The Buffalo Bills are biggest competitors to dethrone the Kansas City Cheifs

Huge Steelers fan here but they won't be winning a Super Bowl. Too many injuries and the team is too deep in a funk.

That's because Big Ben is really an overrated bum who occasionally just plays good enough football to make people forget about and rationalize the bad ball he plays the other 90% of the time.

Ben's had two good years in his career: his first year in 2004 when he took over for Tommy Maddox and no one was used to his playing and the one year he won SB XLIII. They won SB XL despite Ben.

Roethlisberger has no depth perception. They should have gotten rid of him three years ago when he was talking about quitting anyway. Now they got nobody and Ben is old, can't run out of the pocket, can't run a QB Sneak and can't take a hit.

He has no deep ball anymore, no one can catch his passes, and now he doesn't even have a RB to hand the ball off to, so all he can do is throw dinks for 4 yard gains. If that. They are played out.

Teams can sit on the scrimmage line just waiting to pick him off.

I bet Cincinnati beats them on Monday. 2020 was just a season of luck. Tomlin needs to retire. The entire O-line is old and done.

Too bad they kissed Ben's ass and didn't replace all his buddies and rebuild the O-line to equal the great defense they now have.

Steelers will flame out and be the big letdown of 2020 once again under-performing embarrassingly and not even make the Playoffs or play one Wildcard team and get smoked.

Ben retires after the season is done. Even he knows when enough is enough.

Ben has no post-playing career: he's neither intelligent enough nor interesting. He should have done time years ago for that rape and the industry doesn't want a rapist.
There is no appropriate response for such an idiotic, baseless, immature commentary.:no_text11:

Steelers are flaming out, 1/3rd due to the hapless coaching and play calling under Tomlin, 1/3rd due to injuries and Covid rescheduled meddling by the NFL, and 1/3rd due to the typical Steeler arrogance to play like a 4-9 team then CELEBRATE like superheroes if they get one play right and to the blind adherence to kissing Ben's rapist ass.

Many are expecting Steelers to bomb Cinci like 35/45 to 7. Frankly, they will be lucky to win. It'll be close.

I predict the Steelers will come out lead footed tripping over their own two left feet and shoot themselves in the face putting Cinci in the game. Once again the world will ask if the Steelers even plan, prepare or practice during the week! They will be lucky to win and not lose the division to the BROWNS.

Then they will implode in the first Wildcard game. Maybe to the Ravens!

Steelers are on another bent arc like a warped Frisbee. Ben is making us wish for Duck Hodges again. Ben has no arm and no depth perception.

I love the Steelers and hate to see this but I can't delude ourselves. They have a great Defense unsupported by a worn out QB and an aging O line that just can't cut it, and they need major surgery in the off-season. Too bad. It'll be many years before the team is close to going to the big game again.

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Worn out quarterback? He's headed to the hall of fame one day for sure. Just look at the numbers and who he is ahead of.







WORN OUT? Hardly...considered one of the best all-time is Joe Montana and look how many categories Big Ben is ahead of him in. AND, Roethlisberger is just two Super Bowl titles shy of Montana. He also said today he'll be back to play next season this after having a fantastic season thus far:


The Steelers are slumping the last two games but they have three more games to show the 11-0 start was not a fluke. The Cincinnati game on paper is a joke. If the Steelers lose, then they will have proven that adversity is something they can't handle this season. But I expect a blowout by double digits.
Worn out quarterback?
The guy was talking of quitting 2-3 years ago! The guy is almost 40. Stats are nice but don't tell the whole story.

but they have three more games to show the 11-0 start was not a fluke.
They were lucky. Many of their wins were very ugly wins. I just rewatched their Week Five game last night where they trounced Cleveland like 38-7; it was like watching a whole different team from today.

The Cincinnati game on paper is a joke.
Yep. If the Steelers blow this one, it will be THE WORST LOSS IN MNF HISTORY. :SMILEW~130:

Every time Ben throws another sputterball tonight, I'll be thinking of you. :smile:

You know, it occurred to me that people who LEAVE the Steelers usually work out great. LaGarrett Blount walked out on the Steelers after they would never play him over Bell and ended up getting a SB ring with the Pats! Then Bell gave them the finger anyway for a season, and after a few false starts, is now playing for the KC Chiefs. He'll be getting a ring in February. Even Antonio Brown, after going psycho on the Steelers and NFL for a couple years is back where he WANTS to be, with Brady.

Seems like the best way of getting a ring and advancing your career is to LEAVE the Pittsburgh Steelers!
Worn out quarterback?
The guy was talking of quitting 2-3 years ago! The guy is almost 40. Stats are nice but don't tell the whole story.

but they have three more games to show the 11-0 start was not a fluke.
They were lucky. Many of their wins were very ugly wins. I just rewatched their Week Five game last night where they trounced Cleveland like 38-7; it was like watching a whole different team from today.

The Cincinnati game on paper is a joke.
Yep. If the Steelers blow this one, it will be THE WORST LOSS IN MNF HISTORY. :SMILEW~130:

Every time Ben throws another sputterball tonight, I'll be thinking of you. :smile:

You know, it occurred to me that people who LEAVE the Steelers usually work out great. LaGarrett Blount walked out on the Steelers after they would never play him over Bell and ended up getting a SB ring with the Pats! Then Bell gave them the finger anyway for a season, and after a few false starts, is now playing for the KC Chiefs. He'll be getting a ring in February. Even Antonio Brown, after going psycho on the Steelers and NFL for a couple years is back where he WANTS to be, with Brady.

Seems like the best way of getting a ring and advancing your career is to LEAVE the Pittsburgh Steelers!
How do you explain six Super Bowl trophies then and eight Super Bowl appearances? More to come...count on it. They will get back there if not this season a season ahead.
How do you explain six Super Bowl trophies then and eight Super Bowl appearances? More to come...count on it. They will get back there if not this season a season ahead.

Explain what? They were a dynasty in the 70s!

O'Donnell took a bribe and threw SB XXX and threw that game away.

Steelers won SB XL DESPITE Ben's bad playing.

Ben had his one great year when they played Arizona.
More to come...count on it. They will get back there if not this season a season ahead.

You could say that about ANY team. Sooner or later, they all have their successes.

Except the Steelers of 2020. Just as I predicted, Ben Roethlisberger has made them the laughing stock of the NFL.

HOF QB Ben was run roughshod by a no-name third stringer.

Any other team would have sense enough to pull Ben from the game and replace him, but Tomlin hasn't the guts, and the Steelers have no capable back-ups.

Ju-Ju should get an award and be hired as the best opposing team motivator in history! The Bengals need to send him a couple of tickets to the opera or something.

I can't wait for that selfish idiot Ju-Ju to dance all over the Indy's logo!

I usually don't keep games the Steelers LOSE: this will be an exception-- -- I already rewatched the first half laughing in tears as Ben threw their season away losing disgracefully to a beaten team with nothing to play for whose loss to the Steelers is practically a GIVEN every time they meet. Not any more. No one can shoot themself in the face better than Clueless Ben. The veteran BUM can't even handle a hand off from his HOF Center while passing over a wide open receiver for six points to nearly get his player killed throwing into triple coverage. NICE!

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I'm man enough to admit I was wrong about this team...four words for last night's game: A TOTAL COMPLETE EMBARRASSMENT! I haven't felt this disgusted about a Steelers team in I don't know how long. This team is in a word BROKEN. There are no excuses other than they are not a good football team and while there is plenty of talent, the problem is also DEPTH. They have none. Given all the injuries, their backups don't play well.

As for last night, the Bengals came out and punched the Steelers right in the mouth and never relented. They took the wind out of Pittsburgh's sails and this team has not been the same since the Ravens game. They have no confidence, they've lost their mojo, and I believe they will NOT win another game this season. I hope they do but I don't believe they will.

The Steelers are in DIRE need of a stud running back. That should be their primary focus heading into the off season. I'll always be behind them as I have been a loyal fan for 48 years but this simply does not look good at all.
I'm man enough to admit I was wrong about this team...four words for last night's game: A TOTAL COMPLETE EMBARRASSMENT! I haven't felt this disgusted about a Steelers team in I don't know how long. This team is in a word BROKEN. There are no excuses other than they are not a good football team and while there is plenty of talent, the problem is also DEPTH. They have none. Given all the injuries, their backups don't play well.

As for last night, the Bengals came out and punched the Steelers right in the mouth and never relented. They took the wind out of Pittsburgh's sails and this team has not been the same since the Ravens game. They have no confidence, they've lost their mojo, and I believe they will NOT win another game this season. I hope they do but I don't believe they will.

The Steelers are in DIRE need of a stud running back. That should be their primary focus heading into the off season. I'll always be behind them as I have been a loyal fan for 48 years but this simply does not look good at all.

There is something going on with Ben we are not being told about. As much as they need a RB, 80-90% of their problems begin and end with the QB. All these receivers couldn't have lost the ability to catch all at once. Worse, the fact that they don't sit Ben down speaks volumes about Mason Rudolph.

I don't think I've ever seen a QB who is at once considered a certain HOF player, many call him one of the top 5 QBs in the game, who occasionally, plays well, but who then is capable of going whole games and multiple games playing like that? Ben doesn't have bad days, he isn't outplayed or beaten, he comes out looking like he is totally unprepared and has never played before with no talent for the game!

The depth issue I attribute to a lack of conditioning. Players are too protected, don't play rough enough, and so too many pretty boys looking to get rich end up in the game. 40 years ago, players were animals out there trying to kill each other. You'd get your ass chewed out for running off the field to avoid a hit like they routinely do now. You scratched for every yard you could get.

Clearly, Ju-Ju is motivating teams and is too stupid and selfish to see it and Tomlin too spineless to order an end to it. Ben has no confidence and doesn't lead or inspire players to play their best because they don't believe in him.

The fact that Tomlin bet everything on Connor as a RB and Ben as their star player at nearly 40 years and unable to play for year shows me it is time to get a new head coach.

I'd be afraid to bet that the B&G can win either of their last two games, but they might manage to win one, I seriously doubt both, but regardless of the outcome, they will be LUCKY to hold the division and will be ANNIHILATED in their first playoff game.

And that's a shame.
I was terribly amused watching Pittsburgh flowder like that; actually losing their cool by commiting egregious personal fouls on Cincy players! One of them was not 1 or 2 steps after going out of bounds, but 3 and 4 steps, almost ready to sit down when hammered! I think #76 should have been ejected with that one because he was upset Ben threw the interception that put them in a real hole early! :stir:
I was terribly amused watching Pittsburgh flowder like that; actually losing their cool by commiting egregious personal fouls on Cincy players! One of them was not 1 or 2 steps after going out of bounds, but 3 and 4 steps, almost ready to sit down when hammered! I think #76 should have been ejected with that one because he was upset Ben threw the interception that put them in a real hole early! :stir:

  1. Cincinnati called Steelers bluff and the Steelers folded like a cheap suit.
  2. Cincinnati talked smack and backed it up showing the Steelers for the fraud they are, and truth can hurt.
Tomlin's Team are whipped and beaten, impotent and ballless. The D-line knows it and is getting sick and tired of taking a pounding to keep them in the game.


Ben's gotta go,
Tomlin has to go,
They need another Jerome Bettis.

That would fix everything.
The Rooneys will never fire Tomlin, they simply don't fire coaches as proved by having only 3 in 51 years. But Tomlin I believe is only a minor part of the problem. It's one thing to play poorly in one game but not in a stretch of 4 as Ben has done. I agree with needing another Bettis. Their primary focus this offseason should be finding the next franchise quarterback and finding or drafting a "stud" running back. They won't find the next QB in the draft so they might want to start considering a trade for Carson Wentz or Sam Darnold.

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