The Biggest Politician to Pander to Blacks….and Why

Live reduced as they promote you as haters for superior IQ's. Destroy by not being good at what you do for civilization. be localized and use underground ways if needed in the new ways coming.
English much?
I see you couldn’t answer my points, so you ignore them and deflect to a personal insult.

So answer: given that spending TWICE as much per student isn’t working, how much more money should we spend? And you said: legislate for better schools. What legislation??
So it's ok if the Jews that suffered under the Holocaust never get reparations?(they did)
The collapse of the 2-parent home has wreaked havoc on society.
The education system is not immune.
Plus, in the inner-city schools - students that actually want to learn are ostracized by those that don't want to.
Throw all the money that you can print at that problem, and you won't fix it.
It's not a money problem.
and…I might add…. The collapse of the two-parent home coincided with the Democrats’ decision to hand out money to single mothers.

This was by design. For votes.
Right-O. Newsom’s proposed bribe will never see fruition. These Dems think so little of blacks that they think all they have to do is promise them hundreds of thousands of dollars - knowing full well they won’t see a dime - and the “useful idiots” will vote them in.

I like your idea of tax-free vehicles. My only required taxable income is the RMD from an inherited withdrawal, and I am arranging things so that I will pay as little to the feds as legally possible.

Smart girl!

and…I might add…. The collapse of the two-parent home coincided with the Democrats’ decision to hand out money to single mothers.

This was by design. For votes.
hardly, there was nothing to collapse.
and…I might add…. The collapse of the two-parent home coincided with the Democrats’ decision to hand out money to single mothers.

This was by design. For votes.

They needed to destroy (especially) the black family to win elections.
Blacks were naturally Conservatively religious, family centric until the Democrats paid them not to be.
They needed to destroy (especially) the black family to win elections.
Blacks were naturally Conservatively religious, family centric until the Democrats paid them not to be.
Yeah, that several hundred years of oppression and suppression had nothing to do with it when they actually gained a little freedom and liberty.
Read the thread. You told me to get a job. You have no points.
I never said anything about a job. My points were:

1) How will MORE money, which you said was needed, help poor-performing students? As I pointed out, DC spends $30k per student and only 23% of kids can read proficiently at 8th grade, and Loudoun County spends only $15k per student and fully 86% read proficiently at the same point in their education. Clearly, throwing money at the problem doesn’t solve it.

2) You said we need more legislation to improve schools. I asked what legislation could do that.

You ignored both points, and instead deflect to some lie about my saying to get a job.
Yeah, that several hundred years of oppression and suppression had nothing to do with it when they actually gained a little freedom and liberty.

I think that you don't know history.
Smoke a fatty, relax.
Educate yourself then come back.
So it's ok if the Jews that suffered under the Holocaust never get reparations?(they did)
Only those who suffered directly - those who survived the camps.

My grandmother lost her sister, BIL, mother, and four nieces/nephews - and by extension my father lost his grandmother, aunt, uncle, and four cousins - and never got any reparations. That’s because they were not direct survivors of the camps.

My dad was grateful for the opportunities he was given in this country, despite the rampant antisemitism, and went from a tenement as a teen to a middle class house in the suburbs - and in the space of 10 years. He was grateful for life he had in America, and all he had to do to get it was stay out of trouble, concentrate on his studies, defer children until he was married, and work hard.

Blacks have the same opportunities - better, actually - and can do the same. They don’t need to have hundreds of thousands of dollars given to them.
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Finally, I live in a place where I don't really mind paying for schools that I will never use, because the schools in my district resolutely reject all the crap that other districts accept.

My state rejects LGBTQ+RSTUV indoctrination, as well as CRT. We've got schools I can support because the well-raised high school kids get out in disasters and do the clean up and respect our Military and mostly attend firearms training at the local gun range, all making this feel like a very safe place to live.


I hate the way schools are funded; ours with property tax. I nor any of my tenants ever had any kids in our school system and I bet I pay more in taxes for our schools than the welfare queen down the street with four kids in the system.

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