The Bizarre and Stupid Kanye West:Black Man says Repeal The 13th Amendment

I very much appreciate how you highlighted the fact that he was "black". Obviously every black man must be a moron by progressive parrot's standard.

But only the ones capable of thinking for themselves and stepping outside the plantation.

Oh, the media had to immediately start cooking up irrelevant bullshit to defame the man's character.

What a surprise!

The media is the enemy of the people. Attacking private people like this is lowest of low. So much for being on the side of those with mental health issues or blacks.
This guy is a hero with enormous bravery and balls.

In leftist definition of words that would be a "bizarre" guy.
Cool, nothing I would love to see more than Kanye picking cotton 15 hours a day in 100 degree heat.
What a fucking asshole

Explain your reasoning.

It needs NO mansplanation - Kanye (like his Orange Overlord) is an asshole

YOur claim that repealing teh 13th, leads to slavery is unsupported. YOu are the only asshole here.

ANd your odd spin on someone politically supporting someone you don't like, is pathetic.
But only the ones capable of thinking for themselves and stepping outside the plantation.

Oh look. Patronizing racism. What a surprise. He's saying a whole race is stupid. That's racism. And to think the Trumpflakes wonder why blacks don't support their racist party.

Also, a race-card thread from Trump supporters. Another surprise. You'd have think Team Trump would have run out of race cards by now, but they always print more.

The fact that Trump supporters here are all mewling beta retards doesn't mean whites are stupid. It would be racist of me to say that, so obviously I wouldn't say that. It means that, as individuals, the Trump supporters here are drooling paste-eaters, no matter what color they are.
But only the ones capable of thinking for themselves and stepping outside the plantation.

Oh look. Patronizing racism. What a surprise. He's saying a whole race is stupid. That's racism. And to think the Trumpflakes wonder why blacks don't vote for you.

Also, a race-card thread from Trump supporters. Another surprise. You'd have think Team Trump would have run out of race cards by now, but they always print more.

The fact that Trump supporters here are all mewling beta retards doesn't mean whites are stupid. It would be racist of me to say that, so obviously I wouldn't say that. It means that, as individuals, the Trump supporters here are drooling paste-eaters, no matter what color they are.

Where did I say that? Kanye West is INFINITELY more intelligent than you. It's an insult to intelligence to have you mention his name.

Now, it was not me who put the "black" in the title. That was the known racist, progressive parrot.
Where did I say that? Kanye West is INFINITELY more intelligent than you.

But you say blacks as a race are so stupid, they let the evil Democrats fool them into staying on the plantation.

That's racist.
Where did I say that? Kanye West is INFINITELY more intelligent than you.

But you say blacks as a race are so stupid, they let the evil Democrats fool them into staying on the plantation.

That's racist.

Yes, it is racist what the democrats have done to the blacks, whites... any color. Thanks for pointing it out.
But only the ones capable of thinking for themselves and stepping outside the plantation.

Oh look. Patronizing racism. What a surprise. He's saying a whole race is stupid. That's racism. And to think the Trumpflakes wonder why blacks don't support their racist party.

Also, a race-card thread from Trump supporters. Another surprise. You'd have think Team Trump would have run out of race cards by now, but they always print more.

The fact that Trump supporters here are all mewling beta retards doesn't mean whites are stupid. It would be racist of me to say that, so obviously I wouldn't say that. It means that, as individuals, the Trump supporters here are drooling paste-eaters, no matter what color they are.

Interesting. YOu can see that calling a large group of whites, "retards" is not racist, but norman, calling a large group of blacks,, you assume to be racist.

Different rules for different folks? Or do you just call people racist when every they say something you don't like?

Either way, you are a race baiting asshole.
I thought the emancipation proclamation did that. Silly me. Anyone STILL own slaves? Besides hiring illegal aliens doing all those jobs Americans used to do. Anyone? Rich white elitists define immigrants rights salve their conscience. Slaves. Speaking of which anyone remember how sanctuary cities were snuck in here without voter approval? Slaves? Who hires and defines illegal aliens? Certain somebodies make them legal and screw POOR American poor. All those homeless poor like out of a Steinbeck novel living in tents by the river. In carboard huts, jobless. I am lost here. A lot of us are...
Where did I say that? Kanye West is INFINITELY more intelligent than you.

But you say blacks as a race are so stupid, they let the evil Democrats fool them into staying on the plantation.

That's racist.

Wow. The way you structure your sentence, it's like it's a supporting argument,

but it is not. NOt even a little.
This is over the top stupid and bizarre, but hey what do you expect? He is a Trump supporter. His reasoning...… the 13th Amendment abolished slavery excepted for the forced labor of prisoners which is a valid concern . Not only is it inhumane but because doing so would force the states to create paying jobs, either for the prisoners or others. -but really ? Like this?

He reasons that by abolishing the 13th, prison servitude will disappear and that just isn't happening. Not only will prisons still be able to use slave labor, states like Alabama and Mississippi will also.

Ya think that there might be a better way Kanye ? Watch your twitter feed for Trumps comments on this. He's probobly all in already

Kanye West says he wants to ‘abolish’ amendment that repealed slavery in pro-Trump tweet
Why put ‘black man’ in your title?
This is over the top stupid and bizarre, but hey what do you expect? He is a Trump supporter. His reasoning...… the 13th Amendment abolished slavery excepted for the forced labor of prisoners which is a valid concern . Not only is it inhumane but because doing so would force the states to create paying jobs, either for the prisoners or others. -but really ? Like this?

He reasons that by abolishing the 13th, prison servitude will disappear and that just isn't happening. Not only will prisons still be able to use slave labor, states like Alabama and Mississippi will also.

Ya think that there might be a better way Kanye ? Watch your twitter feed for Trumps comments on this. He's probobly all in already

Kanye West says he wants to ‘abolish’ amendment that repealed slavery in pro-Trump tweet
Yet another hissyfit from PeePee just because someone else - a ‘black man’ - no less - expresses an opinion PeePee doesn’t approve of.

Wow, Kanye has the wrong skin color, I guess.

What is that supposed to mean? That statement would be equally stupid regardless of the skin color of the person uttering it. The only difference is that a white person saying that would not just be stupid. He would be a stupid racist.
Why do you think that black people are stupid?

Jeeeeezus fucking Christ? I said HE is stupid . Cut the shit!

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Have you always thought that you're better than black people?
In defence of PeePee, he thinks he’s better.

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