The Blessed Virgin Mary's Place in the Koran

Mary in the Quran is basically the same story as in the Bible. ..... :cool:

She has a visit by an angel which tells her the HS will come upon her and she will become pg. , and then Joseph has a dream and is told to marry her as she is pg by the HS.

She also gives birth in a manger with her husband by her side and not under the Palm tree, and has other kids.

IN the RCC she is born without original sin and as a virgin she gives birth to Jesus and remained a virgin, but still married Joseph (who is older and has kids from his first marriage) . If your not RC, she was born with original sin and her and Joseph have other children together.

Just a little bit different.

The Muslims have respect for Mary and Jesus, but the Jews see Mary as a unwed mother having a bastard son,
correct me if your a Jew and I'm wrong.

there is no comment at all upon Mary in Jewish writings-----
islamo Nazi pigs have SEARCHED and SEARCHED to no
avail------so they invented--------by CLAIMING that some
comments relate to mary------simply because the name
mary shows up--------Mary was a very very common name for
jews at that time. In fact so was Joshua ben Yosef-----which is the official name of Jesus.--------islamo Nazi pigs search and search for that name too------and, or course---do
come up with some Joshuas and 'ben Yosef" -----but they
not the same people. My own husband----who was born in
a shariah cesspit----had a very traditional jewish education
as a child----including TALMUD. He virtually had no idea who "mary" is or who "jesus" is Every year I RE-EXPLAIN easter to him. My son attended a traditional
yeshiva for grammar school in the USA----very OLD and damned old fashioned place. He never heard of jesus or
mary until he went to a public high school at age 14. I am always amused when islamo Nazis decide what Jews "think"
or "say" about mary and jesus---------the real answer is ---
NOTHING. I had absolutely no exposure at all to "religious"
education as a child other than SUNDAY school----with a Presbyterian playmate (5 or six times) ------I heard more about jews in churches than I heard about Christians at home or in synagogues----MUCH MORE (synagogue----a few dozen times---maybe a few score) In fact I also heard more about jews on the playground than I heard about Christians
either at home or in the hom
You respect an admire a liar if you believe God has no Son. Because Jesus said He was. Not one of God's prophets could remove sin. Only Christ had pure enough blood to exchange it for ours. Even the demons called Him the Son of God.
The poster Guno is correct that a delusional jew named Paul started a cult that turned a man named Jesus into a deity and worshipped him as a God. .. :cool:

The concept that JESUS is -----an avatar of God---- was not
INVENTED by Paul Paul was, very much, a contributor
to Christian theology, He was probably a greek convert to whatever he thought was Judaism at that time. Lots of people back then were DABBLING in religious concepts---
later on ---by about 5 centuries came a psychotic desert freak
who decided to make himself a kind of "god" like creature by virtue of prolific pillage, rape and murder. A whole innovative approach not related to Judaism
Penelope, a man of God has as much power to remove sin as my dog. Christ said, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father". They are one.
And, if you see Jesus other than what He taught, you are wrong. Having done that, you see Him as a good guy. A worthless, albeit, good guy, man of God, just not who He said He is. How do you know He even existed? Have you read about Him somewhere? From where do you draw your knowledge of Him? If it's the Bible, then did He tell the truth about Himself once in a while and lie once in a while too?
How do you believe He is a man of God, and dismiss what He said?? Does a man of God, lie about God?
In truth He was Emanuel, and was propitiation for our sins. Big difference in what He said, and what you believe about Him.

Jesus said, " I and my Father are one. ..." Good guys don't lie..........
You will never hear a muslim disrespect Jesus or use his name as part of a cuss word like many christian people do.

Jesus is one of God's prophets and due nothing but admiration and respect. ... :cool:

You respect an admire a liar if you believe God has no Son. Because Jesus said He was. Not one of God's prophets could remove sin. Only Christ had pure enough blood to exchange it for ours. Even the demons called Him the Son of God. What Jesus tells us, and the Qur'an tells us about Jesus couldn't be farther apart. The Bible lifts Him up above all men, the Qur'an tears Him down to the level of man.

The demons knew he was A man of God.
Mark 10:18New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
18 Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.

Yes Jesus said me and my Father are one, meaning he is full of the spirit of God. Isaiah was speaking to Ahaz as you know, and the sign was the time when the child born knew right from wrong, Ahaz didn't trust in God so the child was not named Emmanuel. You can believe what you want. I believed it at one time, but Jesus becomes more special as a man, as one can emulate and relate to him, we can't relate to God. God is not male or female,
and then we have the issue that Jesus is from the seed of David, they went through pains to show that, well women do not have seed, men do, and God is not a man. Why would they go through pains to show the linage when God is the Father? Just something to think about.
You have ever right to see Jesus as you want. Most people I know agree with you and believe in the virgin birth.
You will never hear a muslim disrespect Jesus or use his name as part of a cuss word like many christian people do.

Jesus is one of God's prophets and due nothing but admiration and respect. ... :cool:

You respect an admire a liar if you believe God has no Son. Because Jesus said He was. Not one of God's prophets could remove sin. Only Christ had pure enough blood to exchange it for ours. Even the demons called Him the Son of God. What Jesus tells us about Himself, and what the Qur'an tells us about Jesus couldn't be farther apart. The Bible lifts Him up above all men, the Qur'an tears Him down to the level of man.

Jesus family, the Jews had him murdered. .. :cool:
Jesus said to forgive them. Not wipe them off the face of the map. Where is your respect for Him again?
Being opposed to the evil state of Israel and zionist jews is in no way disrespecting prophet Jesus. .. :cool:

good point sunni-------nor is it anything like "disrespect" to
murder Christians by the hundreds of thousands and even
CRUCIFY THEM after all------muslims claim that Jesus was NOT CRUCIFIED-------the Christians LIED about that. ---
REMEMBER? btw----I forgot -----
by what means "DID THE JOOOOS KILL jesus since he was not crucify him? remember? Jesus is coming back to earth someday to SMASH the crosses -------because
the crosses represent the LIES of the Christians (I learned
this crap in a mosque------the speaker was a SPECIAL GENIUS from Al Azhar------it was on a GOOD FRIDAY----a day which he discussed as being a LIE CREATED BY THE ENEMEEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM the perverted liars who wrote the new testament
Judaism and Islam are much closer then Judaism and Christianity

not really-----only superficially When it comes to basic ethos-----Christianity and Judaism are far closer to each other than either is to islam in modern times. In medieval times---
islam and Christianity were VERY VERY close. Both were
totalitarian utopian ideologies. The Caliphate is
simply an Arabic term for the same thing which was
THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Even Catholicism has given '
up the notion of EMPIRE CONTROL
Weiss expresses a very dissident POV---which is actually not
what it appears to be at all-------in fact-----it is more like a
deceit he uses -----and the trick is on you------not DA JOOOS ---
Judaism and Islam are much closer then Judaism and Christianity

not really-----only superficially When it comes to basic ethos-----Christianity and Judaism are far closer to each other than either is to islam in modern times. In medieval times---
islam and Christianity were VERY VERY close. Both were
totalitarian utopian ideologies. The Caliphate is
simply an Arabic term for the same thing which was
THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Even Catholicism has given '
up the notion of EMPIRE CONTROL

Both Judaism and Islam believe in one God not a christian triune god which is paganism
Judaism and Islam are much closer then Judaism and Christianity

not really-----only superficially When it comes to basic ethos-----Christianity and Judaism are far closer to each other than either is to islam in modern times. In medieval times---
islam and Christianity were VERY VERY close. Both were
totalitarian utopian ideologies. The Caliphate is
simply an Arabic term for the same thing which was
THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Even Catholicism has given '
up the notion of EMPIRE CONTROL

Both Judaism and Islam believe in one God not a christian triune god which is paganism

your statement that the concept of the trinity is "pagan"----
is an OPINION----which suggests that you are -----likely a
muslim. I am not impressed at all with your pretense to
"TRUE MONOTHEISM" The fact that Judaism is very
meticulous of the "ONE GOD" issue does not make it
CLOSE TO ISLAM-------the ethos of Judaism is entirely different from islam. The ethics attributed to Jesus by the
writers of the NEW TESTAMENT are entirely jewish-----
The "ethics" of the Koran are entirely counter to those of
Weiss expresses a very dissident POV---which is actually not
what it appears to be at all-------in fact-----it is more like a
deceit he uses -----and the trick is on you------not DA JOOOS ---

really, a christer telling us Jews what we think or who is a real Jew?
Weiss expresses a very dissident POV---which is actually not
what it appears to be at all-------in fact-----it is more like a
deceit he uses -----and the trick is on you------not DA JOOOS ---

really, a christer telling us Jews what we think or who is a real Jew?
Actually, the psychotic poster who goes by the username "irosie" claims to be a jew.

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