It does help people's Outlook when Fox Rush Etc and the rest of the GOP BS propaganda machine stops bad-mouthing everything that's going on no matter what. They and dupes like you are a disgrace... Everything you mentioned is just a continuation of Obama's economy or else just b******* propaganda...
That’s what you said just a few short posts ago and I proved you wrong. The fact is, you were duped into believing that the left-wing propaganda is “real” and reality is “propaganda”.

You could wake up any time you want. You just don’t want to wake up. You prefer the ideology you were duped into believing.
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It does help people's Outlook when Fox Rush Etc and the rest of the GOP BS propaganda machine stops bad-mouthing everything that's going on no matter what. They and dupes like you are a disgrace... Everything you mentioned is just a continuation of Obama's economy or else just b******* propaganda...
That’s what you said just a few short posts ago and I proved you wrong. The fact is, younwere duped into believing that the left-wing propaganda is “real” and reality is “propaganda”.

You could wake up any time you want. You just don’t want to wake up. You prefer the ideology you were duped into believing.
Funny how all of your propaganda machine's phony scandals have gone absolutely nowhere the last 30 years, and every respected media in the wo rld thinks you are insane. All you have is Rupert Murdoch and your high school grad ex Coke head DJ pundits LOL. How ignorant can you get really?
Here is Frankie in post #1440 claiming MaObama didn’t have any policy...
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
And after proving him dead wrong, here is the astounding super dupe in post #1480 acknowledging that MaObama has tons of policies and unconstitutionally ruled by executive fiat, but that those policies (which he previously claimed didn’t exist, mind you) were “intelligent solutions”.
So could we have some examples of these terrible regulations that caused nothing in reality but intelligent solutions
That is what is known as being a “partisan hack”. Always moving the goalposts rather than simply accepting what you believed was wrong.
Here is Frankie in post #1440 claiming MaObama didn’t have any policy...
He didn't have any policies except the stimulus, which worked beautifully
And after proving him dead wrong, here is the astounding super dupe in post #1480 acknowledging that MaObama has tons of policies and unconstitutionally ruled by executive fiat, but that those policies (which he previously claimed didn’t exist, mind you) were “intelligent solutions”.
So could we have some examples of these terrible regulations that caused nothing in reality but intelligent
That is what is known as being a “partisan hack”. Always moving the goalposts rather than simply accepting what you believed was wrong.
Those regulations don't meet the definition of policy, since any major policies were blocked by the GOP for eight years. Except for the stimulus and ObamaCare. Give me an example of any of those regulations that rise to the level of policy, brain-dead d******...
normal market trends. what actual policies did Your guy put into place.
He constitutionally leveraged Executive Orders to roll back all of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders which implemented regulations detrimental to the economy.

He also signed a massive tax cut.

The fact that you are ignorant of all of these realities is why you shouldn’t be here discussing these issues.
The trend was upward, regardless. was “upwards” thanks to Republicans controlling everything around the nation and implementing proven conservative policy.
Mainly blocking tried-and-true Solutions Obama wanted
So you just admitted that the “solutions” aren’t “tried-and-true” but rather failed. Because the Republicans blocked them (what they could anyway) and our entire recovery occured under Republican control.

Thank you! :laugh:
Those regulations don't meet the definition of policy...
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Trumps higher unemployment, lower taxed, less dependence on food stamps, booming economy, 3+% growth rate, manufacturing jobs returning, like obama said wolud never happen, public optimism about our economy. And you think it’s just like obama? What are you smoking?
It does help people's Outlook when Fox Rush Etc and the rest of the GOP BS propaganda machine stops bad-mouthing everything that's going on no matter what. They and dupes like you are a disgrace... Everything you mentioned is just a continuation of Obama's economy or else just b******* propaganda...
I guess I forgot to thank obama for rolling back all those unnecessary regulations that discourage new businesses, cutting taxes that bruoght manufacturing back that he said would never come back not even with. Magic wand, making America oil independent by allowing drilling on federal land. I guess I just missed all that. Thanks obama for giving us Trump.
Funny how all of your propaganda machine's phony scandals have gone absolutely nowhere the last 30 years...
That’s exactly what you duped dimwits said about the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. That certainly went somewhere. Slick Willy admitted all of it. It was all 100% fact. And you duped dimwits called it a “vast right-wing conspiracy”. :laugh:
Obama averaged fewest executive orders since Cleveland - Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › 2017/01/23
Yep...and he did that to dupe all of his ignorant minions - like you. Instead, he issued everything under “Presidential Memorandums”.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Facts. They are a bitch for the ignorant left.

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
So give us some examples of memoranda that caused all these economic problems... LOL. Actually Obama's economy was basically exactly the same as trump's without a trillion dollar tax cut for nothing....
Trumps higher unemployment, lower taxed, less dependence on food stamps, booming economy, 3+% growth rate, manufacturing jobs returning, like obama said wolud never happen, public optimism about our economy. And you think it’s just like obama? What are you smoking?
The Trend was up not down.
normal market trends. what actual policies did Your guy put into place.
He constitutionally leveraged Executive Orders to roll back all of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders which implemented regulations detrimental to the economy.

He also signed a massive tax cut.

The fact that you are ignorant of all of these realities is why you shouldn’t be here discussing these issues.
The trend was upward, regardless. was “upwards” thanks to Republicans controlling everything around the nation and implementing proven conservative policy.
you guys still have nothing but repeal to go with your tax cut economics.
That is why we have a have a Natural rate of Unemployment, for Capitalists' bottom line.

Okay, time to step up. You keep saying, "natural rate of unemployment".

1. What is that rate? The actual number, not another meaningless phrase.
2. What is your source for that number? An actual link.

Or stop saying it.
look into it yourself, or stop saying you know anything about economics.
all you jackass doops go on and on about horrible regulations and can't give a single example. Idiot.
Here is a single example, snowflake. And it is a perfect example.
The Obama administration on Friday ordered a moratorium on new leases for coal mined from federal lands as part of a sweeping review of the government’s management of vast amounts of taxpayer-owned coal throughout the West.
The result of this highly unconstitutional action?

I. Created unaffordable energy prices
II. Negative impact on jobs
III. Which in turn has a negative impact on tax revenues

It’s bad all the way around and it’s why we’ve seen an exponentially better economy under President Trump and the Republicans than we did under MaObama and the Dumbocrats. And this is just one example of hundreds. So much for your ignorant claim that MaObama “had no policies”. He did. They were all just really bad.

Obama announces moratorium on new federal coal leases
That is why we have a have a Natural rate of Unemployment, for Capitalists' bottom line.

Okay, time to step up. You keep saying, "natural rate of unemployment".

1. What is that rate? The actual number, not another meaningless phrase.
2. What is your source for that number? An actual link.

Or stop saying it.
look into it yourself, or stop saying you know anything about economics.
Ahahahahahaha! Daniel makes shit up and then panics when someone calls him out on it. Well done hadit!’re the one who keeps making the claim. If you know, you should give the answer. You just got bent over son. :laugh:
That is why we have a have a Natural rate of Unemployment, for Capitalists' bottom line.

Okay, time to step up. You keep saying, "natural rate of unemployment".

1. What is that rate? The actual number, not another meaningless phrase.
2. What is your source for that number? An actual link.

Or stop saying it.
look into it yourself, or stop saying you know anything about economics.

So you just made it up and really don't mean anything when you say it. You say it, define it.

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