The biggest danger America faces


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
is the hysteria and panic that is being spread by the demagogue media.

I went to Vons this morning for my weekly shopping. I normally go to Stater Brothers, but I knew they would be mobbed, Vons is not popular. Still, the shelves were ravaged and the check out line was over 45 minutes. This is motivated by panic, panic caused by irresponsible yellow journalism propagated from the demagogue leftist media in hopes of disrupting American society for political gain.

The damage that the demagogues are causing is FAR worse that the 41 deaths from the actual Wuhan virus. Though I hate to do this, I do see this as a state of emergency, we are under attack by the propaganda corps that are at this point doing grave damage to the nation.

I believe that the president should place a 30 day moratorium on demagoguery and ban CNN, NBC, The New York Times, the Beijing Post, The Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, and any other outlet that is deliberately inciting hysteria. These little Goebbels are destroying the fabric of American society. They must be put on hiatus for 30 days so that calm can be restored as America realizes that the Wuhan virus is not an extinction level event and that the party media was lying.

If these vile scum are allowed to continue with their campaign of panic and hysteria, empty shelves will turn into fights over food and water, then riots. This is of course what the democrats and their media want, but I urge the president to stop them before they achieve their goals.
The media feeds the hysteria and ironically the sheeple crowd stores hoarding supplies further spreading whatever contagion they happen to be carrying..
None of this idiocy happened during H1N1 or swine flu which killed thousands and infected millions.
I was watching the news conference and one spoke of the entire country working together to stave off panic, working together with others and just apply the normal procedures to thwart the infection. If people limit their contacts with others, get only what they need at the store, and helping those who cannot get to the stores, we would get over this much quicker. Stop blaming others for this virus spreading.

Be kind, be calm be safe.
Granny says...

... "Fear itself!"

To contain fear, we must first stop the hyperbole.

The whole toilet paper thing is a response to the news agencies hyping the idea that you won't be able to get it - maliciously and deliberately inciting panic. A moratorium on demagoguery from the yellow journalists for 30 days can do a lot to stop the fear they are creating.
is the hysteria and panic that is being spread by the demagogue media.

I went to Vons this morning for my weekly shopping. I normally go to Stater Brothers, but I knew they would be mobbed, Vons is not popular. Still, the shelves were ravaged and the check out line was over 45 minutes. This is motivated by panic, panic caused by irresponsible yellow journalism propagated from the demagogue leftist media in hopes of disrupting American society for political gain.

The damage that the demagogues are causing is FAR worse that the 41 deaths from the actual Wuhan virus. Though I hate to do this, I do see this as a state of emergency, we are under attack by the propaganda corps that are at this point doing grave damage to the nation.

I believe that the president should place a 30 day moratorium on demagoguery and ban CNN, NBC, The New York Times, the Beijing Post, The Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, and any other outlet that is deliberately inciting hysteria. These little Goebbels are destroying the fabric of American society. They must be put on hiatus for 30 days so that calm can be restored as America realizes that the Wuhan virus is not an extinction level event and that the party media was lying.

If these vile scum are allowed to continue with their campaign of panic and hysteria, empty shelves will turn into fights over food and water, then riots. This is of course what the democrats and their media want, but I urge the president to stop them before they achieve their goals.

Title: The Biggest Danger America Faces
Author: Pothead.
'Nuff said right there.

Pothead's hallucinationistic babble:

>> I believe that the president should place a 30 day moratorium on demagoguery and ban CNN, NBC, The New York Times, the Beijing Post, The Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, and any other outlet that is deliberately inciting hysteria. These little Goebbels are destroying the fabric of American society. They must be put on hiatus for 30 days so that calm can be restored as America realizes that the Wuhan virus is not an extinction level event and that the party media was lying. <<​

That's what Woodrow Wilson did in his own pandemic. Tried to control the media by making it ILLEGAL TO CRITICIZE THE GOVERNMENT. Created his own propaganda committee to declare what the news was, and was not. Totally swept the pandemic under the rug, because it would be harder to wage war with that going on. Later on, deported people for their political beliefs. What a great precedent to emulate huh Pothiead?

>> In Philadelphia, newspaper editors wary of disloyalty accusations avoided publishing doctors’ warnings about the public health risks of an upcoming parade. Within 48 hours of the event, thousands in the city fell sick with Spanish flu, but public officials continued to insist it was business as usual. “Bodies remained uncollected in homes for days,” researchers at the National Academy of Sciences write, “until eventually open trucks and even horse-drawn carts were sent down city streets and people were told to bring out the dead.”

Despite mounting death figures in Chicago, one local public health official stated he would do “nothing to interfere with the morale of the community.” A Wisconsin newspaper that factually reported on the danger posed by the flu was targeted for prosecution by an Army general under the terms of the Sedition Act. <<​

That pandemic not only infected Wilson himself but literally killed Rump's grandfather, a fact of his own family of which he was totally unaware when he went to visit the CDC. The clueless orange moron actually didn't know flu killed people, with his own grandfather succumbing to it at the age of 49.

BRILLIANT thinking there Pothead. Nanoseconds of work went into this one, as usual.


And btw I went grocery shopping day before yesterday and there were neither lines at the cashier nor any dearth of toilet paper, so maybe start dealing with the real world instead of hyperbolic partisan hack mythology, if you can even conceive of that.
I was watching the news conference and one spoke of the entire country working together to stave off panic, working together with others and just apply the normal procedures to thwart the infection. If people limit their contacts with others, get only what they need at the store, and helping those who cannot get to the stores, we would get over this much quicker. Stop blaming others for this virus spreading.

Be kind, be calm be safe.
I guess what makes this matter as hard as it is may be people not knowing how much they are going to need.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I said in another chat here that a person can only be so prepared, especially if they have no prior experience in a situation like this one.
There are mental failures on here who still think the stores are not emptying out and if they do they feel those shelves will be soon filled.............

Sadly you brain dead's got another thing coming lmfao.....

The deaths in the US is high already----considering ........ this is not the flu zombies.


LOL it's just a conspiracy..........

He’s not so sure about how plentiful future supplies of toilet paper will be, however, given reports from his warehouse that the paper companies are running about three weeks behind with orders.

‘Ridiculous’ run on supermarkets leaves workers, shoppers shaking their heads |

This is in Pittsburgh and no chit will not be as easily restocked like manny thing " IF THINGS KEEP UP" like this.
Then there is there LOL :



IL Coronavirus State of Emergency May BAN FIREARMS, Gasoline, Take Possession of Property

A Bank in Midtown Is Cleaned Out of $100 Bills

This is your psyche warfare it's your 911 accept it's invisible when all is said and done wait until you see all the freedoms and privacy stripped from the public all based off some bs " pandemic".

The virus is real the deaths are real ---------- the numbers don't add up and it's going to rein in the public so we are controlled even more.


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