The collapse of Germany's solar and wind industry!!

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socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a capital clue and a capital Cause.
Socialism never did such a thing. Capitalism took us to the moon. We were even more of a Capitalist country then, than we are now.

John F. Kennedy would slap you in the face and spit on you if you suggested you are anything like him. Kennedy called for lowering taxes, attacking Cuba and tightening sanctions on Cuba. Kennedy fought Russia, not like Obama who gave Russia our Uranium. Kennedy was a pure capitalist, your mistake is you have no idea how the democrat party has changed since the clintons were in office.
socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a capital clue and a capital Cause.
Socialism never did such a thing. Capitalism took us to the moon. We were even more of a Capitalist country then, than we are now.

John F. Kennedy would slap you in the face and spit on you if you suggested you are anything like him. Kennedy called for lowering taxes, attacking Cuba and tightening sanctions on Cuba. Kennedy fought Russia, not like Obama who gave Russia our Uranium. Kennedy was a pure capitalist, your mistake is you have no idea how the democrat party has changed since the clintons were in office.

Elektra......this new guy is a naïve doper.....check out some of the posts.:spinner: Read some cliff notes on Bernie Sanders or some can spot 'em a mile away!!
duh..........who couldn't see this coming? And I will say..........Im laughing.

Germans call it ‘Energiewende’......turning out to be a complete and utter failure!!!:oops-28: Perhaps some German's wont mind taking a risk of freezing their balls off to go green but the government certainly wont take the risk.....ummmm...............more duh.

The End of the Energiewende?
Energy Post Weekly
Heiner Flassbeck
10 January 2017

Stable high-pressure winter weather has resulted in a confrontation. An Energiewende that relies mainly on wind and solar energy will not work in the long run. One cannot forgo nuclear power, eliminate fossil fuels, and tell people that electricity supplies will remain secure all the same.

We have attempted unsuccessfully to find Energiewende advocates willing to explain that inconsistency. Their silence is not easy to fathom. But maybe the events themselves have made the outcome inevitable.

With nuclear power no longer available, a capacity of at least 50 gigawatts is required by other means, despite an enormously expanded network of wind turbines and solar systems

This winter could go down in history as the event that proved the German energy transition to be unsubstantiated and incapable of becoming a success story. Electricity from wind and solar generation has been catastrophically low for several weeks. December brought new declines. A persistent winter high-pressure system with dense fog throughout Central Europe has been sufficient to unmask the fairy tale of a successful energy transition, even for me as a lay person.

Will Germany’s Winter Wind & Solar Power Collapse Mean the End of the ‘Energiewende’?

As Ive been saying for 25 years........renewable energy as a prime source of energy is nothing but a fantasy embraced by suckers. It is not happening now and will never happen. The people of Germany are seeing what a joke it really is this winter.

Fairy tales are ghey.........and the consensus science will continue to not matter.:deal:

This is turning out exactly as many of us have predicted: an Epic Fail of Meddlesome Do-Gooder At Somebody Else's Expensive Big Government.

Government does great things. I sure wouldn't want to live in Haiti or Somalia or any other country that has no government.

Russia has LOTS of govt. Want to live there? And where the fuck did PBS get that chart? Are you trying to tell me that in 2010Total Solar PV Capacity was LESS than a Gigawatt? Where'd you get this crap??

Government does great things. I sure wouldn't want to live in Haiti or Somalia or any other country that has no government.

Russia has LOTS of govt. Want to live there? And where the fuck did PBS get that chart? Are you trying to tell me that in 2010Total Solar PV Capacity was LESS than a Gigawatt? Where'd you get this crap??

I got it from the director of the giss twitter feed.
better aqueducts, better roads, and better windmills, along with more well regulated militia; can make wing energy happen, anywhere it may be windy.
Wind Energy has already failed where it is the windiest, it will never work, it has failed for the last 40 years in California, how many more years and how many more billions do you think it will take to fix the problems.
And where was or is, danielpalos' response?
It hasn't failed and isn't failing. Technology is improving, all the time.
It has failed, increased tax dollars paying for it, higher electric bills, and bankrupt countries attest to this fact. Venuzuala case in point.
our war on terror doubled the price fuel; it isn't working.
socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a capital clue and a capital Cause.
Socialism never did such a thing. Capitalism took us to the moon. We were even more of a Capitalist country then, than we are now.

John F. Kennedy would slap you in the face and spit on you if you suggested you are anything like him. Kennedy called for lowering taxes, attacking Cuba and tightening sanctions on Cuba. Kennedy fought Russia, not like Obama who gave Russia our Uranium. Kennedy was a pure capitalist, your mistake is you have no idea how the democrat party has changed since the clintons were in office.
No, it didn't. We used command economics to beat the command economics of the former, Soviet Union; it was a social goal, not a capital goal. The private, capital sector has yet to find a profitable clue and a profitable Cause.
socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a capital clue and a capital Cause.
Socialism never did such a thing. Capitalism took us to the moon. We were even more of a Capitalist country then, than we are now.

John F. Kennedy would slap you in the face and spit on you if you suggested you are anything like him. Kennedy called for lowering taxes, attacking Cuba and tightening sanctions on Cuba. Kennedy fought Russia, not like Obama who gave Russia our Uranium. Kennedy was a pure capitalist, your mistake is you have no idea how the democrat party has changed since the clintons were in office.

Elektra......this new guy is a naïve doper.....check out some of the posts.:spinner: Read some cliff notes on Bernie Sanders or some can spot 'em a mile away!!
Y'all have, nothing but fallacy to work with; that is what is so funny.
Y'all have, nothing but fallacy to work with; that is what is so funny.
Then prove it, you have been challenged, as you say it is all fallacy. That makes your task easy. So go back and make your point on all those posts we have challenged you on, thus far you have only hit the "funny" tag. Support what you contend.
socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a capital clue and a capital Cause.
Socialism never did such a thing. Capitalism took us to the moon. We were even more of a Capitalist country then, than we are now.

John F. Kennedy would slap you in the face and spit on you if you suggested you are anything like him. Kennedy called for lowering taxes, attacking Cuba and tightening sanctions on Cuba. Kennedy fought Russia, not like Obama who gave Russia our Uranium. Kennedy was a pure capitalist, your mistake is you have no idea how the democrat party has changed since the clintons were in office.
No, it didn't. We used command economics to beat the command economics of the former, Soviet Union; it was a social goal, not a capital goal. The private, capital sector has yet to find a profitable clue and a profitable Cause.
Prove it, saying what you heard means nothing.
our war on terror doubled the price fuel; it isn't working.
No, not drilling in Anwar, off the Florida coast, off the California coast, and restricting drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has increased the price of oil. We could also state foriegn governments seizing our corporations assets have contributed greatly. Mostly though, it is restrictive government policies.
Y'all have, nothing but fallacy to work with; that is what is so funny.
Then prove it, you have been challenged, as you say it is all fallacy. That makes your task easy. So go back and make your point on all those posts we have challenged you on, thus far you have only hit the "funny" tag. Support what you contend.
we need to upgrade our grid to better implement renewables, wherever they may be found.
socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. capitalism is still looking for a capital clue and a capital Cause.
Socialism never did such a thing. Capitalism took us to the moon. We were even more of a Capitalist country then, than we are now.

John F. Kennedy would slap you in the face and spit on you if you suggested you are anything like him. Kennedy called for lowering taxes, attacking Cuba and tightening sanctions on Cuba. Kennedy fought Russia, not like Obama who gave Russia our Uranium. Kennedy was a pure capitalist, your mistake is you have no idea how the democrat party has changed since the clintons were in office.
No, it didn't. We used command economics to beat the command economics of the former, Soviet Union; it was a social goal, not a capital goal. The private, capital sector has yet to find a profitable clue and a profitable Cause.
Prove it, saying what you heard means nothing.
Socialism took us to the Moon and back, last millennium. Capitalism has yet to find a profit motive.
our war on terror doubled the price fuel; it isn't working.
No, not drilling in Anwar, off the Florida coast, off the California coast, and restricting drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has increased the price of oil. We could also state foriegn governments seizing our corporations assets have contributed greatly. Mostly though, it is restrictive government policies.
Nope; the root Cause, is a lack of a Manhattan Project for fusion (an energy with a future), like there was for fission (for weapons of mass destruction).

Government does great things. I sure wouldn't want to live in Haiti or Somalia or any other country that has no government.

Russia has LOTS of govt. Want to live there? And where the fuck did PBS get that chart? Are you trying to tell me that in 2010Total Solar PV Capacity was LESS than a Gigawatt? Where'd you get this crap??

I got it from the director of the giss twitter feed.

Well no wonder it's garbage..
better aqueducts, better roads, and better windmills, along with more well regulated militia; can make wing energy happen, anywhere it may be windy.
Wind Energy has already failed where it is the windiest, it will never work, it has failed for the last 40 years in California, how many more years and how many more billions do you think it will take to fix the problems.
And where was or is, danielpalos' response?
It hasn't failed and isn't failing. Technology is improving, all the time.
It has failed, increased tax dollars paying for it, higher electric bills, and bankrupt countries attest to this fact. Venuzuala case in point.
our war on terror doubled the price fuel; it isn't working.

America has been "energy independent" when it comes to the electrical grid for a century. Oil plays NO ROLE in "fueling the grid".. Rookie leftist error. The left doesn't know the basics of how your lights come on..
Nope; the root Cause, is a lack of a Manhattan Project for fusion (an energy with a future), like there was for fission (for weapons of mass destruction).
Yet, it is the Democrat Socialists that shutdown the construction of the particle accelerator which would of led to this. It is also the democrat socialists that direct billions to wind and solar which you admit, failed.
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