The Collapsing American Middle Class

Are you a controller or pilot? What is your expertise in this area?

My expertise when it happened was as a Marine Corps CH-46 pilot.

So you do understand the dangers of wind shear and why all FAA towers should have Doppler Radar.
So you are neither a pilot nor controller, merely a poseur.

So you are neither a pilot nor controller, merely a poseur.

Why does one need to be a pilot or controller to understand wind shear?
They dont. They could be a physicist or engineer as well. Which one of these are you?

They dont. They could be a physicist or engineer as well. Which one of these are you?

I own part of a Global 5000.
Is that some model airplane? Yeah that would qualify you. For poseur.

Is that some model airplane? Yeah that would qualify you. For poseur.

No, it's a corporate jet. Have you forgotten I'm a 1%er?
LOL, you're the one who argues that they are, you think exployees are like socket wrenches, all the same. That's the whole basis of your arguments from the minimum wage to unions, they are the same and so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one

LOL, you're the one who argues that they are, you think exployees are like socket wrenches, all the same. That's the whole basis of your arguments from the minimum wage to unions, they are the same and so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one

That's a lie.

" ... so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one."

That situation can and does arise however.

Do companies mass fire to reduce pay, Yes.

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

"When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left."
Not to worry, the power structure can now turn $40-50K per year per head on hominids in a for profit prison system and we'll still have a healthy society for all. If we only worship the "job creator" class.

Better than worshiping politicians like you
Just because someone lobbies for something doesnt make it so. Government makes the decision and makes the laws. Ergo monopolies are functions of government intervention, not the free market.

You have some, ahem, rather interesting pronouncements. You can't really articulate, explain, or discuss anything. You just spin off one liners and slogans.
These should be obvious to anyone with a high school education. Tht clearly doesnt include you.
PLease name a monopoly today that was not created by the government,.

These should be obvious to anyone with a high school education. Tht clearly doesnt include you.
PLease name a monopoly today that was not created by the government,.

Please name a monopoly that wasn't created by Republicans.

Water, airwaves, Ma Bell, utilities, Microsoft (in the day), steel, oil, health insurance, roads, the post office, law enforcement, the courts, the military

Name monopolies that were created by Republicans

Water, airwaves, Ma Bell, utilities, Microsoft (in the day), steel, oil, health insurance, roads, the post office, law enforcement, the courts, the military

Name monopolies that were created by Republicans

You already have. Keep in mind that Republican/Democrat ideology changed in the 60's.

You're saying all those monopolies were created by Republicans? You're full of shit
LOL, you're the one who argues that they are, you think exployees are like socket wrenches, all the same. That's the whole basis of your arguments from the minimum wage to unions, they are the same and so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one

LOL, you're the one who argues that they are, you think exployees are like socket wrenches, all the same. That's the whole basis of your arguments from the minimum wage to unions, they are the same and so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one

That's a lie.

" ... so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one."

That situation can and does arise however.

Do companies mass fire to reduce pay, Yes.

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

Unfortunately, the definition of 'struggling' has changed to 'not making record profits.'

Sometimes, sometimes not. You know zero about business
You have some, ahem, rather interesting pronouncements. You can't really articulate, explain, or discuss anything. You just spin off one liners and slogans.
These should be obvious to anyone with a high school education. Tht clearly doesnt include you.
PLease name a monopoly today that was not created by the government,.

These should be obvious to anyone with a high school education. Tht clearly doesnt include you.
PLease name a monopoly today that was not created by the government,.

Please name a monopoly that wasn't created by Republicans.

Water, airwaves, Ma Bell, utilities, Microsoft (in the day), steel, oil, health insurance, roads, the post office, law enforcement, the courts, the military

Name monopolies that were created by Republicans

Water, airwaves, Ma Bell, utilities, Microsoft (in the day), steel, oil, health insurance, roads, the post office, law enforcement, the courts, the military

Name monopolies that were created by Republicans

You already have. Keep in mind that Republican/Democrat ideology changed in the 60's.

You're saying all those monopolies were created by Republicans? You're full of shit

You're saying all those monopolies were created by Republicans? You're full of shit

And Democrats prior to the mid 60's ideological change.
LOL, you're the one who argues that they are, you think exployees are like socket wrenches, all the same. That's the whole basis of your arguments from the minimum wage to unions, they are the same and so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one

That's a lie.

" ... so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one."

That situation can and does arise however.

Do companies mass fire to reduce pay, Yes.

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

Unfortunately, the definition of 'struggling' has changed to 'not making record profits.'

Sometimes, sometimes not. You know zero about business

Sometimes, sometimes not. You know zero about business

I know enough to make more money per year than you'll make in your entire life.
These should be obvious to anyone with a high school education. Tht clearly doesnt include you.
PLease name a monopoly today that was not created by the government,.

These should be obvious to anyone with a high school education. Tht clearly doesnt include you.
PLease name a monopoly today that was not created by the government,.

Please name a monopoly that wasn't created by Republicans.

Water, airwaves, Ma Bell, utilities, Microsoft (in the day), steel, oil, health insurance, roads, the post office, law enforcement, the courts, the military

Name monopolies that were created by Republicans

Water, airwaves, Ma Bell, utilities, Microsoft (in the day), steel, oil, health insurance, roads, the post office, law enforcement, the courts, the military

Name monopolies that were created by Republicans

You already have. Keep in mind that Republican/Democrat ideology changed in the 60's.

You're saying all those monopolies were created by Republicans? You're full of shit

You're saying all those monopolies were created by Republicans? You're full of shit

And Democrats prior to the mid 60's ideological change.

so address your point what monopolies were created by "Republicans"
" ... so if they don't band together their employer will toss them for an identical cheaper one."

That situation can and does arise however.

Do companies mass fire to reduce pay, Yes.

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

Unfortunately, the definition of 'struggling' has changed to 'not making record profits.'

Sometimes, sometimes not. You know zero about business

Sometimes, sometimes not. You know zero about business

I know enough to make more money per year than you'll make in your entire life.

How do you know that? Arrogance?
Dunce. Name one monopoly today.

Dunce. Name one monopoly today.

LOL!!!! Did you learn that in your masters of business course?
Walmart. Yeah. That's why they're losing in competition with dollar stores, Target, and AMazon. Some monopoly.

LOL!!!! Did you learn that in your masters of business course?
Walmart. Yeah. That's why they're losing in competition with dollar stores, Target, and AMazon. Some monopoly.

Walmart is many times larger than those you listed. Walmart dictates how much you pay for a product, and how much they pay for a product. Monopoly.
Every business dictates how much you pay for their product, moron. Did they not teach you this in your masters in business course?

Every business dictates how much you pay for their product, moron. Did they not teach you this in your masters in business course?

Dictates, What an autocratically induced word.

What an MBA degree teaches is how much an employee that makes you all of your money should receive in pay.
your failure is noted.
  • Thanks
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I believe the private sector does a lot of good things for our society, but the past 40 years it has also stabbed the American middle class in the back.

-Importing third world labor
-Paying the workers as little as possible while pocketing the rest

No wonder the middle class is dying.
And what a stupid statement.

Just to head this deflection off; this is due to the leadership of BOTH parties being bought by the corporate crony network.

This is not a slam on Dems alone, but all the bastards that undermine our lives and economic future in DC by carrying corporate water for them.

The Bruised and Battered Middle Class

Likewise, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have the 10 areas with the highest share of lower-income earners. With the exception of New Mexico, all those states have favored either Republicans or Democrats in four straight presidential elections.

The metro regions with the highest percentage of middle-income households, though, are disproportionately located in swing states or states that the Trump campaign believes are ripe for the New York billionaire's economic message. Pennsylvania and Ohio each have one, and Wisconsin alone has four.

"That tells me the trends described in this report are going to benefit the more populist candidates," said Alan Tonelson, an economic policy analyst who is critical of U.S. trade policy. "That seems to me to translate into good news for Trump … [Clinton] doesn't have very deep roots as a trade policy critic."
This meme is utter bullshit. The middle class is better off than they were 20 years ago. Yes, the last 8 years have sucked due to the low growth that Dem policies produce. But otherwise this is just dog whistle.

This meme is utter bullshit. The middle class is better off than they were 20 years ago. Yes, the last 8 years have sucked due to the low growth that Dem policies produce. But otherwise this is just dog whistle.

Young people today don't have anywhere near the buying power their Fathers and Grand Fathers had.
Thank government policies that caused huge inflation.

Thank government policies that caused huge inflation.

Greed and wage disparity.
These should be obvious to anyone with a high school education. Tht clearly doesnt include you.
PLease name a monopoly today that was not created by the government,.

Please name a monopoly that wasn't created by Republicans.

Water, airwaves, Ma Bell, utilities, Microsoft (in the day), steel, oil, health insurance, roads, the post office, law enforcement, the courts, the military

Name monopolies that were created by Republicans

Water, airwaves, Ma Bell, utilities, Microsoft (in the day), steel, oil, health insurance, roads, the post office, law enforcement, the courts, the military

Name monopolies that were created by Republicans

You already have. Keep in mind that Republican/Democrat ideology changed in the 60's.

You're saying all those monopolies were created by Republicans? You're full of shit

You're saying all those monopolies were created by Republicans? You're full of shit

And Democrats prior to the mid 60's ideological change.

so address your point what monopolies were created by "Republicans"

so address your point what monopolies were created by "Republicans"

Every corporate monopoly created in the US was created by Republicans, and prior to the ideological change of the 60's, Democrats.
Do companies mass fire to reduce pay, Yes.

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

When they are struggling. Saves the jobs of the ones who are left. Unions drive companies to Mexico to survive and then they all lose their jobs

Unfortunately, the definition of 'struggling' has changed to 'not making record profits.'

Sometimes, sometimes not. You know zero about business

Sometimes, sometimes not. You know zero about business

I know enough to make more money per year than you'll make in your entire life.

How do you know that? Arrogance?

How do you know that? Arrogance?

I made $4.6M last year.
So you do understand the dangers of wind shear and why all FAA towers should have Doppler Radar.
Yes. Doppler radar is a technological innovation.

What does that have to do with Reagan firing the PATCO strikers?

Yes. Doppler radar is a technological innovation.

What does that have to do with Reagan firing the PATCO strikers?

It was part of the technological demands.
I own part of a Global 5000.
I own stock in a pharmaceutical company, but that doesn't make me a chemist, doctor or pharmacologist.

I own stock in a pharmaceutical company, but that doesn't make me a chemist, doctor or pharmacologist.

If you've done your do diligence you'd know how the company worked, their product, and more importantly why the company made monies and profit.
Dunce. Name one monopoly today.

Walmart isn't a monopoly and it's getting its ass kicked by Amazon.

Walmart isn't a monopoly and it's getting its ass kicked by Amazon.

Sure it is. Walmart sets the price they sell for, they buy for, how they stock, procure, receive shipments, how the product is packaged, etc. In other words, if you want to sell your product at Walmart, Walmart will dictate how to run your business to do that.

Walmart is a retail company. Amazon is virtual. Apples and Oranges.
And what a stupid statement.

Just to head this deflection off; this is due to the leadership of BOTH parties being bought by the corporate crony network.

This is not a slam on Dems alone, but all the bastards that undermine our lives and economic future in DC by carrying corporate water for them.

The Bruised and Battered Middle Class

Likewise, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have the 10 areas with the highest share of lower-income earners. With the exception of New Mexico, all those states have favored either Republicans or Democrats in four straight presidential elections.

The metro regions with the highest percentage of middle-income households, though, are disproportionately located in swing states or states that the Trump campaign believes are ripe for the New York billionaire's economic message. Pennsylvania and Ohio each have one, and Wisconsin alone has four.

"That tells me the trends described in this report are going to benefit the more populist candidates," said Alan Tonelson, an economic policy analyst who is critical of U.S. trade policy. "That seems to me to translate into good news for Trump … [Clinton] doesn't have very deep roots as a trade policy critic."
This meme is utter bullshit. The middle class is better off than they were 20 years ago. Yes, the last 8 years have sucked due to the low growth that Dem policies produce. But otherwise this is just dog whistle.

This meme is utter bullshit. The middle class is better off than they were 20 years ago. Yes, the last 8 years have sucked due to the low growth that Dem policies produce. But otherwise this is just dog whistle.

Young people today don't have anywhere near the buying power their Fathers and Grand Fathers had.
Thank government policies that caused huge inflation.

Thank government policies that caused huge inflation.

Greed and wage disparity.

And what a stupid statement.

Whats wrong, you can't handle the truth?

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