The "Black Face" Issue

I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

In Vaudeville they had trouble finding blacks who could remember their lines or show up sober or at all. So white folks had to play black characters. It didn't have anything to do with "racism" was the show business..

Amos and Andy characters re-enforced typical stereotypes.
Getting offended only counts if you are a woman or a black these days.

LOL, maybe cross-dressing should be banned.
Funny thing is.
British and Canadian comedic actors frequently dress the woman's part with exaggerated behavior's for comic effect. All the way back to Shakespeare.
Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Kids In The Hall.
Comic geniuses? Or misogynists?

Everyone is frankly too hutthurt these days.

Doesn't really have the same historical context of making fun of formerly enslaved people. But if you want to get all PC about it then be my guest.

Far worse was done to the American Indian. Far worse was done to gays. And far far worse was done to women since time immortal, being virtual slaves to men to keep home, cook the meals, get pregnant, raise the family, be subservient to the husband to his every whim, while he went out and worked, socialized and enjoyed the fruits of the world.

History is REPLETE with injustices. People are sick of hearing Blacks whine like they are the only ones who ever fell to injustice due to a superior force. The Europeans of the 17th century were literally 10,000 years ahead of the African primitives when they found them. That is not justification or rationalization, mere definition of human behavior.

Had the Blacks been 10,000 years ahead and found primitive white man in Africa 400 years ago, THEY WOULD HAVE DONE THE EXACT SAME THING.

I see. I don't know what black face has to do with women or gays, I guess that's for you to explain however it's a very specific form of racism towards black people. Are you denying that or something?

History is full of injustice towards many different people. Are you saying it's all valid with the exception of blacks? That seems to be an odd take. I can only assume you don't like black people. Of course I wouldn't be surprised if there was a thread about bigoted actions taken towards gays then your reply would be complaining that gays have it too easy.

Is black face racist? Yes.
That seems to be an odd take.
You are an odd take. Black Face was mere caricature humor that never hurt a fly. Same has been done for Indians, women, white people, everyone. Its called caricature humor. Sorry for your delicate, offended, snowflake ass. deal with it. If you want to dress up and put a white face on, be my guest. Could care less. There's not a people on this planet that haven't ever suffered an inequity, wrong or injustice. People are frankly sick and tired of hearing Blacks whine about something that disappeared hundreds of years ago. Now you got a thing because some French guy in Canada was in a minstrel show 30 years ago. Man, I feel sorry for you. Get a fucking life.
That seems to be an odd take.
You are an odd take. Black Face was mere caricature humor that never hurt a fly. Same has been done for Indians, women, white people, everyone. Its called caricature humor. Sorry for your delicate, offended, snowflake ass. deal with it. If you want to dress up and put a white face on, be my guest. Could care less. There's not a people on this planet that haven't ever suffered an inequity, wrong or injustice. People are frankly sick and tired of hearing Blacks whine about something that disappeared hundreds of years ago. Now you got a thing because some French guy in Canada was in a minstrel show 30 years ago. Man, I feel sorry for you. Get a fucking life.

White face? I don't have much of a choice. I think you should go in black face though. I fully endorse that.

Black face is racist, whether you understand that or not, the general public seems to agree with me so, I think it's you who needs to deal with that, you're obviously angry about it.
That seems to be an odd take.
You are an odd take. Black Face was mere caricature humor that never hurt a fly. Same has been done for Indians, women, white people, everyone. Its called caricature humor. Sorry for your delicate, offended, snowflake ass. deal with it. If you want to dress up and put a white face on, be my guest. Could care less. There's not a people on this planet that haven't ever suffered an inequity, wrong or injustice. People are frankly sick and tired of hearing Blacks whine about something that disappeared hundreds of years ago. Now you got a thing because some French guy in Canada was in a minstrel show 30 years ago. Man, I feel sorry for you. Get a fucking life.

White face? I don't have much of a choice. I think you should go in black face though. I fully endorse that.

Black face is racist, whether you understand that or not, the general public seems to agree with me so, I think it's you who needs to deal with that, you're obviously angry about it.

EVERYTHING is racist to you snowflakes now that calls any attention to a person's race. Next to go: any mention of a person's gender. Finally, any mention of their marital status, sexual preference, height, weight, hair, looks, speech or dress. These will ALL be taboo. No one will know what to say to anyone else for fear of being labeled racist or some other PC label. The only safe bet left will be to make fun of Donald Trump, conservatives, and white people.
That seems to be an odd take.
You are an odd take. Black Face was mere caricature humor that never hurt a fly. Same has been done for Indians, women, white people, everyone. Its called caricature humor. Sorry for your delicate, offended, snowflake ass. deal with it. If you want to dress up and put a white face on, be my guest. Could care less. There's not a people on this planet that haven't ever suffered an inequity, wrong or injustice. People are frankly sick and tired of hearing Blacks whine about something that disappeared hundreds of years ago. Now you got a thing because some French guy in Canada was in a minstrel show 30 years ago. Man, I feel sorry for you. Get a fucking life.

White face? I don't have much of a choice. I think you should go in black face though. I fully endorse that.

Black face is racist, whether you understand that or not, the general public seems to agree with me so, I think it's you who needs to deal with that, you're obviously angry about it.

EVERYTHING is racist to you snowflakes now that calls any attention to a person's race. Next to go: any mention of a person's gender. Finally, any mention of their marital status, sexual preference, height, weight, hair, looks, speech or dress. These will ALL be taboo. No one will know what to say to anyone else for fear of being labeled racist or some other PC label. The only safe bet left will be to make fun of Donald Trump, conservatives, and white people.


I've never said anything that remotely resembles your post.

Is black face racist? Yes.
That seems to be an odd take.
You are an odd take. Black Face was mere caricature humor that never hurt a fly. Same has been done for Indians, women, white people, everyone. Its called caricature humor. Sorry for your delicate, offended, snowflake ass. deal with it. If you want to dress up and put a white face on, be my guest. Could care less. There's not a people on this planet that haven't ever suffered an inequity, wrong or injustice. People are frankly sick and tired of hearing Blacks whine about something that disappeared hundreds of years ago. Now you got a thing because some French guy in Canada was in a minstrel show 30 years ago. Man, I feel sorry for you. Get a fucking life.

White face? I don't have much of a choice. I think you should go in black face though. I fully endorse that.

Black face is racist, whether you understand that or not, the general public seems to agree with me so, I think it's you who needs to deal with that, you're obviously angry about it.

EVERYTHING is racist to you snowflakes now that calls any attention to a person's race. Next to go: any mention of a person's gender. Finally, any mention of their marital status, sexual preference, height, weight, hair, looks, speech or dress. These will ALL be taboo. No one will know what to say to anyone else for fear of being labeled racist or some other PC label. The only safe bet left will be to make fun of Donald Trump, conservatives, and white people.


I've never said anything that remotely resembles your post.

Is black face racist? Yes.
I never said you said a thing.
Prove black face is racist. THe only racist I see here is you.
That seems to be an odd take.
You are an odd take. Black Face was mere caricature humor that never hurt a fly. Same has been done for Indians, women, white people, everyone. Its called caricature humor. Sorry for your delicate, offended, snowflake ass. deal with it. If you want to dress up and put a white face on, be my guest. Could care less. There's not a people on this planet that haven't ever suffered an inequity, wrong or injustice. People are frankly sick and tired of hearing Blacks whine about something that disappeared hundreds of years ago. Now you got a thing because some French guy in Canada was in a minstrel show 30 years ago. Man, I feel sorry for you. Get a fucking life.

White face? I don't have much of a choice. I think you should go in black face though. I fully endorse that.

Black face is racist, whether you understand that or not, the general public seems to agree with me so, I think it's you who needs to deal with that, you're obviously angry about it.

EVERYTHING is racist to you snowflakes now that calls any attention to a person's race. Next to go: any mention of a person's gender. Finally, any mention of their marital status, sexual preference, height, weight, hair, looks, speech or dress. These will ALL be taboo. No one will know what to say to anyone else for fear of being labeled racist or some other PC label. The only safe bet left will be to make fun of Donald Trump, conservatives, and white people.


I've never said anything that remotely resembles your post.

Is black face racist? Yes.

Then why do so many Lefty's do it?
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

In Vaudeville they had trouble finding blacks who could remember their lines or show up sober or at all. So white folks had to play black characters. It didn't have anything to do with "racism" was the show business..

Amos and Andy characters re-enforced typical stereotypes.
Kind of how Deliverance reinforced the toothless uneducated racists of Appalacia we hear so much about lately?
download (21).jpeg
Or the Pollack jokes I heard all my life assuming Polish folks were dumb. Frankly, I found them funny.
Ironic how minority comedians can trash Asians and whites all day. Yet reverse that and the racist accusations fly. Leftists loved Dave Chappell when he wore white face to purposely mock white behavior, but castrate him when he mocks leftists and black or gay culture. The double standard at work.
Already turning on him for "Sticks and Stones."

Every group has a stereotypical behavior associated with it. All groups hold stereotypes of those deemed outside the group.

Can't change human nature.
Can't control human thought or speech.

All you can control is your own reaction. Being perpetually offended only gives power to the offender.
Once you go black, you don't go back...I like Tredeau a little more now...and letting his hair down.
Before he got woke, he broke liberalist dogma before anyone knew it was dogma. He is flesh and blood and does questionable things. SO? Forgiveness. Do liberals do the forgiveness thing? Or do they just irrationally crucify everyone for tiny transgressions after the fact? Is that the kind of belief system anyone wants to belong to? It seems liberals have a concept of sin and dogma like a religion, but then have no moral direction or fixed belief system.
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?
Justin Trudeau and every liberal should be caught in the PC noose they helped create.
So, if a white guy attends a costume party and dresses up like Martin Luther King, complete with black face, out of sincere respect for the man, is it 'racist'?
Only if he/she is a conservative.

Everybody knows leftists and blacks can't be racist... [/]
The worst part of Trudeau is his freaking confession and plea. Why not defend his mildly at best kind of funny portrayal of a fictional Indian character? But no, sissie lefties would rather fall on their knees and kiss every dirty ass in the crowd to keep their pathetic political positions. Back in the U.S. however, democrat politicians like Va. Gov. Northam don't have to worry. Only republicans get challenged for their college antics.
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

In Vaudeville they had trouble finding blacks who could remember their lines or show up sober or at all. So white folks had to play black characters. It didn't have anything to do with "racism" was the show business..

Wow, that's pretty incredibly stupid.

Black face was invented because of lazy blacks? Jesus, that's a double whammy of racist horseshit.

Read it, I implore you.
I hear de camp town racetrack is 5 mile long?
So, if a white guy attends a costume party and dresses up like Martin Luther King, complete with black face, out of sincere respect for the man, is it 'racist'?

Sorry, but that is not the case, and, today, I can't envision your scenario ever happening.

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