The Brits vote for freedom!

Like I said, without at least a degree in economics I do not consider myself , or anyone else qualified to make a correct decision about the EU. So I listened to the brainy people, like the prime minister, and the heads of industry, and the president of the bank of England, and followed their lead.
Like Trump supporters, supporters of Bexit do not trust the establishment which includes economists, heads of state, and leaders in industry. They want a simple solution, build a wall around the country to keep all the bad stuff out. Of course this keeps the good stuff out that they depend on, however they don't understand this.

Bub, with all respect, we have listened to your side for far too many years with no results (except, of course for the rich). It's sort of like your cries of "Climate Chage - we're all going to die". These "experts" swore that the world would be over by 2010.

We're still here. Summers are still hot and Winters are still cold.

The time for listening to these "experts" is gone.

Believe it or not, there ARE simple solutions. Make America your FIRST priority, rather than the world and "globalism". Before any law is passed, ALWAYS ask the question: "is it good for the US" and bullshit hem hawing and all the liberal spin must be stopped.

Concentrate on putting people to work. Rebuild our infrastructure and for God's sake - stop worrying about what the rest of the damned world thinks about us. I don't give two hoots in hell what anyone thinks about us - and as an American, neither should you.
If only the world were that simple, but it's not. Our economy is far more dependent on global markets than most people believe. Made in America is a nice idea but it is not economically practical for most high volume labor intensive products. Who can afford to pay $1300 for a cell phone, $2,000 for a laptop computer, and $12 for a T-shirts. These are the kind of prices Americans would be paying for these products if they were American made.

Most people think of the Iphone as a product of China, but the fact is 18 countries including the US supply the components. China just does most of the final assembly. A number of Ford cars and Trucks are manufactured in Mexico However most the components that go into these vehicles such as engines, transmission, electronics, etc, come from 40 different counties. To turn the clock back to a time before globalization and establish protectionist tariffs and import restriction would create an economic disaster for the US. Remember, just because the US might ignore low cost foreign suppliers, our competitors abroad won't and if they can produce lower cost quality products, US exports would plummet.
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Like I said, without at least a degree in economics I do not consider myself , or anyone else qualified to make a correct decision about the EU. So I listened to the brainy people, like the prime minister, and the heads of industry, and the president of the bank of England, and followed their lead.
Like Trump supporters, supporters of Bexit do not trust the establishment which includes economists, heads of state, and leaders in industry. They want a simple solution, build a wall around the country to keep all the bad stuff out. Of course this keeps the good stuff out that they depend on, however they don't understand this.

Bub, with all respect, we have listened to your side for far too many years with no results (except, of course for the rich). It's sort of like your cries of "Climate Chage - we're all going to die". These "experts" swore that the world would be over by 2010.

We're still here. Summers are still hot and Winters are still cold.

The time for listening to these "experts" is gone.

Believe it or not, there ARE simple solutions. Make America your FIRST priority, rather than the world and "globalism". Before any law is passed, ALWAYS ask the question: "is it good for the US" and bullshit hem hawing and all the liberal spin must be stopped.

Concentrate on putting people to work. Rebuild our infrastructure and for God's sake - stop worrying about what the rest of the damned world thinks about us. I don't give two hoots in hell what anyone thinks about us - and as an American, neither should you.
If only the world were that simple, but it's not. Our economy is far more dependent on global markets than most people believe. Made in America is a nice idea but it is not economically practical for most high volume labor intensive products. Who can afford to pay $1300 for a cell phone, $2,000 for a laptop computer, and $12 for a T-shirts. These are the kind of prices Americans would be paying for these products if they were American made.

Most people think of the Iphone as a product of China, but the fact is 18 countries including the US supply the components. China just does most of the final assembly. A number of Ford cars and Trucks are manufactured in Mexico However most the components that go into these vehicles such as engines, transmission, electronics, etc, come from 40 different counties. To turn the clock back to a time before globalization and establish protectionist tariffs and import restriction would create an economic disaster for the US. Remember, just because the US might ignore low cost foreign suppliers, our competitors abroad won't and if they can produce lower cost quality products, US exports would plummet.

Sorry brother, but I ain't buying what your selling. The Mac that I'm typing on was nearly $3,000. My Aunt worked at the "garment factory" back in the 60s when t-shirts were $4 a pack. The Mac is built in China for (approx) $17. The T-shirts are made in Indonesia and cost about $.30 cents to make.

What's the common factor here? T-shirts were made by Americans until greedy companies moved off shore to make higher profits, to keep from paying any healthcare and no retirement for their Asian workers who make, on average, $.40 per hour.

My Dodge pickup USED to be made in Detroit, now made in Mexico for a fraction of what they cost to make here. The problem? I paid $22,000 for my truck in 2006, brand new. That same truck now costs $34,000.

Think Dodge is paying their cheap Mexican workers more? Hardly.

Trade deals, only work for the "other" guys. This country seems to be in the business of building the economies of OTHER countries, not ours.

That's what your "globalism" gets you. Nearly 100 million Americans sitting on their asses while other countries and illegal aliens are taking our jobs.

The solution? Tax these companies to the tune of 75% when they make 1,000 profit, and send their bullshit back to America to make huge profits with. You'll see them come back here so fast, it will make your head spin.

What say that we allow China or even Russia to be world builders for a while? Hell, we turned Red China into a economic superpower with OUR jobs. THink about it.
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Like I said, without at least a degree in economics I do not consider myself , or anyone else qualified to make a correct decision about the EU. So I listened to the brainy people, like the prime minister, and the heads of industry, and the president of the bank of England, and followed their lead.
Like Trump supporters, supporters of Bexit do not trust the establishment which includes economists, heads of state, and leaders in industry. They want a simple solution, build a wall around the country to keep all the bad stuff out. Of course this keeps the good stuff out that they depend on, however they don't understand this.

Bub, with all respect, we have listened to your side for far too many years with no results (except, of course for the rich). It's sort of like your cries of "Climate Chage - we're all going to die". These "experts" swore that the world would be over by 2010.

We're still here. Summers are still hot and Winters are still cold.

The time for listening to these "experts" is gone.

Believe it or not, there ARE simple solutions. Make America your FIRST priority, rather than the world and "globalism". Before any law is passed, ALWAYS ask the question: "is it good for the US" and bullshit hem hawing and all the liberal spin must be stopped.

Concentrate on putting people to work. Rebuild our infrastructure and for God's sake - stop worrying about what the rest of the damned world thinks about us. I don't give two hoots in hell what anyone thinks about us - and as an American, neither should you.
If only the world were that simple, but it's not. Our economy is far more dependent on global markets than most people believe. Made in America is a nice idea but it is not economically practical for most high volume labor intensive products. Who can afford to pay $1300 for a cell phone, $2,000 for a laptop computer, and $12 for a T-shirts. These are the kind of prices Americans would be paying for these products if they were American made.

Most people think of the Iphone as a product of China, but the fact is 18 countries including the US supply the components. China just does most of the final assembly. A number of Ford cars and Trucks are manufactured in Mexico However most the components that go into these vehicles such as engines, transmission, electronics, etc, come from 40 different counties. To turn the clock back to a time before globalization and establish protectionist tariffs and import restriction would create an economic disaster for the US. Remember, just because the US might ignore low cost foreign suppliers, our competitors abroad won't and if they can produce lower cost quality products, US exports would plummet.

Sorry brother, but I ain't buying what your selling. The Mac that I'm typing on was nearly $3,000. My Aunt worked at the "garment factory" back in the 60s when t-shirts were $4 a pack. The Mac is built in China for (approx) $17. The T-shirts are made in Indonesia and cost about $.30 cents to make.

What's the common factor here? T-shirts were made by Americans until greedy companies moved off shore to make higher profits, to keep from paying any healthcare and no retirement for their Asian workers who make, on average, $.40 per hour.

My Dodge pickup USED to be made in Detroit, now made in Mexico for a fraction of what they cost to make here. The problem? I paid $22,000 for my truck in 2006, brand new. That same truck now costs $34,000.

Think Dodge is paying their cheap Mexican workers more? Hardly.

Trade deals, only work for the "other" guys. This country seems to be in the business of building the economies of OTHER countries, not ours.

That's what your "globalism" gets you. Nearly 100 million Americans sitting on their asses while other countries and illegal aliens are taking our jobs.

The solution? Tax these companies to the tune of 75% when they make 1,000 profit, and send their bullshit back to America to make huge profits with. You'll see them come back here so fast, it will make your head spin.

What say that we allow China or even Russia to be world builders for a while? Hell, we turned Red China into a economic superpower with OUR jobs. THink about it.
If we tax the shit out of US companies to force them to hire US labor in lieu of cheap foreign labor, we will be giving their foreign competitors a big competitive advantage thus hurting their sales abroad which would result in reduction in US jobs. If we try to protect them from foreign completion with tariffs and import exclusions to save jobs, other countries will put import tariffs on American made goods reducing sales and thus jobs. This is no win situation.

The way to solve the problem is not to put government in the middle of all this with taxes and trade restrictions but rather make the American worker that is being paid 3 times as much as the foreign worker 3 times more production. This means better training, education, technology, and infrastructure. For jobs that can be done at a tenth of the cost abroad, they should continue to be done abroad. It makes no sense to pay an American worker $20/hr in a low skilled job that can done for $2 overseas.
All the brainy people like David Cameron and the leader of the labour party, and the head of the bank of England, and leading business people wanted to stay. Because they knew leaving would be an economic disaster. All the leaders of the European union wanted Britain to stay.
But the leave campaign appealed to patriotism and flag waving, and the fear of Immigrants to persuade people who do not understand the economy to leave.

And your point is what, exactly? That the PEOPLE of a country have no right to speak up?

Oh, that's're in England. Here's a hint for you: that attitude got your asses kicked in America.

And again - when did "patriotism" and "flag waving" become a bad thing?

You liberals in England are as stupid and as dangerous as the liberals in America are.
I'll explain something to you . There is a reason
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.
Can you explain to me what trying to make an educated decision by following those people who actually are educated has to do with hypocrisy? Dajjal didn't mention morally superior those were the words of someone else.
Let ME explain something to YOU.
Dajjal,"As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue."

He then goes on to say," I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education."

And then, one might assume from the same comment that he DID vote, even after saying someone with his limited knowledge on the subject should not.

Explain to me how that is NOT hypocrisy.
All the brainy people like David Cameron and the leader of the labour party, and the head of the bank of England, and leading business people wanted to stay. Because they knew leaving would be an economic disaster. All the leaders of the European union wanted Britain to stay.
But the leave campaign appealed to patriotism and flag waving, and the fear of Immigrants to persuade people who do not understand the economy to leave.

And your point is what, exactly? That the PEOPLE of a country have no right to speak up?

Oh, that's're in England. Here's a hint for you: that attitude got your asses kicked in America.

And again - when did "patriotism" and "flag waving" become a bad thing?

You liberals in England are as stupid and as dangerous as the liberals in America are.
I'll explain something to you . There is a reason
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.
Can you explain to me what trying to make an educated decision by following those people who actually are educated has to do with hypocrisy? Dajjal didn't mention morally superior those were the words of someone else.
Let ME explain something to YOU.
Dajjal,"As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue."

He then goes on to say," I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education."

And then, one might assume from the same comment that he DID vote, even after saying someone with his limited knowledge on the subject should not.

Explain to me how that is NOT hypocrisy.
Lol it is true, how he put it it does reads like hypocrisy. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to put it like that. I think he was commenting on the fact that a decision of this magnitude and far reaching consequenses should not be decided by simple referendum. All his posts suggest that, but you're right the sentence structure is badly chosen.
All the brainy people like David Cameron and the leader of the labour party, and the head of the bank of England, and leading business people wanted to stay. Because they knew leaving would be an economic disaster. All the leaders of the European union wanted Britain to stay.
But the leave campaign appealed to patriotism and flag waving, and the fear of Immigrants to persuade people who do not understand the economy to leave.

And your point is what, exactly? That the PEOPLE of a country have no right to speak up?

Oh, that's're in England. Here's a hint for you: that attitude got your asses kicked in America.

And again - when did "patriotism" and "flag waving" become a bad thing?

You liberals in England are as stupid and as dangerous as the liberals in America are.
I'll explain something to you . There is a reason
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.
Can you explain to me what trying to make an educated decision by following those people who actually are educated has to do with hypocrisy? Dajjal didn't mention morally superior those were the words of someone else.
Let ME explain something to YOU.
Dajjal,"As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue."

He then goes on to say," I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education."

And then, one might assume from the same comment that he DID vote, even after saying someone with his limited knowledge on the subject should not.

Explain to me how that is NOT hypocrisy.
Lol it is true, how he put it it does reads like hypocrisy. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to put it like that. I think he was commenting on the fact that a decision of this magnitude and far reaching consequenses should not be decided by simple referendum. All his posts suggest that, but you're right the sentence structure is badly chosen.
Whether or not he meant to is not for us to decide, what he did is all we can comment on, not his intent.

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