The Birth Tax

I asked you first--and I believe it would be called a gift tax.
I already answered the question. Income is taxed. When you give it away, it is no longer yours. You aren't being taxed, the one getting the income is being taxed.

Why should this one exception be made?
JReeves began the thread falsely asserting that everyone had to pay the estate tax. He didn't realize there was a 2 to four million dollar exemption that could be inherited tax free.

When his own link proved him wrong, is when he changed his argument and started crying that inheriting 2 million dollars tax free simply wasn't good enough. I guess he had been so thoroughly propogandized by Rush Limbaugh, that he thought normal, middle class families face huge and painful estate tax burdens. When in fact, less than 1% of america's wealthiest families ever pay any sort of estate tax.

Yeah, I read it.

Now the question is did he actually know what the tax was, and was lying to make his case, or was he ignorant of the facts?

Based on the fact that he's whining about the scions only being eligible to inherit 42.5 years of the median American FAMILY's salaries TAXFREE!, I'd have to guess that somebody whose daddy is smart enough to make and save that much money, is probably smart enough to fein ignorance of the law to make his specious argument.

I could be wrong though...maybe his daddy won the lottery or something, or maybe that apple rolled further from the tree than most typically do.
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Why does the government tax the results of MY work over and over and then have the balls to tax me for giving it to someone ?

I don't believe you "worked"..I think you inherited most of what you have..I can tell by your stingy're a silverspoon, just like Gunny.
I already answered the question. Income is taxed. When you give it away, it is no longer yours. You aren't being taxed, the one getting the income is being taxed.

Why should this one exception be made?

Because I am freely giving it to someone.
You haven't heard that age-old axiom of the left? "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine?"

That might make sense if THEY were getting a percentage of my gift. Why do they insist that a percentage of my gift go to the IRS ? Because they consider that to be theirs too ?
So why should the recipient of my generosity have to pay the goverment ?
It doesn't matter where income comes from, it is still income. It's possible that you could give your money to someone in another country and they wouldn't have to pay US income taxes on it. But they'd have to pay their country's income tax on it.
Death tax is a misnomer. Even estate tax
Why a bunch of middle class nuts on a message board obsess over finding a way for the benefactors of the rich to avoid paying taxes is a MYSTERY.

the "rich" create jobs for the middle class. taxing them eliminates more middle class people.

this in turn creates more poor people.

the real answer to inequity would be to make the rich more wealthy in turn creating more middle class workers and eliminating poverty.

it's a realistic solution. It's called wealth creation. The growth of the over all economy benefitting all involved.

mystery solved...
the "rich" create jobs for the middle class. taxing them eliminates more middle class people.

this in turn creates more poor people.

the real answer to inequity would be to make the rich more wealthy in turn creating more middle class workers and eliminating poverty.

it's a realistic solution. It's called wealth creation. The growth of the over all economy benefitting all involved.
Make me rich then.
It doesn't matter where income comes from, it is still income. It's possible that you could give your money to someone in another country and they wouldn't have to pay US income taxes on it. But they'd have to pay their country's income tax on it.

shit Ravi--I know what the law is. How can anyone think it's reasonable for the government to tax the SAME money over and over and over !!
shit Ravi--I know what the law is. How can anyone think it's reasonable for the government to tax the SAME money over and over and over !!

<resisting desire to call you a retard>

ALL MONEY is taxed over and over again, retard! Every time it changes hands.

<damn, I couldn't help myself>
the "rich" create jobs for the middle class. taxing them eliminates more middle class people.

this in turn creates more poor people.

the real answer to inequity would be to make the rich more wealthy in turn creating more middle class workers and eliminating poverty.

it's a realistic solution. It's called wealth creation. The growth of the over all economy benefitting all involved.

mystery solved...

trickle down-VOODOO economics....

since the wealthy have become even wealthier, WHY THEN haven't the middle class benefitted from this as well, istead of losing ground as the figures have shown?
<resisting desire to call you a retard>

ALL MONEY is taxed over and over again, retard! Every time it changes hands.

<damn, I couldn't help myself>

I don't care what the hell you call me ! I wanna know why you think the government should be able to grab a chunk of money everytime it moves form one person to the next ? You got something against personal ownership ?
trickle down-VOODOO economics....

since the wealthy have become even wealthier, WHY THEN haven't the middle class benefitted from this as well, istead of losing ground as the figures have shown?

How do you know the middle class hasn't benefitted-----maybe they would all be in worse shape than they are now ?

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