The Christian Theocracy is the only way to save western civilization from corrupted politicians

You want to dismantle the US Constitution under the guise of wanting to root out corruption, and you quote Huey P. Long??? That is hilarious!!

Not minorities shall dictate majorities, but majorities shall impose they will to minorities.
Any other system is wrong

But the system you propose is not right. It's worthless and does nothing to advance humanity.

Moreover, it is you who proposed imposing a "Christian theocracy" as against the U.S. Constitution, as if all Americans were Christian and your variety of Christian, and as if there were any person alive who is qualified to speak for the Creator, when there is none. Yeah, we've got a lot of shitheads who babble in the media, but they aren't worth anything and they certainly don't speak for any Higher Authority.

Even if you confine your argument to Christianity, as if this would be right, Jesus hasn't been seen for 2,000 years, so proposing him as a write-in candidate wouldn't work.


Jewish Theocracy works, Muslim Theocracy works, Buddhist & other work, but not Christian one.

Christians shall have no children, no industry, no moral, no believe and give their countries to these folks who have established theocracy,
Almost all Muslims in western countries wants a theocracy ( Muslim ) and not democracy as liberals claim
And Israel is extremely successful because it practiced theocracy and more as fascist nationalism

No theocracy would be acceptable in the U.S., as it would violate our Constitution. Not every American is Christian.

Moreover, among those who are Christian, there is no consensus, just a bunch of factions. And as I have said before, governments are run by humans and there is absolutely no one who is entitled or qualified to speak for the Creator.

Only Fundamentalist Christianity can unite white christian Americans european origin.Otherwise 'diversity' let disappear this group within a couple of decades

You want to dismantle the US Constitution under the guise of wanting to root out corruption, and you quote Huey P. Long??? That is hilarious!!

Not minorities shall dictate majorities, but majorities shall impose they will to minorities.
Any other system is wrong

But the system you propose is not right. It's worthless and does nothing to advance humanity.

Moreover, it is you who proposed imposing a "Christian theocracy" as against the U.S. Constitution, as if all Americans were Christian and your variety of Christian, and as if there were any person alive who is qualified to speak for the Creator, when there is none. Yeah, we've got a lot of shitheads who babble in the media, but they aren't worth anything and they certainly don't speak for any Higher Authority.

Even if you confine your argument to Christianity, as if this would be right, Jesus hasn't been seen for 2,000 years, so proposing him as a write-in candidate wouldn't work.


Jewish Theocracy works, Muslim Theocracy works, Buddhist & other work, but not Christian one.

Christians shall have no children, no industry, no moral, no believe and give their countries to these folks who have established theocracy,
Almost all Muslims in western countries wants a theocracy ( Muslim ) and not democracy as liberals claim
And Israel is extremely successful because it practiced theocracy and more as fascist nationalism

No theocracy would be acceptable in the U.S., as it would violate our Constitution. Not every American is Christian.

Moreover, among those who are Christian, there is no consensus, just a bunch of factions. And as I have said before, governments are run by humans and there is absolutely no one who is entitled or qualified to speak for the Creator.

Only Fundamentalist Christianity can unite white christian Americans european origin.Otherwise 'diversity' let disappear this group within a couple of decades

Not minorities shall dictate majorities, but majorities shall impose they will to minorities.
Any other system is wrong

But the system you propose is not right. It's worthless and does nothing to advance humanity.

Moreover, it is you who proposed imposing a "Christian theocracy" as against the U.S. Constitution, as if all Americans were Christian and your variety of Christian, and as if there were any person alive who is qualified to speak for the Creator, when there is none. Yeah, we've got a lot of shitheads who babble in the media, but they aren't worth anything and they certainly don't speak for any Higher Authority.

Even if you confine your argument to Christianity, as if this would be right, Jesus hasn't been seen for 2,000 years, so proposing him as a write-in candidate wouldn't work.


Jewish Theocracy works, Muslim Theocracy works, Buddhist & other work, but not Christian one.

Christians shall have no children, no industry, no moral, no believe and give their countries to these folks who have established theocracy,
Almost all Muslims in western countries wants a theocracy ( Muslim ) and not democracy as liberals claim
And Israel is extremely successful because it practiced theocracy and more as fascist nationalism

No theocracy would be acceptable in the U.S., as it would violate our Constitution. Not every American is Christian.

Moreover, among those who are Christian, there is no consensus, just a bunch of factions. And as I have said before, governments are run by humans and there is absolutely no one who is entitled or qualified to speak for the Creator.

Only Fundamentalist Christianity can unite white christian Americans european origin.Otherwise 'diversity' let disappear this group within a couple of decades

Not minorities shall dictate majorities, but majorities shall impose they will to minorities.
Any other system is wrong

But the system you propose is not right. It's worthless and does nothing to advance humanity.

Moreover, it is you who proposed imposing a "Christian theocracy" as against the U.S. Constitution, as if all Americans were Christian and your variety of Christian, and as if there were any person alive who is qualified to speak for the Creator, when there is none. Yeah, we've got a lot of shitheads who babble in the media, but they aren't worth anything and they certainly don't speak for any Higher Authority.

Even if you confine your argument to Christianity, as if this would be right, Jesus hasn't been seen for 2,000 years, so proposing him as a write-in candidate wouldn't work.


Jewish Theocracy works, Muslim Theocracy works, Buddhist & other work, but not Christian one.

Christians shall have no children, no industry, no moral, no believe and give their countries to these folks who have established theocracy,
Almost all Muslims in western countries wants a theocracy ( Muslim ) and not democracy as liberals claim
And Israel is extremely successful because it practiced theocracy and more as fascist nationalism

No theocracy would be acceptable in the U.S., as it would violate our Constitution. Not every American is Christian.

Moreover, among those who are Christian, there is no consensus, just a bunch of factions. And as I have said before, governments are run by humans and there is absolutely no one who is entitled or qualified to speak for the Creator.

Only Fundamentalist Christianity can unite white christian Americans european origin.Otherwise 'diversity' let disappear this group within a couple of decades


I can read nothing here
The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


The Law is perfect but no government is going to be perfect until Jesus comes back. Not even a Christian theocracy, I hope you realize. I say this as a Christian.
The minorities are not commanding anyone. .

Are you joking???

Numerous gay 'pride' parades, punishment of Christians for refusing to provide services to faggots, non-stop perversity and satanism in TV, so-called gay 'marriages' etc. etc. etc.
If you does not agree with demands of minorities you are.....

I am not joking, but you must be.

Parades? LMAO!! Oh you poor oppressed soul! You have to join in parades? Oh wait. You don't have to join in. You just have to know they exist. How horrible.

Yeah, I guess they should provide loopholes to the anti-discrimination laws for you Christians who think baking a cake is the same as participating.

"So-called"? LMAO!! "so-called"? Sorry junior, they are actual marriages. And they don't effect you one iota. Gay couples are out there whether you like it or not. There were just as many before same sex marriages were allowed.

What you ae angry about is that you no longer get to pretend they are not there, since they hide in the closet out of fear. You are angry that they can no longer be jail and/or beaten.

You are not being commanded by minorities. YOu just don't get to ignore or abuse them any longer.

God promised his Kingdom on the Earth

Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Mathew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


Awww, you thought your book promised you the world and that everyone in it would be just like you?

Not sure if you are gullible or just another hate monger.

Either Christians go to their roots back or they get subverted by Islam.
There is no other choice.

The minorities are not commanding anyone. .

Are you joking???

Numerous gay 'pride' parades, punishment of Christians for refusing to provide services to faggots, non-stop perversity and satanism in TV, so-called gay 'marriages' etc. etc. etc.
If you does not agree with demands of minorities you are.....

I am not joking, but you must be.

Parades? LMAO!! Oh you poor oppressed soul! You have to join in parades? Oh wait. You don't have to join in. You just have to know they exist. How horrible.

Yeah, I guess they should provide loopholes to the anti-discrimination laws for you Christians who think baking a cake is the same as participating.

"So-called"? LMAO!! "so-called"? Sorry junior, they are actual marriages. And they don't effect you one iota. Gay couples are out there whether you like it or not. There were just as many before same sex marriages were allowed.

What you ae angry about is that you no longer get to pretend they are not there, since they hide in the closet out of fear. You are angry that they can no longer be jail and/or beaten.

You are not being commanded by minorities. YOu just don't get to ignore or abuse them any longer.

God promised his Kingdom on the Earth

Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Mathew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


Awww, you thought your book promised you the world and that everyone in it would be just like you?

Not sure if you are gullible or just another hate monger.

Either Christians go to their roots back or they get subverted by Islam.
There is no other choice.

can unite white christian Americans european origin

But the key is the uniting Americans, Christian and non-Christian, not just "white christian Americans of european origin." Moreover, Christian fundamentalism was just invented to make Catholicism look good. I've never come across a fundie leader who wasn't a dipshit.
The Church is as corrupted as the secular world so it is difficult to see how Christianity can save the West in the Church's present state.
The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


The Law is perfect but no government is going to be perfect until Jesus comes back. Not even a Christian theocracy, I hope you realize. I say this as a Christian.

The best government would be if churches run western countries.
It is better as current situation when secret satanic societies do it instead

For example

The graffiti is over the top, but the buildings are atheistic? WTF? How is artistic architecture bad? Not to your tastes? Fine. But as an example of the evils of atheistic society? Nonsense.

Freemasons and psychopaths run western societies and dictate they wrong tastes to majorities.
Their 'Art' is was a good illustration to psychiatric textbooks twenty - thirty years ago

What does artistic architecture have to do with psychiatric textbooks?

The pictures of 'architecture' naming today as 'modern' or similar 'art' were symptoms of schizophrenia in any psychiatric textbook some years ago

LMAO!! That is the most ridiculous thing I have read on these forums. And that is saying something.

If you want to talk about perverting something, your views have perverted Christianity into hate. You ought to be ashamed.

Lefts perverted Jesus's Teaching in labeling of its as 'hate'

The Teaching of our God Jesus Christ is not hate

No, YOU perverted it into hate. You are the one in here preaching against people. You are the one demanding people change to fit YOUR beliefs.
The Church is as corrupted as the secular world so it is difficult to see how Christianity can save the West in the Church's present state.

The corrupted and apostatical churches were predicted in the Bible.
More as 90 % of all churches are currently dead.

I'm talking about true born-again christians and fundamentals churches

The minorities are not commanding anyone. .

Are you joking???

Numerous gay 'pride' parades, punishment of Christians for refusing to provide services to faggots, non-stop perversity and satanism in TV, so-called gay 'marriages' etc. etc. etc.
If you does not agree with demands of minorities you are.....

I am not joking, but you must be.

Parades? LMAO!! Oh you poor oppressed soul! You have to join in parades? Oh wait. You don't have to join in. You just have to know they exist. How horrible.

Yeah, I guess they should provide loopholes to the anti-discrimination laws for you Christians who think baking a cake is the same as participating.

"So-called"? LMAO!! "so-called"? Sorry junior, they are actual marriages. And they don't effect you one iota. Gay couples are out there whether you like it or not. There were just as many before same sex marriages were allowed.

What you ae angry about is that you no longer get to pretend they are not there, since they hide in the closet out of fear. You are angry that they can no longer be jail and/or beaten.

You are not being commanded by minorities. YOu just don't get to ignore or abuse them any longer.

God promised his Kingdom on the Earth

Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Mathew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


Awww, you thought your book promised you the world and that everyone in it would be just like you?

Not sure if you are gullible or just another hate monger.

Either Christians go to their roots back or they get subverted by Islam.
There is no other choice.


No, once again you are wrong.

There was a time when people had to follow a religion, and demand every one around them follow it.

Those days are long gone. Follow it if you want. But the freedom to choose to follow or not follow a faith is one of the great features of our nation.
The Church is as corrupted as the secular world so it is difficult to see how Christianity can save the West in the Church's present state.

The corrupted and apostatical churches were predicted in the Bible.
More as 90 % of all churches are currently dead.

I'm talking about true born-again christians and fundamentals churches


You must be a lotta laughs at a party.
The evangelical churches are as corrupt as any other. Their leaders live in luxury homes and drive luxury cars.

You want to dismantle the US Constitution under the guise of wanting to root out corruption, and you quote Huey P. Long??? That is hilarious!!

Not minorities shall dictate majorities, but majorities shall impose they will to minorities.
Any other system is wrong

But the system you propose is not right. It's worthless and does nothing to advance humanity.

Moreover, it is you who proposed imposing a "Christian theocracy" as against the U.S. Constitution, as if all Americans were Christian and your variety of Christian, and as if there were any person alive who is qualified to speak for the Creator, when there is none. Yeah, we've got a lot of shitheads who babble in the media, but they aren't worth anything and they certainly don't speak for any Higher Authority.

Even if you confine your argument to Christianity, as if this would be right, Jesus hasn't been seen for 2,000 years, so proposing him as a write-in candidate wouldn't work.


Jewish Theocracy works, Muslim Theocracy works, Buddhist & other work, but not Christian one.

Christians shall have no children, no industry, no moral, no believe and give their countries to these folks who have established theocracy,
Almost all Muslims in western countries wants a theocracy ( Muslim ) and not democracy as liberals claim
And Israel is extremely successful because it practiced theocracy and more as fascist nationalism
Are you joking???

Numerous gay 'pride' parades, punishment of Christians for refusing to provide services to faggots, non-stop perversity and satanism in TV, so-called gay 'marriages' etc. etc. etc.
If you does not agree with demands of minorities you are.....

I am not joking, but you must be.

Parades? LMAO!! Oh you poor oppressed soul! You have to join in parades? Oh wait. You don't have to join in. You just have to know they exist. How horrible.

Yeah, I guess they should provide loopholes to the anti-discrimination laws for you Christians who think baking a cake is the same as participating.

"So-called"? LMAO!! "so-called"? Sorry junior, they are actual marriages. And they don't effect you one iota. Gay couples are out there whether you like it or not. There were just as many before same sex marriages were allowed.

What you ae angry about is that you no longer get to pretend they are not there, since they hide in the closet out of fear. You are angry that they can no longer be jail and/or beaten.

You are not being commanded by minorities. YOu just don't get to ignore or abuse them any longer.

God promised his Kingdom on the Earth

Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Mathew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


Awww, you thought your book promised you the world and that everyone in it would be just like you?

Not sure if you are gullible or just another hate monger.

Either Christians go to their roots back or they get subverted by Islam.
There is no other choice.

Are you joking???

Numerous gay 'pride' parades, punishment of Christians for refusing to provide services to faggots, non-stop perversity and satanism in TV, so-called gay 'marriages' etc. etc. etc.
If you does not agree with demands of minorities you are.....

I am not joking, but you must be.

Parades? LMAO!! Oh you poor oppressed soul! You have to join in parades? Oh wait. You don't have to join in. You just have to know they exist. How horrible.

Yeah, I guess they should provide loopholes to the anti-discrimination laws for you Christians who think baking a cake is the same as participating.

"So-called"? LMAO!! "so-called"? Sorry junior, they are actual marriages. And they don't effect you one iota. Gay couples are out there whether you like it or not. There were just as many before same sex marriages were allowed.

What you ae angry about is that you no longer get to pretend they are not there, since they hide in the closet out of fear. You are angry that they can no longer be jail and/or beaten.

You are not being commanded by minorities. YOu just don't get to ignore or abuse them any longer.

God promised his Kingdom on the Earth

Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Mathew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


Awww, you thought your book promised you the world and that everyone in it would be just like you?

Not sure if you are gullible or just another hate monger.

Either Christians go to their roots back or they get subverted by Islam.
There is no other choice.

can unite white christian Americans european origin

But the key is the uniting Americans, Christian and non-Christian, not just "white christian Americans of european origin." Moreover, Christian fundamentalism was just invented to make Catholicism look good. I've never come across a fundie leader who wasn't a dipshit.

Blacks have themselves separated themselves oft in black churches.If they are true born-again conservative Christians and share our values then no problem, it would be better when true Christians get united.
The evangelical churches are as corrupt as any other. Their leaders live in luxury homes and drive luxury cars.

Even Southern Baptists are lukewarm.

Here is for example a True Christian Church.
Hear the sermons.

And there are many of them

Sermon Videos
The evangelical churches are as corrupt as any other. Their leaders live in luxury homes and drive luxury cars.

Even Southern Baptists are lukewarm.

Here is for example a True Christian Church.
Hear the sermons.

And there are many of them

Sermon Videos

In your opinion. The southern baptists are no prizes, and this guy doesn't sound like he is either. Told you that there is no human qualified to speak for the Creator.
Freemasons and psychopaths run western societies and dictate they wrong tastes to majorities.
Their 'Art' is was a good illustration to psychiatric textbooks twenty - thirty years ago

What does artistic architecture have to do with psychiatric textbooks?

The pictures of 'architecture' naming today as 'modern' or similar 'art' were symptoms of schizophrenia in any psychiatric textbook some years ago

LMAO!! That is the most ridiculous thing I have read on these forums. And that is saying something.

If you want to talk about perverting something, your views have perverted Christianity into hate. You ought to be ashamed.

Lefts perverted Jesus's Teaching in labeling of its as 'hate'

The Teaching of our God Jesus Christ is not hate

No, YOU perverted it into hate. You are the one in here preaching against people. You are the one demanding people change to fit YOUR beliefs.

The evangelical churches are as corrupt as any other. Their leaders live in luxury homes and drive luxury cars.

Even Southern Baptists are lukewarm.

Here is for example a True Christian Church.
Hear the sermons.

And there are many of them

Sermon Videos

In your opinion. The southern baptists are no prizes, and this guy doesn't sound like he is either. Told you that there is no human qualified to speak for the Creator.

Any human is qualified to preach if he promotes the True Bible Teaching
The evangelical churches are as corrupt as any other. Their leaders live in luxury homes and drive luxury cars.

Even Southern Baptists are lukewarm.

Here is for example a True Christian Church.
Hear the sermons.

And there are many of them

Sermon Videos

In your opinion. The southern baptists are no prizes, and this guy doesn't sound like he is either. Told you that there is no human qualified to speak for the Creator.

Any human is qualified to preach if he promotes the True Bible Teaching

You sound like one of those people who take the Bible as inerrant and infallible, as if it were written by the Creator instead of humans like saul and timothy and the guy who wrote Revelation (John of Patmos?), and both of these concepts are nonsense. You also do not understand that not all Americans are of the same religion or religious faction. There is no human qualified to lead any government that is based on religion.

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