stock buy backs is not, retooling.
The, king of, the comma, strikes again. :eusa_doh:

For the love of all things holy and decent, will you please take a basic grammar course at your local community college?!?
lol. focusing on grammar instead of a valid rebuttal is an ad hominem. fallacy is all the right wing has.
/——-/ Poor grammar and punctuation diminishes your stature in the eyes of your opponents. It lends to the thought you’re poorly educated and your opinion is weak at best. Now go back and edit your post to capitalize the first letter of each sentence. You look ridiculous.
stock buy backs is not, retooling.
The, king of, the comma, strikes again. :eusa_doh:

For the love of all things holy and decent, will you please take a basic grammar course at your local community college?!?
lol. focusing on grammar instead of a valid rebuttal is an ad hominem. fallacy is all the right wing has.
/——-/ Poor grammar and punctuation diminishes your stature in the eyes of your opponents. It lends to the thought you’re poorly educated and your opinion is weak at best. Now go back and edit your post to capitalize the first letter of each sentence. You look ridiculous.
having only diversion and other fallacies is even more ridiculous in any rational debate.

socialism on a national basis is all the right wing offers; income redistribution is what Tax Cut Economics are when they don't cover Spending and are merely added to the Peoples' Debt.
Poor grammar and punctuation diminishes your stature in the eyes of your opponents. It lends to the thought you’re poorly educated and your opinion is weak at best.
Thank you! Finally, someone who gets it. That dude just randomly sticks commas everywhere throughout sentences. It’s mind-numbing.
Tax cut economics; the Rich get Richer and the People get Poorer.
That’s the way it should be. Only an idiot subsidizes failure. It’s basic Darwinism. The best and brightest succeed, the weakest and sickest do not. It’s the only way to ensure the success and survival of the species.
Tax cut economics; the Rich get Richer and the People get Poorer.
That’s the way it should be. Only an idiot subsidizes failure. It’s basic Darwinism. The best and brightest succeed, the weakest and sickest do not. It’s the only way to ensure the success and survival of the species.
lol. You have no credibility; the rich get bailouts for simply being rich.
You have no credibility; the rich get bailouts for simply being rich.
I have complete and total credibility. Don't project your situation onto me. You continue to move the goalposts. First you complained that the wealthy are getting wealthier, when I pointed out how that only make sense, you then turn around and claim that the wealthy get "bailouts" (which is laughable).

Nobody has received "bailouts". Only corporations. And in another thread, you celebrated and supported those bailouts. Don't act like you're upset now, snowflake!
You have no credibility; the rich get bailouts for simply being rich.
I have complete and total credibility. Don't project your situation onto me. You continue to move the goalposts. First you complained that the wealthy are getting wealthier, when I pointed out how that only make sense, you then turn around and claim that the wealthy get "bailouts" (which is laughable).

Nobody has received "bailouts". Only corporations. And in another thread, you celebrated and supported those bailouts. Don't act like you're upset now, snowflake!
I support a higher minimum wage to increase tax revenue.
I support a higher minimum wage to increase tax revenue.
That’s like saying “I support Stage-4 cancer for increased quality of life”. Higher minimum wage decreases tax revenues. It’s an indisputable fact that has been proven in the real world. Time to let go of the nonsense ideology.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will function as a cost of living adjustment,
Here you go, stupid. Here is what $15 an hour minimum wage does in the real world. Just watch. Try learning something for once. This is the difference between reality and left-wing ideology.

I support a higher minimum wage to increase tax revenue.
That’s like saying “I support Stage-4 cancer for increased quality of life”. Higher minimum wage decreases tax revenues. It’s an indisputable fact that has been proven in the real world. Time to let go of the nonsense ideology.
Have you watched Gettysburg? "Labor will only have enfilade fire for a short while"; higher paid labor creates more in demand and pays more in taxes."

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, "is the reserve".
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will function as a cost of living adjustment,
Here you go, stupid. Here is what $15 an hour minimum wage does in the real world. Just watch. Try learning something for once. This is the difference between reality and left-wing ideology.

We need to lose low wage jobs anyway. There is no reason to subsidize capitalists with Cheap Labor in our First World.

Removing the time limit on compensation for Capitalists preferring their Profit to helping out with social costs and calling it a natural rate of unemployment; should solve that simple "time delay" from higher paid labor creating more in demand and paying more in taxes.
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We need to lose low wage jobs anyway.
Bingo! The battle-cry of the Dumbocrats! Just an FYI my friend - that attitude right there is why tax revenues plummet under Dumbocrats. You can’t tax unemployed people.
lol. just tax employers until they do.
Which will cause even more businesses to shut down and more people to join the unemployment line. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. You have flawlessly illustrated for the class why left-wing policy ends in complete and total collapse like Venezuela.
We need to lose low wage jobs anyway.
Bingo! The battle-cry of the Dumbocrats! Just an FYI my friend - that attitude right there is why tax revenues plummet under Dumbocrats. You can’t tax unemployed people.
lol. just tax employers until they do.
Which will cause even more businesses to shut down and more people to join the unemployment line. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. You have flawlessly illustrated for the class why left-wing policy ends in complete and total collapse like Venezuela.
You just have a bad attitude.
You just have a bad attitude.
You just have zero understanding of basic economics and basic business. What you are advocating results in complete and total economic collapse. Ask the good (ignorant) people of Venezuela.
You don't know what you are talking about. Higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and Creates more in Demand. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage cover the cost of social services and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, covers the ready reserve labor force in a more cost effective manner.
You don't know what you are talking about.
I’ve already proven you wrong, snowflake. I have the history, the data, the results, the facts, etc. - and I’ve posted them all. Don’t project. You’re the one who doesn’t know what they are talking about and everyone here knows it.

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