The bible is wrong. Our education system is wrong. We likely even walked with Dinosaurs

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?
The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?

The only people that push that shit are the left wing maggots. We have no freaking idea what happened in ancient times, it’s all just guess work.
The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?

The only people that push that shit are the left wing maggots. We have no freaking idea what happened in ancient times, it’s all just guess work.
Actually we have A LOT OF IDEAS because of glacial ice cores and historical dig sites.

And lol at only Democrats pushing historic facts

They being on a couple scientists via Skype over the length of the show that add to the conversation.
The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?

The only people that push that shit are the left wing maggots. We have no freaking idea what happened in ancient times, it’s all just guess work.
Actually we have A LOT OF IDEAS because of glacial ice cores and historical dig sites.

And lol at only Democrats pushing historic facts

General things we know of yes, but not specifics, especially when it comes to humans.
The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?

The only people that push that shit are the left wing maggots. We have no freaking idea what happened in ancient times, it’s all just guess work.
Actually we have A LOT OF IDEAS because of glacial ice cores and historical dig sites.

And lol at only Democrats pushing historic facts

General things we know of yes, but not specifics, especially when it comes to humans.
Not trying to be rude but you seem TERRIBLY uninformed. Almost like publicly educated and then never looked deeper for yourself.
I had a very dear friend who always wondered why dinosaurs were not mentioned in the Bible. Not sure there is any relevance or not. Just putting that out into the void.


Some losses you don't get over you just get past them; I think there is always part of you that stays behind.

Strange this got brought up because it was one of those things that she would bring up from time to time that was really out of left field o_O
I had a very dear friend who always wondered why dinosaurs were not mentioned in the Bible. Not sure there is any relevance or not. Just putting that out into the void.


Some losses you don't get over you just get past them; I think there is always part of you that stays behind.

Strange this got brought up because it was one of those things that she would bring up from time to time that was really out of left field o_O
When I was a God fearing man I questioned my pastor about the absence of dinosaurs from the bible. I would also mention the fact that the bible claimed that anything added to it or subtracted from it was basically blasphemy.
He could never answer my questions.
I asked why so many chapters were excluded from it and he could never answer those either.

Bottom line is religious dogma is holding back the human species

  • The bible is wrong. Our education system is wrong. We likely even walked with Dinosaurs Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth.

  • Whoa. our first primates didn't even appear until a full 6 million years after the dinosaurs were gone in the late Paleocene (early Tertiary Period). And the first Hominins about another 54 million years after that in the late Miocene (latter Tertiary Period). Then came the Quaternary Period with its more moderate temps after the PETM with repeated cyclic mini ice ages: the Pre-Pastorian, the Pre-Illinoian, Illinoian and Wisconsin, culminating in the Younger Dryas which set the stage for the Holocene, which will end in the next mini-ice age, unless a little carbon warming spares us. No National Enquirer Voodoo science needed. The only "dinosaurs" hominids ever walked with was the little birdies.

  • The bible is wrong. Our education system is wrong. We likely even walked with Dinosaurs Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth.

  • Whoa. our first primates didn't even appear until a full 6 million years after the dinosaurs were gone in the late Paleocene (early Tertiary Period). And the first Hominins about another 54 million years after that in the late Miocene (latter Tertiary Period). Then came the Quaternary Period with its more moderate temps after the PETM with repeated cyclic mini ice ages: the Pre-Pastorian, the Pre-Illinoian, Illinoian and Wisconsin, culminating in the Younger Dryas which set the stage for the Holocene, which will end in the next mini-ice age, unless a little carbon warming spares us. No National Enquirer Voodoo science needed. The only "dinosaurs" hominids ever walked with was the little birdies.
Except that dinosaur bones have RECENTLY been carbon dated and carbon has a shelf life of about 50k years
I had a very dear friend who always wondered why dinosaurs were not mentioned in the Bible. Not sure there is any relevance or not. Just putting that out into the void.


Some losses you don't get over you just get past them; I think there is always part of you that stays behind.

Strange this got brought up because it was one of those things that she would bring up from time to time that was really out of left field o_O

Some Christians believe that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. I’m surprised that the OP didn’t know that. I can’t remember the exact verses off the top of my head, but there’s a description of a creature that sounds a hell of a lot like a dinosaur.

Plus, many ancient artifacts have been found with drawings of humans and dinosaurs together. Since dinosaur bones weren’t discovered until much later, how would people have known to make those drawings?

And of course you have dragon legends in nearly every ancient civilization. I do agree with the OP on one thing. We’ve all been lied to.
The skeptics claim "wheres your evidence"

Let's think on that...

How long ago did the Titanic sink? 100 years? 1000000 years? Yet despite the short period and the fact that it is made out of iron, it is roughly 50% disintegrated. Another couple hundred years and IT WILL BE GONE....

What about the old cars you see out in the middle of nowhere? A few decades and they are mere shadows of their former selves.

That is where your indisputable evidence has gone
The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?
The bible copied the Sumarian texts and those documents are two thousand plus years older than the "recorded" history of the bible.

The Bible has tainted human history and science is proving this yet our schools still teach that the Clovis people were here first and that humans caused some of the great mammal extinctions. Those ridiculous positions exclude the younger dryas period that was likely caused by a massive impact of a celestial object on the ice sheets in North America or a MASSIVE solar storm that burned the earth. Of which there is evidence for on some ancient Egyptian monuments that show massive burn evidence that if looked at today would be thought to be the result of nuclear explosions.

Our children, including all of us, are taught what terrible caretakers of the earth we are. We supposedly rape and pillage to the point of extinction yet everyone ignores the science.

From rain erosion in the Sphinx enclosure to ignoring genitalia when proclaiming gender.

What the fuck is wrong with the human species?
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