The Brutalism of Ted Cruz

$5 Calulator = 1 Human life
got caught stealing a calculator. At least ten times more crimes done before.

Thats not how court works. We dont lock people up based on guesses
No, it means when you catch criminals you put them away for as long as you can.

Broken glass theory is a reality, it works.

Yes, but only based on the crimes they committed not according to your guess of "at least ten more crimes"
Convicted as a habitual criminal.
Next one that gets out can stay at your house.

By mistake, next mistake they can lock you up for 16 years
Alright Fiscal Conservatives here is a quiz.

Calculator cost: $5.00
Cost to house an inmate: $31,286 per year

$31.286 x 16 years = $187,716

Question: Is $187K more or less than the cost of one calculator?
You are arguing that thieves should serve time based on whether the cost of the item they stole is greater than the cost of upholding the law by having them serve the sentence for the theft!?

He was supposed to serve a max of 2 years. The state made a mistake and sent him away for 16. He was not a habitual criminal. Then when they discovered the mistake, Cruz decided to defend the state's error and argued it to the USSC. They laughed at him and asked why the State of Texas was unable to admit a mistake. Cruz is as heartless as any of the clown car occupants.
OK. You offered one guy's version of Cruz's "brutality" . I offered another. Here's a link to the appeals court's ruling, sans the name calling.
got caught stealing a calculator. At least ten times more crimes done before.

Thats not how court works. We dont lock people up based on guesses
No, it means when you catch criminals you put them away for as long as you can.

Broken glass theory is a reality, it works.

Yes, but only based on the crimes they committed not according to your guess of "at least ten more crimes"
Convicted as a habitual criminal.
Next one that gets out can stay at your house.

By mistake, next mistake they can lock you up for 16 years
No mistake. The person stole it and was convicted.
NYC and it current skyrocketing crime rate shows what happens when bleeding heart leftism takes over the justice system.
$5 Calulator = 1 Human life
got caught stealing a calculator. At least ten times more crimes done before.

Thats not how court works. We dont lock people up based on guesses
No, it means when you catch criminals you put them away for as long as you can.

Broken glass theory is a reality, it works.

You gotta be a Trump supporter! Stupidity is a prerequisite for that position.
Crying over criminals serving time shows everyone what you are.
BTW - not a Trump supporter, just an American who loves America.
As contrasted by you.

You really can't tell the difference between your ars and a hole in the ground, can you? The kid was put in jail as a habitual criminal and he wasn't. But Cruz the Christian argued in court that it did not matter. Then Texas turned around and lets a little rich kid go on probation for killing a couple people. Yup, the red state Texas acts just like the GOP wants. The rich and affluent are given special treatment. If you are poor and/or a minority, you are screwed in Texass...
got caught stealing a calculator. At least ten times more crimes done before.

Thats not how court works. We dont lock people up based on guesses
No, it means when you catch criminals you put them away for as long as you can.

Broken glass theory is a reality, it works.

You gotta be a Trump supporter! Stupidity is a prerequisite for that position.
Crying over criminals serving time shows everyone what you are.
BTW - not a Trump supporter, just an American who loves America.
As contrasted by you.

You really can't tell the difference between your ars and a hole in the ground, can you? The kid was put in jail as a habitual criminal and he wasn't. But Cruz the Christian argued in court that it did not matter. Then Texas turned around and lets a little rich kid go on probation for killing a couple people. Yup, the red state Texas acts just like the GOP wants. The rich and affluent are given special treatment. If you are poor and/or a minority, you are screwed in Texass...
You're the one screaming for bigger government. And defend government officials who violate law.
That makes you the ignorant ass.
Thats not how court works. We dont lock people up based on guesses
No, it means when you catch criminals you put them away for as long as you can.

Broken glass theory is a reality, it works.

Yes, but only based on the crimes they committed not according to your guess of "at least ten more crimes"
Convicted as a habitual criminal.
Next one that gets out can stay at your house.

By mistake, next mistake they can lock you up for 16 years
No mistake. The person stole it and was convicted.

...and it was a mistake as mentioned in the first paragraph which you and Sassy seemed to miss
Thats not how court works. We dont lock people up based on guesses
No, it means when you catch criminals you put them away for as long as you can.

Broken glass theory is a reality, it works.

You gotta be a Trump supporter! Stupidity is a prerequisite for that position.
Crying over criminals serving time shows everyone what you are.
BTW - not a Trump supporter, just an American who loves America.
As contrasted by you.

You really can't tell the difference between your ars and a hole in the ground, can you? The kid was put in jail as a habitual criminal and he wasn't. But Cruz the Christian argued in court that it did not matter. Then Texas turned around and lets a little rich kid go on probation for killing a couple people. Yup, the red state Texas acts just like the GOP wants. The rich and affluent are given special treatment. If you are poor and/or a minority, you are screwed in Texass...
You're the one screaming for bigger government. And defend government officials who violate law.
That makes you the ignorant ass.

?????? Are you trying to express yourself? What a stupid statement based on NOTHING! :cuckoo:
His crime SUPPOSED to get 2 YEARS MAX, under the LAW, but some miserable gov official sentenced him to 16 YEARS mistakenly.

English is not my mother tongue, but I can understand this article clearly. Its all because of the "public education", cant event teach some American people to read English, properly...
Thats not how court works. We dont lock people up based on guesses
No, it means when you catch criminals you put them away for as long as you can.

Broken glass theory is a reality, it works.

Yes, but only based on the crimes they committed not according to your guess of "at least ten more crimes"
Convicted as a habitual criminal.
Next one that gets out can stay at your house.

By mistake, next mistake they can lock you up for 16 years
No mistake. The person stole it and was convicted.
NYC and it current skyrocketing crime rate shows what happens when bleeding heart leftism takes over the justice system.

By says so if you ever read the article
Oh dear,someone's opinion

Did You read the article. A Supreme Court justice asked if Texas was able to admit a mistake. Cruz wanted the kid locked up for 16 years for stealing a calculator. His Christian compassion is reserved for rich white kids I guess.

You're not taking the conservative view of this which is: If it didnt happen to me personally then, who cares?

It's the rantings of a moonbat in the NYSlimes so no, I don't care

No its the life of a guy Cruz tried to lock up for 16 years for stealing a calculator. Of course you dont care...thats what I said earlier on page 1. If injustices occur but its not you the christian thing to do is to throw your hands up and go "Who cares!"
Cry me a river. Habitable criminals should be put on San Clemente island.
Then have the Navy commence firing.
go with the flo stan , as glen says
Look at all the great drugs developed in Cuba and Venezuela.


No you didnt

Yeah I did and you're welcome to prove your statement....I won't wait

I was right...

Cry me a river. Habitable criminals should be put on San Clemente island.
Then have the Navy commence firing.

For calculator much money you have to contribute toward the $187,000 to keep him locked up to protect the $5 calculators in the world?
65 cents for a bullet.

$5 Calulator = 1 Human life

If YOU had read the OPINION piece you would know it wasn't just the calculator theft that got him all the time, it was his PREVIOUS crimes also. That's why they call it HABITUAL, they don't learn the lesson

You'be got to be the dumbest fucker on earth and you proved my point AGAIN. This is the first fucking paragraph which shows, once again, you dont read shit and all your defenses come out of partisan hackery and your jellied gut

In 1997, Michael Wayne Haley was arrested after stealing a calculator from Walmart. This was a crime that merited a maximum two-year prison term. But prosecutors incorrectly applied a habitual offender law. Neither the judge nor the defense lawyer caught the error and Haley was sentenced to 16 years.

Sassy doesnt even care what the article is about or what it says. She's vowed to defend every Republican regardless of what it is, she doesnt even care what they did, they deserve her defense because thats how lemmings roll
Stealing a calculator is not worth 16 years.

Stupid law passed by stupid people for stupid people.
Stealing a calculator is not worth 16 years.

Stupid law passed by stupid people for stupid people.

The thing is that; there is no such law that would lock someone up for 16 years if they have stolen a calculator... the law says "2 years max"... thats the whole point...

am i wrong?
The point is whether a perp had seven convictions for misdemeanor theft, sixteen years is simply stupid. So, yes, a stupid law passed by stupid people for stupid people.
Well, knock me over with a feather.

The New York Times doesn't like Ted Cruz.

This is a game changer.
And please don't take it the wrong way, but, I don't think the Jewish owners of the New York Times have any qualifications to decide who is, and who isn't, a good Christian.

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