The Big Winner

Biden won the Trump town hall from the other night. No question about it.

Trump didn't get one vote based on his performance of the other night. He reminded everyone why he lost by 9M votes. And, worst off, he wouldn't accept the truth that he lost--a truth that virtually every sane adult in the nation has accepted.

I’ll enjoy watching you loons trying to convince each other that’s what happened.
The problem with that is old Joe sucks just as bad, plus he’s demented. So, how can anyone really chose the lesser of two evils?

For starters I’d go with the economy, illegal immigration and foreign affairs.
He's never gotten more votes than a democrat he's run against. The performance earlier this week has shown that he has nothing new to offer.
Like I stated earlier, like watching Groundhog day for................................YEARS.
Biden is better than Trump, only because a three legged dog is better than a two legged dog. Trump lost GOP voters because of the town hall fiasco.

Many audience members at CNN’s town hall with former President Donald Trump on Wednesday were “disgusted” and “bewildered” by the spectacle, but were told to be respectful and not to boo, according to a report.

“The floor manager came out ahead of time and said, Please do not boo, please be respectful. You were allowed to applaud,” claimed Republican political consultant Matthew Bartlett in an interview with Puck News senior political correspondent Tara Palmeri on Thursday.

“And I think that set the tone where people were going to try their best to keep this between the navigational beacons, and that if they felt compelled to applaud, they would, but they weren’t going to have an outburst or they weren’t going to boo an answer,” he said.

Yeah, that's my point. In our system, there is chocolate or vanilla, Coke or Pepsi, Streaming or Satellite.

Trump has become the "third" continue the analogies...he's the marble swirl, Dr. Pepper and basic cable. Not nearly as good as the two franchises. Yet these rounding errors of products have fans.

Either he gets the nomination and loses. Or he doesn't get the nomination and his neanderthal supporters stay home. The town hall earlier this week has seen a hardening of his positions...not a softening which means that his supporters will have to make a choice come next November. Most will vote for whomever has an R next to their name on the general election ballot. But many in the GOP will decide to stay home if Trump is the nominee or stay home if Trump isn't the nominee if they are in the MAGA Klan.
For starters I’d go with the economy, illegal immigration and foreign affairs.
Both men really suck on all those issues. In fact, they support pretty much the same policies on those issues. However on the immigration issue Trump is better than Joe, but he still failed to stop illegal immigration.
Watch townhall. The base loved him, but he did nothing at all for any other voter.

Calling a black cop a 'thug' for defending the Capitol did not go well.

Yeah, and if the situation was reversed, a white police officer killing an unarmed black, there would still be riots in the streets. That officer should have been fired when he left his duty weapon in a bathroom.

I keep overestimating him, somehow. I thought he might reach out to people outside his base, but he clearly lacks that capacity.

So his success in 2024 will be about his base thinking it's saving American from Satan 'n stuff, and what the economy looks like.

If you think it's only his base that cares about the high inflation, energy costs, stagnant wages and the invasion at the southern border, you're not paying attention.


It depends on whether he wins the nomination and who the Ds nominate. If it’s Don v Joe again, it’s highly possible Don wins since Joe is so incompetent. After all, Americans get only two choices for potus in the land of the free.
I been saying it since the clownsurrection that the deep state orchestrated. Mostly? Because the establishment knows they are in trouble. And they had done this type of stuff in during the Great Depression, to get their assess out of the fire. These tactics are a millennia old. Bread and circuses, divide and rule, strategy of tension. . . folks just don't get it.

I am surprised they didn't actually throw Trump's ass in jail for a few months, to really make a martyr out of him, but I guess raiding Mar-a-Lago was good enough. That came as no surprise to me, it is like these folks have no originality at all.

And the reaction of the masses? Well, that is predictable as hell too.

(from previous postings, about a year ago?)
"You know what is really frightening? I had predicted to a friend, only two months after Jan6th, that the establishment and Deep State, were going to make Biden and the Democrats destroy the nation, so badly, that it would make the nation BEG to have Trump back. . . you wait and see. .. it will be awful when the rioting and looting come.

. . . it will give the Deep State all the excuse they have been wanting to deploy Domestic Terror laws against the radical left, AND the radical right.

Dystopia? HERE WE COME.

Trump was groomed by the WEF, just like all the rest of them. Or didn't you know? :dunno:


I fear it is coming. Remember, they threw Hitler and his goons in prison after the Beer Hall putsch. History doesn't repeat, but the oligarchy know, and make sure, it echos. They use shit that works, over and over.

Only the naive don't study this, and get how this works."

"Both sides have made a complete mockery of the process, or, to put a finer point on it, are more probably being played by extremely well funded and powerful forces. It is really sad. Either way, it has very definite echos of a time in history, long ago.

I've read, "the underlying facts," behind the majority of the pleas. It all amounts to a riot, that is all. All of those pleas are things like, trespassing, unauthorized presence in a restricted area, vandalism, etc.

Have you read any of the indictments of those who got thrown in the Capitol jail?


It was nothing but a protest that turned into a riot.

Were Trump and his folks probably desperate, before the protest turned into a riot, to stall the certification, and did they have a strategy to do that? I have no doubt.

Did anyone associated with Trump actually want to "hang the VP?" I am skeptical. I would like to see the transcript. I doubt it exists, mostly, because it probably came from a masked, "unindicted co-conspirator." Most AMERICANS, and patriot group participants? Are not that dumb, nor are they that evil. That sounded like ANTIFA and FBI informant behavior.

There are sinister things going on, that this committee had no desire to get to the bottom of.

Is Trump connected to any of them? I certainly cannot say. But I have yet to see solid proof of any of that. .. . yet.

Chris Hedges: Society of Spectacle​

June 13, 2022

The televised Jan. 6 hearings will not restore democracy or halt the rise of the far right. They are a desperate ploy by a doomed political class.

". . . . The choreographed hearings, like the two impeachment trials of Trump, will have no effect on Trump voters, other than to make them feel persecuted, especially with more than 860 people already charged (including 306 guilty pleas) for their role in storming the Capitol. The committee echoes back to Trump opponents what they already believe. It is designed to present inaction as action and substitute role-playing for politics. It perpetuates, as Guy Debord writes, our “empire of modern passivity.”

The committee, which most Republicans boycotted, hired James Goldston, a documentary producer and former president of ABC News, to turn the hearings into engaging television with slick packaging and an array of pithy sound bites.

The result is, and was meant to be, politics as reality television, a media diversion that will change nothing in the dismal American landscape. What should have been a serious bipartisan inquiry into an array of constitutional violations by the Trump administration has been turned into a prime-time campaign commercial for a Democratic Party running on fumes. The epistemology of television is complete. So is its artifice. . . . "



Nazis who participated in the Beer Hall Putsch: Adolf Hitler, Emil Maurice, Hermann Kriebel, Rudolf Hess, Friedrich Weber at Landsberg Prison, 1924. (Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Wikimedia Commons)

". . . In 1924, the government of Weimar Germany decided to get rid of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazis, by trying Hitler for high treason in the People’s Court. Hitler was clearly guilty. He had tried to overthrow the elected government in the botched 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch,” which, like the Jan. 6 riot, was as much farce as insurrection. It was an open and shut case. The trial, however, backfired, turning Hitler into a national martyr and boosting the political fortunes of the Nazis.

The reason should have been apparent. Germany, convulsed by widespread unemployment, food riots, street violence and hyperinflation, was a mess. The ruling elites, like our own, had no credibility. The appeal to the rule of law and democratic values was a joke.


Joe Biggs inside the U.S. Capitol; taken from video footage live-streamed on Parler on Jan. 6, 2021. (Wikimedia Commons)

There was a revealing moment in the hearings when Capitol police officer Caroline Edwards, who suffered a concussion during the storming of the Capitol, related an exchange she had with Joseph Biggs, a leader of The Proud Boys who was indicted, along with four other Proud Boy leaders, for seditious conspiracy in connection with the storming of the Capitol. . . . "


". . . The brief exchange highlighted the yawning gap between the haves and the have nots, which, if not addressed, will turn Trump, his supporters, Biggs, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers into martyrs.

Congress is a cesspool. Corrupt politicians whore for the rich and get rich in return. This reality, which the hearings ignore, is apparent to most of the nation, which is why the hearings will not bolster the flagging fortunes of the ruling political class, desperate to prevent displacement.. . "

I been saying it since the clownsurrection that the deep state orchestrated. Mostly? Because the establishment knows they are in trouble. And they had done this type of stuff in during the Great Depression, to get their assess out of the fire. These tactics are a millennia old. Bread and circuses, divide and rule, strategy of tension. . . folks just don't get it.

I am surprised they didn't actually throw Trump's ass in jail for a few months, to really make a martyr out of him, but I guess raiding Mar-a-Lago was good enough. That came as no surprise to me, it is like these folks have no originality at all.

And the reaction of the masses? Well, that is predictable as hell too.

(from previous postings, about a year ago?)
"You know what is really frightening? I had predicted to a friend, only two months after Jan6th, that the establishment and Deep State, were going to make Biden and the Democrats destroy the nation, so badly, that it would make the nation BEG to have Trump back. . . you wait and see. .. it will be awful when the rioting and looting come.

. . . it will give the Deep State all the excuse they have been wanting to deploy Domestic Terror laws against the radical left, AND the radical right.

Dystopia? HERE WE COME.

Trump was groomed by the WEF, just like all the rest of them. Or didn't you know? :dunno:


I fear it is coming. Remember, they threw Hitler and his goons in prison after the Beer Hall putsch. History doesn't repeat, but the oligarchy know, and make sure, it echos. They use shit that works, over and over.

Only the naive don't study this, and get how this works."

"Both sides have made a complete mockery of the process, or, to put a finer point on it, are more probably being played by extremely well funded and powerful forces. It is really sad. Either way, it has very definite echos of a time in history, long ago.

I've read, "the underlying facts," behind the majority of the pleas. It all amounts to a riot, that is all. All of those pleas are things like, trespassing, unauthorized presence in a restricted area, vandalism, etc.

Have you read any of the indictments of those who got thrown in the Capitol jail?


It was nothing but a protest that turned into a riot.

Were Trump and his folks probably desperate, before the protest turned into a riot, to stall the certification, and did they have a strategy to do that? I have no doubt.

Did anyone associated with Trump actually want to "hang the VP?" I am skeptical. I would like to see the transcript. I doubt it exists, mostly, because it probably came from a masked, "unindicted co-conspirator." Most AMERICANS, and patriot group participants? Are not that dumb, nor are they that evil. That sounded like ANTIFA and FBI informant behavior.

There are sinister things going on, that this committee had no desire to get to the bottom of.

Is Trump connected to any of them? I certainly cannot say. But I have yet to see solid proof of any of that. .. . yet.

Chris Hedges: Society of Spectacle​

June 13, 2022

The televised Jan. 6 hearings will not restore democracy or halt the rise of the far right. They are a desperate ploy by a doomed political class.

". . . . The choreographed hearings, like the two impeachment trials of Trump, will have no effect on Trump voters, other than to make them feel persecuted, especially with more than 860 people already charged (including 306 guilty pleas) for their role in storming the Capitol. The committee echoes back to Trump opponents what they already believe. It is designed to present inaction as action and substitute role-playing for politics. It perpetuates, as Guy Debord writes, our “empire of modern passivity.”

The committee, which most Republicans boycotted, hired James Goldston, a documentary producer and former president of ABC News, to turn the hearings into engaging television with slick packaging and an array of pithy sound bites.

The result is, and was meant to be, politics as reality television, a media diversion that will change nothing in the dismal American landscape. What should have been a serious bipartisan inquiry into an array of constitutional violations by the Trump administration has been turned into a prime-time campaign commercial for a Democratic Party running on fumes. The epistemology of television is complete. So is its artifice. . . . "



Nazis who participated in the Beer Hall Putsch: Adolf Hitler, Emil Maurice, Hermann Kriebel, Rudolf Hess, Friedrich Weber at Landsberg Prison, 1924. (Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Wikimedia Commons)

". . . In 1924, the government of Weimar Germany decided to get rid of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazis, by trying Hitler for high treason in the People’s Court. Hitler was clearly guilty. He had tried to overthrow the elected government in the botched 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch,” which, like the Jan. 6 riot, was as much farce as insurrection. It was an open and shut case. The trial, however, backfired, turning Hitler into a national martyr and boosting the political fortunes of the Nazis.

The reason should have been apparent. Germany, convulsed by widespread unemployment, food riots, street violence and hyperinflation, was a mess. The ruling elites, like our own, had no credibility. The appeal to the rule of law and democratic values was a joke.


Joe Biggs inside the U.S. Capitol; taken from video footage live-streamed on Parler on Jan. 6, 2021. (Wikimedia Commons)

There was a revealing moment in the hearings when Capitol police officer Caroline Edwards, who suffered a concussion during the storming of the Capitol, related an exchange she had with Joseph Biggs, a leader of The Proud Boys who was indicted, along with four other Proud Boy leaders, for seditious conspiracy in connection with the storming of the Capitol. . . . "


". . . The brief exchange highlighted the yawning gap between the haves and the have nots, which, if not addressed, will turn Trump, his supporters, Biggs, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers into martyrs.

Congress is a cesspool. Corrupt politicians whore for the rich and get rich in return. This reality, which the hearings ignore, is apparent to most of the nation, which is why the hearings will not bolster the flagging fortunes of the ruling political class, desperate to prevent displacement.. . "

I agree the oligarchy/establishment knows they’re in trouble and they follow similar patterns used by their predecessors. This is so transparent, yet many still don’t see it and even ridicule those of us who do.

What’s also similar is the failure of the people to recognize the old tactics used by the oligarchy/establishment. It seems the people never learn.

This horrific and easily avoided war in Ukraine may be part of the oligarchy’s plan. Could it be they want WWIII and nuclear war? That certainly would reset things.

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