The Children Are Our Future

A third of young adults polled last year supported abolishing the police — more than any other age group. Blinded by myopic visions of cultural revolution, some young people even justify violence. One poll showed 64 percent of college students agreed that last year’s anti-police “rioting and looting is justified to some degree.”

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is why I carry a Glock when I leave the house.

That was a great read. ;)

I read the most awful piece today in the NYT.

If I had applied the same advice that the opinion piece in the article gave me? I would not, of course, take the advise of the very column giving the advise. Why? Elementary. Because the advice came from the NYT. :auiqs.jpg:

I mean. . . just read the title. . . it's telling you to STOP critical thinking!

Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole
Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation.
Well, we live in an age where the teachers of critical thinking suspend their students for gun shaped sandwiches and using a thumb and finger while playing cowboys and Indians.
They know that the police in major cities are there to oppress, and make money for the state, not to protect and serve.

Let's roll with that thought for a minute. I think there's a disconnect in that thinking; let's start with the fact that all of our major cities are run by democrats. The mayors and city councils have been deep blue for generations in most cases. So, if the police in those big cities are there to oppress and make money for the state, then one assumes the Dems are in league with the oppressors and sharing in the profits, no? So, why are they now all up in arms about defunding the police? Are they trying to cutoff their own money supply? Fewer police means less revenue for the state AND the Dems, right? Seems doubtful. Or, they're lying their asses off and have no intention whatsoever about defunding the police, it's called lip service which they are extremely good at.

Now let's talk about making money for the state. How much money do you really think the state is getting from the police oppressors? How much damage has been done over the past year in our major cities, that's gotta wipeout most if not all of the money from the cops. Show me how police oppression makes that much money, and then show me how defunding the cops doesn't reduce however much the take is.

To suggest that the police are oppressors is absurd. Some cops do misuse their authority, that's true. Yet the democrats who should be getting rid of those bad apples are not doing so, which kinda makes the people in charge (democrats) the oppressors. They could be stopping the so-called oppression, but they ain't, why not? In most cases that have made the news, we see a minority person who has a weapon and will not surrender it; that's not oppression by the cops, that's survival. So it's really weird, the minorities vote for the democrats who are NOT fulfilling their duty to protect and serve their constituents. They are in effect voting or the same people who are oppressing them or allowing it to continue for decades. Getting rid of the bad cops and even worse politicians would go a long way towards reducing any oppression, but it starts at the ballot box.
We've had cops for well over one hundred years in the US and they still get failing grades on stopping crime.
The courts have ruled that folks can be denied employment with police forces for having too high IQ scores.

I have friends that were debating on FB about having the police required to get more training, even have four year degrees. . . most the population doesn't understand, the ruling class likes them dumb and stupid.

Of course the police get failing grades at stopping crime. The criminals that lord over us have designed the system this way. If the police had average IQ's or above average IQ's, there might be a revolution against the overlords before the year ended. The system is corrupt to the bone.

I am well aware of their lowered expectations, when I first moved to where I live I was harasser by the local pigs and I suckered them into a trap with witnesses that included prosecuting attorneys and my personal attorneys. They have not bothered me since and that was 2004. Cops don't know shit. The judge is on the take and all is well in America.

Sure you did Serpico....Tell us more....
It's easy, I did it to the cops in Rogers, Arkansas also...I know you fear the cops where as I see them as the threat.

Fear? Why would I fear the police? I don't break the law, so I have no reason to fear them....In fact, I think they do a thankless job....And I support them...You on the other hand just told me that you fear them. Maybe you need to start living right....
We've had cops for well over one hundred years in the US and they still get failing grades on stopping crime.
The courts have ruled that folks can be denied employment with police forces for having too high IQ scores.

I have friends that were debating on FB about having the police required to get more training, even have four year degrees. . . most the population doesn't understand, the ruling class likes them dumb and stupid.

Of course the police get failing grades at stopping crime. The criminals that lord over us have designed the system this way. If the police had average IQ's or above average IQ's, there might be a revolution against the overlords before the year ended. The system is corrupt to the bone.

I am well aware of their lowered expectations, when I first moved to where I live I was harasser by the local pigs and I suckered them into a trap with witnesses that included prosecuting attorneys and my personal attorneys. They have not bothered me since and that was 2004. Cops don't know shit. The judge is on the take and all is well in America.

Sure you did Serpico....Tell us more....
It's easy, I did it to the cops in Rogers, Arkansas also...I know you fear the cops where as I see them as the threat.

Fear? Why would I fear the police? I don't break the law, so I have no reason to fear them....In fact, I think they do a thankless job....And I support them...You on the other hand just told me that you fear them. Maybe you need to start living right....
I don't fear them at all in fact I have neighbors that are on the sheriffs dept. they just know not to be trying to scam my ass for their gain.
They know that the police in major cities are there to oppress, and make money for the state, not to protect and serve.

Let's roll with that thought for a minute. I think there's a disconnect in that thinking; let's start with the fact that all of our major cities are run by democrats. The mayors and city councils have been deep blue for generations in most cases. So, if the police in those big cities are there to oppress and make money for the state, then one assumes the Dems are in league with the oppressors and sharing in the profits, no? So, why are they now all up in arms about defunding the police? Are they trying to cutoff their own money supply? Fewer police means less revenue for the state AND the Dems, right? Seems doubtful. Or, they're lying their asses off and have no intention whatsoever about defunding the police, it's called lip service which they are extremely good at.

Now let's talk about making money for the state. How much money do you really think the state is getting from the police oppressors? How much damage has been done over the past year in our major cities, that's gotta wipeout most if not all of the money from the cops. Show me how police oppression makes that much money, and then show me how defunding the cops doesn't reduce however much the take is.

To suggest that the police are oppressors is absurd. Some cops do misuse their authority, that's true. Yet the democrats who should be getting rid of those bad apples are not doing so, which kinda makes the people in charge (democrats) the oppressors. They could be stopping the so-called oppression, but they ain't, why not? In most cases that have made the news, we see a minority person who has a weapon and will not surrender it; that's not oppression by the cops, that's survival. So it's really weird, the minorities vote for the democrats who are NOT fulfilling their duty to protect and serve their constituents. They are in effect voting or the same people who are oppressing them or allowing it to continue for decades. Getting rid of the bad cops and even worse politicians would go a long way towards reducing any oppression, but it starts at the ballot box.
All major cities are not ran by democrats.

Democratic mayors oversaw 64 of the 100 largest cities at the beginning of 2021, 64 at the beginning of 2020, 61 at the start of 2019, 63 at the start of 2018, 64 at the beginning of 2017, and 67 at the start of 2016.

why do you feel the need to lie?
They know that the police in major cities are there to oppress, and make money for the state, not to protect and serve.

Let's roll with that thought for a minute. I think there's a disconnect in that thinking; let's start with the fact that all of our major cities are run by democrats. The mayors and city councils have been deep blue for generations in most cases. So, if the police in those big cities are there to oppress and make money for the state, then one assumes the Dems are in league with the oppressors and sharing in the profits, no? So, why are they now all up in arms about defunding the police? Are they trying to cutoff their own money supply? Fewer police means less revenue for the state AND the Dems, right? Seems doubtful. Or, they're lying their asses off and have no intention whatsoever about defunding the police, it's called lip service which they are extremely good at.

Now let's talk about making money for the state. How much money do you really think the state is getting from the police oppressors? How much damage has been done over the past year in our major cities, that's gotta wipeout most if not all of the money from the cops. Show me how police oppression makes that much money, and then show me how defunding the cops doesn't reduce however much the take is.

To suggest that the police are oppressors is absurd. Some cops do misuse their authority, that's true. Yet the democrats who should be getting rid of those bad apples are not doing so, which kinda makes the people in charge (democrats) the oppressors. They could be stopping the so-called oppression, but they ain't, why not? In most cases that have made the news, we see a minority person who has a weapon and will not surrender it; that's not oppression by the cops, that's survival. So it's really weird, the minorities vote for the democrats who are NOT fulfilling their duty to protect and serve their constituents. They are in effect voting or the same people who are oppressing them or allowing it to continue for decades. Getting rid of the bad cops and even worse politicians would go a long way towards reducing any oppression, but it starts at the ballot box.

I disagree with most of that post.


I believe you are looking at it through a partisan lens. Sorry. City councils are not entirely Democrats. . . they are a mix.

While I do agree, that, ostensibly, the DNC appears to be controlling all of the major metropolitan areas. . . if you do a little research into the issue, almost all local politics have been infused with Agenda 2020 2030. Whatever. The international corporatists control urban politics now. The system is run by money, and corporate influence.

The masses vote for whomever the corporate media TELL them to vote for on the state granted monopolies, by the interlocking directorate. This directorate is global. There is a much, much larger agenda here.


The opponent of their agenda? It is the will of the people. It doesn't matter if it comes from the left, or the right. POPULISM is what they fear the most. Whether it is in the form of Occupy or Tea party. Whether it looks like Trump or Sanders, they do not care. And they do whatever they can to ignore, discredit, and disparage it at every opportunity.

We all saw the burning, looting and rioting by Antifa and BLM. I am pretty sure, that yes, most of those protests were probably peaceful. Just like the protest and rally with Trump at the capitol was peaceful. And, just like the capitol hill debacle, it would not at all surprise me, if there were agent provocateurs that were mostly the spark that started the burning, looting and rioting in the cities, they had folks at the capitol, I did the research on this.

If they can cause chaos, they can bring in corporate power to solve the crises. This is what the leadership has always done to create change. It is called ORDO AB CHAO, it is 33rd free mason for, order out of chaos. That was the tattoo that George Floyd had on his chest.


It's not about making money for the "STATE." I went off message and made a mistake, you caught me, I apologize. The folks that CONTROL the state are the ones that primarily benefit. It's about controlling the population, and keeping the oligarchy in control. If the enforces have benefited through graft and corruption, that has, up to this point, been fine. But now? With AI and robotics, IMO, they are going to see less need to depend on them. And their grip will tighten. That is just my hunch as to what this is all about. I admit, I could be wrong.



The police only generate money for themselves when graft happens . . . that is the nature of corruption. I never intended to say it was a revenue stream for the law enforcement agencies of the municipalities.

As far as the use of unnecessary force? If you read that article by Serpico, that issue is addressed. I understand your POV. Police could be better trained if the STATE wanted to, but they do not. I have looked into this issue, quite in depth. They have very, very little training in de-escalation, and a ton in reactive use of force.

I am telling you, there is a larger agenda, that will affect all people. It is motivated by power and profit. I'm just glad that the Police Unions have so quickly seen it, and supported Trump the last election cycle.
Glad to know you won’t call 911 when my boys do a home invasion at your home tonight.
Who are "your boys"? No one even likes you.

His "boys" are probably Oaf Keeper vermin who don't even like themselves or one another. ;)
I believe you are looking at it through a partisan lens. Sorry. City councils are not entirely Democrats. . . they are a mix.

I try not to be biased, but it ain't easy. City councils may not be entirely Democrats, but I'd bet serious money the majority on every big city council is Democrats, and they do what they want.

While I do agree, that, ostensibly, the DNC appears to be controlling all of the major metropolitan areas. . . if you do a little research into the issue, almost all local politics have been infused with Agenda 2030. Whatever. The international corporatists control urban politics now. The system is run by money, and corporate influence.

Is there evidence of this? IOW, what evidence is there that international corporatists (IC) control the DNC, cuz that's what it boil down to.

The masses vote for whomever the corporate media TELL them to vote for on the state granted monopolies, by the interlocking directorate. This directorate is global. There is a much, much larger agenda here.

I've been voting since 1970, and nobody has ever told me who to vote for.

The opponent of their agenda? It is the will of the people. It doesn't matter if it comes from the left, or the right. POPULISM is what they fear the most. Whether it is in the form of Occupy or Tea party. Whether it looks like Trump or Sanders, they do not care. And they do whatever they can to ignore, discredit, and disparage it at every opportunity.

Not understanding the idea that populism is a problem for the IC. I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer though.

We all saw the burning, looting and rioting by Antifa and BLM. I am pretty sure, that yes, most of those protests were probably peaceful. Just like the protest and rally with Trump at the capitol was peaceful. And, just like the capitol hill debacle, it would not at all surprise me, if there were agent provocateurs that were mostly the spark that started the burning, looting and rioting in the cities, they had folks at the capitol, I did the research on this.

I wouldn't doubt there were agent provocateurs, but the question is whether someone or group paid them to cause riots and if so, why? I think the IC is only one possibility, and I have yet to see any real evidence of who financed what.

If they can cause chaos, they can bring in corporate power to solve the crises. This is what the leadership has always done to create change. It is called ORDO AB CHAO, it is 33rd free mason for, order out of chaos. That was the tattoo that George Floyd had on his chest.

Okay, but aren't you saying the IC already has power over the gov'ts around the world, right? I'm not seeing the need for more chaos.

It's not about making money for the "STATE." I went off message and made a mistake, you caught me, I apologize. The folks that CONTROL the state are the ones that primarily benefit. It's about controlling the population, and keeping the oligarchy in control. If the enforces have benefited through graft and corruption, that has, up to this point, been fine. But now? With AI and robotics, IMO, they are going to see less need to depend on them. And their grip will tighten. That is just my hunch as to what this is all about. I admit, I could be wrong.

Aren't they already in control? Creating total chaos and destruction has to be very expensive, and the gain would seem to me to be negligible at best.

The police only generate money for themselves when graft happens . . . that is the nature of corruption. I never intended to say it was a revenue stream for the law enforcement agencies of the municipalities.

As far as the use of unnecessary force? If you read that article by Serpico, that issue is addressed. I understand your POV. Police could be better trained if the STATE wanted to, but they do not. I have looked into this issue, quite in depth. They have very, very little training in de-escalation, and a ton in reactive use of force.

I am telling you, there is a larger agenda, that will affect all people. It is motivated by power and profit. I'm just glad that the Police Unions have so quickly seen it, and supported Trump the last election cycle.

I'm not sure what the police unions have realized, but I do know that the Democrats are the ones calling for defunding the police, so for the police unions that has to stop and that is why they went for Trump and the GOP cuz they oppose the defunding.

There could be a larger agenda, I ain't saying otherwise. But there aren't many facts upon the ground to make that case plausible IMHO.
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A third of young adults polled last year supported abolishing the police — more than any other age group. Blinded by myopic visions of cultural revolution, some young people even justify violence. One poll showed 64 percent of college students agreed that last year’s anti-police “rioting and looting is justified to some degree.”

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is why I carry a Glock when I leave the house.

I have a Gen Z kid.

I assure you that he is not one to abolish the police. He doesn't necessarily like the police but he is not ok with rioting and destruction. He is not ok with that kind of chaos. He also didn't chug a gallon of milk and he did not eat Tide Pods.

I can assure you that he is very conscious of the number of ways that men are considered expendable and has successfully argued that point at college. Many of these kids know really well about deep poverty because they lived through a hard core recession. These are the children whose parents lost their homes and their jobs. Don't kid yourself. These kids are probably going to be ok.

Now, the millennials with their never ending lectures and PSA's are driving the rest of the world nuts.
We've had cops for well over one hundred years in the US and they still get failing grades on stopping crime.
The courts have ruled that folks can be denied employment with police forces for having too high IQ scores.

I have friends that were debating on FB about having the police required to get more training, even have four year degrees. . . most the population doesn't understand, the ruling class likes them dumb and stupid.

Of course the police get failing grades at stopping crime. The criminals that lord over us have designed the system this way. If the police had average IQ's or above average IQ's, there might be a revolution against the overlords before the year ended. The system is corrupt to the bone.

I am well aware of their lowered expectations, when I first moved to where I live I was harasser by the local pigs and I suckered them into a trap with witnesses that included prosecuting attorneys and my personal attorneys. They have not bothered me since and that was 2004. Cops don't know shit. The judge is on the take and all is well in America.

Sure you did Serpico....Tell us more....
It's easy, I did it to the cops in Rogers, Arkansas also...I know you fear the cops where as I see them as the threat.

Fear? Why would I fear the police? I don't break the law, so I have no reason to fear them....In fact, I think they do a thankless job....And I support them...You on the other hand just told me that you fear them. Maybe you need to start living right....
I don't fear them at all in fact I have neighbors that are on the sheriffs dept. they just know not to be trying to scam my ass for their gain.

So, you think your neighbors would "scam" you? How? What's the scam?

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