The "Coalition" strikes again: Up to 25 Iraqi soldiers killed, 37 wouded


Nov 14, 2012
Not long after the coalition hit Syrian troops, Iraqi troops were next in line. The soldiers were hit by the coalition during a close combat with ISIS or one of its allies and inauspicious weather conditions. What about this impotent coalition, that is neither able to defeat nor to push back ISIS?

Inauspicious weather conditions. Bad reconnaissance. It is the big answer of the US to the question why 75 % of all US anti-ISIS sorties are flown without the weapons are used in Syria. What about Iraq, where apparently the bombs are being dropped haphazardly.

"BAGHDAD — The Iraqi military said an airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition hit its forces Friday, the first time it has reported a friendly-fire incident since American jets began bombing Islamic State militants in the country last year.

The strike took place as the Iraqi army engaged in close combat with the militants in poor weather conditions south of the city of Fallujah, about 40 miles west of Baghdad, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said in a statement. One soldier was killed, and nine were injured, it said.

But soldiers said the death toll was higher. One officer injured in the strike, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the news media, said 25 soldiers were killed and 37 were wounded. A military medic said he had treated at least 20 injured soldiers.

The U.S.-led coalition said it had launched an investigation and offered condolences to the Iraqi security forces. In a statement, it confirmed that coalition planes had conducted several airstrikes in the area.

“Despite coordination with the Iraqi security forces on the ground, initial reports indicate the possibility one of the strikes resulted in the death of Iraqi soldiers,” it said."

Iraqi military says coalition airstrike hit its forces
The assessment was questioned by an Iraqi officer, who was injured by the US airstrike.

We were moving forward and Daesh were retreating, when suddenly the bombing took place on the forces that were behind us,” he said on condition of anonymity, using the Arabic abbreviation for Islamic State.

He added that the fact that senior officers got injured indicates that the airstrike didn't target the frontline.

The incident fuels suspicions in Iraq that the US-led coalition may be helping IS rather than fighting against it, a notion that is widespread in the country. Shiite militias, which are fighting against IS forces in Iraq, had suffered from American interventions that helped the terrorists in the past, militia commander Hakim al-Zamili told RT. Al-Zamili also heads the Iraqi parliament’s defense and security committee.

We don't believe it was a technical mistake. We constantly see that the United States are trying to provide air cover to Islamic State. They are preventing us from making an offensive,” he said.

I think everyone is now convinced that the United States is not sincere in its fight against Islamic State. Maybe they have another agenda. The Pentagon, the CIA and other agencies in the US are trying to make a [rift] between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq,” he added. “They are trying to tear [apart] Iraq with the help of their allies like Turkey and the Gulf states.

Pentagon: US strike that killed Iraqi soldiers could be 'mistake' by both sides
How is it that US and NATO manage to have so many "accidents" ????

One after the other after the other!!!

I can tell you why! Because they want Assad out, they want a fight with Russia, they want to keep ISIS!

Hypocrites and cowards.

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