The Birther’s Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

There is no evidence Barry Hussaine Soerento was born in Hawaii. That fake birth certificate he was forced to produce has been debunked as a fraud.
Yeah, my prediction is he was born in Indonesia. Since his parents traveled there frequently. And other countries in Africa we don't know much about. So this whole Hawaii thing makes sense for him to illegally get a birth certificate.

LOL I love the weird crap Birthers come up with.

"his parents travelled their frequently'- his father never went to Indonesia. His mother went there for the first time when Obama was around 5 or 6.
"Stanley Ann Dunham (November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995) was an American anthropologist who specialized in the economic anthropology and rural development of Indonesia."


Barack Obama Sr.- Barack's father- was born in Kenya, and left his family and moved to New York when Obama was about 1 years old and then returned to Kenya.

Stanley Ann Dunham

It was at the East–West Center that Dunham met Lolo Soetoro,[35] a Javanese[5] surveyor who had come to Honolulu in September 1962 on an East–West Center grant to study geography at the University of Hawaii. Soetoro graduated from the University of Hawaii with an MA in geography in June 1964. In 1965, Soetoro and Dunham were married in Hawaii, and in 1966, Soetoro returned to Indonesia. Dunham graduated from the University of Hawaii with a B.A. in anthropology on August 6, 1967, and moved in October the same year with her six-year-old son to Jakarta, Indonesia, to rejoin her husband.[36]
Cracked me up when trump landed in Hawaii, there were signs that read "Welcome to Kenya". Idiot finally admitted President Obama was born in HA and is now flipping.

This ability he has to lie, let some truth squeak through and then flip on his own lies is very much part of trump's mental illness.

He admitted to the pussy grabbing tape and now denies it. Same with the ridiculous "John Miller" and "Barron Miller" calls saying that women were lining up to date him. He admitted those were him and later flipped on that.

Not just mentally ill, how could he ever keep track of all his lies? An average of 5.5 every single day -- How can he remember all those lies?

Obviously, this man is sick.
There is no evidence Barry Hussaine Soerento was born in Hawaii. That fake birth certificate he was forced to produce has been debunked as a fraud.
Yeah, my prediction is he was born in Indonesia. Since his parents traveled there frequently. And other countries in Africa we don't know much about. So this whole Hawaii thing makes sense for him to illegally get a birth certificate.

LOL I love the weird crap Birthers come up with.

"his parents travelled their frequently'- his father never went to Indonesia. His mother went there for the first time when Obama was around 5 or 6.
"Stanley Ann Dunham (November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995) was an American anthropologist who specialized in the economic anthropology and rural development of Indonesia."


Barack Obama Sr.- Barack's father- was born in Kenya, and left his family and moved to New York when Obama was about 1 years old and then returned to Kenya.

Stanley Ann Dunham

It was at the East–West Center that Dunham met Lolo Soetoro,[35] a Javanese[5] surveyor who had come to Honolulu in September 1962 on an East–West Center grant to study geography at the University of Hawaii. Soetoro graduated from the University of Hawaii with an MA in geography in June 1964. In 1965, Soetoro and Dunham were married in Hawaii, and in 1966, Soetoro returned to Indonesia. Dunham graduated from the University of Hawaii with a B.A. in anthropology on August 6, 1967, and moved in October the same year with her six-year-old son to Jakarta, Indonesia, to rejoin her husband.[36]

Lot of traveling there.
It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.

Yes, birtherism is built on and fueled by racism. Twisting yourself into a little pretzel to equivocate around this simple fact just represents you providing cover to racists.

It is not built on racism it is built on constitutional law and geography it is you and only you twisting logic and facts into a ridiculous perversion in order to support a foolish argument which lost the first time you used the racist label.

The birther movement is many things it is not racist however and you cannot demonstrate that it IS racist in any objective sense

Shameless lies. It is built completely on racism. That's why there was a unanimous vote to declare McCain a citizen (who technically was not), while the racist birther pukes demanded a public display. And even then, they still clung to their idiotic bullshit.
Much of it is shameless lies that is true but none of it is built on racism no matter how many times you claim the opposite..

'none of it is built on racism'

And yet you can't prove that none of it is built on racism.

The fact is that many racists are Birthers- such as snouter and Steve McGarret.

How can you prove that their Birtherism is based on something other than their blatant racism?
Cracked me up when trump landed in Hawaii, there were signs that read "Welcome to Kenya". Idiot finally admitted President Obama was born in HA and is now flipping.

This ability he has to lie, let some truth squeak through and then flip on his own lies is very much part of trump's mental illness.

He admitted to the pussy grabbing tape and now denies it. Same with the ridiculous "John Miller" and "Barron Miller" calls saying that women were lining up to date him. He admitted those were him and later flipped on that.

Not just mentally ill, how could he ever keep track of all his lies? An average of 5.5 every single day -- How can he remember all those lies?

Obviously, this man is sick.

The insecurities when the facts about Nobama come out. Typical!
There is no evidence Barry Hussaine Soerento was born in Hawaii. That fake birth certificate he was forced to produce has been debunked as a fraud.
Yeah, my prediction is he was born in Indonesia. Since his parents traveled there frequently. And other countries in Africa we don't know much about. So this whole Hawaii thing makes sense for him to illegally get a birth certificate.

LOL I love the weird crap Birthers come up with.

"his parents travelled their frequently'- his father never went to Indonesia. His mother went there for the first time when Obama was around 5 or 6.
"Stanley Ann Dunham (November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995) was an American anthropologist who specialized in the economic anthropology and rural development of Indonesia."


Barack Obama Sr.- Barack's father- was born in Kenya, and left his family and moved to New York when Obama was about 1 years old and then returned to Kenya.

Stanley Ann Dunham

It was at the East–West Center that Dunham met Lolo Soetoro,[35] a Javanese[5] surveyor who had come to Honolulu in September 1962 on an East–West Center grant to study geography at the University of Hawaii. Soetoro graduated from the University of Hawaii with an MA in geography in June 1964. In 1965, Soetoro and Dunham were married in Hawaii, and in 1966, Soetoro returned to Indonesia. Dunham graduated from the University of Hawaii with a B.A. in anthropology on August 6, 1967, and moved in October the same year with her six-year-old son to Jakarta, Indonesia, to rejoin her husband.[36]

Lot of traveling there.

And by 'lot of travelling' you mean that Obama's mother went to Indonesia when he was 6 years old.

But apparently leaving the country is suspicious to Birthers.
Yeah, my prediction is he was born in Indonesia. Since his parents traveled there frequently. And other countries in Africa we don't know much about. So this whole Hawaii thing makes sense for him to illegally get a birth certificate.

LOL I love the weird crap Birthers come up with.

"his parents travelled their frequently'- his father never went to Indonesia. His mother went there for the first time when Obama was around 5 or 6.
"Stanley Ann Dunham (November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995) was an American anthropologist who specialized in the economic anthropology and rural development of Indonesia."


Barack Obama Sr.- Barack's father- was born in Kenya, and left his family and moved to New York when Obama was about 1 years old and then returned to Kenya.

Stanley Ann Dunham

It was at the East–West Center that Dunham met Lolo Soetoro,[35] a Javanese[5] surveyor who had come to Honolulu in September 1962 on an East–West Center grant to study geography at the University of Hawaii. Soetoro graduated from the University of Hawaii with an MA in geography in June 1964. In 1965, Soetoro and Dunham were married in Hawaii, and in 1966, Soetoro returned to Indonesia. Dunham graduated from the University of Hawaii with a B.A. in anthropology on August 6, 1967, and moved in October the same year with her six-year-old son to Jakarta, Indonesia, to rejoin her husband.[36]

Lot of traveling there.

And by 'lot of travelling' you mean that Obama's mother went to Indonesia when he was 6 years old.

But apparently leaving the country is suspicious to Birthers.
Didn't know you were there to see it happen.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.

Yes, birtherism is built on and fueled by racism. Twisting yourself into a little pretzel to equivocate around this simple fact just represents you providing cover to racists.

It is not built on racism it is built on constitutional law and geography it is you and only you twisting logic and facts into a ridiculous perversion in order to support a foolish argument which lost the first time you used the racist label.

The birther movement is many things it is not racist however and you cannot demonstrate that it IS racist in any objective sense

Shameless lies. It is built completely on racism. That's why there was a unanimous vote to declare McCain a citizen (who technically was not), while the racist birther pukes demanded a public display. And even then, they still clung to their idiotic bullshit.
Much of it is shameless lies that is true but none of it is built on racism no matter how many times you claim the opposite..

'none of it is built on racism'

And yet you can't prove that none of it is built on racism.

The fact is that many racists are Birthers- such as snouter and Steve McGarret.

How can you prove that their Birtherism is based on something other than their blatant racism?

The burden is not on me to prove it the burden of proof is on the accuser. I can agree with many criticisms about the birther movement and in I have demonstrated that I view them with contempt.

However that does not make them racist and it is on you and the others to show that it is a racist idea. It is not. It is not based on race nor is it an attack on race nor is it focused on race. It has everything to do with lies and the constitution and geography none of which is about race.

The proof is in the accusation itself. The birthers claimed Obama was born in kenya ( he was born in the US ) it is fact that someone born in another country may not serve as president. Therefore according to their claim he was not eligible to be president.

None of that has ANYTHING to do with his race thus proving you wrong until you can provide some evidence to the contrary.

Conspiracy theories abound and they are foolish and dishonest but that does not make them racist.
Trump, as nuts as he is, is not saying blacks are inferior with this nonsense.

I know that's not what Trump is doing... that's actually far deeper than Trump ever thinks, and we both know it. Trump is pandering 100% to racists, whether he knows it or not. And he's not even doing it for that reason... he is only doing it because Obama is smarter and better than he will ever be. So, just because he is too stupid to realize what he is doing does not earn him a pass, sorry. unless we, as a nation, declare him to be mentally retarded... THEN i might excuse him .
There is lots of evidence aunt barry was born in kenya and lots that he was born in america. It's not enough to say we're 80% sure he's a natural born citizen. For that question we need 99.9% certainty and we never had it with this guy. He should have never been allowed to run in 2008 or 12 but the american press is full of white-hating racists and refused to challenge barry on anything.

Can anyone explain why obama's own literary agency published a brochure saying O was born in kenya??? How can that happen unless O told them he was born in kenya?
There is lots of evidence aunt barry was born in kenya and lots that he was born in america. It's not enough to say we're 80% sure he's a natural born citizen. For that question we need 99.9% certainty and we never had it with this guy. He should have never been allowed to run in 2008 or 12 but the american press is full of white-hating racists and refused to challenge barry on anything.

Can anyone explain why obama's own literary agency published a brochure saying O was born in kenya??? How can that happen unless O told them he was born in kenya?

There is zero evidence he was born in Kenya, and all the evidence shows he was born in America. And your stupid question was not only already answered in this very thread, but on literally every media outlet in the world several years ago. You're not fooling anyone... everyone knows why you are clinging to this.
Can anyone explain why obama's own literary agency published a brochure saying O was born in kenya??? How can that happen unless O told them he was born in kenya?
There is zero evidence he was born in Kenya, and all the evidence shows he was born in America. And your stupid question was not only already answered in this very thread, but on literally every media outlet in the world several years ago. You're not fooling anyone... everyone knows why you are clinging to this.

Again you lie. No barry-lover has explained why obama's own literary agency said he was born in kenya.
Trump, as nuts as he is, is not saying blacks are inferior with this nonsense.

I know that's not what Trump is doing... that's actually far deeper than Trump ever thinks, and we both know it. Trump is pandering 100% to racists, whether he knows it or not. And he's not even doing it for that reason... he is only doing it because Obama is smarter and better than he will ever be. So, just because he is too stupid to realize what he is doing does not earn him a pass, sorry. unless we, as a nation, declare him to be mentally retarded... THEN i might excuse him .

He is not pandering to racists even if he is pandering to conspiracy fools.

The constant misuse of accusations or racism is a losing tactic for people on the left you should really know better.
Trump, as nuts as he is, is not saying blacks are inferior with this nonsense.

I know that's not what Trump is doing... that's actually far deeper than Trump ever thinks, and we both know it. Trump is pandering 100% to racists, whether he knows it or not. And he's not even doing it for that reason... he is only doing it because Obama is smarter and better than he will ever be. So, just because he is too stupid to realize what he is doing does not earn him a pass, sorry. unless we, as a nation, declare him to be mentally retarded... THEN i might excuse him .

He is not pandering to racists even if he is pandering to conspiracy fools.

The constant misuse of accusations or racism is a losing tactic for people on the left you should really know better.
The word has now been used and over-used and mis-used, pretty much into irrelevancy.

Which is tragic, because it's a terribly important word that I take very seriously.

Worse, is the way it has been weaponized for purely political advantage.
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory, which claims that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Trump has been questioning Obama’s birth certificate in “closed-door conversations,” according to The New York Times, which cited an unnamed senator as being part of one such discussion.

The newspaper reported:

“Mr. Trump’s journeys into the realm of manufactured facts have been frequent enough that his own staff has sought to nudge friendly lawmakers to ask questions of Mr. Trump in meetings that will steer him toward safer terrain.”

Trump was for years one of the leading voices in the birther movement, a racist conspiracy theory that questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

He dropped the issue toward the end of the presidential campaign last year.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” he said in September, then he blamed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy theory, a claim thathas been debunked.

Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. Two Honolulu newspapers printed birth announcements at the time, and Obama has released both his “short-form” and “long-form” birth certificates.

The report comes days after the paper said Trump was privately suggesting that the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape is a fake. That’s the recording released last year in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals.

More: The Birther's Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

Trump has never apologized to President Obama - and now he regurgitates his old birther lie. What about those investigators that Trump sent to Hawaii? Trump is a very sick man-child. He really should be quickly removed from the presidency.

since Obama is exactly half white and half black, how can any comment about him be racist?

So if a biracial person was forced told to sit at the back of the bus- or told he wasn't going to be served at a restaurant- in your opinion- that couldn't be racist?

if totally because of his skin color, yes it would be racist.

if it was because he had terrible body odor or had running sores it probably was not racist.

this stuff isn't as black and white (excuse the pun) as you think it is.

Of course it is. It is a dog whistle appeal to racists, period. And it's not just Obama supporters saying this, so you might want to shed that embarrassingly stupid talking point.

Oh yes- it is no coincidence that some the most openly anti-black racists here at USMB are also Birthers.

Not all Birthers are racists. Not all racists are Birthers. But a hell of a lot of Birthers are birthers because of the color of Obama's dad's skin.

bullshit. everything is not racist. But I understand, that is the only defense you have for Obama's terrible performance as president.
since Obama is exactly half white and half black, how can any comment about him be racist?

So if a biracial person was forced told to sit at the back of the bus- or told he wasn't going to be served at a restaurant- in your opinion- that couldn't be racist?

if totally because of his skin color, yes it would be racist.

if it was because he had terrible body odor or had running sores it probably was not racist.

this stuff isn't as black and white (excuse the pun) as you think it is.

So you think when Rosa Parks was forced to sit in the back of the bus- it might have been because of her body odor- or because she had running sores?

no, it was because racism existed at that time. It was wrong. I think we all agree on that.

So there is no racism now? When did racism end?

Now did racism only happen to 100% blacks or did it also happen to people who were mixed race?

the truth is that it is very unlikely that racism will ever end. Human beings naturally associate with those most like them. no matter how hard we try, we cannot change basic human nature. What needs to end is racial discrimination and we have made great progress to that end. However, the actions of groups like BLM and black panthers are hurting the cause of eliminating racial bias because those groups are inherently racist.

No- 'he' didn't.

She confirmed that was her mistake- and that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya
Hearsay. We never heard her in her own words.

LOL- how hilarious since you are happy to believe any 'hearsay' crap without hearing their own words- as long as it is against Obama?

I mean you have never heard Obama say he was born in Kenya- but you are glad to accept any crap from any con-man on the globe.

The expert who supposedly said Obama's BC was a fraud- not only did your con-man not release the 'experts' own words- he copywrited them so no one could.

Meanwhile- not hearsay- first hand account

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

what would you expect an Obama supporter to say? just asking.

The opposite of what a Birther would say- in other words- the truth.

at this point it really doesn't matter if Obama was born in Hawaii, Kenya, or the south pole. He is nothing but a failed president and a proven hater of America.
Thanks for reminding me just how crazy those people are. The full impact of their fantasy needs to be reviewed as long as crazy birthers still exist.

They're just as crazy as the RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!! crowd.

I'm sure you think so, but I'll wait for the final report from the investigation before I make that decision, if you don't mind.

I don't mind at all. But, you're going to be wildly disappointed. So far all they have is some obscure supposed non-disclosure violation against Maniforte from years gone by.

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