The Border Crisis: A Struggle Between Compassion and Justice


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
So. Where to begin? Ah yes. There are tens of thousands of children at our border right now, coming from Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and other places in Central America. They have inundated our Immigration Control officials and caused a massive burden on America as a whole. This is a humanitarian crisis, no doubt. But what happens when we have laws? What happens when those laws clash with our want to be compassionate? Where is the fine line between the two?

I really don't know. On one hand, I agree with those who want to be compassionate and help these children. They were sent all alone across thousands of miles by their parents in hopes they would be given a better life by our government. Those hopes however have been based on nothing but a lie, they were led to believe that our government would let these children stay. But unfortunately, the law they were referring to was an executive order issued by President Barack Obama in 2012, allowing children brought here illegally before the year 2007 to stay here. There were 800,000 of them at the time. Thus, they send their poor children here based on a flawed conception of that executive order and out of desperation. Some of these children are indeed fleeing violence in their homelands. But regardless of the circumstance, however, they are here. What do we do with them?

On the other hand, I agree with those who say they need to be deported. These poor children bring with them all sorts of communicable diseases. Some which have no cure. Do we not have a duty to protect the health welfare of American citizens? Do we want to risk spreading disease across the country? But again, what about the law? It doesn't matter who passed what as far as I'm concerned. But these children don't deserve what they are enduring either way. But as an American, my duty is to the law. Compassion is secondary when it comes to the health and safety of my countrymen.

We can't ignore the children though. Personally, I am torn between compassion and justice. I guess that's why they call it a crisis. But I lean more towards sending them home. If I were a good American, I would not risk exposing my people to disease. On the other hand I would help if I could. Ultimately though, I cannot sacrifice the health and safety of American citizens for sympathy. Think of me heartless if you will, but do we have compassion on these children, or on the American people?

Some sacrifices shouldn't be made for compassion, this is one of those times. They should be fed, bathed, clothed and sent back home. But still, I can't help but wonder what kind of hell they are enduring. We claim to be a nation of compassion, but we also claim to be a nation of rules and laws. So, how can we pick between the two? How can we choose one without betraying the other? Compassion and Justice, sometimes they mesh; sometimes they don't. I do not envy those who have to weigh this decision on a daily basis. So, how do we solve this struggle? What is the price of compassion? What is the price of justice?
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Justice in this case is Compassion...

Preposterous. Compassion in this case involves breaking the law. Exposing millions of American citizens to untold kinds of diseases. Does compassion really equate to justice if we risk the health and welfare of American citizens?
Umm, what struggle? There is only justice. Adopt 5,000 if you want to.
Justice in this case is Compassion...

Preposterous. Compassion in this case involves breaking the law. Exposing millions of American citizens to untold kinds of diseases. Does compassion really equate to justice if we risk the health and welfare of American citizens?

The risks are, like this entire issue, vastly overblown. And it's not justice for all, it's justice for these kids. You want to claim to be exceptional, let's see it when push comes to shove then...
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Umm, what struggle? There is only justice. Adopt 5,000 if you want to.

Did I say something to that effect? What justice was there in their parents sending them all that way for nothing? What justice is there in granting amnesty to 800,000 people?
Justice in this case is Compassion...

Preposterous. Compassion in this case involves breaking the law. Exposing millions of American citizens to untold kinds of diseases. Does compassion really equate to justice if we risk the health and welfare of American citizens?

The risks, like this entire issue, are vastly overblown. And it's not justice for all, it's justice for these kids. You want to claim to be exceptional, let's see it when push comes to shove then...

No it is not. How is it "justice for all" if we grant only 'justice' to these children? What really angers me is how people say 'think of the children!' What about our children? What about the ones who were born here to legal parents? Children have to be the most convenient political tool in the box. Nobody would dare spurn a child.
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Preposterous. Compassion in this case involves breaking the law. Exposing millions of American citizens to untold kinds of diseases. Does compassion really equate to justice if we risk the health and welfare of American citizens?

The risks, like this entire issue, are vastly overblown. And it's not justice for all, it's justice for these kids. You want to claim to be exceptional, let's see it when push comes to shove then...

No it is not. How is it "justice for all" if a grant only 'justice' to these children? What really angers me is how people say 'think of the children!' What about our children? What about the ones who were born here to legal parents? Children have to be the most convenient political tool in the box. Nobody would dare spurn a child.
What about "our" children? Do you know how many there are of them? You could grant amnesty to every illegal under 18 and no one would notice a damn thing had changed. Forget the politics, do the math...
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Justice in this case is Compassion...

Preposterous. Compassion in this case involves breaking the law. Exposing millions of American citizens to untold kinds of diseases. Does compassion really equate to justice if we risk the health and welfare of American citizens?

what diseases? They are children and thus using the excuse of the law is just that. An excuse. You treat them for what they have. I look at my own two kids and think what if it was them.

There is no justice in turning them back. it is compassion vs adhering to the laws on our books. Justice is the wrong term to use.
The risks, like this entire issue, are vastly overblown. And it's not justice for all, it's justice for these kids. You want to claim to be exceptional, let's see it when push comes to shove then...

No it is not. How is it "justice for all" if a grant only 'justice' to these children? What really angers me is how people say 'think of the children!' What about our children? What about the ones who were born here to legal parents? Children have to be the most convenient political tool in the box. Nobody would dare spurn a child.
What about "our" children? Do you know how many there are of them? You could grant amnesty to every illegal under 18 and no one would notice a damn thing had changed. Forget the politics, do the math...

What an ill informed statement. Tell that to people who have been denied a job because of an illegal. Tell our legal parents, with legal children, who have illegal children treated preferably over their own in the classroom. And if you haven't seen it already:

Everyone notices when you grant people amnesty.
No it is not. How is it "justice for all" if a grant only 'justice' to these children? What really angers me is how people say 'think of the children!' What about our children? What about the ones who were born here to legal parents? Children have to be the most convenient political tool in the box. Nobody would dare spurn a child.
What about "our" children? Do you know how many there are of them? You could grant amnesty to every illegal under 18 and no one would notice a damn thing had changed. Forget the politics, do the math...

What an ill informed statement. Tell that to people who have been denied a job because of an illegal. Tell our legal parents, with legal children, who have illegal children treated preferably over their own in the classroom. And if you haven't seen it already:

Everyone notices when you grant people amnesty.
We've done it before, it's no big deal. You had to be there as they say.
Justice in this case is Compassion...

Preposterous. Compassion in this case involves breaking the law. Exposing millions of American citizens to untold kinds of diseases. Does compassion really equate to justice if we risk the health and welfare of American citizens?

what diseases? They are children and thus using the excuse of the law is just that. An excuse. You treat them for what they have. I look at my own two kids and think what if it was them.

There is no justice in turning them back. it is compassion vs adhering to the laws on our books. Justice is the wrong term to use.

At least you wouldn't send your children thousands of miles to the border, or put them in the hands of shady characters. Your children are legal. You are legal. You and your children are lucky.

As for diseases:

Swine flu virus detected among immigrants caught in Valley : News :

Children crossing border illegally: A possible public health crisis from detention centers.

There is no justice in placing the welfare of these children over our own. Justice is the exact correct term to use.
What about "our" children? Do you know how many there are of them? You could grant amnesty to every illegal under 18 and no one would notice a damn thing had changed. Forget the politics, do the math...

What an ill informed statement. Tell that to people who have been denied a job because of an illegal. Tell our legal parents, with legal children, who have illegal children treated preferably over their own in the classroom. And if you haven't seen it already:

Everyone notices when you grant people amnesty.
We've done it before, it's no big deal. You had to be there as they say.

Yeah, and it severely damaged Reagan. He didn't regret the decision, but it cost him in the eyes of Americans. Yeah, I was born the year after he granted 5 million illegals amnesty.
What justice is there in granting amnesty to 800,000 people?
Because they came here not of their own free will and this is the only life most of them know...

So what? What happens when you teach them about the law? Ignore the part about entering illegally?

Would you really do that to them? Everyone should understand the law, and it doesn't allow for illegal immigration. It shouldn't allow us to coddle them.
What an ill informed statement. Tell that to people who have been denied a job because of an illegal. Tell our legal parents, with legal children, who have illegal children treated preferably over their own in the classroom. And if you haven't seen it already:

Everyone notices when you grant people amnesty.
We've done it before, it's no big deal. You had to be there as they say.

Yeah, and it severely damaged Reagan. He didn't regret the decision, but it cost him in the eyes of Americans. Yeah, I was born the year after he granted 5 million illegals amnesty.

This is not an issue young people can be expected to understand, and you don't, obviously...
What justice is there in granting amnesty to 800,000 people?
Because they came here not of their own free will and this is the only life most of them know...

So what? What happens when you teach them about the law? Ignore the part about entering illegally?

Would you really do that to them? Everyone should understand the law, and it doesn't allow for illegal immigration. It shouldn't allow us to coddle them.

This is a Sins of the Father problem. You won't get that either.
Preposterous. Compassion in this case involves breaking the law. Exposing millions of American citizens to untold kinds of diseases. Does compassion really equate to justice if we risk the health and welfare of American citizens?

what diseases? They are children and thus using the excuse of the law is just that. An excuse. You treat them for what they have. I look at my own two kids and think what if it was them.

There is no justice in turning them back. it is compassion vs adhering to the laws on our books. Justice is the wrong term to use.

At least you wouldn't send your children thousands of miles to the border, or put them in the hands of shady characters. Your children are legal. You are legal. You and your children are lucky.

As for diseases:

Swine flu virus detected among immigrants caught in Valley : News :

Children crossing border illegally: A possible public health crisis from detention centers.

There is no justice in placing the welfare of these children over our own. Justice is the exact correct term to use.

i am not in the position these parents are in, so i cant speak to what i would do.

Possible is not set in stone. We could possibly be hit by a meteor tomorrow. that doesnt mean you give up.

Treating them for their issues saves our children who are already getting these diseases.
What an ill informed statement. Tell that to people who have been denied a job because of an illegal. Tell our legal parents, with legal children, who have illegal children treated preferably over their own in the classroom. And if you haven't seen it already:

Everyone notices when you grant people amnesty.
We've done it before, it's no big deal. You had to be there as they say.

Yeah, and it severely damaged Reagan. He didn't regret the decision, but it cost him in the eyes of Americans. Yeah, I was born the year after he granted 5 million illegals amnesty.
no it didnt. Reagan is a freaking saint to the Right and whenever its pointed out that Obama is doing something Reagan has done, its blown off.

It cost him nothing.
We've done it before, it's no big deal. You had to be there as they say.

Yeah, and it severely damaged Reagan. He didn't regret the decision, but it cost him in the eyes of Americans. Yeah, I was born the year after he granted 5 million illegals amnesty.

This is not an issue young people can be expected to understand, and you don't, obviously...

Yes, agism as an argument. That didn't work on Reagan and it won't work on me. This is what you do when cornered.

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