :thup:
1. Breaking Bad

2. Mash

3. Nova

1. Wire
2. Jericho (loved the show)
3. Game of Thrones
4. Walking Dead
5. Rome
6. SOA
7. OZ
8. Sopranos
9. Seinfeld
10. Friends
11. Curb Your Enthusiasm
12. Spartacus

I wanted to like Jericho, I thought it was an interesting premise - how a town survives after a nuclear war - and then they added all that conspiracy jazz about evil corporations setting off nuclear bombs in America for some reason (probably profit) and I lost interest from the stupidity of it.

Idiot writers did that same with that show Revolution - civilization is destroyed. Wow, that should be chock full of drama. Instead some conspiracy about magical powers which shut off electricity and a whole bunch of sword fighting. I lasted only a few episodes.
oh my...oh my.... I want to say so many things....... so many....

but I won't :rolleyes:
you are not not offend your borthers and sisters.



hold me put some .... ...tape on my mouth....

not to offend a soul.
I would do it.... sometimes i feel so angry..... but no no no

I believe in Karma

the Law of Karma. rules what you do you receive .... so Love is my law.... I want only Love in my life...

sorry but that;s how it is! :)
oh my...oh my.... I want to say so many things....... so many....

but I won't :rolleyes:
Go for it. Everything I write is open for criticism. Let's chat.

I can't :(

I simply can not

hurt? brothers and sisters?

I know its easy..... but no...I can not

I can't

no hurting my brothers and sisters

Quit being such a tease. Now you're getting me all hot and bothered with your playing hard to get act. :dev3:
1) Sopranos
2)Game of Thrones
3) Downton Abbey
4) Breaking Bad
5) Frasier
6) Star Trek TNG
7) Star Trek DS9 and Star Trek Voyager
8) Farscape
9) Lillyhammer
10) the $6 Million dollar man and the bionic woman

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