The chickens are coming home to roost for Trump enablers

Trump wants to be putin but this isn't russia yet. There's too many institutions that aint completely ruled over by people like Trump and his fucked up base. I pray he'll be convicted and sent to prison soon.
You are mistaken. Trump worked on world peace through strength. Why would a strong peacemaker want to be a weak warmonger?
What concerns me the most is that it clearly appears to be spreading.

There’s no way to stop it. That would require both sides to put aside their differences AND the ideology and start working together and that’s not going to happen
Trump wants to be putin but this isn't russia yet. There's too many institutions that aint completely ruled over by people like Trump and his fucked up base. I pray he'll be convicted and sent to prison soon.

You pray! That's rich, you who despise all religious people and have said so, over and over, in the vilest terms!!!!


Oh, look what happened to Stormlover :scared1:

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The things you have asked me to prove you do. You hide behind the liars that control what you hear and think. You are weak, un American, and stupid.
I’m not hiding behind anybody. I’m asking you to proved proof to back up your claims and you fail time and time again to do so. Yet you claim they are true. That makes you a liar.
I’m not hiding behind anybody. I’m asking you to proved proof to back up your claims and you fail time and time again to do so. Yet you claim they are true. That makes you a liar.
I believe they are true. Which also means I am not lying. Meaning I don't give a shit what you think.
I believe they are true. Which also means I am not lying. Meaning I don't give a shit what you think.
If you were to say you believe they are true then it wouldn’t be a lie. But this is the first time I’ve heard you say that. You post and rant on here like the crap you say is truth. But you can’t prove it. So your spreading misinformation
If you were to say you believe they are true then it wouldn’t be a lie. But this is the first time I’ve heard you say that. You post and rant on here like the crap you say is truth. But you can’t prove it. So your spreading misinformation
No more than our government. Suck it up.
May as well start listing the sanctions, disbarments, and other assorted humiliations and career-ending for those who abused the public's trust and/or violated ethics or laws.

Ex-Trump attorney admits statements about 2020 election were false and is censured by judge​

Jenna Ellis was censured by a disciplinary judge in Colorado Wednesday, in the latest effort to hold accountable attorneys who boosted former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election reversal gambits.

Ellis signed a stipulation stating that several comments she made about the 2020 election violated professional ethics rules barring reckless, knowing or intentional misrepresentations by attorneys, according to documents posted by Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel.

Sounds like we should just repeal the First Amendment now.
Sounds like we should just repeal the First Amendment now.

The First Amendment isn't a license to lie. "Free speech" has always meant that the government couldn't prosecute you for disagreeing with them, not that you say anything you want, lie and slander others. Telling lies about elections which weren't stolen at all leading to people attacking the Capitol and trying to overthrow the government isn't protected speech under the First Amendment. It's sedition.

FOX claims that they were just reporting the "news of the day" is just bullshit. They didn't just report it. They didn't once question the evidence, or what they were told by Trump's lawyers. They acted like what they were being told was all perfectly reasonable and sane, and that Trump's claims had merit.

Ever since the FOX disclosures about what FOX knew and when they knew it, makes me wonder if they shouldn't lose their license or even be prosecuted for promoting the lies which lead to the insurrection. Freedom of the press is a bigger thing than personal free speech, but these people should be held accountable for lying to and misleading the American people.
Killing your baby isn't a right from God, you demon possessed shithead.

Once again, you question the sanity of a woman standing up for her rights. Abortion isn't "killing a baby". It's terminating a pregnancy. Something that happens very naturally with 1/3 of all pregnancies.

God gave us free will, and the ability to terminate a pregnancy when the timing isn't right. You seem to think women shouldn't have these rights.

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