The Butcher Shop: Sell the Eyes For $325.00 Each

I often wonder how anyone who supports the use of abortion for birth control sleeps at night... Lena dunham celebrity progressive is just a classic example of their complete ignorance when it came to planned parenthood... I hope you can find it in your heart to ask for forgiveness for your support of pp... No more tax dollars for pp after Jan 20, 2017...

Lena Dunham says she never had an abortion but 'I wish I had'
is there anything about a frog you do not know about ... biology 101.

as the right swarms to misogynist pandering ...

is there anything about a frog you do not know about ... biology 101.

as the right swarms to misogynist pandering ...

Is there anything you do not understand about it is wrong to end a human life and even worse to profit off of its body parts when you do?
is there anything about a frog you do not know about ... biology 101.

as the right swarms to misogynist pandering ...

Is there anything you do not understand about it is wrong to end a human life and even worse to profit off of its body parts when you do?
Is there anything you do not understand about it is wrong to end a human life and even worse to profit off of its body parts when you do?

this thread ...

is there anything about a frog you do not know about ... biology 101.

as the right swarms to misogynist pandering ...

Is there anything you do not understand about it is wrong to end a human life and even worse to profit off of its body parts when you do?
Is there anything you do not understand about it is wrong to end a human life and even worse to profit off of its body parts when you do?

this thread ...

There's your problem. You don't accept your complicity.
In any civilized society, this is absolutely horrendous and should be stopped immediately.

The Senate Report on Planned Parenthood No One Is Talking About
That's pretty sick. No wonder no one from the left has commented on this yet.

It sounds like something Mary Shelly might have written.

And thats just the reason why its smells like a bullshit story. Whenever its this over the top you should be skeptical

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