The biddable & how easily they follow the leader

When the rest of the report is released and it still doesn’t give what you want what will the lefts excuse for Hillary’s loss be then you guys are rapidly running out of them.
The board is alive with chest pounding on the yet to be released Mueller Report. The AG, hand picked by Trump who had exonerated The President in a 19 page resume sent to the White House months ago, is not the be all, end all, of Trump's troubles.

I'm sure you'll find the real birth certificate any day now.......
Typical punk comment when hiding behind a keyboard. But, I digress, and ask these questions:

Do you believe Russia did not influence the 2016 election?

Do you believe the connections between the Trump Family and Russian's had nothing to do with the 2016 election, and were benign social interactions?

Do you believe Trump is an effective and competent leader?

Have you ever been a leader? If so:

How many personnel reported directly to you, and they managed or supervised how many other employees?

A little hard to assassinate someone's character when she a bad character already. She is a damn psychopath.

No, Russia did not influence the election... Comey did...

Of course Comey did, however, that does not exonerate Russia; or Facebook as a useful idiot or worse***.

***Greed over democracy.

Q. Why do people on your side of the aisle continue to post RED SCARE comments, and yet excuse Putin and the Russian Federation?

Q. Do you believe Trump is an autocrat? A leader who unites a nation?

1. My side of the aisle is outside seeing I voted for Gary Johnson.

2. Facebook and tabloid and bogus stories had little affect on the 2016 election.

3. Trump is hunting his base which is all he needs at this point.


Finally, it is clear you will never accept Russia did not cost Hillary the 2016 election. You can not accept her comments and Comey comments as to why she did not win.

Also you refuse to accept the reality and that is the majority of States did not trust her to run this country and preferred to allow someone that was green and a charlatan to run the Oval Office.

So now your next goal is to focus on Trump tax returns while lying about what you know about them seeing Russia-gate is actually dead...

In re 1. Mea culpa

In re 2. Really, no effect. That's not what I've been led to believe. What evidence supports your opinion.

In re 3. Trump's base is somewhere between 25 & 33%; even if they all vote, and vote for him and not 3rd party candidates he will need to win all of the Red States. Given his record in office, that will be a tough sell, IMO.

P1. Her comments on Coal really did her hurt, proving telling the truth hurt her; Comey's comments were devastating; however, Russia's cyber war was targeted at the EC, and influenced voters in Coal Country using social media.

P2. True, character assassination hurt HRC, but given the outcome of the election it is clear someone with zero political experience and a propensity to lie constantly weakens his effort to win a second term.

P3. Focus should be on Russia and its efforts to attack democracy not only here but in Western Europe too.

I support the efforts of the committees in the H. or Rep. to subpoena Trump's tax records, and any connection between Trump and Putin, as to a Trump Tower Moscow; other issues, such as: Money laundering, foreign bank loans, and th meeting with Russian's by Trump's family seeking dirt on HRC and lying about it.

She is a psychopath.

You're an idiotic hack.

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