The Brave New World and Goodbye

Is Clinton running? Or is Trump...a man you'd gladly vote for again?

Thank for demonstrating my point about how conservatives don't have principles. Only candidates.

OK....let's rub your face in it again,doggie...

  • Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.

  • You have proven to be one of the America-hating 5th columnists. Proud?
There is no floor to what MAGA will support.

There. Is. No. Floor.
Well, they've told us they're at war. They've told us that they're saving America from Satan. They've told us that people who disagree with them are demonic and evil.

Why should they have a floor? They've been convinced by voices they trust, that the world outside their ideological ecosystem literally poses an existential threat to them.

In that context, their rage and desperation and willingness to forgive anything make sense. The problem is, it's madness.
I assume you speak on the other poster’s behalf? But even if not, making empty claims is easy. Like that nonsense.

You’re conflating a claim made in a locker room banter sense with actual behavior. How silly of you.

When the current politically partisan DOJ acts like the stassi on behalf of the current regime, refusal to speak has nothing to do with the topic of “transparency.”

You confuse which branch controls the budget.

Yes. Support of law enforcement. Something you Dims flatly oppose. And the prior Administration had nothing to do with the violence of 1/6, anyway.

You don’t know who my ilk are. And nobody proposes impeaching Potato for opposition to Putin. Making shit up is no way to support your empty claim.

None of us did. You take one stupid comment (and it was stupid) and try to malign all conservatives with it. Patently absurd of you.

Zzz. We aren’t stripping rights. It’s easy to say empty crap like that. But your wicked light on substance. Some jobs probably ought to require relevant certification. And some books for school kids should get banned from grade schools. You know: crap like explicit sexuality.

Don’t fret. You guys wouldn’t vote for a Republican even if the GOP had a clearer brand. But fuck. You couldn’t articulate the Dim brand either. At least not one that accurately reflects its policies.

No you wouldn’t — or you wouldn’t be a filthy Dim.

Still, your faux analysis isn’t worth anything anyway since it’s all malarkey.
So those 27 women are all lying, another conspiracy nut.
Leftist governments in places like Canada are helping it along by pushing euthanasia on people they have deemed "unworthy" of continuing to live.

I was going to mention exactly that ^^^ the example of Canada.

And not only for the elderly but for the young too.:confused:

Some random Japanese guy no one has ever heard of suggests old Japanese people in Japan should be encouraged to off themselves, and you apply one of the worst generalization fallacies of all time to apply this to the Left in the US!

Yeah, we don't have anyone pushing a portion at one end of life and euthanasia at the other! And it's not like ONE SIDE nearly universally supports this! Certainly not Democrat voters!
OK....let's rub your face in it again,doggie...

  • Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.

  • You have proven to be one of the America-hating 5th columnists. Proud?
I always feel smarter after reading your posts, so .. I’d rather that you stuck around.. 😘

… so what is it with Democrats and their propensities for actual human sacrifice, they spend their lives standing there in the gimme gimme lines asking others to sacrifice then they’re annoyed, outraged even, that you notice the hypocrisy, eh .. oh well.
So those 27 women are all lying, another conspiracy nut.
They could be. Numbers alone don’t tell the story you asshole.

In any event, your disdain for the presumption of innocence is very revealing about you. It’s not a good look.

Of course, most observers here already realized that you’re a bush league hack.
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Some random Japanese guy no one has ever heard of suggests old Japanese people in Japan should be encouraged to off themselves, and you apply one of the worst generalization fallacies of all time to apply this to the Left in the US!

Magaturds. That one is a perfect example.
A buddy of mine in Texas can't drive into Round Rock to get weed because the prosecutor over the county line will try and put him in prison for 5 years....

...for doing what anyone here can do online like they were ordering from doordash.

That's conservative 'freedom'. Gay marriage bans, interracial marriage bans, abortion bans, book bans, contraception bans, the criminalization of homosexuality.....we already know these are all consistent with conservative values. With Lou Dobbs calling for Trump to have been able to shut down ANY news agency that Trump felt was spreading misinformation.

"And when I say shut down, I mean shut down!"

Fuck your demented conception of 'freedom'.
Not to mention that democratic states are legalizing recreational pot....
They could be. Numbers alone don’t tell the story you asshole.

In any event, your disdain for the presumption of innocence is very revealing about you. It’s not a good look.

Of course, most observers here already realized that you’re a bush league hack.
He admitted it on a video for crying out loud and they are serious and have taken a lot of crap for doing it. The guy is a scumbag. And the dossier has never been proven one way or another. Sounds just like him
I hope you don't quit the forum hon. You always produce material that is interesting for judging the tone of politics in America.

You've even provided a leadtime for political events before they make the news.
Be honest. You never read a single one of her posts from beginning to end.

No one does
Laughing....note that you don't even disagree with anything I've said, instead trying to change the topic.

I accept your concession with the grace it deserves.

Fuck your so called "win".

You infants do that all the time.

Almost as much as you lie.
They could be. Numbers alone don’t tell the story you asshole.

In any event, your disdain for the presumption of innocence is very revealing about you. It’s not a good look.

Of course, most observers here already realized that you’re a bush league hack.
Most right wing nutjob brainwashed functional morons you mean. I really admire and respect their opinions... Poor America. 99% of the people in the world think you're absolutely off the wall. Lol
Yes, by electing a man who committed adultery against all three wives, regularly bears false witness against his opponents, stole from the elderly at his fake university, made his money from gambling houses and contests of the flesh, grabs pussies, and could get away with shooting someone on Fifth Avenue.

Oh, wait...
While you support a career grifter who committed adultery against his wife, regularly lies to the American people, stole from American citizens, has been credibly accused by his own daughter of being an incestuous pedophile, insults veterans, and is full owned by China and Ukraine.
Not to mention that democratic states are legalizing recreational pot....

He admitted it on a video for crying out loud and they are serious and have taken a lot of crap for doing it. The guy is a scumbag. And the dossier has never been proven one way or another. Sounds just like him

He did not 'admit it in a video'. Biden hasn't claimed to have destroyed the pipeline. Nor is there evidence that he did.

Its possible he did. But its far from a fact. At this point is speculation.

Speculation enough for right wingers to call for Biden's impeachment in his opposition to Putin and Russia.

No one hates America like a conservative.
Trump in office demanded that insults by Christy Teigan be taken down on Twitter. DeSantis used the power of the state to punish Disney for disagreeing with him publicly on his 'don't say gay' laws. Hawley tried to use the power of the federal government to strip Disney of property for excercising free speech.

And the list of banned books in Florida gets longer by the day.

Your ilk doesn't give a fiddler's fuck about 'free speech'. You don't even know what it is.
Hey fuckwit, there is NO “don’t say gay” law. Poor crybaby. Parents want child porn out of their school libraries while you assholes keep trying to remove classics like Huckleberry Finn. You assholes want NO speech except that you agree with. So stay under your rock.
Hey fuckwit, there is NO “don’t say gay” law. Poor crybaby. Parents want child porn out of their school libraries while you assholes keep trying to remove classics like Huckleberry Finn. You assholes want NO speech except that you agree with. So stay under your rock.

Mentioning that gay people exist isn't porn.

And your ilk are banning books on race relations, banning books that have gay characters, hell even muslims or native American characters.

This is porn?

Amazon product ASIN 0735230609
And this is porn?

Amazon product ASIN 0763688959
And this is porn?

Amazon product ASIN 0807529028
Of course not. 'Porn' is just what you call books that include muslims, native Americans, or discuss any topic that conservatives insist should be banned. A list that's getting longer and longer as conservatives try to 'ban' their way to 'freedom'.

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