The Birther’s Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama


Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

No- 'he' didn't.

She confirmed that was her mistake- and that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya
Hearsay. We never heard her in her own words.

LOL- how hilarious since you are happy to believe any 'hearsay' crap without hearing their own words- as long as it is against Obama?

I mean you have never heard Obama say he was born in Kenya- but you are glad to accept any crap from any con-man on the globe.

The expert who supposedly said Obama's BC was a fraud- not only did your con-man not release the 'experts' own words- he copywrited them so no one could.

Meanwhile- not hearsay- first hand account

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

It was just a mistake!! She got every single one of the other details correct. But somehow (probably because she is racist white bitch!) she assumed the (foreign exchange student?) 'clean and articulate' black man was from Kenya. Doesn't everyone automatically do that?

At any rate, why would anyone question this? We believe anonymous sources, so this is really much much better.


PS- I honestly don't care where Obama was born.
The far left believing every unknown source about Trump!

This thread is hilarious, the 911 truthers trying to call out the birthers.

Seriously you can not make this stuff up!
This is the anonymous source reportedly says.....

This is recycling of the worst kind. Trump has said unequivocally that obama was born in Hawaii. It can't be changed now. It's not Trumps fault not everyone believes it.
Still have a hard on for " anonymous sources" I see.
People don't want to lose their jobs that's why they ask reporters not to use their names.
We saw in the OKeefe fiasco with that girl from the Daily Caller that wanted to lie about Moore getting her pregnant. She kept asking," you think this will hurt him?" Of course she was recording it hoping the Washpo would bite and it be used against them. But you fake news subhumans got a great lesson in journalistic integrity when you saw how thorough they were with checking her background and thoroughly screening her.
Something your media would never do.
So 5 points for the good guys and zero points for the right wing dirty tricks brigade.
How exactly can the Executive Branch fire someone from the Legislative ? The article in the OP stated that the unnamed source is a Senator.
Nobama actually being born in some country like Indonesia then flown to Hawaii for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory, which claims that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Trump has been questioning Obama’s birth certificate in “closed-door conversations,” according to The New York Times, which cited an unnamed senator as being part of one such discussion.

The newspaper reported:

“Mr. Trump’s journeys into the realm of manufactured facts have been frequent enough that his own staff has sought to nudge friendly lawmakers to ask questions of Mr. Trump in meetings that will steer him toward safer terrain.”

Trump was for years one of the leading voices in the birther movement, a racist conspiracy theory that questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

He dropped the issue toward the end of the presidential campaign last year.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” he said in September, then he blamed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy theory, a claim thathas been debunked.

Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. Two Honolulu newspapers printed birth announcements at the time, and Obama has released both his “short-form” and “long-form” birth certificates.

The report comes days after the paper said Trump was privately suggesting that the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape is a fake. That’s the recording released last year in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals.

More: The Birther's Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

Trump has never apologized to President Obama - and now he regurgitates his old birther lie. What about those investigators that Trump sent to Hawaii? Trump is a very sick man-child. He really should be quickly removed from the presidency.

There is no evidence Barry Hussaine Soerento was born in Hawaii. That fake birth certificate he was forced to produce has been debunked as a fraud.
Yeah, my prediction is he was born in Indonesia. Since his parents traveled there frequently. And other countries in Africa we don't know much about. So this whole Hawaii thing makes sense for him to illegally get a birth certificate.
Nobama actually being born in some country like Indonesia then flown to Hawaii for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

RW's found a steaming pile of horseshit and elected it POTUS - not surprising.

No- 'he' didn't.

She confirmed that was her mistake- and that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya
Hearsay. We never heard her in her own words.

LOL- how hilarious since you are happy to believe any 'hearsay' crap without hearing their own words- as long as it is against Obama?

I mean you have never heard Obama say he was born in Kenya- but you are glad to accept any crap from any con-man on the globe.

The expert who supposedly said Obama's BC was a fraud- not only did your con-man not release the 'experts' own words- he copywrited them so no one could.

Meanwhile- not hearsay- first hand account

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

It was just a mistake!! She got every single one of the other details correct. But somehow (probably because she is racist white bitch!) she assumed the (foreign exchange student?) 'clean and articulate' black man was from Kenya. Doesn't everyone automatically do that?

Or she made a mistake. Like she said she did.

How is that possible? I hate to speculate why- since it really isn't necessary since she made a mistake.

But it is a fact that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

But it was Barack Obama Sr.- not Barack Obama Jr.
There is no evidence Barry Hussaine Soerento was born in Hawaii. That fake birth certificate he was forced to produce has been debunked as a fraud.
Yeah, my prediction is he was born in Indonesia. Since his parents traveled there frequently. And other countries in Africa we don't know much about. So this whole Hawaii thing makes sense for him to illegally get a birth certificate.

LOL I love the weird crap Birthers come up with.

"his parents travelled their frequently'- his father never went to Indonesia. His mother went there for the first time when Obama was around 5 or 6.
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory...
It's a dumb lie, it's an embarrassing lie, it's not a "racist" lie.

He's not saying blacks are inferior.


So if someone accuses only black lawyers of cheating on the Bar Exam- that doesn't mean he is racist. Because he is not saying black lawyers are inferior- only that they all cheat on the Bar Exam.
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory...
It's a dumb lie, it's an embarrassing lie, it's not a "racist" lie.

He's not saying blacks are inferior.


So if someone accuses only black lawyers of cheating on the Bar Exam- that doesn't mean he is racist. Because he is not saying black lawyers are inferior- only that they all cheat on the Bar Exam.
Poor analogy. He's talking about a place of birth, not skin color.
There is no evidence Barry Hussaine Soerento was born in Hawaii. That fake birth certificate he was forced to produce has been debunked as a fraud.
Yeah, my prediction is he was born in Indonesia. Since his parents traveled there frequently. And other countries in Africa we don't know much about. So this whole Hawaii thing makes sense for him to illegally get a birth certificate.

LOL I love the weird crap Birthers come up with.

"his parents travelled their frequently'- his father never went to Indonesia. His mother went there for the first time when Obama was around 5 or 6.
"Stanley Ann Dunham (November 29, 1942 – November 7, 1995) was an American anthropologist who specialized in the economic anthropology and rural development of Indonesia."

Nobama actually being born in some country like Indonesia then flown to Hawaii for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

RW's found a steaming pile of horseshit and elected it POTUS - not surprising.
Here comes the fear mongering after factual evidence is growing on it...

Birthers are like cock-roaches- when facts are shined on them, they scurry off to hide.

this from a 911 truther!

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