The Bible is not a book about being good


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The Bible is not a book about being good except to those who agree with you. To everyone else it says to kill them in various ways. It also says you can execute your own children if they act rebellious, beat them with rods, take women as slaves in wars, and to raze entire cities if just one person worships anyone but "God."

That's not any sane human being's idea of "good."

A lot of threads and media coverage denounces ISIS for its' barbarity, and wightly so. But what none mentions is since Islam is based largely on Judaism and to a lesser extent Christianity, much of what Muslim extremists are doing like taking captives for sex slaves is actually permitted in the Bible.

10If you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord, your God, will deliver him into your hands, and you take his captives,
11and you see among the captives a beautiful woman and you desire her, you may take [her] for yourself as a wife.
12You shall bring her into your home, and she shall shave her head and let her nails grow.
13And she shall remove the garment of her captivity from upon herself, and stay in your house, and weep for her father and her mother for a full month. After that, you may be intimate with her and possess her, and she will be a wife for you.
- Deuteronomy 21

That is not a "nice, just, or good" thing to do. Yet the "good" God of the Bible says you may do so. But despite this when ISIS actually does it, they're condemned by the whole Christian and Jewish world for doing only what your own Bibles said to do.

Ever asked yourself why you're under the impression God is a good deity? Have you ever actually read a website's criticism of the Bible like or do you kinda know there's evil stuff but turn a blind eye to it?
But despite this when ISIS actually does it, they're condemned by the whole Christian and Jewish world for doing only what your own Bibles said to do.
You'll have to show us where ISIS is taking captive women as their wives and affording them all the provisions/protections afforded to wives in the Law of Moses. Everything I've read says they rape, brutalize, and then kill them.

As for the protocols on captive women under the Law of Moses: you'd prefer that the women die of starvation? That's what happened to women without husbands in the ancient world.

You don't even know what you're criticizing, sir.
Wow talk about a fundamental misunderstanding of the Bible, cherry-picking verses, ignoring history, and presenting them out of context. Yes those passages are in Deuteronomy as well as some that are far worse. But you overlook that Torah was the Law given the the Jews as a covenant between them and God in exchange for the Holy Land. It only applies to that situation. If you are not Jewish and living in the Holy Land, it doesn't apply. Any Rabbi will tell you that. Furthermore, Deuteronomy is a history (a heavily redacted history I might add) that was added to Torah following the end of the Babylonian exile. It discusses the history of the Jews (hence the reason why scholars sometimes refer to the "Deuteronomical history"), not the future of them.

You also overlook Romans and Galatians which point out that faith and grace render the Law inapplicable except in regard to ethical living which is not mandatory, but something that will happen naturally as a result of living in grace.

This is basic stuff, here Delta. I mean like Theology 101 level of stuff. Maybe go take a class or two
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