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The Biden BOOM is starting Right Now, Big Jobs Numbers Today

Don't expect me to get a job.

Oh we don't, don't worry.

Large job numbers are expected out of a country opening up after a pandemic.

What has Biden done to create jobs?
In order to get an economic recovery we had to get covid contained.

Biden has done a significantly better job than Trump at containing covid, and the numbers prove this.
Biden has provided the necessary covid relief to struggling families, something Trump failed to do.
Biden's infrastructure initiatives will create million (MORE) high paying jobs.
165k Pinochijoe kills in 2 months its controlled alright looneybin
the Obama mess he was handed.
What "Obama mess"? The economy was going great when tRump got there.
Conservatives live in a world of dementia. These are the same freaks who think Obama was born in Kenya and the election was stolen from Trump.
Says the asshole who ran around screeching about RUSSIA! for three years.

Dementia indeed.

Ya know you're a raving lunatic, don'tcha?

No, raving lunatic, I didn't run around for 3 years screeching about Russia. In reality, from which you appear hopelessly divorced, I actually said I would wait until Mueller's report was released to render a judgment on the matter. And when he did release it, I posted on this forum that Trump was exonerated on colluding and conspiring with Russia...

I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.

I'm tellin' ya, righties are the dumbest fucking creatures slithering this Earth.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

Up $2 a gallon here!

I didn't believe it until I went through some pics of wild chickens on my phone and in the background were the thingies with the gas prices posted.

You should be happy about $2 a gallon.. That means our domestic producers won't go out of business.
They're saying that the price of gas has gone up $2.00 a gallon since Biden took office! We WERE happy with $2 a gallon gas under Trump. Now instead of it costing me $35 to fill my tank...it's over $50! That's a price that will keep on increasing because the left wants to make fossil fuels prohibitively expensive so that alternative energy sources seem affordable.

Look at the OPEC basket price, Brent and WTI.. They have to make profit to stay in business unless you want to nationalize US producers.
those are not manufacturing jobs!!!! -which Mr Trump was trying to get back to the US
Like everything Tramp "tried" to do while playing golf, he failed miserably. When THE Great Obama left office there were 12,367,000 manufacturing jobs and it was DOWN to 12,213,000 when Tramp left. Biden has reversed Tramp's downward trend INCREASING manufacturing jobs to 12,284,000 in just 2 months.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

Up $2 a gallon here!

I didn't believe it until I went through some pics of wild chickens on my phone and in the background were the thingies with the gas prices posted.
It's up around ¢ .25
the Obama mess he was handed.
What "Obama mess"? The economy was going great when tRump got there.
Conservatives live in a world of dementia. These are the same freaks who think Obama was born in Kenya and the election was stolen from Trump.
Says the asshole who ran around screeching about RUSSIA! for three years.

Dementia indeed.
Repeating the truth isn't "screeching".

Sorry for your luck.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

Nope. There were 3 million jobs less by the time Trump left office compared to the day he got there. 6.5 million is if you don't count his last year.

In other news, no one became tired of winning under Trump.
I was giving him.the benefits of the doubt. Any president would have lost jobs last year.

Probably not as many, though.
Conservatives live in a world of dementia. These are the same freaks who think Obama was born in Kenya and the election was stolen from Trump.

But, Hillary told us that!

Like I said, conservatives live in a world of dementia.

No, lunatic, Hillary never told anyone that Obama was born in Kenya. Not even you. You're just fucking insane to think she did.
Biden is DESTROYING the US
By adding almost a Million new jobs?

They're not new jobs. They're jobs coming back after a shutdown. Trump has 3.5% unemployment for almost a year. Biden is almost double that. This isn't new shit, this is trying to patch up the bullshit caused by the liberal shutdown of America.
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly. President Joe just added 20% of that in a single month.

You're wrong. Trump created 7 million out of the Obama mess he was handed.

Lets see how Biden does once the fake covid jobs numbers settle down.

Pretty ugly when each dollar you have buys you less of everything you want.

Kinda funny most of the states experiencing the worst gas price hikes are blue states.

Up $2 a gallon here!

I didn't believe it until I went through some pics of wild chickens on my phone and in the background were the thingies with the gas prices posted.

You should be happy about $2 a gallon.. That means our domestic producers won't go out of business.
They're saying that the price of gas has gone up $2.00 a gallon since Biden took office! We WERE happy with $2 a gallon gas under Trump. Now instead of it costing me $35 to fill my tank...it's over $50! That's a price that will keep on increasing because the left wants to make fossil fuels prohibitively expensive so that alternative energy sources seem affordable.
Gas is up 25-50 cents a gallon on average since President Joe was inaugurated. It was up about the same for the two month period before his inauguration. Renewed demand is spurring prices, not US policy.
It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high...
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

In reality, Obama handed Trump the fourth lowest unemployment rate on record that a president handed their successor AND lower than every Republican president on record...

Truman ......... 2.9%
Johnson ........ 3.4%
Clinton ........... 4.2%
Obama ........... 4.7%
Reagan .......... 5.4%

Nixon ............. 5.5%
Kennedy ........ 5.7%
Trump ............ 6.3%

Eisenhower .... 6.6%
Bush41 .......... 7.3%
Ford ............... 7.5%
Carter ............ 7.5%
Bush43 .......... 7.8%

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat...
You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

In reality, job growth grew at about the same rate from 2010 through 2019....

It was the Obama mess. The unemployment was high, the job growth was flat, wages were flat.

You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

In reality, wage growth following the Great Recession began in 2014...


Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
In reality, that is a FUCKING lie. People were unemployed and under employed under Obama FOR SO LONG that they fell off the statistical data for being unemployed. They were unemployed but no longer counted. Hence why smart honest people look at the JOB PARTICIPATION RATE for the real numbers------record number of people working were UNDER TRUMP not Obumbler---HOUSEHOLD INCOME was also up under TRUMP---while it too went down under OBAMA.

Why do the lib communists always lie and spin chit and think the rest of us don't know the facts?
tRump only added like 6.5 million jobs in his whole term, if I recall correctly.
You recall incorrectly.
Tramp LOST over 2 million jobs in his 4 years!!!
There were 152,150,000 jobs when THE Great Obama left office and only 150,031,000 when the pathetic FAILURE Tramp left office.
those are not manufacturing jobs!!!! -which Mr Trump was trying to get back to the US
Like everything Tramp "tried" to do while playing golf, he failed miserably. When THE Great Obama left office there were 12,367,000 manufacturing jobs and it was DOWN to 12,213,000 when Tramp left. Biden has reversed Tramp's downward trend INCREASING manufacturing jobs to 12,284,000 in just 2 months.
Cuckoo....cuckoo.....cuckoo its libber oclock!
Yes Biden has done NOTHING to spur economic growth. He's riding the coattails of his predecessor. Funny when the economy was booming 2 years into Trumps term it was because of Obama. But 3 months into Bidens term is 100% on Biden.

Fucking liberals.

Trump rode on Obama's coattails and when Trump got that 3am call he failed. That is a simple explanation of history thus far into the 21st Century. Two Presidents - Bush II and Trump - were failures, and Obama led us out of the Great Recession; it is up to Biden to repair the damage done to our nation by Trump, and Biden is well on the way to do so.
Trump was a lot of things, but not a failure. He delivered the best economy in modern American history, neutralized NK and secured the border.

Biden doesn't have the cognition nor the chance to succeed.
Too bad the numbers don't support anything you said.
That's the problem, Trumpers are retarded, they believe any lie they are told. You retards believed Pizza-gate and Michelle Obama is a man, We're rounding the curve, Inject bleach. Fucking retards...

Trump never had 3% annual growth, and therefore never had close to the best economy ever. Trump barely had better than Obama. Obama and Trump had the same rate of job growth.

Bill Clinton had high growth, high jobs growth, and low debt. Biden is going to have 6% GDP this year... How bout dat...
Trump had the best economy ever----------------sorry that you don't like the truth.

And as for the rest of the chit you post---all lib propaganda injecting bleach? Are you fucking retarded? Trump never said that.

In the last hundred years, Trump and Hoover are the only presidents to leave office with fewer jobs than when they started. Trump left office after losing 3 million jobs. That's not the best economy ever. His lowest unemployment rate was 3.5%. Very good, but not the lowest. His best year of GDP growth was 3%. Not bad, but we've had better. The only ones idiotically claiming Trump had the best economy ever was Trump and his brain-dead cultists who mindlessly echoed him.
Yes Biden has done NOTHING to spur economic growth. He's riding the coattails of his predecessor. Funny when the economy was booming 2 years into Trumps term it was because of Obama. But 3 months into Bidens term is 100% on Biden.

Fucking liberals.

Trump rode on Obama's coattails and when Trump got that 3am call he failed. That is a simple explanation of history thus far into the 21st Century. Two Presidents - Bush II and Trump - were failures, and Obama led us out of the Great Recession; it is up to Biden to repair the damage done to our nation by Trump, and Biden is well on the way to do so.
Trump was a lot of things, but not a failure. He delivered the best economy in modern American history, neutralized NK and secured the border.

Biden doesn't have the cognition nor the chance to succeed.
Too bad the numbers don't support anything you said.
That's the problem, Trumpers are retarded, they believe any lie they are told. You retards believed Pizza-gate and Michelle Obama is a man, We're rounding the curve, Inject bleach. Fucking retards...

Trump never had 3% annual growth, and therefore never had close to the best economy ever. Trump barely had better than Obama. Obama and Trump had the same rate of job growth.

Bill Clinton had high growth, high jobs growth, and low debt. Biden is going to have 6% GDP this year... How bout dat...
Trump had the best economy ever----------------sorry that you don't like the truth.

And as for the rest of the chit you post---all lib propaganda injecting bleach? Are you fucking retarded? Trump never said that.

In the last hundred years, Trump and Hoover are the only presidents to leave office with fewer jobs than when they started. Trump left office after losing 3 million jobs. That's not the best economy ever. His lowest unemployment rate was 3.5%. Very good, but not the lowest. His best year of GDP growth was 3%. Not bad, but we've had better. The only ones idiotically claiming Trump had the best economy ever was Trump and his brain-dead cultists who mindlessly echoed him.
Every other nation on earth also lost jobs in 2020.

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