The Black Codes: Legalizing Racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
It is important to understand the totality of the experience of blacks in America. When slavery ended , human rights violations didn't . This is a video of the Black Codes which was a system of rules limiting the freedom of blacks after slavery ended.

It is important to understand the totality of the experience of blacks in America. When slavery ended , human rights violations didn't . This is a video of the Black Codes which was a system of rules limiting the freedom of blacks after slavery ended.

Bejesus fucking Christo, who the fuck was harassing the blacks when slavery ended, the fucking Democrats. Who fucked the blacks after reconstruction almost completely ended racial segregation, Woodrow Wilson a fucking Democrat. Who continued to bother black people, Democrats. Even today, who burns minority buildings and murder blacks in the 1000s? Democrats. I am so sick of your racist animosity towards all whites. Just like i dont point out all blacks like you are idiots. Many of the blacks that i know have moved on.
Bejesus fucking Christo, who the fuck was harassing the blacks when slavery ended, the fucking Democrats. Who fucked the blacks after reconstruction almost completely ended racial segregation, Woodrow Wilson a fucking Democrat. Who continued to bother black people, Democrats. Even today, who burns minority buildings and murder blacks in the 1000s? Democrats. I am so sick of your racist animosity towards all whites. Just like i dont point out all blacks like you are idiots. Many of the blacks that i know have moved on.
No, it just wasn't democrats.

Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Partyis the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slaveryas a constitutional right.

Rutherford Hayes, a Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow. Plessy v Ferguson was a 7-2 vote in favor of segregation, 4 of the 7 votes were Republican.

Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans who worked to purge blacks from the party.

Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. In 1964, the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly one hundred years of black support.

A Democrat sgned our second Emancipation Proclamation in 1964. A Democrat signed the Voting Rights Act. The Democrats nominated and supported the candidacy of the first black president, and have supported the only black vice president. I'm tired of dumb whites like you whining about racism when blacks point out what whites have done while posting all kinds of racist comments about black people.
Today is now. Focusing on 200 yrs ago adds no value to current problems. Blacks killing Blacks. Unprovoked Blacks attacking, often killing innocents.

Fix those two problems, then you can play pretend racism. Racism exists in Black neighborhood. Man no-go zones that a White lady cant drive thru. Hope this helps you With your issues?
This is the history section and Black Codes is a historical topic. So I am reporring yoj for being off topic.
No, it just wasn't democrats.

Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Partyis the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slaveryas a constitutional right.

Rutherford Hayes, a Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow. Plessy v Ferguson was a 7-2 vote in favor of segregation, 4 of the 7 votes were Republican.

Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans who worked to purge blacks from the party.

Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. In 1964, the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly one hundred years of black support.

A Democrat sgned our second Emancipation Proclamation in 1964. A Democrat signed the Voting Rights Act. The Democrats nominated and supported the candidacy of the first black president, and have supported the only black vice president. I'm tired of dumb whites like you whining about racism when blacks point out what whites have done while posting all kinds of racist comments about black people.
Reconstruction - Civil Rights, Freedmen, Jim Crow [qutoe] Negotiations between Southern political leaders and representatives of Hayes produced a bargain: Hayes would recognize Democratic control of the remaining Southern states, and Democrats would not block the certification of his election by Congress (see United States presidential election of 1876). Hayes was inaugurated; federal troops returned to their barracks; and as an era when the federal government accepted the responsibility for protecting the rights of the former slaves, Reconstruction came to an end. [/quote] I know that isnt what you wanted to hear about Republicans wanting to take responsibility of protecting the rights of former slaves, but there it is.
Reconstruction - Civil Rights, Freedmen, Jim Crow [qutoe] Negotiations between Southern political leaders and representatives of Hayes produced a bargain: Hayes would recognize Democratic control of the remaining Southern states, and Democrats would not block the certification of his election by Congress (see United States presidential election of 1876). Hayes was inaugurated; federal troops returned to their barracks; and as an era when the federal government accepted the responsibility for protecting the rights of the former slaves, Reconstruction came to an end.
I know that isnt what you wanted to hear about Republicans wanting to take responsibility of protecting the rights of former slaves, but there it is.

Hayes made the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction. That is historical fact not something you cherry picked from the Encyclopedia.

The Compromise of 1877​


  • The Compromise of 1877 resolved the disputed 1876 presidential election between Democratic candidate Samuel Tilden and Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes.
  • Democrats agreed that Rutherford B. Hayes would become president in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from the South and the granting of home rule in the South.
  • President Hayes’ withdrawal of federal troops from Louisiana and South Carolina marked a major turning point in American political history, effectively ending the Reconstruction Era and issuing in the system of Jim Crow.

The Compromise of 1877 gave white Southerners their chance to stop the military occupation of the South. In the compromise, Southern Democrats agreed not to block the vote by which Congress awarded the contested electoral votes to Rutherford B. Hayes, and Hayes therefore became president. In return, Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from actively intervening in the politics of Louisiana and South Carolina (the last two states occupied by federal troops). Accordingly, within two months of becoming president, Hayes ordered federal troops in Louisiana and South Carolina to return to their bases.

The removal of the federal soldiers from the streets and from statehouse offices signaled the end of the Republican Party’s commitment to protecting the civil and political rights of African Americans, and marked a major political turning point in American history: it ended Reconstruction.

I know that isnt what you wanted to hear about Republicans wanting to take responsibility of protecting the rights of former slaves, but there it is.

Hayes made the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction. That is historical fact not something you cherry picked from the Encyclopedia.

The Compromise of 1877​


  • The Compromise of 1877 resolved the disputed 1876 presidential election between Democratic candidate Samuel Tilden and Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes.
  • Democrats agreed that Rutherford B. Hayes would become president in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from the South and the granting of home rule in the South.
  • President Hayes’ withdrawal of federal troops from Louisiana and South Carolina marked a major turning point in American political history, effectively ending the Reconstruction Era and issuing in the system of Jim Crow.

The Compromise of 1877 gave white Southerners their chance to stop the military occupation of the South. In the compromise, Southern Democrats agreed not to block the vote by which Congress awarded the contested electoral votes to Rutherford B. Hayes, and Hayes therefore became president. In return, Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from actively intervening in the politics of Louisiana and South Carolina (the last two states occupied by federal troops). Accordingly, within two months of becoming president, Hayes ordered federal troops in Louisiana and South Carolina to return to their bases.

The removal of the federal soldiers from the streets and from statehouse offices signaled the end of the Republican Party’s commitment to protecting the civil and political rights of African Americans, and marked a major political turning point in American history: it ended Reconstruction.

And who was the party of Jim Crow? Fucking Democrats. Why is it that without the government, blacks just cant seem to make it on their own? Democrats kept blacks from owning guns, today Democrats want to take guns away from blacks.

Hayes made the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction. That is historical fact not something you cherry picked from the Encyclopedia.

The Compromise of 1877​


  • The Compromise of 1877 resolved the disputed 1876 presidential election between Democratic candidate Samuel Tilden and Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes.
  • Democrats agreed that Rutherford B. Hayes would become president in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from the South and the granting of home rule in the South.
  • President Hayes’ withdrawal of federal troops from Louisiana and South Carolina marked a major turning point in American political history, effectively ending the Reconstruction Era and issuing in the system of Jim Crow.

The Compromise of 1877 gave white Southerners their chance to stop the military occupation of the South. In the compromise, Southern Democrats agreed not to block the vote by which Congress awarded the contested electoral votes to Rutherford B. Hayes, and Hayes therefore became president. In return, Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from actively intervening in the politics of Louisiana and South Carolina (the last two states occupied by federal troops). Accordingly, within two months of becoming president, Hayes ordered federal troops in Louisiana and South Carolina to return to their bases.

The removal of the federal soldiers from the streets and from statehouse offices signaled the end of the Republican Party’s commitment to protecting the civil and political rights of African Americans, and marked a major political turning point in American history: it ended Reconstruction.

And who was the party of Jim Crow? Fucking Democrats. Why is it that without the government blacks just cant seem to make it on their own?

View attachment 830467
If Republicans allowed Jim Crow to happen they are also the party of Jim Crow. And again 4 of the 7 affirmative Supreme Court votes for separate but equal which made apartheid a national law, were REPUBLICANS.
And who was the party of Jim Crow? Fucking Democrats. Why is it that without the government blacks just cant seem to make it on their own?

View attachment 830467
If Republicans allowed Jim Crow to happen they are also the party of Jim Crow. And again 4 of the 7 affirmative Supreme Court votes for separate but equal which made apartheid a national law, were REPUBLICANS.
You are really grasping at straws, with that strawman argument. I guess it was the Democrats that went to war in Iraq with both George Bush's since they didnt stop the George' from going there in the first place.
It is important to understand the totality of the experience of blacks in America. When slavery ended , human rights violations didn't . This is a video of the Black Codes which was a system of rules limiting the freedom of blacks after slavery ended.

With the demographic shift taking place in this nation right now you have a lot better ways to spend your time and beating the old white versus black dead horse. It's going to become so irrelevant so quickly as to make you wonder why you have a spent any time on it in the first place. You're collecting video cassettes in the age of thumb drives.
With the demographic shift taking place in this nation right now you have a lot better ways to spend your time and beating the old white versus black dead horse. It's going to become so irrelevant so quickly as to make you wonder why you have a spent any time on it in the first place. You're collecting video cassettes in the age of thumb drives.
Do you discuss history? Yes. This is history and it will be presented.

That horse ain't dead, you're an example of how alive it really is.
Do you discuss history? Yes. This is history and it will be presented.

That horse ain't dead, you're an example of how alive it really is.
My friend that horse has just started up the bottom of Dead horse Hill. But I digress, you remind me of the need to have better posting etiquette and I take that reminder seriously.

It is important to understand the totality of the experience of blacks in America. When slavery ended , human rights violations didn't . This is a video of the Black Codes which was a system of rules limiting the freedom of blacks after slavery ended.

Why does your video show modern militaries and videos from african nations?
No you are an idiot who must of been butt fucked by the likes of Pete Buttplug from Indiana, so you have to attack all "White" people for the actions of the few.
Now, be nice.

Most people, white and black, aren't terribly concerned about the history of slavery. We've moved on, so should you. :)
Bejesus fucking Christo, who the fuck was harassing the blacks when slavery ended, the fucking Democrats. Who fucked the blacks after reconstruction almost completely ended racial segregation, Woodrow Wilson a fucking Democrat. Who continued to bother black people, Democrats. Even today, who burns minority buildings and murder blacks in the 1000s? Democrats. I am so sick of your racist animosity towards all whites. Just like i dont point out all blacks like you are idiots. Many of the blacks that i know have moved on.
I no longer refer to my black friends as black. In fact this post is the first time in years I have even thought about this issue in terms of my acquaintances. They are simply my comrades. Racism will vanish if the left will allow it. It will make a strong resurgence however when the US becomes majority Latino. Bet on it.
It is important to understand the totality of the experience of blacks in America. When slavery ended , human rights violations didn't . This is a video of the Black Codes which was a system of rules limiting the freedom of blacks after slavery ended.

At least you're a generous race baiting crybaby. Your spread your poison everywhere regularly.

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