The collapse of Germany's solar and wind industry!!

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we need to upgrade our grid to better implement renewables, wherever they may be found.
If the grid needs to "upgraded" to implement renewables, that means renewables were forced on us when they were not ready.

"The U.S. is indeed the fastest developed growth market for solar globally and in 2016 will be the highest growth market overall," said Mohit Anand, GTM's senior analyst for Global Solar Market

No new coal plants at all. Wind and solar account for over 68% of all new generation in 2015.
Still haven't learned that generation capacity and actual output are not the same things huh?

Wind only produces on average less than 30% of its nominal capacity
And yet the utilities are putting up gigawatts of wind, and no coal fired at all. And gigawatts of solar. You think they don't know the ratio of rated production to actual production? They are putting up both solar and wind because the real production of both at present prices make them cheaper per kw/hr of electricity than coal or even natural gas. And they are not dependent on further infrastructure, such as pipelines and railroad. And the price of wind and the sun does not change dependent on the market.

Why the Texas wind boom may be an outlier rather than a model for the wind industry in the rest of the U.S.

The One and Only Texas Wind Boom
Wind power has transformed the heart of fossil-fuel country. Can the rest of the United States follow suit?

Rolan Petty stabbed at the dirt with a boot toe and looked up at the broiling west Texas sun. “I call it farming on faith,” he said of his unirrigated cotton farm. “You just have faith that the rain is gonna come.”

If it doesn’t come, Petty has a backup income stream: leasing fees. All around us, towering 150 feet over Petty’s combine and the scrubby-looking cotton plants in neat rows, stood a forest of wind turbines that stretched to the horizon. Petty’s land on the arid plain of west Texas lies on the edge of the vast Horse Hollow wind farm, with 430 turbines spread over 73 square miles. It was the largest wind farm in the world when it was completed, in 2006. Petty’s family leases land to Horse Hollow and another wind farm in the area, making about $7,500 a year on each of the several dozen turbines on their property. Wind power has become a big windfall for the Pettys, as it has for many landowners in Texas—allowing Rolan and his parents and three brothers to make hundreds of thousands of dollars every year whether the rains come or not. And the Petty farm is just a small player in the largest renewable-energy boom the United States has ever seen.


A turbine at the Horse Hollow wind farm.
With nearly 18,000 megawatts of capacity, Texas, if it were a country, would be the sixth-largest generator of wind power in the world, right behind Spain. Now Texas is preparing to add several thousand megawatts more—roughly equal to the wind capacity that can be found in all of California. Most of these turbines are in west Texas, one of the most desolate and windy regions in the continental United States. Fifteen years ago, when the groundwork for this boom was being set, this area had little but cotton and grain farms, oil fields, scrub and dry riverbeds, and small towns that were mostly withering.

Today it’s a land of spindly white turbines that line the highways—and the pockets of landowners. At night, when the wind blows strongest and steadiest, if you stand out in one of the fields you can hear the great blades make a ghostly shoop-shoop sound as they turn. Wind power has brought prosperity to towns that were literally drying up less than a generation ago. “In the 2011 drought a lot of people around here would have filed for bankruptcy if not for the turbines,” said Russ Petty, one of Rolan’s brothers, who was giving me a driving tour of the property. “What it’s done is helped keep this land in the family.”

Government does great things. I sure wouldn't want to live in Haiti or Somalia or any other country that has no government.

Russia has LOTS of govt. Want to live there? And where the fuck did PBS get that chart? Are you trying to tell me that in 2010Total Solar PV Capacity was LESS than a Gigawatt? Where'd you get this crap??
  • PV installations grew 109% in 2011 to reach 1,855 MW, which represents 7.0% of all PV globally, up from 887 MW and 5.0% of global installations in 2010.
U.S. Solar Market Insight Report 2011 Year-in-Review

Failed to do basic research again didn't you.
Wind Energy has already failed where it is the windiest, it will never work, it has failed for the last 40 years in California, how many more years and how many more billions do you think it will take to fix the problems.
And where was or is, danielpalos' response?
It hasn't failed and isn't failing. Technology is improving, all the time.
It has failed, increased tax dollars paying for it, higher electric bills, and bankrupt countries attest to this fact. Venuzuala case in point.
our war on terror doubled the price fuel; it isn't working.

America has been "energy independent" when it comes to the electrical grid for a century. Oil plays NO ROLE in "fueling the grid".. Rookie leftist error. The left doesn't know the basics of how your lights come on..
Peaking power plant--
Nope; the root Cause, is a lack of a Manhattan Project for fusion (an energy with a future), like there was for fission (for weapons of mass destruction).
Yet, it is the Democrat Socialists that shutdown the construction of the particle accelerator which would of led to this. It is also the democrat socialists that direct billions to wind and solar which you admit, failed.
the right finds it more lucrative to manufacture weapons of mass destruction.
And where was or is, danielpalos' response?
It hasn't failed and isn't failing. Technology is improving, all the time.
It has failed, increased tax dollars paying for it, higher electric bills, and bankrupt countries attest to this fact. Venuzuala case in point.
our war on terror doubled the price fuel; it isn't working.

America has been "energy independent" when it comes to the electrical grid for a century. Oil plays NO ROLE in "fueling the grid".. Rookie leftist error. The left doesn't know the basics of how your lights come on..
Peaking power plant--

That's only a coherent thought because I know so much about this topic, I can figure out how you googled that.

YES -- Solar is NOT an alternative. It's a PEAKER. The daytime summer demand peak on the grid is about 15 to 20% higher than the demand at 10PM at night. So with perhaps 10% solar, you could PERHAPS take down more MAINLINE plants for upgrades and maintenance and stuff like that. But you can't SHUT THEM DOWN because of solar - less days. And you can't ADD capacity to the grid with solar, because capacity has to be there 24/7/365.

Now WIND -- doesn't even qualify as a PEAKER and it's NOT an Alternative. Because it's not working much at GRID PEAK demand times.
we need to upgrade our grid to better implement renewables, wherever they may be found.
If the grid needs to "upgraded" to implement renewables, that means renewables were forced on us when they were not ready.
a better grid means it is easier to "plug and play" energy sources.

Cost of using renewables when THEY are ready to perform is idling perfectly good power plants that have employees and investors. And the cost of WASTED energy from the power-down/power-up cycles is NEVER properly added to cost of solar and wind.

In MOST BIG systems -- the excess energy is just DUMPED and wasted rather than cycling very expensive equipment. The "plug/play" catchword is just ANOTHER exaggeration of how simple all this is promulgated by folks who have no FUCKING idea how the lights come on.. .
It hasn't failed and isn't failing. Technology is improving, all the time.
It has failed, increased tax dollars paying for it, higher electric bills, and bankrupt countries attest to this fact. Venuzuala case in point.
our war on terror doubled the price fuel; it isn't working.

America has been "energy independent" when it comes to the electrical grid for a century. Oil plays NO ROLE in "fueling the grid".. Rookie leftist error. The left doesn't know the basics of how your lights come on..
Peaking power plant--

That's only a coherent thought because I know so much about this topic, I can figure out how you googled that.

YES -- Solar is NOT an alternative. It's a PEAKER. The daytime summer demand peak on the grid is about 15 to 20% higher than the demand at 10PM at night. So with perhaps 10% solar, you could PERHAPS take down more MAINLINE plants for upgrades and maintenance and stuff like that. But you can't SHUT THEM DOWN because of solar - less days. And you can't ADD capacity to the grid with solar, because capacity has to be there 24/7/365.

Now WIND -- doesn't even qualify as a PEAKER and it's NOT an Alternative. Because it's not working much at GRID PEAK demand times.
LOL Such nonsense. Those damned ultra liberal Texans are shitting all over your post;

Wind Projects • Installed wind capacity: 20,321 MW
• State rank for installed wind capacity: 1st
• Number of wind turbines: 11,592
• State rank for number of wind turbines: 1st
• Wind projects online: 125
• Wind capacity under construction: 5,401 MW
• Wind capacity in advanced development: 1,288 MW

Current Wind Generation For the 12 month period ending October 2016, wind energy provided 12.68% of all instate electricity production. • Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 4.1 million

Wind Generation Potential The DOE Wind Vision Scenario projects that Texas could produce enough wind energy by 2030 to power the equivalent of 15.4 million average American homes.
• Land based technical wind potential at 80 m hub height: 1,418,439 MW
• Land based technical wind potential at 110 m hub height: 1,429,747 MW (Source: NREL)

Environmental Benefits Generating wind power creates no emissions and uses virtually no water.
• 2015 annual state water consumption savings*: 14.7 billion gallons

• 2015 equivalent number of water bottles saved: 111 billion
• 2015 annual state carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions avoided: 28.3 million metric tons

As soon as they can shut down the fossil fuel corporations influence in their legislature and remove the stupid rule that regards storage as generation, Oncor will get on with the installation of grid scale batteries both at the generation sites, and use sites. That will be as effective as adding several big nukes to the grid, at far, far less cost. The batteries are being produced by Tesla and others as we post.
It has failed, increased tax dollars paying for it, higher electric bills, and bankrupt countries attest to this fact. Venuzuala case in point.
our war on terror doubled the price fuel; it isn't working.

America has been "energy independent" when it comes to the electrical grid for a century. Oil plays NO ROLE in "fueling the grid".. Rookie leftist error. The left doesn't know the basics of how your lights come on..
Peaking power plant--

That's only a coherent thought because I know so much about this topic, I can figure out how you googled that.

YES -- Solar is NOT an alternative. It's a PEAKER. The daytime summer demand peak on the grid is about 15 to 20% higher than the demand at 10PM at night. So with perhaps 10% solar, you could PERHAPS take down more MAINLINE plants for upgrades and maintenance and stuff like that. But you can't SHUT THEM DOWN because of solar - less days. And you can't ADD capacity to the grid with solar, because capacity has to be there 24/7/365.

Now WIND -- doesn't even qualify as a PEAKER and it's NOT an Alternative. Because it's not working much at GRID PEAK demand times.
LOL Such nonsense. Those damned ultra liberal Texans are shitting all over your post;

Wind Projects • Installed wind capacity: 20,321 MW
• State rank for installed wind capacity: 1st
• Number of wind turbines: 11,592
• State rank for number of wind turbines: 1st
• Wind projects online: 125
• Wind capacity under construction: 5,401 MW
• Wind capacity in advanced development: 1,288 MW

Current Wind Generation For the 12 month period ending October 2016, wind energy provided 12.68% of all instate electricity production. • Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 4.1 million

Wind Generation Potential The DOE Wind Vision Scenario projects that Texas could produce enough wind energy by 2030 to power the equivalent of 15.4 million average American homes.
• Land based technical wind potential at 80 m hub height: 1,418,439 MW
• Land based technical wind potential at 110 m hub height: 1,429,747 MW (Source: NREL)

Environmental Benefits Generating wind power creates no emissions and uses virtually no water.
• 2015 annual state water consumption savings*: 14.7 billion gallons

• 2015 equivalent number of water bottles saved: 111 billion
• 2015 annual state carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions avoided: 28.3 million metric tons

As soon as they can shut down the fossil fuel corporations influence in their legislature and remove the stupid rule that regards storage as generation, Oncor will get on with the installation of grid scale batteries both at the generation sites, and use sites. That will be as effective as adding several big nukes to the grid, at far, far less cost. The batteries are being produced by Tesla and others as we post.

That's all over hyped "marketing". In an attempt to lure actual investors into a deal that ONLY WORKS with massive subsidies.

Take that statistic of "wind energy provided 12.68% of all instate electricity production. • Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 4.1 million" -- it's utter BULLSHIT when you realized that more than 1/2 of that number was generated in less than 20 or 30 days of that year..

You cannot design a 21st Century grid on the back of something that sketchy and unreliable.
LOL At present, there is little storage on the grid. So if that much electricity was produced by wind, it was used. And, were you correct about the number of days, it could not have been used.


A lot of wind power, and more being installed as we post.
i am talking about one volt turbines about the size of model airplane engines. they can be placed almost anywhere, and in abundance.
This has been done and it failed because of the wiring and the blocked wind which made some very low in amperage which caused the string to fail.
better wiring designs were needed.
You don't get it...

if I place 100 of these little generators in series and just one fails to produce equal amounts of energy the others will effectively melt the one under load.

its like placing a 1 amp fuse in a string of 100 amp fuses... and expecting it to hold 100 amps..
special pleading much? parallel also works.

SO your going to have ONE VOLT at a massive amount of amps..

Tell me what it is you plan to power?

You have no clue how energy works...
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