The Birther’s Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

Nobama actually being born in some country like Indonesia then flown to Hawaii for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

Trump being born in some country like Germany and then flown to New York for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

Oh wait- it would.

For the same exact reason why it would be absolutely idiotic for it to have happened with Obama.
Nobama actually being born in some country like Indonesia then flown to Hawaii for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

RW's found a steaming pile of horseshit and elected it POTUS - not surprising.
Here comes the fear mongering after factual evidence is growing on it...

Birthers are like cock-roaches- when facts are shined on them, they scurry off to hide.


Facts on Nobama's parents will come out eventually. Don't you worry.
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory, which claims that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Trump has been questioning Obama’s birth certificate in “closed-door conversations,” according to The New York Times, which cited an unnamed senator as being part of one such discussion.

The newspaper reported:

“Mr. Trump’s journeys into the realm of manufactured facts have been frequent enough that his own staff has sought to nudge friendly lawmakers to ask questions of Mr. Trump in meetings that will steer him toward safer terrain.”

Trump was for years one of the leading voices in the birther movement, a racist conspiracy theory that questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

He dropped the issue toward the end of the presidential campaign last year.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” he said in September, then he blamed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy theory, a claim thathas been debunked.

Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. Two Honolulu newspapers printed birth announcements at the time, and Obama has released both his “short-form” and “long-form” birth certificates.

The report comes days after the paper said Trump was privately suggesting that the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape is a fake. That’s the recording released last year in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals.

More: The Birther's Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

Trump has never apologized to President Obama - and now he regurgitates his old birther lie. What about those investigators that Trump sent to Hawaii? Trump is a very sick man-child. He really should be quickly removed from the presidency.

I honestly do not care except for one thing.

The birther movement was not racist nor a racist movement and that is simple fact.

The birther movement was nothing more than a run of the mill conspiracy theory. EVERY president has some fringe group of conspiracy loons trying to make the news. Reagan had a bunch of fools claiming he and or his VP conspired to keep the iranian hostages in captivity through election night, also known as the October surprise. It was total bullshit unsupported by any credible evidence of any kind making it a conspiracy theory.

Bush sr was accused of being part of a one world order movement determined to overthrow and invade the US with black helicopters from the UN. Total bullshit, comic book fiction and never a speck of credible evidence.

Clinton was accused of rape and murder to include the murder of Vince Foster and others and of course people said he was a communist. Bullshit and no evidence.

Bush jr was accused of staging 911 and covering up the evidenc e even though no twoofer has ever produced a shred of evidence to support such crap/\.

Sorry but Obama does not get a pass. He got a few idiotic fringe nobodies claiming he was born in another country which makes him ineligible to be president. Total bullshit without a shred of evidence but just another foolish conspiracy theory.

Being foolish does not make one racist and SOME of the conspiracy fols may be racist but that does not make the theory racist. It was simply stupid.

This may seem like a minor point but it is not. One of the biggest reasons Trump won ( aside from Hillary's incompetence and corruption ) was the ongoing and ridiculous tendency of left wingers to point fingers and scream racist ( or sexist or islamaphobic or trans phobic or homophobic or whatever ) Anytime they hear an opinion or idea they do not like.

This is an SJW tactic and unfortunately for the dems they have allowed the Sociail Justice Warrior shit heads to take over as mouth piece and conscience of the dem party. Most Americans are rapidly growing sick of this crap especially white men who are usually the targets of SJW labeling tactics.

Trump is what happened as a result.

Stop the bullshit labeling silly but otherwise meaningless crap such as the birther movement as racist.

It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
Nobama actually being born in some country like Indonesia then flown to Hawaii for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

Trump being born in some country like Germany and then flown to New York for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

Oh wait- it would.

For the same exact reason why it would be absolutely idiotic for it to have happened with Obama.

Trying to argue with Nobama's real brother now?
The lowest form of human is a birther. It encapsulates a bagful of racist propaganda.
Snouter is the poster child for birthers.
It is a stupid and silly conspiracy theory.

Nothing racist about it.

The flat earth theory is an equally stupid conspiracy theory but also clearly not racist.
Nobama actually being born in some country like Indonesia then flown to Hawaii for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

RW's found a steaming pile of horseshit and elected it POTUS - not surprising.
Here comes the fear mongering after factual evidence is growing on it...

Birthers are like cock-roaches- when facts are shined on them, they scurry off to hide.


Facts on Nobama's parents will come out eventually. Don't you worry.

"What an amateur. No bush, no nipples, no lesbian love scenes. What is she...a Quaker??"


Melania Trump
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory, which claims that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Trump has been questioning Obama’s birth certificate in “closed-door conversations,” according to The New York Times, which cited an unnamed senator as being part of one such discussion.

The newspaper reported:

“Mr. Trump’s journeys into the realm of manufactured facts have been frequent enough that his own staff has sought to nudge friendly lawmakers to ask questions of Mr. Trump in meetings that will steer him toward safer terrain.”

Trump was for years one of the leading voices in the birther movement, a racist conspiracy theory that questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

He dropped the issue toward the end of the presidential campaign last year.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” he said in September, then he blamed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy theory, a claim thathas been debunked.

Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. Two Honolulu newspapers printed birth announcements at the time, and Obama has released both his “short-form” and “long-form” birth certificates.

The report comes days after the paper said Trump was privately suggesting that the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape is a fake. That’s the recording released last year in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals.

More: The Birther's Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

Trump has never apologized to President Obama - and now he regurgitates his old birther lie. What about those investigators that Trump sent to Hawaii? Trump is a very sick man-child. He really should be quickly removed from the presidency.

I honestly do not care except for one thing.

The birther movement was not racist nor a racist movement and that is simple fact.

The birther movement was nothing more than a run of the mill conspiracy theory. EVERY president has some fringe group of conspiracy loons trying to make the news. Reagan had a bunch of fools claiming he and or his VP conspired to keep the iranian hostages in captivity through election night, also known as the October surprise. It was total bullshit unsupported by any credible evidence of any kind making it a conspiracy theory.

Bush sr was accused of being part of a one world order movement determined to overthrow and invade the US with black helicopters from the UN. Total bullshit, comic book fiction and never a speck of credible evidence.

Clinton was accused of rape and murder to include the murder of Vince Foster and others and of course people said he was a communist. Bullshit and no evidence.

Bush jr was accused of staging 911 and covering up the evidenc e even though no twoofer has ever produced a shred of evidence to support such crap/\.

Sorry but Obama does not get a pass. He got a few idiotic fringe nobodies claiming he was born in another country which makes him ineligible to be president. Total bullshit without a shred of evidence but just another foolish conspiracy theory.

Being foolish does not make one racist and SOME of the conspiracy fols may be racist but that does not make the theory racist. It was simply stupid.

This may seem like a minor point but it is not. One of the biggest reasons Trump won ( aside from Hillary's incompetence and corruption ) was the ongoing and ridiculous tendency of left wingers to point fingers and scream racist ( or sexist or islamaphobic or trans phobic or homophobic or whatever ) Anytime they hear an opinion or idea they do not like.

This is an SJW tactic and unfortunately for the dems they have allowed the Sociail Justice Warrior shit heads to take over as mouth piece and conscience of the dem party. Most Americans are rapidly growing sick of this crap especially white men who are usually the targets of SJW labeling tactics.

Trump is what happened as a result.

Stop the bullshit labeling silly but otherwise meaningless crap such as the birther movement as racist.

It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.

You're either delusional or a shameless liar. It, of course, is racist.
It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory, which claims that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Trump has been questioning Obama’s birth certificate in “closed-door conversations,” according to The New York Times, which cited an unnamed senator as being part of one such discussion.

The newspaper reported:

“Mr. Trump’s journeys into the realm of manufactured facts have been frequent enough that his own staff has sought to nudge friendly lawmakers to ask questions of Mr. Trump in meetings that will steer him toward safer terrain.”

Trump was for years one of the leading voices in the birther movement, a racist conspiracy theory that questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

He dropped the issue toward the end of the presidential campaign last year.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” he said in September, then he blamed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy theory, a claim thathas been debunked.

Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. Two Honolulu newspapers printed birth announcements at the time, and Obama has released both his “short-form” and “long-form” birth certificates.

The report comes days after the paper said Trump was privately suggesting that the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape is a fake. That’s the recording released last year in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals.

More: The Birther's Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

Trump has never apologized to President Obama - and now he regurgitates his old birther lie. What about those investigators that Trump sent to Hawaii? Trump is a very sick man-child. He really should be quickly removed from the presidency.

I honestly do not care except for one thing.

The birther movement was not racist nor a racist movement and that is simple fact.

The birther movement was nothing more than a run of the mill conspiracy theory. EVERY president has some fringe group of conspiracy loons trying to make the news. Reagan had a bunch of fools claiming he and or his VP conspired to keep the iranian hostages in captivity through election night, also known as the October surprise. It was total bullshit unsupported by any credible evidence of any kind making it a conspiracy theory.

Bush sr was accused of being part of a one world order movement determined to overthrow and invade the US with black helicopters from the UN. Total bullshit, comic book fiction and never a speck of credible evidence.

Clinton was accused of rape and murder to include the murder of Vince Foster and others and of course people said he was a communist. Bullshit and no evidence.

Bush jr was accused of staging 911 and covering up the evidenc e even though no twoofer has ever produced a shred of evidence to support such crap/\.

Sorry but Obama does not get a pass. He got a few idiotic fringe nobodies claiming he was born in another country which makes him ineligible to be president. Total bullshit without a shred of evidence but just another foolish conspiracy theory.

Being foolish does not make one racist and SOME of the conspiracy fols may be racist but that does not make the theory racist. It was simply stupid.

This may seem like a minor point but it is not. One of the biggest reasons Trump won ( aside from Hillary's incompetence and corruption ) was the ongoing and ridiculous tendency of left wingers to point fingers and scream racist ( or sexist or islamaphobic or trans phobic or homophobic or whatever ) Anytime they hear an opinion or idea they do not like.

This is an SJW tactic and unfortunately for the dems they have allowed the Sociail Justice Warrior shit heads to take over as mouth piece and conscience of the dem party. Most Americans are rapidly growing sick of this crap especially white men who are usually the targets of SJW labeling tactics.

Trump is what happened as a result.

Stop the bullshit labeling silly but otherwise meaningless crap such as the birther movement as racist.

It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.

You're either delusional or a shameless liar. It, of course, is racist.

Wrong it is not racist and only an uneducated fool would call it racist..

The entire dumb theory has nothing to do with race and even african american politicians are open to criticism and stupid accusations just as all white politicians are.

Your claim it is racist merely shows a woefully abysmal comprehension of what racism is and you cannot objectively demonstrate that it is racist.

Repeating that it is racist merely proves nothing but yor own ignorance
It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.

Yes, birtherism is built on and fueled by racism. Twisting yourself into a little pretzel to equivocate around this simple fact just represents you providing cover to racists.
Nobama actually being born in some country like Indonesia then flown to Hawaii for an easy illegal birth certificate would not be surprising.

RW's found a steaming pile of horseshit and elected it POTUS - not surprising.
Here comes the fear mongering after factual evidence is growing on it...

Birthers are like cock-roaches- when facts are shined on them, they scurry off to hide.


Facts on Nobama's parents will come out eventually. Don't you worry.

"What an amateur. No bush, no nipples, no lesbian love scenes. What is she...a Quaker??"


Melania Trump

Wow! What a sexist reply. Especially when Melania was an actual supermodel. Not doing porn like Nobama mom.
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory, which claims that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Trump has been questioning Obama’s birth certificate in “closed-door conversations,” according to The New York Times, which cited an unnamed senator as being part of one such discussion.

The newspaper reported:

“Mr. Trump’s journeys into the realm of manufactured facts have been frequent enough that his own staff has sought to nudge friendly lawmakers to ask questions of Mr. Trump in meetings that will steer him toward safer terrain.”

Trump was for years one of the leading voices in the birther movement, a racist conspiracy theory that questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

He dropped the issue toward the end of the presidential campaign last year.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” he said in September, then he blamed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy theory, a claim thathas been debunked.

Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. Two Honolulu newspapers printed birth announcements at the time, and Obama has released both his “short-form” and “long-form” birth certificates.

The report comes days after the paper said Trump was privately suggesting that the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape is a fake. That’s the recording released last year in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals.

More: The Birther's Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

Trump has never apologized to President Obama - and now he regurgitates his old birther lie. What about those investigators that Trump sent to Hawaii? Trump is a very sick man-child. He really should be quickly removed from the presidency.

I honestly do not care except for one thing.

The birther movement was not racist nor a racist movement and that is simple fact.

The birther movement was nothing more than a run of the mill conspiracy theory. EVERY president has some fringe group of conspiracy loons trying to make the news. Reagan had a bunch of fools claiming he and or his VP conspired to keep the iranian hostages in captivity through election night, also known as the October surprise. It was total bullshit unsupported by any credible evidence of any kind making it a conspiracy theory.

Bush sr was accused of being part of a one world order movement determined to overthrow and invade the US with black helicopters from the UN. Total bullshit, comic book fiction and never a speck of credible evidence.

Clinton was accused of rape and murder to include the murder of Vince Foster and others and of course people said he was a communist. Bullshit and no evidence.

Bush jr was accused of staging 911 and covering up the evidenc e even though no twoofer has ever produced a shred of evidence to support such crap/\.

Sorry but Obama does not get a pass. He got a few idiotic fringe nobodies claiming he was born in another country which makes him ineligible to be president. Total bullshit without a shred of evidence but just another foolish conspiracy theory.

Being foolish does not make one racist and SOME of the conspiracy fols may be racist but that does not make the theory racist. It was simply stupid.

This may seem like a minor point but it is not. One of the biggest reasons Trump won ( aside from Hillary's incompetence and corruption ) was the ongoing and ridiculous tendency of left wingers to point fingers and scream racist ( or sexist or islamaphobic or trans phobic or homophobic or whatever ) Anytime they hear an opinion or idea they do not like.

This is an SJW tactic and unfortunately for the dems they have allowed the Sociail Justice Warrior shit heads to take over as mouth piece and conscience of the dem party. Most Americans are rapidly growing sick of this crap especially white men who are usually the targets of SJW labeling tactics.

Trump is what happened as a result.

Stop the bullshit labeling silly but otherwise meaningless crap such as the birther movement as racist.

It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.

You're either delusional or a shameless liar. It, of course, is racist.

Wrong it is not racist and only an uneducated fool would call it racist..

The entire dumb theory has nothing to do with race and even african american politicians are open to criticism and stupid accusations just as all white politicians are.

Your claim it is racist merely shows a woefully abysmal comprehension of what racism is and you cannot objectively demonstrate that it is racist.

Repeating that it is racist merely proves nothing but yor own ignorance

While your opinions on this may not be fueled by racism, you are a damn fool to make the generalization that none or even only a minority is. Such dishonesty and poor logic might lead one to suspect that your sentiments DO arise from racism, and this is your way of covering yourself.
It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.

Yes, birtherism is built on and fueled by racism. Twisting yourself into a little pretzel to equivocate around this simple fact just represents you providing cover to racists.

It is not built on racism it is built on constitutional law and geography it is you and only you twisting logic and facts into a ridiculous perversion in order to support a foolish argument which lost the first time you used the racist label.

The birther movement is many things it is not racist however and you cannot demonstrate that it IS racist in any objective sense
I do find it funny how the snowflakes get real insecure about finding the facts about where Nobama was born.
It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.

Yes, birtherism is built on and fueled by racism. Twisting yourself into a little pretzel to equivocate around this simple fact just represents you providing cover to racists.
Coming from a (very) mixed race family, I take that word seriously.

Make any inference you want, I don't care. Trump, as nuts as he is, is not saying blacks are inferior with this nonsense. You're just doing the standard partisan dance, pretending outrage where none is warranted. Obviously.
It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.

Yes, birtherism is built on and fueled by racism. Twisting yourself into a little pretzel to equivocate around this simple fact just represents you providing cover to racists.
Here comes the usual snowflake rhetoric...
President Donald Trump is reportedly reviving the racist “birther” conspiracy theory, which claims that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Trump has been questioning Obama’s birth certificate in “closed-door conversations,” according to The New York Times, which cited an unnamed senator as being part of one such discussion.

The newspaper reported:

“Mr. Trump’s journeys into the realm of manufactured facts have been frequent enough that his own staff has sought to nudge friendly lawmakers to ask questions of Mr. Trump in meetings that will steer him toward safer terrain.”

Trump was for years one of the leading voices in the birther movement, a racist conspiracy theory that questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

He dropped the issue toward the end of the presidential campaign last year.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” he said in September, then he blamed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy theory, a claim thathas been debunked.

Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. Two Honolulu newspapers printed birth announcements at the time, and Obama has released both his “short-form” and “long-form” birth certificates.

The report comes days after the paper said Trump was privately suggesting that the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape is a fake. That’s the recording released last year in which he bragged about grabbing women by the genitals.

More: The Birther's Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama

Trump has never apologized to President Obama - and now he regurgitates his old birther lie. What about those investigators that Trump sent to Hawaii? Trump is a very sick man-child. He really should be quickly removed from the presidency.

I honestly do not care except for one thing.

The birther movement was not racist nor a racist movement and that is simple fact.

The birther movement was nothing more than a run of the mill conspiracy theory. EVERY president has some fringe group of conspiracy loons trying to make the news. Reagan had a bunch of fools claiming he and or his VP conspired to keep the iranian hostages in captivity through election night, also known as the October surprise. It was total bullshit unsupported by any credible evidence of any kind making it a conspiracy theory.

Bush sr was accused of being part of a one world order movement determined to overthrow and invade the US with black helicopters from the UN. Total bullshit, comic book fiction and never a speck of credible evidence.

Clinton was accused of rape and murder to include the murder of Vince Foster and others and of course people said he was a communist. Bullshit and no evidence.

Bush jr was accused of staging 911 and covering up the evidenc e even though no twoofer has ever produced a shred of evidence to support such crap/\.

Sorry but Obama does not get a pass. He got a few idiotic fringe nobodies claiming he was born in another country which makes him ineligible to be president. Total bullshit without a shred of evidence but just another foolish conspiracy theory.

Being foolish does not make one racist and SOME of the conspiracy fols may be racist but that does not make the theory racist. It was simply stupid.

This may seem like a minor point but it is not. One of the biggest reasons Trump won ( aside from Hillary's incompetence and corruption ) was the ongoing and ridiculous tendency of left wingers to point fingers and scream racist ( or sexist or islamaphobic or trans phobic or homophobic or whatever ) Anytime they hear an opinion or idea they do not like.

This is an SJW tactic and unfortunately for the dems they have allowed the Sociail Justice Warrior shit heads to take over as mouth piece and conscience of the dem party. Most Americans are rapidly growing sick of this crap especially white men who are usually the targets of SJW labeling tactics.

Trump is what happened as a result.

Stop the bullshit labeling silly but otherwise meaningless crap such as the birther movement as racist.

It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.

You're either delusional or a shameless liar. It, of course, is racist.

Wrong it is not racist and only an uneducated fool would call it racist..

The entire dumb theory has nothing to do with race and even african american politicians are open to criticism and stupid accusations just as all white politicians are.

Your claim it is racist merely shows a woefully abysmal comprehension of what racism is and you cannot objectively demonstrate that it is racist.

Repeating that it is racist merely proves nothing but yor own ignorance

While your opinions on this may not be fueled by racism, you are a damn fool to make the generalization that none or even only a minority is. Such dishonesty and poor logic might lead one to suspect that your sentiments DO arise from racism, and this is your way of covering yourself.

Such suspicions are the product of a small mind which can only insult and label rather than argue on the merits.

The fact is there is nothing racist about the birther movement and you cannot objectively argue anything to the contrary.
It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.

Yes, birtherism is built on and fueled by racism. Twisting yourself into a little pretzel to equivocate around this simple fact just represents you providing cover to racists.

It is not built on racism it is built on constitutional law and geography it is you and only you twisting logic and facts into a ridiculous perversion in order to support a foolish argument which lost the first time you used the racist label.

The birther movement is many things it is not racist however and you cannot demonstrate that it IS racist in any objective sense

Shameless lies. It is built completely on racism. That's why there was a unanimous vote to declare McCain a citizen (who technically was not), while the racist birther pukes demanded a public display. And even then, they still clung to their idiotic bullshit.
It is an absolute lie to call it racist and proves you are not intelligent enough to debate and argue effectively because you can only screech hyperbole.
It's not about intelligence, it's about honesty.

They sense political advantage and are willing to lie to get it.

They've turned a terribly important word into a joke, all for politics.

Yes, birtherism is built on and fueled by racism. Twisting yourself into a little pretzel to equivocate around this simple fact just represents you providing cover to racists.

It is not built on racism it is built on constitutional law and geography it is you and only you twisting logic and facts into a ridiculous perversion in order to support a foolish argument which lost the first time you used the racist label.

The birther movement is many things it is not racist however and you cannot demonstrate that it IS racist in any objective sense

Shameless lies. It is built completely on racism. That's why there was a unanimous vote to declare McCain a citizen (who technically was not), while the racist birther pukes demanded a public display. And even then, they still clung to their idiotic bullshit.
Much of it is shameless lies that is true but none of it is built on racism no matter how many times you claim the opposite.

Your claims are not enough as you are not an authoritative judge on who or what is racist.

It has nothing to do with race or racism period and you cannot demonstrate otherwise.

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