The Brits vote for freedom!

The Western World is waking up .....hopefully. A definite swing to the right and this sentiment is being seen in Germany as well....a huge slap in the face to obama and all the other devotees of political correctness.

'Yesterday the British people stood up for their freedom. Today the world is a different place.

Celebrities and politicians swarmed television studios to plead with voters to stay in the EU. Anyone who wanted to leave was a fascist. Economists warned of total collapse if Britain left the European Union. Alarmist broadcasts threatened that every family would lose thousands of pounds a year if Brexit won.

Even Obama came out to warn Brits of the economic consequences of leaving behind the EU.

Every propaganda gimmick was rolled out. Brexit was dismissed, mocked and ridiculed. It was for lunatics and madmen. Anyone who voted to leave the benevolent bosom of the European Union was an ignorant xenophobe who had no place in the modern world. And that turned out to be most of Britain.'

Brexit Victory
If will be interesting to see what the supporters of the exit have to say when the economic impact hits Britain, the lost of trade agreements with 52 countries, expected loss of over a half million jobs, an independence referendum in Scotland who don't want to be dragged out of the EU by Britain.
The import of essentials like food are going to be more expensive because the pound has gone down in value, and that only the beginning.
How is factories and businesses going bust and closing down going to help the working man?

Ask our miners in Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc. our illustrious "president" and his would be successor have already began dismantling the mines. hundreds of thousands of miners and their families will be added to the role of "government assistance" if this farce is allowed to happen. That's why Hillary will never be elected. If we "stay the course"'like the people of England have, for the last two decades, we lose.

The people in your country have had enough.

The people in MY country have had enough.
The Western World is waking up .....hopefully. A definite swing to the right and this sentiment is being seen in Germany as well....a huge slap in the face to obama and all the other devotees of political correctness.

'Yesterday the British people stood up for their freedom. Today the world is a different place.

Celebrities and politicians swarmed television studios to plead with voters to stay in the EU. Anyone who wanted to leave was a fascist. Economists warned of total collapse if Britain left the European Union. Alarmist broadcasts threatened that every family would lose thousands of pounds a year if Brexit won.

Even Obama came out to warn Brits of the economic consequences of leaving behind the EU.

Every propaganda gimmick was rolled out. Brexit was dismissed, mocked and ridiculed. It was for lunatics and madmen. Anyone who voted to leave the benevolent bosom of the European Union was an ignorant xenophobe who had no place in the modern world. And that turned out to be most of Britain.'

Brexit Victory
If will be interesting to see what the supporters of the exit have to say when the economic impact hits Britain, the lost of trade agreements with 52 countries, expected loss of over a half million jobs, an independence referendum in Scotland who don't want to be dragged out of the EU by Britain.

Bullshit. And you know it. Trade agreements will be reworked. What's the matter? Starting to see the future (come November) for OUR country when we throw you fucking liberals to the curb?
They make it seem like nations will stop cooperating with each other. That has never ever been true because nations do cooperate with each other quite often.

It has nothing to do with "cooperation" with other nations. It has everything to do with a nations sovereignty. The people of England were sick and tired of being told what to do by a few people in Brussels.

They want their BORDERS respected. Sound familiar?

Yes I wonder when the sun never set on the British empire , how people felt about that. The future US (colonies) had to fight hard against the British for Independence. The irony.

Indeed.its funny how history escapes us. The British empire was one of the greatest the world had ever seen (just like America) and now, they have become irrelevant.

Just like we have - thanks to our "leaders" who tour the world apologizing for us. While they dismantle the country.
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.

He suffers from the same "incurable" disease that many in the United States suffer from: liberalism.
The death warrant for "Globalism" has been issued. The liberals who have pushed this nonsense for years (are you listening Hillary?) are being kicked to the curb by the working class.

It's about damned time.
The problem with your thinking is globalism has become deeply rooted in our economic system. No one knows what might be the long term consequences of isolationism but in the short term, 2 to 5 years, it would bring on massive economic upheaval with the working class bearing the blunt of it.
The death warrant for "Globalism" has been issued. The liberals who have pushed this nonsense for years (are you listening Hillary?) are being kicked to the curb by the working class.

It's about damned time.
The problem with your thinking is globalism has become deeply rooted in our economic system. No one knows what might be the long term consequences of isolationism but in the short term, 2 to 5 years, it would bring on massive economic upheaval with the working class bearing the blunt of it.

And? We've had "economic upheaval" many times in America. No one is talking "isolationism" here. That's a liberal catch phrase for fear-mongering. Liberals would do well to look at England very closely. They followed the EXACT same policies that America followed. They allowed "workers"'into their country to take THEIR jobs from working class Brit's. They allowed the infiltration of terrorists into their country under the guise of "humanitarian" reasons.

What was the result? The filthy rich got richer, the working class took it in the ass. The vote yesterday more than proves that the power of the PEOPLE must be respected.

The tide has turned. HIllary (the murderer) will figure that out in November.
I used to be a big free trade advocate, but I have come to realize that free trade means that jobs will inevitably go to nations that do not have minimum wage laws, safety standards, worker's compensation, retirement plans, or the other protections that American workers have come to expect. The wealthy and corporations will do what is profitable and seek the cheapest labor they can to produce a product, which means shipping jobs overseas, or hiring illegal workers and paying them under the table.
The death warrant for "Globalism" has been issued. The liberals who have pushed this nonsense for years (are you listening Hillary?) are being kicked to the curb by the working class.

It's about damned time.
The problem with your thinking is globalism has become deeply rooted in our economic system. No one knows what might be the long term consequences of isolationism but in the short term, 2 to 5 years, it would bring on massive economic upheaval with the working class bearing the blunt of it.

And? We've had "economic upheaval" many times in America. No one is talking "isolationism" here. That's a liberal catch phrase for fear-mongering. Liberals would do well to look at England very closely. They followed the EXACT same policies that America followed. They allowed "workers"'into their country to take THEIR jobs from working class Brit's. They allowed the infiltration of terrorists into their country under the guise of "humanitarian" reasons.

What was the result? The filthy rich got richer, the working class took it in the ass. The vote yesterday more than proves that the power of the PEOPLE must be respected.

The tide has turned. HIllary (the murderer) will figure that out in November.

Bravo! Great nailed it ....exactly!
All the brainy people like David Cameron and the leader of the labour party, and the head of the bank of England, and leading business people wanted to stay. Because they knew leaving would be an economic disaster. All the leaders of the European union wanted Britain to stay.
But the leave campaign appealed to patriotism and flag waving, and the fear of Immigrants to persuade people who do not understand the economy to leave.

And your point is what, exactly? That the PEOPLE of a country have no right to speak up?

Oh, that's're in England. Here's a hint for you: that attitude got your asses kicked in America.

And again - when did "patriotism" and "flag waving" become a bad thing?

You liberals in England are as stupid and as dangerous as the liberals in America are.
I'll explain something to you . There is a reason
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.
Can you explain to me what trying to make an educated decision by following those people who actually are educated has to do with hypocrisy? Dajjal didn't mention morally superior those were the words of someone else.
I used to be a big free trade advocate, but I have come to realize that free trade means that jobs will inevitably go to nations that do not have minimum wage laws, safety standards, worker's compensation, retirement plans, or the other protections that American workers have come to expect. The wealthy and corporations will do what is profitable and seek the cheapest labor they can to produce a product, which means shipping jobs overseas, or hiring illegal workers and paying them under the table.

Say what you want about Trump, but he has our "trade deals" figured out. The only ones that have EVER benefited from our trade deals are the countries we deal with - and the filthy rich assholes who set the deals up.

They cost us thousands of jobs and billions of dollars (if not trillions).
I used to be a big free trade advocate, but I have come to realize that free trade means that jobs will inevitably go to nations that do not have minimum wage laws, safety standards, worker's compensation, retirement plans, or the other protections that American workers have come to expect. The wealthy and corporations will do what is profitable and seek the cheapest labor they can to produce a product, which means shipping jobs overseas, or hiring illegal workers and paying them under the table.

Say what you want about Trump, but he has our "trade deals" figured out. The only ones that have EVER benefited from our trade deals are the countries we deal with - and the filthy rich assholes who set the deals up.

They cost us thousands of jobs and billions of dollars (if not trillions).
Well riddle me this. What incentive do you think Trump has to do away with free trade agreements. Last time I checked he is one of those filthy rich assholes. So far he hasn't excactly proven to be the most thrustworthy or even stable of person. And I don't think altruism is one of his faults.
All the brainy people like David Cameron and the leader of the labour party, and the head of the bank of England, and leading business people wanted to stay. Because they knew leaving would be an economic disaster. All the leaders of the European union wanted Britain to stay.
But the leave campaign appealed to patriotism and flag waving, and the fear of Immigrants to persuade people who do not understand the economy to leave.

And your point is what, exactly? That the PEOPLE of a country have no right to speak up?

Oh, that's're in England. Here's a hint for you: that attitude got your asses kicked in America.

And again - when did "patriotism" and "flag waving" become a bad thing?

You liberals in England are as stupid and as dangerous as the liberals in America are.
I'll explain something to you . There is a reason
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.
Can you explain to me what trying to make an educated decision by following those people who actually are educated has to do with hypocrisy? Dajjal didn't mention morally superior those were the words of someone else.

I'd be glad to. FOLLOWING Is not deciding for yourself. It's allowing those, who stand to achieve financial restitution over and above their investment, to make YOUR decision for you.

It's generall called "liberalism" - giving up your free will to those you believe are "smarter" than you. Liberals LOVE to tell you how "smart" they are.

This guy, chose to FOLLOW. Typical liberal lemming.
Personally, I'm glad to see the people of Britain throwing off their shackles.

if the Scots don't like it, let them leave. They will find it hard to survive without the English taxpayer funding their large number of welfare layabouts.
Scotland believes it will be disastrous to their economic interest to leave the EU. This is why they voted against it and will seek an independence referendum.

Britain has depended on trade agreements negotiated by the EC and EU for over 40 years. In two years, Britain will loose those agreements which can mean disastrous interruptions in trade. Britain will have two options. It can either negotiate new agreements over the next 2 years which would be almost impossible since it can take a decade or longer because of the many nations involved or bargain with the EU to allow Britain's continued inclusion in these agreements. The problem here is Brussels has made it clear that they will deal harshly with Britain if they exit the EU in order to keep other countries, namely France from following in Britain's footsteps.

It's ironic that the working class who have generally supported Bexit will bear the blunt of the economic consequences.
I used to be a big free trade advocate, but I have come to realize that free trade means that jobs will inevitably go to nations that do not have minimum wage laws, safety standards, worker's compensation, retirement plans, or the other protections that American workers have come to expect. The wealthy and corporations will do what is profitable and seek the cheapest labor they can to produce a product, which means shipping jobs overseas, or hiring illegal workers and paying them under the table.

Say what you want about Trump, but he has our "trade deals" figured out. The only ones that have EVER benefited from our trade deals are the countries we deal with - and the filthy rich assholes who set the deals up.

They cost us thousands of jobs and billions of dollars (if not trillions).
Well riddle me this. What incentive do you think Trump has to do away with free trade agreements. Last time I checked he is one of those filthy rich assholes. So far he hasn't excactly proven to be the most thrustworthy or even stable of person. And I don't tink altruism is one of his faults.

That's the point. Every election cycle, we listen to some asshole "politician" who tells us what we want to hear, then goes to DC and does the exact opposite. HIllary is the perfect example. Lies her ass off and gets away with it.

I'm ready to try something different for a change. What's the worst that can happen?!we get fooled for the fifty-fifth tine? He can only do what the no account Congress will allow him to do.

I'm tired of these "from birth to Washington" assholes that take us - their bosses, for granted.
Personally, I'm glad to see the people of Britain throwing off their shackles.

if the Scots don't like it, let them leave. They will find it hard to survive without the English taxpayer funding their large number of welfare layabouts.
Scotland believes it will be disastrous to their economic interest to leave the EU. This is why they voted against it and will seek an independence referendum.

Britain has depended on trade agreements negotiated by the EC and EU for over 40 years. In two years, Britain will loose those agreements which can mean disastrous interruptions in trade. Britain will have two options. It can either negotiate new agreements over the next 2 years which would be almost impossible since it can take a decade or longer because of the many nations involved or bargain with the EU to allow Britain's continued inclusion in these agreements. The problem here is Brussels has made it clear that they will deal harshly with Britain if they exit the EU in order to keep other countries, namely France from following in Britain's footsteps.

It's ironic that the working class who have generally supported Bexit will bear the blunt of the economic consequences.

Jesus Christ - do you NOT read? They just had an independence reform vote two years ago and it failed miserably.
All the brainy people like David Cameron and the leader of the labour party, and the head of the bank of England, and leading business people wanted to stay. Because they knew leaving would be an economic disaster. All the leaders of the European union wanted Britain to stay.
But the leave campaign appealed to patriotism and flag waving, and the fear of Immigrants to persuade people who do not understand the economy to leave.

And your point is what, exactly? That the PEOPLE of a country have no right to speak up?

Oh, that's're in England. Here's a hint for you: that attitude got your asses kicked in America.

And again - when did "patriotism" and "flag waving" become a bad thing?

You liberals in England are as stupid and as dangerous as the liberals in America are.
I'll explain something to you . There is a reason
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.
Can you explain to me what trying to make an educated decision by following those people who actually are educated has to do with hypocrisy? Dajjal didn't mention morally superior those were the words of someone else.

I'd be glad to. FOLLOWING Is not deciding for yourself. It's allowing those, who stand to achieve financial restitution over and above their investment, to make YOUR decision for you.

It's generall called "liberalism" - giving up your free will to those you believe are "smarter" than you. Liberals LOVE to tell you how "smart" they are.

This guy, chose to FOLLOW. Typical liberal lemming.
That's a explanation but not an explanation why Dajjal is a hypocrite. If you throw around labels make sure they fit. As to the post itself. Democracy is all about following, if you say proud tea party member, then you implying you FOLLOW that party line. Direct democracy hasn't been practised since Ancient Greece. Nore should it be, because the issues in modern multi million people countries are often so complex that it's impossible to judge te scope of any decision unless you are elected to find out that scope. And even then alot of mistakes are made.
All the brainy people like David Cameron and the leader of the labour party, and the head of the bank of England, and leading business people wanted to stay. Because they knew leaving would be an economic disaster. All the leaders of the European union wanted Britain to stay.
But the leave campaign appealed to patriotism and flag waving, and the fear of Immigrants to persuade people who do not understand the economy to leave.

And your point is what, exactly? That the PEOPLE of a country have no right to speak up?

Oh, that's're in England. Here's a hint for you: that attitude got your asses kicked in America.

And again - when did "patriotism" and "flag waving" become a bad thing?

You liberals in England are as stupid and as dangerous as the liberals in America are.
I'll explain something to you . There is a reason
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.
Can you explain to me what trying to make an educated decision by following those people who actually are educated has to do with hypocrisy? Dajjal didn't mention morally superior those were the words of someone else.

I'd be glad to. FOLLOWING Is not deciding for yourself. It's allowing those, who stand to achieve financial restitution over and above their investment, to make YOUR decision for you.

It's generall called "liberalism" - giving up your free will to those you believe are "smarter" than you. Liberals LOVE to tell you how "smart" they are.

This guy, chose to FOLLOW. Typical liberal lemming.

I trusted David Cameron, and voted for him at the last election. I do know who I will vote for at the next election if that clown Boris gets to be prime minster. I would not trust him with my piggy bank, let alone the economy.
All the brainy people like David Cameron and the leader of the labour party, and the head of the bank of England, and leading business people wanted to stay. Because they knew leaving would be an economic disaster. All the leaders of the European union wanted Britain to stay.
But the leave campaign appealed to patriotism and flag waving, and the fear of Immigrants to persuade people who do not understand the economy to leave.

And your point is what, exactly? That the PEOPLE of a country have no right to speak up?

Oh, that's're in England. Here's a hint for you: that attitude got your asses kicked in America.

And again - when did "patriotism" and "flag waving" become a bad thing?

You liberals in England are as stupid and as dangerous as the liberals in America are.
I'll explain something to you . There is a reason
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education. Pretty well all the people who do have such knowledge supported remaining in the EU. Unlike many people I do not think the educated class were trying to keep us down, they were trying to protect the economy.
Now it is busted, and we are probably going to face a down turn in the economy.
Your first two sentences are all I ever need to know about you, politically speaking. Let me refresh your memory, just in case:
As far as I am concerned nobody without a degree in economics was qualified to vote on the issue. I do not have such a degree and do not understand all the implications of leaving Europe So I followed the lead of people who do have such education.
Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform" From a quick Google search, first entry.
Can you explain to me what trying to make an educated decision by following those people who actually are educated has to do with hypocrisy? Dajjal didn't mention morally superior those were the words of someone else.

I'd be glad to. FOLLOWING Is not deciding for yourself. It's allowing those, who stand to achieve financial restitution over and above their investment, to make YOUR decision for you.

It's generall called "liberalism" - giving up your free will to those you believe are "smarter" than you. Liberals LOVE to tell you how "smart" they are.

This guy, chose to FOLLOW. Typical liberal lemming.
That's a explanation but not an explanation why Dajjal is a hypocrite. If you throw around labels make sure they fit. As to the post itself. Democracy is all about following, if you say proud tea party member, then you implying you FOLLOW that party line. Direct democracy hasn't been practised since Ancient Greece. Nore should it be, because the issues in modern multi million people countries are often so complex that it's impossible to judge te scope of any decision unless you are elected to find out that scope. And even then alot of mistakes are made.

I called him a follower. And no, democracy is NOT about "following". It's about "choosing" - based on YOUR vote, and YOUR research on a referendum, or candidate. I have never followed a "party line" in my life. I make my own decisions. Fortunately for me, the only liberal democrat candidate I have ever supported was JFK. Unfortunately, the information on that asshole wasn't available until AFTER his death, or he would never have gotten my vote,

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