The Blessed Virgin Mary's Place in the Koran

Mary in the Quran is basically the same story as in the Bible. ..... :cool:

She has a visit by an angel which tells her the HS will come upon her and she will become pg. , and then Joseph has a dream and is told to marry her as she is pg by the HS.

She also gives birth in a manger with her husband by her side and not under the Palm tree, and has other kids.

IN the RCC she is born without original sin and as a virgin she gives birth to Jesus and remained a virgin, but still married Joseph (who is older and has kids from his first marriage) . If your not RC, she was born with original sin and her and Joseph have other children together.

Just a little bit different.

The Muslims have respect for Mary and Jesus, but the Jews see Mary as a unwed mother having a bastard son,
correct me if your a Jew and I'm wrong.
I'm a Christian and you are wrong. The Muslims drew from the God of Abraham, and then added to or took away from to create a religion that favors Ishmael instead of Issac. What respect? To call Jesus less than the Son of God, dismisses Him. To write on the big golden dome, that Allah has no son disrespects the Son of God. Satan will sell you 99% of the truth to get you to believe that 1% lie. You're being lied to about who Jesus was if you read the Qur'an. And don't worry to much about the Jews. They accept Him in the end. He will live among them forever when He returns.
(QUOTE="The Irish Ram, post: 9675640, member: 29246"]I'm a Christian and you are wrong. The Muslims drew from the God of Abraham, and then added to or took away from to create a religion that favors Ishmael instead of Issac. What respect? To call Jesus less than the Son of God, dismisses Him. To write on the big golden dome, that Allah has no son disrespects the Son of God. Satan will sell you 99% of the truth to get you to believe that 1% lie. You're being lied to about who Jesus was if you read the Qur'an. And don't worry to much about the Jews. They accept Him in the end. He will live among them forever when He returns.[/QUOTE]

Your right and I'm wrong. First of all, neither of us are right or wrong about how we see Jesus, but if you do think he is God, its your lost, as God is not a man, read the Bible.

Now as far as Mecca goes it was a very busy place, and many un orthodox Christians, Gnostics, Jews, Zoroastrians fled from Rome to Arabia. That is why Muhammad knows so much about the stories of the Jews and the Christians. He listened to their stories. I want also to point out that at that time the Jewish Rabbis were teaching the Babylon Talmud, so Muhammad got a stories from them. At the time they had many Gods (300 and some) in Mecca and so Muhammad taught the One God, many did not like that which started fights among the Muslims.
The beginning of the Quran reads like the Book of Jasher, (mentioned in the Ot when the sun stood still) so much of what is in the Quran is from the Bible, said a little different but the same. Of course then you have the oral laws that make it scary.

Now so you worship a man, Jesus , who you think was God, fine, but there is no way that ISA 7:14 is about a virgin birth. The virgin birth may as well be seen as a birth of a new way of worshipping God , like a metaphor, as you know Jesus had a problem with the Pharisees. (who are the rabbis who wrote the Babylon Talmud). You loose a lot when you think Jesus was God himself, instead of seeing him as a man of God, who died to bring us his message.
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You will never hear a muslim disrespect Jesus or use his name as part of a cuss word like many christian people do.

Jesus is one of God's prophets and due nothing but admiration and respect. ... :cool:
Mary in the Quran is basically the same story as in the Bible. ..... :cool:

She has a visit by an angel which tells her the HS will come upon her and she will become pg. , and then Joseph has a dream and is told to marry her as she is pg by the HS.

She also gives birth in a manger with her husband by her side and not under the Palm tree, and has other kids.

IN the RCC she is born without original sin and as a virgin she gives birth to Jesus and remained a virgin, but still married Joseph (who is older and has kids from his first marriage) . If your not RC, she was born with original sin and her and Joseph have other children together.

Just a little bit different.

The Muslims have respect for Mary and Jesus, but the Jews see Mary as a unwed mother having a bastard son,
correct me if your a Jew and I'm wrong.

Jesus family thought he was mentally ill
According to the author of the Gospel of Mark (Mark 3:19-21, 31), during the period when he was preaching, Jesus' relatives, his mother and his brothers, believed that he was mentally ill. The author of the Gospel of John comments that "neither did his brothers believe in him" (John 7:5). Jesus, in turn, rejected them (Mark 3:31-35, Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21). Apparently, Mary, the mother of Jesus, forgot the visits of angels, magi, and shepherds. The prophecies of Anna and Simeon completely slipped her mind. Most of all Mary seems to have forgotten her own impregnation by the Holy Spirit. It is more than likely that she had nothing to forget because these episodes never happened. When Jesus started to preach they had a legitimate concern as to his mental condition. This incident, rather than later claims that his family believed in his message, shows that no miracles surrounded his birth. :eusa_whistle:
Penelope, a man of God has as much power to remove sin as my dog. Christ said, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father". They are one.
And, if you see Jesus other than what He taught, you are wrong. Having done that, you see Him as a good guy. A worthless, albeit, good guy, man of God, just not who He said He is. How do you know He even existed? Have you read about Him somewhere? From where do you draw your knowledge of Him? If it's the Bible, then did He tell the truth about Himself once in a while and lie once in a while too?
How do you believe He is a man of God, and dismiss what He said?? Does a man of God, lie about God?
In truth He was Emanuel, and was propitiation for our sins. Big difference in what He said, and what you believe about Him.

Jesus said, " I and my Father are one. ..." Good guys don't lie..........
Mary in the Quran is basically the same story as in the Bible. ..... :cool:

She has a visit by an angel which tells her the HS will come upon her and she will become pg. , and then Joseph has a dream and is told to marry her as she is pg by the HS.

She also gives birth in a manger with her husband by her side and not under the Palm tree, and has other kids.

IN the RCC she is born without original sin and as a virgin she gives birth to Jesus and remained a virgin, but still married Joseph (who is older and has kids from his first marriage) . If your not RC, she was born with original sin and her and Joseph have other children together.

Just a little bit different.

The Muslims have respect for Mary and Jesus, but the Jews see Mary as a unwed mother having a bastard son,
correct me if your a Jew and I'm wrong.

Jesus family thought he was mentally ill
According to the author of the Gospel of Mark (Mark 3:19-21, 31), during the period when he was preaching, Jesus' relatives, his mother and his brothers, believed that he was mentally ill. The author of the Gospel of John comments that "neither did his brothers believe in him" (John 7:5). Jesus, in turn, rejected them (Mark 3:31-35, Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21). Apparently, Mary, the mother of Jesus, forgot the visits of angels, magi, and shepherds. The prophecies of Anna and Simeon completely slipped her mind. Most of all Mary seems to have forgotten her own impregnation by the Holy Spirit. It is more than likely that she had nothing to forget because these episodes never happened. When Jesus started to preach they had a legitimate concern as to his mental condition. This incident, rather than later claims that his family believed in his message, shows that no miracles surrounded his birth. :eusa_whistle:

throughout Jewish history a lot of mentally ill people claimed to be the messiah , in addition the jewish messiah is not to be a man god but leader. the jesus cult was almost dead when paul re invented it 80 ears later. it wasn't until 325 bce that he was named a god First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jewish Messiah claimants - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You will never hear a muslim disrespect Jesus or use his name as part of a cuss word like many christian people do.

Jesus is one of God's prophets and due nothing but admiration and respect. ... :cool:

You respect an admire a liar if you believe God has no Son. Because Jesus said He was. Not one of God's prophets could remove sin. Only Christ had pure enough blood to exchange it for ours. Even the demons called Him the Son of God. What Jesus tells us about Himself, and what the Qur'an tells us about Jesus couldn't be farther apart. The Bible lifts Him up above all men, the Qur'an tears Him down to the level of man.
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You respect an admire a liar if you believe God has no Son. Because Jesus said He was. Not one of God's prophets could remove sin. Only Christ had pure enough blood to exchange it for ours. Even the demons called Him the Son of God.
The poster Guno is correct that a delusional jew named Paul started a cult that turned a man named Jesus into a deity and worshipped him as a God. .. :cool:
Mary in the Quran is basically the same story as in the Bible. ..... :cool:

She has a visit by an angel which tells her the HS will come upon her and she will become pg. , and then Joseph has a dream and is told to marry her as she is pg by the HS.

She also gives birth in a manger with her husband by her side and not under the Palm tree, and has other kids.

IN the RCC she is born without original sin and as a virgin she gives birth to Jesus and remained a virgin, but still married Joseph (who is older and has kids from his first marriage) . If your not RC, she was born with original sin and her and Joseph have other children together.

Just a little bit different.

The Muslims have respect for Mary and Jesus, but the Jews see Mary as a unwed mother having a bastard son,
correct me if your a Jew and I'm wrong.

Jesus family thought he was mentally ill
According to the author of the Gospel of Mark (Mark 3:19-21, 31), during the period when he was preaching, Jesus' relatives, his mother and his brothers, believed that he was mentally ill. The author of the Gospel of John comments that "neither did his brothers believe in him" (John 7:5). Jesus, in turn, rejected them (Mark 3:31-35, Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21). Apparently, Mary, the mother of Jesus, forgot the visits of angels, magi, and shepherds. The prophecies of Anna and Simeon completely slipped her mind. Most of all Mary seems to have forgotten her own impregnation by the Holy Spirit. It is more than likely that she had nothing to forget because these episodes never happened. When Jesus started to preach they had a legitimate concern as to his mental condition. This incident, rather than later claims that his family believed in his message, shows that no miracles surrounded his birth. :eusa_whistle:

throughout Jewish history a lot of mentally ill people claimed to be the messiah , in addition the jewish messiah is not to be a man god but leader. the jesus cult was almost dead when paul re invented it 80 ears later. it wasn't until 325 bce that he was named a god First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jewish Messiah claimants - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Christianity was young and still working out the kinks when Constantine took power over the Roman Empire in A.D. 306. Christian doctrine at the time was muddled and inconsistent, especially when it came to the central question of Jesus' relationship to God.

Jesus was as eternally divine as the Father, said one camp led by the Archbishop Alexander of Alexandria. Another group, named the Arians after their leader Arius the preacher, saw Jesus as a remarkable leader, but inferior to the Father and lacking in absolute divinity.

Supporters on both sides scrawled graffiti on town walls in defiance while bishops from across the empire entered into a war of words as the controversy simmered to a head in 324."

In a savvy move that would put today's shrewd politicians to shame, the compromise proffered by Constantine was vague, but blandly pleasing: Jesus and God were of the same "substance," he suggested, without delving too much into the nature of that relationship. A majority of the bishops agreed on the compromise and voted to pass the language into doctrine."

So the jesus wasn't thought of as a god until 325 BCE

Their statement of compromise, which would come to be known as "The Nicene Creed," formed the basis for Christian ideology. The bishops also used the Council of Nicea to set in stone some churchrules that needed clarification, and those canons were the reference point after which all future laws were modeled.

How the Council of Nicea Changed the World

Early Christians did not worship Jesus as God until the fourth century.

This is something that Jehovah's Witnesses also teach. More recently, the idea was popularized in mainstream culture in Dan Brown's Angles & Demons.

The idea goes that early Christians revered Jesus as the Son of God, but not God himself. Then, in 325CE, the powerful Christian church married the Roman Empire and changed a core doctrine - the divinity of Jesus. Thus, with Christianity as the "official religion" of Rome, Christians began to worship Jesus as both the Son of God and God himself.

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