The Big Lie

Who was it that said people will believe a big lie faster than small lies or somthing like that?

Anyone that know much at all of bidens history knows he is a pathological liar and always has been.

Your right wing pal is a pathological liar as you are. Trump and his supporters are pathological liars.
The cognitive gymnastics you guys have to do. Amazing. So 5 years ago when Giuliani recovered a laptop from a computer repair store when Trump was President, the mean old demmicrates just would not let you guys get to it? Who care what Facebook and Twitter says, Trump was POTUS. Why did he not order the FBI to present the contents of the laptop to Trumps DOJ...geeze never mind this stuff is so stupid. I will wait and see if they every do find something to charge him with. Maybe another 5-10 years?
1. Giuliani never had Hunter's laptop. The repair guy gave it directly to the FBI.
2. When Joe Biden says that Hunter's laptop is "Russian disinformation" and then Twitter and Facebook censor anything else, that affects votes.
3. What part of the fucking FBI covered up Hunter's laptop crimes don't you understand?

4. Mike Morell spills the beans on "Russian Disinformation". Blinken gets rewarded for the scam by getting Secretary of State.
Joe Bidenā€™s presidential campaign prompted former acting CIA Director Mike Morell to ā€œhelp Bidenā€ by organizing 50 colleagues to sign a letter in October 2020 falsely claiming that damning emails from Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop published by The Post were Russian disinformation.

5. Joe Biden's campaign organized the "Russian Disinformation" lie.
During Thursdayā€™s presidential debate, Joe Biden dismissed emails purportedly from a laptop belonging to his son Hunter as part of a ā€œRussian planā€ as he inaccurately cited a letter that a number of former intelligence officials had signed and as he contradicted the nationā€™s spy chief, who said there is ā€œno intelligenceā€ that it is part of a Russian disinformation operation.
Mac will always show up to defend the Big Lie of the left.

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1. That is correct.
2. There was a attempted insurrection by the right on 1/6.
3. White supremacists have killed more people than Islamic terrorists since Trump became President in 2016.
4. Critical Race Theory is not racist. Just right wing Republicans.
5. Covid was not made in a lab. It occurred naturally and was accidentally released.
6. A border crisis is overblown and we need new workers.
7. I have had the original shot and a booster and am feeling fine.
8. Masks do not hurt.
9. There is systemic racism as witnessed by the Breanna Taylor murder,

10. To each his own.
True Hawk.

ā€œYou can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.ā€

ā€• Abraham Lincoln

The majority will "get it" in November, 2024. The Senate election in particular. The senate candidates map greatly favors the GOP.

Keep the house, seize the senate and win the presidency.

TRUMP 2024

Lose the Presidency, the House and a tied Senate.
Who was undermining "Orange" at every turn? Hint: Wray
Come on man, Trump was the President, if Trump allowed Wray to punk him like that, well that would not reflect well on the POTUS's leadership skills and intelligence. So tell me, seriously, is it that the Republicans are too dumb to do anything about Dems completely punking them all the time, from secretly controlling the FBI to stealing elections to all the other stupid stuff you guys pretend they do, or too incompetent or just plain impotent? My theory is you guys make all this stuff up and have zero evidence. But that is just me.

The Hunter Biden Scandal Just Exploded​

It has done no such thing. The only thing that is true is that some of the e-mails are genuine. Tell us how the Russians found e-mails supposedly from Hunter Biden saying he was funding a bio lab in Ukraine. Because Russia planted the e-mails just as they did in 2016. That story still stinks.
Wrong. The FACT that the Biden crime family got rich selling influence is a crime that needs to be prosecuted.

There is no fucking way that Navy flunk-out and druggie Hunter Biden can be worth $230,000,000 legitimately.

Bidens = traitors
In related news a story broke today that a multi-billion dollar wind energy company has been funneling 10's of thousands of dollars to a Dem senator for favorable support of their projects in congress, shocker.
Who was it that said people will believe a big lie faster than small lies or somthing like that?

Anyone that know much at all of bidens history knows he is a pathological liar and always has been.

Washington Post counts 30573 false or misleading claims ...​

The Hill ā€ŗ homenews ā€ŗ media ā€ŗ 535081-wa...

Jan 20, 2021 ā€” The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that former President Trump made a total of 30573 false or misleading claims during his time in ...
Come on man, Trump was the President, if Trump allowed Wray to punk him like that, well that would not reflect well on the POTUS's leadership skills and intelligence. So tell me, seriously, is it that the Republicans are too dumb to do anything about Dems completely punking them all the time, from secretly controlling the FBI to stealing elections to all the other stupid stuff you guys pretend they do, or too incompetent or just plain impotent? My theory is you guys make all this stuff up and have zero evidence. But that is just me.
Trump allowed numerous people to punk him....It's one of the primary reasons that I didn't vote for him either time.

But here's where I have one up on you fucking freaks: I don't hate him either.....Therefore, I can hold him at arms length and make objective observations, instead of the constant ORANGE MAN BAD! shit that you hater losers constantly belch up.
In related news a story broke today that a multi-billion dollar wind energy company has been funneling 10's of thousands of dollars to a Dem senator for favorable support of their projects in congress, shocker.
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Joseph Goebbels:
ā€œIf you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.ā€

The Pedo In Chief, Joe Biden, has built his entire, worthless career around one lie after the other. He's a soulless, mindless, empty shell.

Trump is the big liar not Biden. No one is repressing dissent. The enemy of America is right wing Republicans who use the power of the state to repress opposition.
Trump allowed numerous people to punk him....It's one of the primary reasons that I didn't vote for him either time.

But here's where I have one up on you fucking freaks: I don't hate him either.....Therefore, I can hold him at arms length and make objective observations, instead of the constant ORANGE MAN BAD! shit that you hater losers constantly belch up.
I find it interesting that Dems never want to discuss/debate Trump's policies.
The whistle blower just came forth....try

The whistle blower just stepped up to the plate.....try and keep up.

Why didn't the whistleblower come forward when Trump was President. A whistleblower has to have evidence.
You should expect to be called a moron when you post moronic shit. Do you want a cookie?
I expect you to ignore the content and engage in emotional outbursts.

Thatā€™s what youā€™re doing.

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