The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question OnCensus

What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is
What trick? This isn’t the first time this question has been asked. What makes it a trick this time?

Because the motive behind it is political.
How about if we count everyone and also have the citizenship question? Then we can use the results to determine the actual number of IAs in this country. Then we could finally put that BS estimate of 11 million illegal aliens to rest forever. Logical people know there's more like 30-40 million illegals. Hell, they said there were 8-11 million during the 1986 amnesty. The whole point of a census is to have an accurate count of people. Accurate includes legal status.

Actually, there were about 3 million in the 1986 Amnesty that actually claimed amnesty.

The problem with the citizenship question is that it really doesn't distinguish between illegal aliens and green card holders. It just tells us how many non-citizens we have.

Actually there were 2.8 million that were granted amnesty under the terms but the terms included stricter enforcement and a promise that such an illegal invasion would never happen again. And furthermore, there is no citizenship question other than to get a fair count of who the US is liable to help. Illegal aliens and green card holders are both out.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.

It's amazing how many people don't immediately think of lying and/or suck at doing so.

I was a follow-up Census Taker on the last census for extra money. They're not allowed to so much as imply that they aren't taking whatever answers they get at face value. They just put down whatever the person tells them, and let the Census Bureau worry about it. Still and all, it was funny to watch people hem and haw and stammer over stuff, and we weren't even asking sensitive questions.
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

One has to wonder what all the fuss is about anyway. The same question is on the long form and has been for ages so what's all the fuss about the same question being on the short form? It was also on the form for previous administrations including Obummer and Clinton. Me thinks the demodummies just look for crap to whine about and if there isn't anything they'll invent something.

It has not been on the census form for nearly 70 years. Me thinks Trumpdummies are racist.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is
So move to a Brown nation.

I would rather put you racist pigs out of business.
I prefer safer neighborhoods where minorities don’t have to grow up to be Democrats to get Public Assistants.
You are the racist.
The census Citizenship question is essential in order to preserving White European heritage and culture in America. The question is a key ingredient to making America great again! Without White people in charge, as we have been since our country's founding, America will slip into the abyss of doom and destruction and we will cease to be a nation with borders, language, and culture created by White European Americans.

Exactly what a white supremacist would say.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.

It's against federal law to lie on a census form. Telling them to lie would be entrapment. Of course the average cop would want his victims to commit some crime. That's what bad cops do.

Can you give me a list of successful prosecutions for lying on a censorship form?

I don't have to. The fact that it is a federal crime is enough.

That lie, if found, can have severe consequences for any immigrant hoping to gain citizenship.
Denial of Citizenship for Lies or False Statements
Denial of Citizenship for Lies or False Statements
Lies or false statements (other than honest mistakes) are taken very seriously by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the authority in charge of reviewing applications for naturalization or U.S. citizenship.

Yep, and we know how serious these illegals are when it comes to the law.
That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is
So move to a Brown nation.

I would rather put you racist pigs out of business.
I prefer safer neighborhoods where minorities don’t have to grow up to be Democrats to get Public Assistants.
You are the racist.

You are the racist pig. You also give big tax cuts to the rich while denying ordinary people a minimum wage increase even when they support it overwhelmingly.
From the US Census website:

Census data is used ...

"To determine the distribution of Congressional seats to states.

  • Mandated by the U.S. Constitution
  • Used to apportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives
  • Used to define legislature districts, school district assignment areas and other important functional areas of government

Find out about the 2020 Census Redistricting Data Program

To make planning decisions about community services, such as where to:

  • Provide services for the elderly
  • Build new roads and schools
  • Locate job training centers

To distribute more than $675 billion in federal funds to local, state and tribal governments each year.

Census data informs how states and communities allocate funding for:

  • Neighborhood improvements
  • Public health
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Much more

To provide Age Search information for:

  • Qualifying for Social Security and other retirement benefits
  • Passport applications
  • Proving relationship in settling estates
  • Researching family history or a historical topic"

What We Do

Seeing that it is being used not only to allocate resources to US citizens from the taxes of US citizens, and that it determines how much representation the citizens of each state receive in Congress and the electoral college...

... the idea that we would want to know what percentage of takers are legally voting citizens would seem incredibly useful.
The census Citizenship question is essential in order to preserving White European heritage and culture in America. The question is a key ingredient to making America great again! Without White people in charge, as we have been since our country's founding, America will slip into the abyss of doom and destruction and we will cease to be a nation with borders, language, and culture created by White European Americans.
OH, so Whites are citizens and blacks aren't???

Sorry if following election laws screws up your plans to take power so you can get busy killing whitey.
Blacks should have never been Citizens. Creating the 14th Amendment was an abysmal screw up. We should have stuck with the Naturalization Act of 1790 determining who could be a Citizen.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free White persons of good character. It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians.]
These fuckers in here think I should praise your racist comments.


And Barr thinks Trump should get a do over from Roberts for failing to come up with a non-discriminatory reason for the question in the first place. LOL

And I think Roberts will give him his mulligan.
Imagine the Dems excuse........too many of their folks are illegal aliens. They fear a change in the overall demographic makeup because of this fact. A loss of representation, even though they are over represented because of their base's tendency toward criminal behavior.

The Republican reason is to discourage Hispanics from responding. Or to get a overrepresentation of whites to preserve Republicans' political power.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is
What trick? This isn’t the first time this question has been asked. What makes it a trick this time?

Because the motive behind it is political.

No it isn’t.
Why do Democrats think the United States has no right to know how many illegals are in the United States?

Why do Democrats worried about criminals being offended / frightened to answer the question, 'Since you live here, are you a US citizen?'

Why do Democrats think that the number of illegals in an area should be counted as part of the total population in order to obtain more tax dollars to spend on communities with high numbers of illegals when the Census is supposed to help identify high US Citizen populations to fairly distribute US tax dollars to help US CITIZENS?

Why are Democrats campaigning in Mexico?

Why do Democrats want to give illegals 'free' tax payer-funded health care after they rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want it a bill that fined US Citizens who could not afford to buy health care insurance?

Why are Democrats campaigning on giving illegals 'free' medical care, food, housing, education, etc...when There are US citizens who can't afford those things...and are calling for the cost of their preferred illegal aliens to be put on the backs of MIddle Class American citizens?

Why is Elizabeth Warren calling for 'free' college for people ... when she didn't even pay for college / take on student loans to go to college - she committed fraud and STOLE a scholarship from a minority, a native American, and has never repaid the money?

Why do Democrats think the United States has no right to know how many illegals are in the United States?

Why do Democrats worried about criminals being offended / frightened to answer the question, 'Since you live here, are you a US citizen?'

Why do Democrats think that the number of illegals in an area should be counted as part of the total population in order to obtain more tax dollars to spend on communities with high numbers of illegals when the Census is supposed to help identify high US Citizen populations to fairly distribute US tax dollars to help US CITIZENS?

Why are Democrats campaigning in Mexico?

Why do Democrats want to give illegals 'free' tax payer-funded health care after they rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want it a bill that fined US Citizens who could not afford to buy health care insurance?

Why are Democrats campaigning on giving illegals 'free' medical care, food, housing, education, etc...when There are US citizens who can't afford those things...and are calling for the cost of their preferred illegal aliens to be put on the backs of MIddle Class American citizens?

Why is Elizabeth Warren calling for 'free' college for people ... when she didn't even pay for college / take on student loans to go to college - she committed fraud and STOLE a scholarship from a minority, a native American, and has never repaid the money?


The NY judge handling the "citizenship" case just said that Trump could not change his legal team. WTF?? They lost.
Trump wants Barr to handle it, and he should insist on Barr. Trump should just add the question based on his Article-2 powers, period.
We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

"Beginning with the 1900 census, Indians are enumerated on reservations as well as in the general population."

Censuses of American Indians - History - U.S. Census Bureau
That's unconstitutional.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

I don't give a fuck if they have been conducting the Census in an unconstitutional fashion.

It says "excluding Indians not taxed" which give Trump all the cover he needs to specifically NOT count MANY (99%) of illegals who came here from south of the border.

I will be glad to watch California lose at least 5 EVs. I will laugh my fucking ass off.


American Indians pay federal taxes on their income and capital gains, just as any other American does.
The NY judge handling the "citizenship" case just said that Trump could not change his legal team. WTF?? They lost.
Trump wants Barr to handle it, and he should insist on Barr. Trump should just add the question based on his Article-2 powers, period.
The 1st lawyers bungled the original brief, and Democrats don't want to allow the administration / president to refile the case and remedy the error made the 1st time.

No surprise here...
We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

"Beginning with the 1900 census, Indians are enumerated on reservations as well as in the general population."

Censuses of American Indians - History - U.S. Census Bureau
That's unconstitutional.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

I don't give a fuck if they have been conducting the Census in an unconstitutional fashion.

It says "excluding Indians not taxed" which give Trump all the cover he needs to specifically NOT count MANY (99%) of illegals who came here from south of the border.

I will be glad to watch California lose at least 5 EVs. I will laugh my fucking ass off.


American Indians pay federal taxes on their income and capital gains, just as any other American does.
Why do Democrats want to 'steal' US tax dollars and reward criminals who have illegally entered the US by using US citizens' money to pay for their medical, housing, education, etc...?
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

One has to wonder what all the fuss is about anyway. The same question is on the long form and has been for ages so what's all the fuss about the same question being on the short form? It was also on the form for previous administrations including Obummer and Clinton. Me thinks the demodummies just look for crap to whine about and if there isn't anything they'll invent something.

It has not been on the census form for nearly 70 years. Me thinks Trumpdummies are racist.

Some household received a long form which has included the question. Most however, received the short from which didn't.

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