More garbage fake news from the new BS GOP, super dupe. Stock market has never gone up more under a President than it did under Obama.
Under MaObama? You mean, during the era when Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. Gee...I wonder why we saw such a turn around from the catastrophic collapse created by MaObama and the Dumbocrats.

You're not fooling anyone when you try to give MaObama the credit. His policies were catastrophic (not to mention unconstitutional in most cases). It's no coincidence then that our economy has seen record results after Trump replaced the marxist moron. The White House was the final piece. MaObama could no longer obstruct and/or destroy with unconstitutional regulations. Once Trump rolled everything back, the economy went off the charts!
You are a brainwashed ignoramus. The corrupt GOP caused the 2008 World depression Obama turned it around. 7.8% unemployment with a bullet when he came in... God damn idiot GOP voters oh, you are a disgrace.
More garbage fake news from the new BS GOP, super dupe. Stock market has never gone up more under a President than it did under Obama.
Under MaObama? You mean, during the era when Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. Gee...I wonder why we saw such a turn around from the catastrophic collapse created by MaObama and the Dumbocrats.

You're not fooling anyone when you try to give MaObama the credit. His policies were catastrophic (not to mention unconstitutional in most cases). It's no coincidence then that our economy has seen record results after Trump replaced the marxist moron. The White House was the final piece. MaObama could no longer obstruct and/or destroy with unconstitutional regulations. Once Trump rolled everything back, the economy went off the charts!
You are a brainwashed ignoramus. The corrupt GOP caused the 2008 World depression Obama turned it around. 7.8% unemployment with a bullet when he came in... God damn idiot GOP voters oh, you are a disgrace.
All those Republican governors and congressmen did nothing but obstruct everything they possibly could, which was everything except the stimulus and ObamaCare. Now the GOP assholes lie, saying well what you said which is ridiculous and that Obama had control for two years and his policies did anyting. Again all he passed was the stimulus and ObamaCare end of story.
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
Fascinating. So he didn’t lobby Congress to increase taxes? And he didn’t unconstitutionally leverage Executive Orders to roll out hundreds and hundreds of stifling regulations? And he didn’t use those regulations with the intent of putting the coal industry completely out of business? How about his really dirty business of putting pressure on all financial institutions not to do business with any company that manufactured or sold firearms and ammunition?

You’re clearly
not informed enough to be here discussing any of the subject matter on this board. You’re an embarrassment to your party and your country.
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully really are a special kind of ignorant. MaObama “promised” if we passed his stimulus, unemployment would “never reach 8%”. Instead, it skyrocketed to over 10%.
He said that when It was about 6%, he didn't realize it was a 9% economic retraction, nor did anyone else when he said it, super duper. It reached 8% about two weeks after he got in for Chris sake d u h.
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
Fascinating. So he didn’t lobby Congress to increase taxes? And he didn’t unconstitutionally leverage Executive Orders to roll out hundreds and hundreds of stifling regulations? And he didn’t use those regulations with the intent of putting the coal industry completely out of business? How about his really dirty business of putting pressure on all financial institutions not to do business with any company that manufactured or sold firearms and ammunition?

You’re clearly
not informed enough to be here discussing any of the subject matter on this board. You’re an embarrassment to your party and your country.
Nope. All garbage GOP propaganda. Firearms ban no imaginary garbage. Or link to any of that crap...and his economy was just as good as Trump's is now without a corrupt 1 trillion dollar just to pay off the rich. More jobs produced the last 21 months of Obama than the 21 months of trump. You're totally brainwashed, shit head
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
Fascinating. So he didn’t lobby Congress to increase taxes? And he didn’t unconstitutionally leverage Executive Orders to roll out hundreds and hundreds of stifling regulations? And he didn’t use those regulations with the intent of putting the coal industry completely out of business? How about his really dirty business of putting pressure on all financial institutions not to do business with any company that manufactured or sold firearms and ammunition?

You’re clearly
not informed enough to be here discussing any of the subject matter on this board. You’re an embarrassment to your party and your country.
He tried to raise taxes on the rich and finally got 5% more by giving away the store to the GOP. The scumbags
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
Fascinating. So he didn’t lobby Congress to increase taxes? And he didn’t unconstitutionally leverage Executive Orders to roll out hundreds and hundreds of stifling regulations? And he didn’t use those regulations with the intent of putting the coal industry completely out of business? How about his really dirty business of putting pressure on all financial institutions not to do business with any company that manufactured or sold firearms and ammunition?

You’re clearly
not informed enough to be here discussing any of the subject matter on this board. You’re an embarrassment to your party and your country.
Nope. All garbage GOP propaganda. Firearms ban no imaginary garbage. Or link to any of that crap...and his economy was just as good as Trump's is now without a corrupt 1 trillion dollar just to pay off the rich. More jobs produced the last 21 months of Obama than the 21 months of trump. You're totally brainwashed, shit head
he had fewer executive orders than any president in some time...
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
Fascinating. So he didn’t lobby Congress to increase taxes? And he didn’t unconstitutionally leverage Executive Orders to roll out hundreds and hundreds of stifling regulations? And he didn’t use those regulations with the intent of putting the coal industry completely out of business? How about his really dirty business of putting pressure on all financial institutions not to do business with any company that manufactured or sold firearms and ammunition?

You’re clearly
not informed enough to be here discussing any of the subject matter on this board. You’re an embarrassment to your party and your country.
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully really are a special kind of ignorant. MaObama “promised” if we passed his stimulus, unemployment would “never reach 8%”. Instead, it skyrocketed to over 10%.
It was over 8% when the stimulus was passed for crying out loud super duper LOL man read something
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully really are a special kind of ignorant. MaObama “promised” if we passed his stimulus, unemployment would “never reach 8%”. Instead, it skyrocketed to over 10%.
He said that when It was about 6%
Well that would have been one hell of a trick since unemployment was at 7% (and change) on the day he was sworn in.

The fact that you have to resort to lying says it all. You’re just a greedy, lazy, parasite. And nobody is interested in your bullshit. Nobody.
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
Fascinating. So he didn’t lobby Congress to increase taxes? And he didn’t unconstitutionally leverage Executive Orders to roll out hundreds and hundreds of stifling regulations? And he didn’t use those regulations with the intent of putting the coal industry completely out of business? How about his really dirty business of putting pressure on all financial institutions not to do business with any company that manufactured or sold firearms and ammunition?

You’re clearly
not informed enough to be here discussing any of the subject matter on this board. You’re an embarrassment to your party and your country.
Nope. All garbage GOP propaganda. Firearms ban no imaginary garbage. Or link to any of that crap...and his economy was just as good as Trump's is now without a corrupt 1 trillion dollar just to pay off the rich. More jobs produced the last 21 months of Obama than the 21 months of trump. You're totally brainwashed, shit head
So if I produce video of Obama himself talking about his increased taxes and/or his regulations through executive orders, will you permanently quit USMB and never come back (including under another screen name)?

You’re fucked now, you piece of shit. You lied so much you’ve backed yourself into a corner.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
In post #1445, I made the following comment:
So [Obama] didn’t lobby Congress to increase taxes?
In post #1447, Franco made the following ignorant lie:
Nope. All garbage GOP propaganda.
But then the super dupe dimwit decides to Google the facts and just a single post later - #1448 - admits that Obama did raise taxes (even though he continues to lie about who was taxed and the rates at which they were taxed):
He tried to raise taxes on the rich and finally got 5% more by giving away the store to the GOP. The scumbags

It is now indisputable, documented fact that Franco is a liar and an asshole.
When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!

Why do leftist hack sites always pretend to be "fact checkers?" Is it because you Communists see yourselves as the ultimate arbiters of truth?

In this case the radical left site held opinions based on shaky logic with virtually zero hard fact to base their opinion on, yet still deemed themselves the judge of "truth."

You Stalinists are pretentious assholes.
Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand in any long run equilibrium.

Solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner can improve the efficiency of our economy and lower our tax burden.
he had fewer executive orders than any president in some time...
That’s true. And you know why he did that? Because he knew he could dupe his ultra ignorant base made up of blind illiterate partisans such as yourself. He intentionally stayed away from Executive Orders and instead used Presidential Memorandums. They do the exact same thing. And then he told you ignorant buffoons “I signed less Executive Orders than any President of recent history” and you bought into it like an idiot. :laugh:

And you know what is really funny? He signed more Presidential Memorandums than any President in U.S. history.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'

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