The Borgen Project ~ The Poor and Ovepopulation

So you propose just allowing them to be destroyed, because if they're dead, all suffering in the world will end, people will no longer be targeted for obliteration, and the earth will be Happy.

You're an idiot. I'm sorry. You really are.

This is the third time I have told you. I am proposing nothing. Overpopulation is a problem I am interested in. I have pulled a few links to start a dialog. I am interested in what you have to say, and any links you might offer.

I am only providing the information I have found which is very limited considering the importance of the issue, and the fact that this is the internet. Don't shoot the messenger.

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You are working from a false premise...that overpopulation causes poverty.

It doesn't.

Furthermore, you are promoting the meme that lack of * birth control* is a *life or death* situation in the poorest countries in the world, and that *poverty* must be addressed by addressing *overpopulation*.

So you are either committed to just outright slaughtering the poorest of the poor, or you are proposing that they have more and better birth control and, I'm sure, access to abortion.

You can play games all you want...putting up the information and then pretending you're just fostering an open discussion. But you aren't. You maintain that poverty is linked to over population, and we are helpless to address any other issues that contribute to poverty, so must simply work at reducing those populations.

To deny that is your objective in theory, and in this conversation, is dishonest. How stupid do you think people are? But if you refuse to engage and are interested only in propaganda, go for it. Your posts will be met with the derision and scorn they deserve.
So you propose just allowing them to be destroyed, because if they're dead, all suffering in the world will end, people will no longer be targeted for obliteration, and the earth will be Happy.

You're an idiot. I'm sorry. You really are.

This is the third time I have told you. I am proposing nothing. Overpopulation is a problem I am interested in. I have pulled a few links to start a dialog. I am interested in what you have to say, and any links you might offer.

I am only providing the information I have found which is very limited considering the importance of the issue, and the fact that this is the internet. Don't shoot the messenger.

kgrill is the most pro-foetus poster on the board. You won't get links out of her because her mind is already made up. She'd rather go the "overpopulate & starve" route than allow poor young women access to family planning services. Sad. :(

She prolly is against abortion in ALL cases including rape & incest. Allie?
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So you propose just allowing them to be destroyed, because if they're dead, all suffering in the world will end, people will no longer be targeted for obliteration, and the earth will be Happy.

You're an idiot. I'm sorry. You really are.

Now, this is going to be the fourth time I tell you the same thing, and I am running out of "polite." I have proposed nothing except gathering facts, and sitting down as the USMB forum and considering alternatives. You disagreed with my facts, yet when asked you had none to offer.

I am an 'idiot' because I ask questions, and openly state that I have no answers. Now here read the words of a crackpot:

We need to eliminate all poor africans, obviously. They're having too many kids and they're going to unbalance the earth. Of course, most of their kids die..but that's neither nere nor there...they need to stop breeding! There's too many of them! They're infecting mother Earth and choking out .... lions and elephants!

As far as poverty and overpopulation, this is the only information we have so far, and it is from the OP. "Poverty and the lack of access to education leads to higher birthrates and overpopulation." I have not decided if I agree or not.

Instead of trying to tell me what I think, why not tell us what you think? We have not heard a single contribution to resolve this issue from you. You attack my facts, yet provide none of your own. Then you wonder why people in the practical world of decision-making pay no attention to you. Whatever the outcome of this thread, I am sure you will be complaining while offering no constructive solutions. You contribute nothing, but noise and avoid making the tough decisions. In my dictionary, that falls under the definition of "useless."


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The OP

Poverty and Overpopulation - The Borgen Project

Less Poverty =
Less Overpopulation

  • The higher the death rate for children in a region, the higher the birthrate… When people know their children will survive, they have few children. Addressing global poverty and keeping children alive is crucial for reducing overpopulation.
  • The UN projects the population of the 48 poorest countries in the world will double from 850 million in 2010 to 1.7 billion in 2050.
    (Population Institute)
  • Today, more than 200 million women in developing countries who don’t want to get pregnant lack access to contraceptives. This is a life and death crisis. Complications in pregnancy and childbirth are a leading cause of death for women in Africa.
  • Poverty and the lack of access to education leads to higher birthrates and overpopulation.
I think you must have a learning disability.

Once again. It's a false premise. I'm not going to offer up a cure for over population when you haven't shown that overpopulation is a real problem.

Poverty is the problem. I've certainly addressed that.
population explosion: Definition from

As of March 10, 2013 the world's human population is estimated to be 7.071 billionby the United States Census Bureau, and over 7 billion by the United Nations. Most contemporary estimates for the carrying capacity of the Earth under existing conditions are between 4 billion and 16 billion. Depending on which estimate is used, human overpopulation may or may not have already occurred. Nevertheless, the rapid recent increase in human population is causing some concern.
The population is expected to reach between 8 and 10.5 billion between the year 2040 and 2050.

Deal with reality, or go run and hide, little girl.

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And why are you responding to yourself and calling yourself a little girl?

That is confusing.

Do you get paid to spread it?

Your problem is that you present no facts that disagree with facts I have offered. I read several links before choosing the one in the OP. You are either too lazy to Google alternatives, is collapsing before your Eyes. I suspect the latter.

Provide your own facts.

Provide facts that contradict the ones that I have found.

And, for God sake drop the attitude. I have stated several times that I did the OP because I am looking for answers.

I have no axe to grind here. Frankly, you look empty headed. Get it together!
The OP

Poverty and Overpopulation - The Borgen Project

Less Poverty =
Less Overpopulation

  • The higher the death rate for children in a region, the higher the birthrate… When people know their children will survive, they have few children. Addressing global poverty and keeping children alive is crucial for reducing overpopulation.
  • The UN projects the population of the 48 poorest countries in the world will double from 850 million in 2010 to 1.7 billion in 2050.
    (Population Institute)
  • Today, more than 200 million women in developing countries who don’t want to get pregnant lack access to contraceptives. This is a life and death crisis. Complications in pregnancy and childbirth are a leading cause of death for women in Africa.
  • Poverty and the lack of access to education leads to higher birthrates and overpopulation.

Do you get paid to spread it?

Your problem is that you present no facts that disagree with facts I have offered. I read several links before choosing the one in the OP. You are either too lazy to Google alternatives, is collapsing before your Eyes. I suspect the latter.

Provide your own facts.

Provide facts that contradict the ones that I have found.

And, for God sake drop the attitude. I have stated several times that I did the OP because I am looking for answers.

I have no axe to grind here. Frankly, you look empty headed. Get it together!

I did provide facts. And when you are faced with facts, you pretend you don't have a point of view.

Typical propagandist.

Do you get paid to spread it?

Your problem is that you present no facts that disagree with facts I have offered. I read several links before choosing the one in the OP. You are either too lazy to Google alternatives, is collapsing before your Eyes. I suspect the latter.

Provide your own facts.

Provide facts that contradict the ones that I have found.

And, for God sake drop the attitude. I have stated several times that I did the OP because I am looking for answers.

I have no axe to grind here. Frankly, you look empty headed. Get it together!

I did provide facts. And when you are faced with facts, you pretend you don't have a point of view.

Typical propagandist.

Now, I just looked over this thread, and did not see any fact/links that you provided in any of your posts. Indulge me, please list the posts, by number where you provided fact/links. Please remember there is a distinct difference between opinion and fact/links.

By the way it would not hurt you to look up the word "propaganda," I think you will find that in the definition is a picture of yourself. Frankly, I am beginning to think that "you are not all there."

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Do you deny that the worst *over population* is among those populations already at risk of annihilation?

Because the map you provided shows that is indeed your belief..and the only one I need to hammer you on your brilliant idea of slowing down the birth rate. You are proposing that oppressed people who have high birthrates as a result of high mortality, reduce their birth rate..thus guaranteeing they will cease to exist in a short time.

You maintain that poverty is caused by overpopulation, but the areas you claim are most "overpopulated" are those areas where a captive population is subjected to atrocities, the withholding of food, and fascist doctrine that results in death and suffering. Rather than address THAT, you choose to take the tact that the best way to *help* these people isn't to end the suffering visited upon them by brutal regimes, but to just prevent them from replacing themselves.

That is a fact. Your gobbledygook is the same gobbledygook that has been pedaled by racist, progressive, negative eugenics-touting scumbags for the last century or more. You don't have any insight, you're just another death cultist looking to kill off annoying and desperate black people.
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Do you deny that the worst *over population* is among those populations already at risk of annihilation?

Actually, I never thought about it until I read the article in the OP.

The higher the death rate for children in a region, the higher the birthrate… When people know their children will survive, they have few children. Addressing global poverty and keeping children alive is crucial for reducing overpopulation.
Because the map you provided shows that is indeed your belief..and the only one I need to hammer you on your brilliant idea of slowing down the birth rate. You are proposing that oppressed people who have high birthrates as a result of high mortality, reduce their birth rate..thus guaranteeing they will cease to exist in a short time.

It may surprise you to note that the map I provided was not made by me. :eek: You have had ample time to provide your own map/facts/links. Yet all that comes out of you is your personal opinion unsubstantiated by ANYTHING! Actually, it was the only map I found.


You maintain that poverty is caused by overpopulation, but the areas you claim are most "overpopulated" are those areas where a captive population is subjected to atrocities, the withholding of food, and fascist doctrine that results in death and suffering. Rather than address THAT, you choose to take the tact that the best way to *help* these people isn't to end the suffering visited upon them by brutal regimes, but to just prevent them from replacing themselves.

Again, I have maintained nothing of the kind. I am asking questions here, and looking for facts. One thing stands out. If the western world feeds and provides medical care for places like Darfur, the third world will just produce more people it can not feed.

This is why the fund-raising for Darfur has failed. As I recall the money needed to feed the starving of Darfur in 2012 was about $50,000,000 and less than $7,000,000 was raised world-wide. Projections for 2013 were that the cost would be about $60,000,000 and would continue to climb in the future. Darfur is a bottomless pit, the more the west gives, the more babies will be made. Hence we make our overpopulation problem on planet Earth worse.

Nature's way is to let Darfur starve or die in a black death type of plague in the future. I am not God, I did not write the rules of the jungle. I observe them like everyone else. I guess my question, Koshergrl, is how much have you personally donated to help the starving in the third world? Because so far, all I have seen from you is a lot of noise and no facts or solutions to deal with the problems of over-population and the poor. Apparently, you can not understand, or refuse to understand reality on your own planet.

That is a fact. Your gobbledygook is the same gobbledygook that has been pedaled by racist, progressive, negative eugenics-touting scumbags for the last century or more. You don't have any insight, you're just another death cultist looking to kill off annoying and desperate black people.

At least I have taken the time to post a thread on the subject to learn more, and have looked up some facts. You use blanket racist name calling when I have not said a racist word. You are one of those "Everything for everyone" types with no understanding of the limited resources on this planet. You have contributed nothing of value to this thread.


Once again you are as useless as this chair.
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You presented it, you own it. Again with the "I just present the facts, I don't mean anything by them".

What admirable mealy mouthed obfuscation.
And I didn't challenge the validity of the map, you retard. I said the map was accurate...just as it accurately represents the most oppressed and brutalized populations are those with the highest birth rates...incidentally, minority populations, that you propose are *overpopulated*.
Who else maintained that we should reduce the breeding rate of *problem* populations, in order to make the world a more happy place for the rest of us?

Hmmmm...let me think....

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